Journal of Social Science
, Tri Kuat
, Bambang Noor
UAD, Jl. Pramuka 42 Pandean, Yogyakarta /DIY, Indonesia
practical learning;
process; teaching
factory; vocational
school quality.
The purpose of the research is; (1) to describe the teaching factory
implementation; (2) to describe the contribution of the teaching factory to
practical learning; (3) to describe the contribution of the teaching factory to
the production process; (4) to describe the contribution of teaching factory
on vocational school quality. This research employed a qualitative method
with a case study approach. The research was done in SMK
Muhammadiyah1 Sukoharjo, and the research subject is the headmaster,
teachers, and students. The data collection technique is taken by
observation, interview, and documentation with qualitative analysis data
followed by data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. The result
of the research shows that; (1) teaching factory implementation runs well
and the teaching factory in the school is more modern and it has become the
technopark as a reference of other vocational schools’ teaching factory; (2)
teaching factory learning contributes significantly on practical learning; (3)
teaching factory learning contributes production process; (4) and teaching
factory learning contributes vocational school quality in SMK
Muhammadiyah 1 Sukoharjo.
Vocational School (SMK) has an important role in providing human resources (SDM)
which are useful for developing the country. Preparing human resources means improving the
government’s economic development, Education and Cultural Department (Kemendikbud)
continuously tries to increase the role of SMK as vocational education with several policies so
that education can develop continuously (Zainudin, l2012). Specifically, Kemendikbud 2015-
2019 has targeted until 2019 to run a teaching factory (TEFA) in more than 1.000 SMK (Dir P
SMK, 2017). Based on PP No. 41/2015 article 6 verse 1 the implementation of Vocational
Schools for industrial-based competence must be equipped with Profession Certification Board
or Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi (LSP), TEFA and competence test place or Tempat Uji
Kompetensi (TUK), then each SMK must implement this TEFA learning model.
TEFA is a learning concept that encourages students to the real working condition. TEFA
is a learning concept as an industrial miniature, equipped with industrial production equipment,
using industrial operational procedure standard (SOP), so the product and service are similar
Volume 2 Number 5 May 2023
p- ISSN 2963-1866- e-ISSN 2963-8909
Vol 2, No 5 May 2023
The Contribution Teaching Factory On Practical Learning
Process, Production Process And Vocational School Quality
to the industry. TEFA is expected to bridge the competence gap between school and industry
(Zainudin, 2012).
According to (Eisenhart et al., 2009)"Teaching Factory provides students with real
experience in dealing with the real world of work situations. This enables them to develop
essential practical skills in specific vocational areas."
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the contribution of the Teaching Factory in
improving the practicum learning process in vocational schools and identify the impact of the
Teaching Factory on the production process in vocational schools. As well as assessing the
influence of the Teaching Factory on the quality or quality of vocational schools and providing
recommendations and guidelines for vocational schools in implementing the Teaching Factory.
The benefit of this research is to contribute to the Quality Improvement of Vocational
Schools This research will help in evaluating and improving the quality or quality of vocational
schools as a whole. The findings of this study can be used as a basis for identifying areas of
improvement, developing school development strategies, and improving the competitiveness
of vocational schools at the local, national, and international levels.
This research uses qualitative methods to describe the implementation of a teaching
factory, its contribution to practical learning, the production process, and the quality of SMK.
Moleong (2018) stated that the qualitative method as tradition in science depending on
person’srson observation. This research emphasi s on understanding to cervaluesvalue,
measuring, describing, estimating and giving meaning. Qualitative researcan h has actual
setting, the researcher is the key insdescriptiveskriptive data, prioritizing the pr ess and data
analysis in e form inductive giving the meaning.
The focus of this qualitative researcha is case study. Case study is an exploration of a
system tied with palce and A case. Case study is a research is observing phenoa mena in certain
time and activity (program, event, process, institution social group) and collecting information
in details and comprehensive by employi data-collectingollecting procedures in a certain period
(Creswell, 2015).
The participant of this research headmaster, teachers, educational staff, and students. The
data collection of this research uses observation, interview,sw, and documentation (Sugiyono,
2016). The researchis thee es Interactive Model Qualitative Data analysis technique (Miles &
Huberman, 2020).
Teaching Factory Implementation in SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Sukoharjo
Teaching factory implementation based involves several aspects namely, the human
resources aspect in teaching factothe ry, the partnership aspect in teaching factothe the ry,
facilities aspect in teaching factory, product aspect in Teaching Factory and marketing Aspect
in teaching factory, the following is the explanation:
Human resources aspect in a teaching factory
The Contribution Teaching Factory On Practical Learning
Process, Production Process And Vocational School Quality
Vol 2, No 5 May 2023
The human resources aspect in teaching factory is badly needed in implementthe ing
teaching factory and prepared to increase the quality by sending teachers and staff in job
training, seminar, and worshop to manage the teaching factory learning based on industrial
curriculum. Qualified human resourcesare is able educate students to provide good output to
work in industry and to be entrepreneur.
