Journal of Social Science



Rois Alfianto1, Ismi Dwi Astuti Nurhaeni2, Asal Wahyuni Erlin Mulyadi3

Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
Email: [email protected], [email protected]



Non- Meritocracy; Position Filling; Structural Institution


The government often use draft meritocracy To promote and hire official based on trend For doing work, record traces, and achievements other. Several big agencies No obey protocol. Paper This researches non-meritocratic aspects of institution structure in a manner thorough. Researchers also wonder about how much a good selection process meritocracy function For tasks structural public. Focus study This is knowledge administration about governance issues  post-filling. Method Qualitative used in a study this. Three of the most influential non-meritocratic criteria For getting a position in Indonesia are interest in politics, interest in family, and love or No like. factors This appears Because condition established norms bureaucracy For taking a position.


Qualifications, competencies, and performance determine the merit system. They must give in a fair and just way without differentiating anyone. ASN, or Apparatus State Civil, has a role important in determining the level of bureaucratic organization. because that, take care values base, code ethics, and code ethics, incl ASN neutrality, is not quite enough answered KASN. Head Library asked for 300 new civil servants National Library be careful moment using social media. KSN was established by the government and owns a task significant strategy To protect all civil servants in Indonesia. Expected that ASN will be the driving force of bureaucracy will more Indonesia is also strong.

Government usually promote and hire official based on the capacity they have For doing tasks. This is based on past performance, record traces, and achievements other. Meritocracy, according to Stephen J. McNamee (2009), is a system showing how worthy or proper somebody is For a position certain. First of all, system meritocracy originates from a study about government, especially understanding government priority dynamic aspect of culture and abilities. This is the result of research conducted about government from the perspective of knowledge of government. Method This must be applied in more field life and enough competition For entering into system politics. Substance system meritocracy is kindness, service, benefit, praise, and merit. This is choosing a system leader based on abilities and achievements than wealth, seniority, or factor other. System This gives the award to abilities and achievements used For choosing a position.

In the process of being appointed Structural Public Officials and ASN in Law no. 5 of 2014 regarding the ASN Law which makes it mandatory meritocracy as part of the lifting process. However, competence, fairness, and setting behind education civil servants (ASN ) yet fully applied in application Ascension merit system rank in Indonesia. According to the report performance in 2019 through the ministry empowerment state apparatus as well as bureaucratic reform, system merit index ASN management is down to 0.57, or 81.43% of the target of 0.71. this result is based on the average index of the institution’s government area and center. According to Kemenpan /RB (2019), the implementation merit system by the government regions ( provinces, districts, and cities ) is still less.

Besides that, research by (Suharman, 2017) found that there are several problems with reforming the bureaucracy. According to the study, the merit system is not function with good; the placement officer in office No is by competence and background behind education they; and the official’s political own significant impact on the placement position structural. Condition This is contrary to bureaucratic reform goals, ie application system promotion merit-based. Where the system increases rank merit-based will produce officials who are competent and professional in their fields as well as remove injustice, subjectivity, and partisanship politics. Wibowo stated that employing employees with a demanding merit system that candidate workers own appropriate skills and professionalism with the position to be they take. because that, position in the institution government will be placed by the individual who owns expertise and experience in the field (Yahya & Mutiarin, 2015).

The moment this is interesting political leader areas like regent, mayor, or representative often affect consideration factors meritocratic like achievements and career, which should be carried out by the institution Baperjakat. Besides that, intervention comes from the Regional Representatives Council, not in capacity institutional, however, more often caused by interests personal and group council members in the neighborhood executive area. Besides that, intervention comes from party political power in the area To support the party the politics concerned. Study This is done based on the problem. Lots of research has been done on components that don't relate to meritocracy in the selection process position structural public in a search conducted by literature researchers. Studies previously have discussed the merit system in the Office Structural Apparatus State Civilian (ASN). Study about application Deep Merit System Open Recruitment for Promotion Position ASN High Leaders (JPT) conducted by (Daniarsyah, 2017) and (Zaki, 2022). Besides that, (Ismail, 2019) presented Deep Merit System Realize Transparency Development Career Apparatus State Civil Service in 2019. However, (Afrianto & Prasojo, 2020) researched the Job Process Analysis Administration-based Merit System at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.

