Journal of Social Science




Damar Panji Adikumoro1, Ismi Dwi Astuti Nurhaeni2, Rino Ardhian Nugroho3

Master of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta Indonesia1

Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta Indonesia2,3


Evaluation; Performance; Apparatus State Civil


This study aims to determine evaluation related to workability, motivation, quality, and quantity of work of state civil servants in Kotagede District in providing services based on human resources. This study uses a qualitative method. The research informants were 5 people, the data sources consisted of primary and secondary data obtained from data collection techniques by observing and interviewing. The results of the study show that the application of ASN Performance Evaluation in improving the performance of the state civil apparatus in Kotagede District is quite good and systematic. This is supported by the cooperation of various parties. In addition, the implementation of the performance carried out in the Kotagede District has experienced a very significant increase, this is because the attention from the Kotagede District is quite extraordinary. One form of concern is sending several state civil servants to attend training and technical guidance regarding SOPs and involve them in their preparation of SOPs.


Evaluation namely a matter related to results activity Good Alone or in groups To use measure level intensity the success of a work program that is prepared with draft planning repair system with bureaucratic reform, restructuring organization as well as repair remuneration ie a good try when zooming out behavior corrupt on the level bureaucracy, as well for business raise the " performance " in the group apparatus/employees government (Kotler Pamuji, 2000). According to (Arikunto, 2010) evaluation is an activity to collect information related to a matter, which in turn this information is used to determine the appropriate alternative when making a decision. Next, (Vitner et al., 2014) state that evaluation is an activity that is generally carried out to form an assessment of the feasibility of planning, implementation, and results of a program or policy (Hapiz, 2020).

ASN ( Apparatus Civil State) is an important pillar of state government and responsible for operating administrative tasks and services to the public (Fitri & Nazira, 2009). Evaluation is an important process in controlling and ensuring ASN performance effectively. As ASN, it is important to have awareness and belief in the importance of evaluation as part of our responsibility. Evaluation helps measure and evaluate the extent to which our performance achieves the set goals and ensures that the tasks carried out are in accordance with applicable rules and policies (Kumorotomo, 2011).

This also applies to all apparatus assigned as state apparatus and supervisors in Kotagede District, Yogyakarta. The evaluation must be carried out objectively and fairly, taking into account the performance and results that have been achieved. This evaluation can be done through various methods, such as performance appraisal, measurement of performance indicators, or other structured evaluations. Through conscious and confident evaluations, ASN and state apparatus in Kotagede District can improve the quality of public services, identify deficiencies and necessary improvements, and ensure that the tasks carried out are in accordance with the demands and expectations of the community (Kumorotomo, 2011).

Local governments and related agencies also have an important role in providing guidance and supervision regarding ASN performance evaluation. They can develop clear policies and guidelines regarding evaluation, as well as provide training and development for ASN to improve their skills and competencies in carrying out their duties (Saefullah, n.d.).

With strong awareness and belief in the importance of evaluation, ASN and state apparatus in Kotagede District, Yogyakarta can carry out their duties better and provide optimal service to the community (Saniroychansyah et al., 2016).

Previous studies only discussed the evaluation and reconstruction of the performance of the State Civil Apparatus in general. However, research looking at human resource-based State Civil Apparatus Services has not been widely carried out so it is of interest to researchers. The aim of this research is to evaluate the performance of civil servants (ASN) in Kotagede District, Yogyakarta in providing services. The evaluation is oriented toward assessing ASN performance based on indicators such as Ability, Motivation, Quality, and Work Quantity.

The objectives of this study are to analyze the supporting factors that contribute to the provision of services to the public, identify the factors that hinder service delivery, and formulate recommendations and improvement proposals that can be implemented.

The contribution of this research is to provide solutions to improve the quality of public services in Kotagede District, Yogyakarta. This research will provide the necessary steps and encourage collaboration and community involvement in addressing existing obstacles. As a result, it is expected that public services in Kotagede District can become better and more responsive to the needs of the community.



This study utilized a qualitative research method to gain a deeper understanding of the performance of civil servants (ASN) in Kotagede District, Yogyakarta. The research involved 5 informants, including the Sub-District Head, the Secretariat, the Head of the General Affairs and Personnel Section, the Head of the Sub-Division of Finance, Planning, Evaluation, and Reporting, as well as community leaders. Primary and secondary data were collected through observations, interviews, and documentation. The observations focused on observing the activities of ASN in relation to performance evaluations and existing standard operating procedures (SOPs). Interviews were conducted using structured or unstructured formats based on the research needs. The data collected will be analyzed using appropriate analytical techniques to gain a comprehensive understanding of ASN performance and the implementation of SOPs in Kotagede District.


Description Evaluation Work

As a legal basis in the implementation of the government concerned with the study on the analysis of the focus of this research, namely:

1.     Regulations of Kotagede District Related Number 6 of 2016 Formation and Arrangement Regional Devices.

2.     UU Number 5 of 2014 concerning Apparatus State Civil.

3.     UU Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government.

4.     Government Regulation Number 11 of 2017 regarding Civil Servant Management.

5.     PP Number 53 of 2010 related Discipline of civil servant

6.     PP number 30 of 2019 regarding Civil Servant Performance Assessment.

According to (Wibowo & Rossieta, 2009) e performance evaluation is conducted to provide an assessment of the work results or work performance of individuals, teams, or organizations. Through performance evaluation, feedback can be given related to the achievement of performance goals and targets, as well as the stages of performance planning and implementation. In the context of research examining ASN performance evaluation in Kotagede District, Yogyakarta, the definition and purpose of performance evaluation can serve as a guide in viewing and analyzing how performance evaluation is carried out in practice. Researchers can use this definition to understand how ASN performance evaluation is implemented in terms of assessment, feedback, and personnel development in Kotagede District, Yogyakarta.

So based on the explanation above it aims to get research results that explain the roles and functions (ASN) of all activities and areas of responsibility requiring good supervision, basically, an activity implementation has been carried out. This is to ensure that the Implementation of Performance in providing this service has been carried out based on existing provisions, especially synergy which proves the appropriate direction at the level of implementation and completion of a job, and the readiness of human resources is needed to carry out the previously determined work program. This proves that if the head of the regional apparatus is able to carry out supervision and mobilize people to act as a form of performance development for the quality of work that has been achieved and this has been going well.

ASN Performance Evaluation in Providing Services

Ability Work

According to (Robbins & Judge, 2011) ability means the capacity of each person to carry out various tasks in a job. Meanwhile, (Shah et al., 2016) describe the definition of ability as a mental and physical capacity to carry out a number of tasks, but the overall ability of an individual essentially includes two factors, namely

a.      Intellectual Ability ( Intellectual abilities )

Ability is the ability needed to run various mental activities. According to (dos Reis Figueira et al., 2002), ability Intellect, namely the ability to identify our own feelings and those of other individuals, is the ability to motivate ourselves and control emotions both in ourselves and in interactions with other individuals.

b.     Physical Ability ( Psycal abilities )

Physical ability, namely the ability to carry out tasks according to skills, stamina, strength, and similar characteristics. Physical ability at work is also needed because one's intellectual abilities are not always fully relied upon at work.

Meanwhile, according to (Robbins & Judge, 2011) workability is a person's capacity to carry out various tasks in a job. There are several factors that can affect individual workability according to Handoko (2013, 12), namely:

a.      educational factor

This educational factor is obtained in an orderly, systematic, graded, or gradual manner that follows clear conditions.

b.     Factor training

Training factors can be obtained from training materials and abilities that have a significant impact on employee performance.

c.      work experience factor

A person's background including education, and work training in the past will show the quality of the employee's abilities.

The workability of State Civil Apparatuses in Kotagede District is based on their own main duties and functions which become a guideline when filling out the Employee Performance e-Performance on the basis of payment (TPP) every month, so it is important for State Civil Apparatuses who have physical ( psychological) abilities ability ) and intellectual ability ( intellectual ability ) and offset by good education factors, training factors, and work experience can produce quality workability according to operational standards Payment of TPP is highly dependent on ASN's ability to work in Kotagede District, Yogyakarta so that in the future there will be no bad views that arise, related to the evaluation of ASN performance in providing services that can be said to be running well and being carried out in accordance with existing provisions and regulations and based on SOPs (Indriasari, N., Yulianti, O., 2018).