Studies previously focused on components of meritocracy used in election positions structural and non-structural in Apparatus State Civil Appropriate with Constitution Number 5 of 2014. However, research will investigate elements that are not meritocratic or non-meritocratic in institution structure with use theory (Syauket & Meutia, 2023). factors This includes interest politics, interests kinship, and likes and dislikes. Studies This more focuses on science administration about governance selection.




Study This uses the method qualitative, which emphasizes analysis or description. In the study qualitative, perspective subject, and basis theories used researcher as guidelines more emphasized. This creates a research process more on what happened on the ground. Studies This uses nonmeritocratic theory and includes nonmeritocratic factors like Interest Politics, Interests Kinship, Likes, and Dislikes Like (Syauket & Meutia, 2023). Study library is the process used To collect data for the study of this (Mahmud et al., 2020). According to Abdul Rahman Sholeh, the research library is every exploited research resource in the library, eg books, magazines, documents, notes history, or study library pure, which is associated with the study library in a manner general.



Urgency application merit system

Please second justice social for the whole of the Indonesian nation is the application merit system, or meritocracy, which prioritizes capability and performance by Pancasila ideology, giving a chance to everyone complied with conditions To occupy a position certain. This old system is considered enters sense For HR management. This own potency For improving governance company private and public. According to several studies, meritocracy is when every member public owns the same opportunity To occupy a position or position in the public based on their ability. For ten years Lastly, the Merit system has been there. Qin and Han Dynasties in China applied it through education and training, exams, and elections candidate official government (Young, 1958). Because of the vast territory of the kingdom and the problems of complex social life at that time, position No was limited and possibly taken by whom? only fulfills condition For becoming state officials. Next, the United States Congress authorize Constitution Service Civil in 1882. Organization US history says that rule This own ability For prevent application system tax or action cruel.

Regulations in the countries mentioned above are Not yet customized For applying merit system. For example, in 2014, Law Number 5 of 2014 concerning Apparatus State Civil form Commission Apparatus The new state civil in Indonesia. As a result, even dozens of years before Law Number 5 of 2014, conditions implementation of the system merits in a manner the official is also very slow (ASN BKPSDMD, 2023). As part of the Report Power Global Competitiveness 2016-2017 from the World Economic Forum, Indonesia is ranked 41st out of 138 countries. Indonesia is one ASEAN member, such as Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand. Report the state that corruption and inefficiency bureaucracy is obstacle biggest for business in Indonesia. ASN corruption has caused businessmen to emit cost addition. According to Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW), at least 3,417 civil servants (ASN) were involved in cases of corruption in some areas. State servants are responsible answer For serving the public with the right base like access to education, health, and licensing (ASN BKPSDMD, 2023).

The researcher has investigated management source Power human ASN to know How management works. According to research conducted by Nanang Sampurno and Agus Wahono (2017), the competency Apparatus State Civil Service (ASN) is very influential in the level of good governance. Furthermore, research conducted by Berlanti _ Akny (2014) found that one method For making a country has good governance  is bureaucratic reform; the focus of major bureaucratic reform is to increase quality source Power man staff government. Repair system staffing and application compensation expected in framework realizing good governance can increase performance employee so that they can maximize service and run function with more ok.

After the ASN Law Number 5 of 2014 stipulates that the merit system should be applied in Indonesia, Commission Apparatus State Civil Service (KASN) issued KASN Regulation Number 5 of 2017 concerning the Evaluation Alone Implementation Merit System in Agencies Government in 2017. Regulations  This set rule evaluation implementation ASN merit system by accountants government (ASN BKPSDMD, 2023). The merit system is used To ensure that bureaucratic employees and government fulfill qualifications and competencies. because that's the goal of development, especially in the field of Human Resources Apparatus, is For realizing ASN that is professional, accomplished, has integrity, and is equal. However so, there is an obstacle For fill in the position in the institution structure.

Obstacle in Filling Positions in Structural Institutions

Five challenges that work as obstacles to the meritocratic agenda, especially those in Indonesia, are as follows ( Gunawan, 2022):

1.   Most government areas No give information to KASN about progress charging Position High Leaders (JPT). No There is none of the 34 Provinces and 314 Regencies /Cities that gave KASN knowledge about the JPT filling status. Ordinances appointments and exams fit is  part of the guidelines JTP solution. A competitive and open selection process  must be used If the second method the No can give ASN candidates who meet the condition For position open height. Failure To give know KASN about the status of JPT filling can cause conflicting issues with regulation, evaluation, or no assessment right, and the worst is position For buy. Position trading sell Indonesia's purchases in 2016 were IDR 36.7 trillion, according to CASN estimates. Position trading sell Indonesia's purchases in 2016 were IDR 36.7 trillion, according to CASN estimates. Practice sell buy this post No doubt Again cause decline quality senior officials in the bureaucracy.

2.   Second, for the possible application of ASN meritocracy in Indonesia, institutions’ adequate evaluation is required. There are few evaluators or institutions licensed in Indonesia.

3.   Third, though not quite enough answer For organize JPT selection open and transparent, no There is committee quality and credible selection available; properties This will reduce the possibility of conflict interests.

4.   Fourth, collision interest also known as " crash interests "often happens moment committee selection in various institution government centers and areas make a decision. Indonesian still own system booty, which is vice versa from the merit system. The winner election can give presents to supporters through a bounty system, also known as system patronage. With system loot here, the appointment and dismissal of officials are influenced by interests in politics. Problems of interest system This is exacerbated by weakness in ASN Law No. 5 of 2014. Due to differences, it's hard for ASN to apply principle neutrality, mainly moment election general. ASN Law No. 5 of 2014 stipulates head area as supervisor staffing and setting that civil servants can appoint, transfer, or terminate by the PPK.

5.   Fifth, the institution’s government is No Ready or No own ability To carry out the assessment process open. Selection data open JPT shows that, at the level province, there is 2.94% yet filling JPT with transparency or openness, and in the level district/city, still there is 23.74%. No There is a description of duties, qualifications, and standards of competence For position leader height, and rating performance Not yet done.


Fifth component This show that Still There is Lots must work done for bureaucratic reform in Indonesia. If meritocracy is applied early, especially at the stage of ASN selection, concern about internal ASN neutrality preparation election will be lost. Need to remember that Like and Dislike practices apply For takedown from position tall in method selection non-merit based, also known as system non-merit based. Position level tall usually filled based on connection politics, kinship, and friendship than qualifications and achievements best. If the system is meritocratic it turns out can repair more trouble seriously, like the selection of transparent and non-transparent JPT take sides, then quickly applied To avoid other problems like behavior official the public doesn't ethical, behavior corrupt, increase service public, and growth economy.

Problems Bureaucracy in charging positions in structural institutions

At the end of December 2021, Department Religious will move the role of administrative to position functional. The inauguration of the Ministry of Religion, which was overseen by Secretary General Nizar Ali involved 1,380 administrators, administrators and officials executive level center and area. Inauguration This is part of the effort president To change the bureaucracy to become more responsive, innovative, and flexible. One of them is this. Before 2020, 372 officials have lifted from position administrative to position function by the Secretary-General. This experience has Lots of adjustments and problems along the way, like problem administration and logistics ( Gunawan, 2022).