Motivation Work

Work motivation is a follow-up of obedience where the manifestation of this goes well according to existing instructions. Work motivation is based on the stage of completing tasks and responsibilities. (Maruli & Kerlooza, 2020) says work motivation is everything that arises from everyone's desires, by generating passion and hope from within everyone who can influence and direct and maintain behavior in order to achieve goals and expectations based on the scope of work. (Putri, 2019) mentions work motivation, namely a series of forces originating from within and outside of each person, in order to initiate the behavior concerned with work, both in form, direction, intensity, and duration. Then continued (Cohen et al., 2015), intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation, namely the type of motivation based on the source. Below is an explanation of intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation, namely:

a.       intrinsic motivation

motivation is the motivation that arises from each person. This motivation generally arises because there is a desire, goal, and hope for everyone in something, so he has the enthusiasm to achieve it.

b.      Motivation extrinsic, motivation is the desired motivation that will be obtained from outside each person. This motivation is generally in the form of material value, such as compensation, salary ( salary ), and other intensive bonuses obtained for a business that has been carried out.

Level of education and work motivation can simultaneously affect employee performance. This is because a sufficient level of education and a high work ethic can increase employee performance. In addition, one of the work motivations that is measured from a number of elements, namely education, according to (Hariandja, 2002) Employee performance can be influenced by a person's educational background. If workers have higher education, corporations will be more competitive and will perform better. This element is very encouraging if it is synchronized with the work capabilities of ASN. The concept of applying ASN work motivation in the Kotagede sub-district of Yogyakarta can be said to be going well and being carried out in a manner that is in line with existing policies and regulations and is based on SOPs.

The results of this study describe the implementation of Performance Evaluation on ASN Work Motivation that has taken place based on ASN Technical directives and the Code of Ethics.

Quality Work

Quality of Work is a result that can be measured from the level of efficiency as well as employee effectiveness when carrying out a job supported by other resources when achieving general corporate goals. Achievement of ASN work performance based on ASN assessment and performance which is the benchmark for completion.

According to (Flippo et al., 2007) quality of work is a result that can be measured on the effectiveness and efficiency of a job carried out by human resources or other resources in achieving corporate goals or targets properly and efficiently. Because in essence to observe the extent to which the role of HR in a corporation, so can be observed from the work of employees in that corporation.

The following factors influence the quality of employee performance based on (Sedarmayanti & Haryanto, 2017), namely:

a.      Attitude and mentality (work motivation, work discipline, and work ethic)

b.     Education

c.      Skills

d.     leadership management

e.      Earning rate

f.       Salary and health

g.     Social Security

h.     work climate

i.        Facilities as well as infrastructure

j.        Technology

k.     Achievement opportunity

Quantity Work

According to (Wungu, 2003), the quantity of work includes all forms of units of measurement related to the total output of work. This can include the number of tasks or projects completed, products produced, or services provided in a given time period. In this context, the quantity of work can be measured based on the effective and efficient use of time and the amount of work completed in one day. Optimizing the use of time and completion of the amount of work in the implementation of operational standards is very important. By optimizing the use of time, ASN can increase its work productivity. This can be done by setting an efficient work schedule, identifying work priorities, and managing time well to complete the assigned tasks.

In addition, the completion of the amount of work in accordance with the operational standards of implementation is also important. ASNs in Kotagede District need to ensure that they complete the work according to the targets set in the applicable SOP. By completing work with the appropriate quality and quantity, ASN can meet the expectations and demands of its duties and make the maximum contribution to public service (Alie et al., 2022). Thus, it is important for ASN to pay attention to the quantity of work in order to optimize the use of time and complete the amount of work in accordance with operational standards.

The results of the evaluation of the State Civil Apparatus based on the factors of work ability, work motivation, work quality, and work quantity in accordance with the operational standards of implementation can provide good service quality in Kotagede District, Yogyakarta. ASN has the responsibility to carry out service duties in accordance with their fields and expertise, as well as carry out government and development tasks on the basis of competence and performance. In an effort to carry out these tasks, it is important for ASN employees to have a profession that is in accordance with their field of work, as well as ASN management based on the Merit System.