President Joko Widodo has stated his disapproval of a system bureaucracy that doesn't can be customized with progress. He claims that the Indonesian bureaucracy does not own the ability To become creative, adaptive, and responsive. Because the term is too much time long, bureaucracy is considered one  obstacle even To accelerating the investment program. Evaluation of the state that bureaucratic reform is a priority main President Joko Widodo during his tenure both. one result of bureaucratic reform is enhancement services and licensing, deletion method thinking that is static, boring, and stuck in the comfort zone, and the formation environment of flexible, productive, creative, and competitive bureaucracy.

Because the majority of advisor employment in Indonesia originates from circles politics, no one can be denied that authority structure is often chosen by force politics. Remember the importance of position This is in a manner strategic, enter sense If Lots promotion tier II officials are influenced by politics or interest other. :2014 ( Prasodjo and Rudita ). Because position structural is position strategic, promotion associated with practice patronage and interests certain. (Zulchaidir, 2011) states that one causative factor of service bad public is the fact that the recruitment of civil servants in Indonesia is more Lots based on politics than competence, especially in areas where elections are held. According to (Wahiyuddin, 2012), principles of competence are very neglected in the development process of career, recruitment, appointment, and transfer of civil servants.

From several incidents lately, obvious that strife, patronage, and nepotism Keep going influencing the promotion process in Indonesia. To push professionalism, promotion must be done in a manner automatic. With promotion based on competence, employees will become productive, efficient, and professional. As results from the selection process closed (non-meritocracy), the practice sell buy position tall and mix hand significant politics in ASN management is several reasons Why institution Indonesia's structure is met with non-meritocratic reasons, according to (Syauket & Meutia, 2023). Employees, for example, often participate in elections, stay in touch, and establish connections with family moments and work.

Nepotism, Bribery, and Corruption in Indonesia

In 2018, for SPI the appraisal survey integrity was issued by the KPK with 26 ministries, agencies, and local governments. The results show that these ministries, agencies, and local governments have the lowest and highest risks of corruption, as well as conflicts of interest and nepotism in recruitment. There were 130 survey participants, consisting of 60 internal K/L/PD workers, 60 external service users, and 10 respondents. According to an opinion poll conducted by the KPK, seven out of ten experts think that conflicts of interest persist when candidates are promoted and selected for positions (Susilo et al., 2019).

The results showed that twenty percent of employees in 2018 compared to 2017 reported seeing or hearing nepotism when hiring new employees. According to opinion polls, kinship and closeness to the authorities are the main factors in selecting employees. In addition, 6% of employees claimed to have witnessed or heard about the use of bribes to advance their careers, and most claimed that the main factors influencing acceptance were relatives and relations with officials. In addition, 42% of experts think that local governments, agencies, and ministries continue to use intermediaries. However, 22% of employees say a broker has been seen or mentioned at the agency. This figure increased by 17% compared to 2017 (Susilo et al., 2019).











Figure 1

Influence Conflict Interest in Reception Employees at K/L/ PD 2017-2018

Source : (Susilo et al., 2019)


Most of the intermediaries are bureaucratic services, compared to 2017. In addition, 56% of experts believe that bribery is still common in 26 K/L/PD. According to the opinion poll, two out of three workers said they had seen or heard of staff accepting bribes or gifts from the public or private sector. In addition, one in three workers said that K/L/PD staff had received bribes in the form of money, products, or facilities. Additionally, 5% of service customers said they had witnessed or heard that employees were taking bribes when they asked for simpler services and promotions. Then, up from only 4% in 2017, almost 5.6% of respondents from companies said that they had heard of or seen bribery in promotional policies. Around 25% of respondents also said that they had seen or heard directly about employees receiving gratuities or bribes, and about 21% also said that their institution's career policies were influenced by bribes or gratuities. The survey findings showed a 30% decrease from the 2017 level.

Only two in ten workers think that those who report corrupt practices will be protected, and two in ten have seen unethical behavior at work where someone has recently been suspended, fined, or fired. The 2017 SPI value has not changed. Between 23.9 and 29.8 percent of work progress is determined by kinship and closeness to officials (Susilo et al., 2019).











Figure 2

Influential Actors on Promotion Ministries /Institutions/PD Careers in 2017-2018

Source : (Susilo et al., 2019)


Rather, based on statements from a survey of 20 Governments in the province as well as in 6 institutions as well as ministries, Central Java Province got the highest integrity index score in 2018 with 78.26, while the Supreme Court got the lowest score with 61.11. For the local government category, Riau Province received the lowest rating of 62.33, and the Ministry of Health received the highest rating with a score of 62.33. The Municipal Government of Banda Aceh received the highest integrity index score of 77.39, while the Province of Papua received the lowest score of 52.91 (Budhiman, 2019).

SPI seeks to detect integrity problems or difficulties to increase awareness of the threat of corruption and encourage improvements to the corruption prevention system (Budhiman, 2019). A higher index number indicates a higher level of integrity of K/L/PD. Lower risk of corruption and a system that is better equipped to detect and deal with corruption is indicated by an index value closer to 100. However, a high rating does not guarantee that corruption will not occur because, like other crimes, corruption can occur even in an established system. SPI has been conducted every year since it started twenty years ago. This relates to the integrity evaluation method proposed by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and accepted by the South Korean Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission (ACRC). This method is widely accepted and recognized by many countries around the world. The 2019 survey which will be carried out in 2020 will involve 84 Ministries/Institutions and 542 local governments (Budhiman, 2019).

Non-Meritocratic Factors in Filling of Positions in Structural Institutions

According to elaboration (Syauket & Meutia, 2023), got said that Lots of non-meritocratic elements, eg interest politics, interests kinship, and likes and dislikes like, get involved in charging position structural. However, requirements normative and non-meritocratic variables others, like problem administration, considered moment evaluate promotion SKPD leaders in two areas before. However, as a result of various problems that arise, a lot of elements that are not based on marks are found. Variables This includes interest politics, interest family, and likes and dislikes like it, according to (Syauket & Meutia, 2023). Based on the SPI survey conducted by the Corruption Eradication Committee, as follows are non-meritocratic variables that occur in Indonesia (Syauket & Meutia, 2023). Political Interests: According to a survey conducted by the SPI KPK, researchers found that many filling positions in Indonesia involved political interests, including gratuities or bribes, as well as corruption.

1.   Kinship Interests: An SPI survey conducted by the KPK in 2017 showed that 20% of nepotism activities were involved in hiring employees. The survey results show that the main factor in appointment position employees is kinship and closeness with officials.

2.   Likes and Dislikes: Statistics published by the Committee Eradication Corruption through SPI report shows that two of ten employees believe that reproach practice corruption on the spot Work can hinder their careers, deliver sanctions, or ostracize others. Besides that, only 20% of workers believe that those who report behavior No ethical will be protected. This show that satisfaction and dissatisfaction can contribute to meritocracy in the selection process job.



system has developed in many countries. This is considered a fair approach For management source Power humans who have potency For increase performance management Good company private or public. KASN was formed as a responsible body answering to the application of the merit system by Constitution Number 5 of 2014 concerning Apparatus State Civil. Bureaucratic reform covers creation and perfection governing law management source Power man apparatus. Non-meritocratic variables are very influential in decision recruitment in Indonesia because many challenges and obstacles are encountered To speed up the application merit system in the country. Non- meritocratic factors in charging positions in Indonesia are very influential Because Lots of challenges and obstacles are encountered in speeding up the application merit system in the country. factors This includes interest politics, interests kinship, and likes and dislikes. Besides it, because the bureaucracy charging position is considered weakened by requirements normative, factors considered more Possible appear.





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Copyright holders:

Rois Alfianto1, Ismi Dwi Astuti Nurhaeni2, Asal Wahyuni Erlin Mulyadi3


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JoSS - Journal of Social Science

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