The Merit System, as defined in Law Number 5 of 2014 concerning the State Civil Apparatus, refers to the policies and management of ASN based on qualifications, competence, and performance. This ensures that in the process of recruitment, appointment, placement, and promotion, decisions are made in a fair and reasonable manner, without discrimination, as well as through an open and competitive process. The principles of good governance are also considered in ASN management. Thus, ASN employees in Kotagede Yogyakarta are expected to have qualifications, competence, and performance that are in accordance with established standards, and carry out their duties with transparency, accountability, and integrity in order to provide good public services to the community.

By carrying out performance evaluations and applying ASN management principles based on qualifications, competence, and performance, it is hoped that ASN employees in Kotagede District Yogyakarta will be able to carry out their duties properly, improve the quality of public services, and support good governance. Good.

Factors Affecting ASN Performance in Providing Services

Competence of Human Resources in implementing the performance of the State Civil Apparatus in providing services. Resources are the most important and decisive thing for every ASN. HR is the determinant of whether or not ASN moves forward or backward. According (Rahardjo, 2010) explained that the quality of human resources is not only determined by aspects of skill or physical strength, but is influenced by education or level of insight, experience or maturity, and attitude as well as the values it has, besides that it is continued by M. Dawan Rahardjo (2010: 18) states that the indicators of the quality of human resources are described below :

a.      Intellectual quality (knowledge and skills) which includes mastery of understanding and skills in the field of science and technology in accordance with the demands of industrialization, and having knowledge of languages, including national languages, regional languages, and at least foreign languages.

b.     Education.

Education is an important factor in the development of human resources, including ASN in Kotagede District, Yogyakarta. Human resources with higher levels of education tend to have a better variety and quality of education, as well as relevant capabilities taking into account local, national, and international employment conditions. In addition, quality education can also provide a solid foundation for the development of analytical skills, problem-solving, communication skills, leadership, and collaboration. This is important in the context of public service which involves interaction with the community, solving complex problems, and making the right decisions (Fatta, 2000).


Meanwhile, according to (Soekidjo, 2009) indicators of the quality of human resources are divided into two, namely education and training.

So based on the previous discussion, no matter how well the system has been created or equipped as well as whatever equipment and facilities are available at an institution, without being supported by the existence of quality human resources who have qualified capabilities, these completeness will not have much meaning for ASN performance.

The results of implementing the ASN competency development policy are expected to produce ASNs who have high competence in carrying out their duties and positions with professionalism. To achieve this goal, it is important for the Regional Government (Pemda) to pay sufficient attention to the development of ASN competencies. Aspects of knowledge/intellectual competence, skills, experience, and attitudes play a key role in measuring and developing ASN competencies.

a.      Knowledge/Intellectual Competence: ASNs need to have good and in-depth knowledge related to their field of work. This knowledge includes a good understanding of policies, procedures, regulations, and current issues relevant to their job. In an ever-evolving environment, ASN must also be able to update their knowledge regularly and keep abreast of the latest developments in their field of work.

b.     Skills Competence: In addition to knowledge, ASNs also need to develop skills relevant to their duties. These skills include technical, analytical, problem-solving, communication, leadership, collaboration, and other skills needed to do a job well. Skills training and development are important in strengthening ASN skill competencies.

c.      Experience Competency: Work experience is also an important factor in the development of ASN competencies. Through diverse work experiences, ASNs can develop a deeper understanding of their duties, face different challenges, and gain valuable insights. Relevant and diverse work experience can provide a solid foundation for ASN in carrying out their duties effectively.

d.     Attitude Competence: Attitude competence includes a professional attitude, work ethic, commitment to the task, cooperation, adaptability, good leadership, and other positive attitudes. ASNs need to show a positive and professional attitude in every aspect of their work, including interactions with fellow ASNs and the community (Oktavia, E., & Amar, 2014).


By giving sufficient attention to the development of ASN competencies in the aspects of knowledge/intellect, skills, experience, and attitudes, it is expected that ASNs will be able to carry out their duties and positions with high professionalism. Local governments have an important role in facilitating training, development, and recognition of ASN competence development efforts so that they can provide quality public services and fulfill the demands of their duties.

a.      Procedures, and work procedures in implementing the performance of the State Civil Apparatus in providing services have not been maximized.

ASN competence development is directed towards creating and increasing the competence or skills of apparatus so that they can carry out public services optimally. Therefore, Law Number 43 of 1999 concerning Amendments to Law Number 8 of 1974 concerning Personnel Principles states that the personnel management system is oriented towards the professionalism of ASN. Professionalism in the development of Civil Servants is carried out on the basis of a combination of a work performance system and a career system that is focused on the work performance system, the hope is that opportunities will be created for Civil Servants with high achievements to upgrade their abilities professionally and compete fairly. The appointment of an ASN to a structural position must be based on an objective work performance system, competence, and education.

Solution Efforts

In accordance with the obstacles encountered in implementing the ASN performance evaluation implementation in the Kotagede District in providing, the following steps are taken to solve:

1.     Leadership Development: It is important to ensure that the leadership in Kotagede District has a strong commitment to evaluating ASN performance and providing clear direction. Effective leadership can encourage ASNs' active participation, strengthen a good performance culture, and overcome obstacles that may arise.

2.     Training and Development: Provide appropriate training and development to ASN to increase their understanding of performance evaluation, assessment methods, and applicable operational standards. By increasing ASN competencies related to performance evaluation, they will be better able to face challenges and provide good quality service.

3.     Effective Communication and Feedback: Improving communication between superiors and subordinates and between ASNs in the context of performance evaluation. It is important to provide constructive feedback, provide clear directions, and facilitate open dialogue regarding ASN performance and development.

4.     Preparation of clear SOPs: Ensuring that there are clear SOPs related to performance evaluation, including assessment procedures, data collection, and the use of evaluation results for ASN career development. Clear SOPs will help reduce confusion and increase fairness and transparency in the evaluation process.

5.     Recognition and Rewards: Provide appropriate recognition and rewards to ASNs who achieve good performance. Awards such as best employee awards, promotions, or other incentives can be an incentive for ASNs to improve their performance and feel valued for their contributions.

6.     Continuous Evaluation and Improvement: Conduct periodic evaluations of the existing performance evaluation system to identify weaknesses, constraints, and areas of improvement. By making continuous improvements, the performance evaluation system can become more effective and efficient in supporting quality service delivery.

By having implemented these solving steps, the performance barriers of ASN in Kotagede District have been overcome and the quality of service has been improved (Ismail et al., 2021).



Evaluation of ASN performance in Kotagede District, Yogyakarta has been carried out in accordance with the Service Operational Standards (SOP) and based on the provisions of the laws that regulate it. Supporting factors in providing services to the community are ASN human resources who work according to their duties and functions in accordance with existing SOPs.

Factors hindering the provision of services are facilities and infrastructure that still need to be improved, especially in the context of ASN human resources related to Service Operational Standards (SOP).

To overcome this inhibiting factor, several steps that can be taken are:

a.      Provision of Adequate Facilities and Infrastructure: Local governments need to pay special attention to the provision of facilities and infrastructure needed to carry out public services properly. This covers infrastructure physics, technology information, accessibility, and so on. With ensure adequate facilities and infrastructure, ASN can Work more efficiently and effectively in giving service to society.

b.   Human Resource Competency and Capacity Building: Through training, development, and competency improvement, ASN can improve its skills in carrying out tasks in accordance with the SOP. Local governments can provide support in terms of relevant education and training to improve the quality of ASN human resources.

c.      Continuous Evaluation and Improvement: It is important to continuously evaluate the implementation of SOPs and identify existing obstacles. By evaluating periodically, local governments can identify areas where facilities and infrastructure need to be improved and improve service delivery processes. Continuous updates and improvements must be made to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of services.

d.     Community Collaboration and Engagement: Engaging the community in the process of evaluating and improving services can provide valuable insights. By engaging in dialogue with the community, local government can understand community needs and expectations and identify areas for improvement.

By taking these steps, it is hoped that the inhibiting factors related to facilities and infrastructure in providing services can be overcome, so that the services provided by ASNs in the Kotagede District of Yogyakarta can be even better according to the applicable SOPs.



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Copyright holders:

Damar Panji Adikumoro1, Ismi Dwi Astuti Nurhaeni2, Rino Ardhian Nugroho3 (2023)

First publication right:

JoSS - Journal of Social Science

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