The data above is in line with the research of Muhammad & Hamid (2018) that industrial
learning in Industry 4.0 indicates the increased demand for production staff skills. Factory
learning often focuses on technical skills to train decision makers, work groups and
performance monitoring skills. the focus of this research is in planning program,
implementation and evaluation teaching factory learning based.
The statement above in line with UU No.20 2003 Pasal 39 Ayat (2) that teachers are
professional work force in charge of planning and implementing learning process, judging
learning process, guiding and training. They also do researches and dedicate to the society.
Partnership aspect in Teaching Factory
Partnership as the requirement to establish teaching factory, the partnership involves
industry, government and school to give management guidance, planning, production
implementation and marketing also as quality control of teaching factory product in order to
compete in global market. partnership with industry also give strategy concept, guidance, to
guide and control quality as quality assurance so that teaching factory can meet quality standard
needed business world.
The finding above matches with statement of Syahrul & Purnamawati (2018) that
partnership model design based on need analysis and partnership that consists of 7 components
namely; (1) government ministry policy, (2) main strategy concept, (3) vocational school
policy, (4) industrial management, (5) ministery principle, (6) alumnus competence and (7) the
absorbtion of vocaltiona school alumni. Besides, the data above is in line with Lampiran
Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Nomor 19 Tahun 2007 on Education management
standard, that every school makes partnership with other relevant institutions.
The opinion above is strengtened with the finding of Lertari Suharno & Ngatou Rohman
(2014) that teaching factory goal provides professional output in their field, develops modern
concept curriculum, demostrate correct solution toward the challange from industrial world,
also transfers technology from partner industry of students and education institution.
Facilitiy aspect in Teaching Factory
Implementation of teaching factory must be supported by facilities signing the industrial
standard because teaching factory is industry located in school. From facility. Management and
curriculum are used in industrial based. To complete the facility needed must be syncronised
between equipment, curriculum with the product made, so the learning process and production
run well and meet the terget planned.
The aboved finding is in line with Hamid, Jalinus, & Inra ( 2019) that the learning model
of teaching factory is a learning and training model that produce competence alumni with
industrial competence skills needed. Teaching factory has important potency to make the skill
gap narrow.
Vol 2, No 5 May 2023
The Contribution Teaching Factory On Practical Learning
Process, Production Process And Vocational School Quality
The learning done under the industrial condition with the lack of training infrastructure or
facitlities will make the training process slow. The government must increase SMK budget and
develop fund raising.
The above statement in line with UU No.20 Tahun 2005 pasal 45 ayat 1, namely every
formal school dan non-formal one provides facilities to meet the education need suitable with
the physical potency growth, intelligence, social, emosion and psychology of the students.
Pruduct aspect in Teaching Factory
Teaching factory as industry, produces products which match with the consumers
consisting of, product quality, production system and after sale service. Product quality
becomes important part from teaching factory. To keep the product quality employs production
process carefully involving the students, action is taken to decrease error margin in practice.
To anticipate the problem, students are given the safe tolerant work, not finished product, the
finished product given to more senior level with the teacher supervision, Quality Control team
also quality assurance from the company so qualified products are saleable.
The above finding in line with the statement of Mourtzis et al (2020) that design and
manufacture consider the dynamic quality related to the product, service, human resources,
process, and environment expected.
The statement above is strengthened with (Dir P SMK, 2008) teaching factory integrates
learning process in school to produce product and service. The product and service should be
able to to sell in order to give added value. So far, the learning activity in SMK is only practice
with practical media.
While production System in teaching factory, marketing team of Businiss Center looking
for orders, after getting the orders then analyze their feasibility, through administration,
accounting, marketing, the to logistics, construction, sparepart, finishing, assembling. After the
process is feasible, then followed up by giving the orders to teaching factory to be executed
and ended with the quality control (QC) and delivered to customers.
The above finding in line with Roesminingsih (2021), tearning factory basic principle is
integration work world experience to the school curriculum. In teaching factory curriculum all
equipment and material, education practitioner are arraged and designed to do production
process to produce goods and service.
The statement is strengthened by Dadang Hidayat (2021) that production system of
teaching factory namely: receiving orders, analyzing orders, menyatakan kesiapan
mengerjakan order, mengerjakan order, evaluating products and distributing product.
Teaching factory gives after sale servie by exchanging products and serves recondition
for old products. The service given to insurance the satisfaction of customers in order thatn
they Repeat Order/RO, besides, thay become marketer of teaching factory because they will
tell to candidate of prospective buyers to come and give orders to the same products.
The above finding in line with Kotler & Hall (2003) that after sale service is a service
given by company to the consumers after sale transaction. The opinion is supported by
Syahputra (2019) that after sale service is a servive provided by producers to consumers after
buying the products from the company. The goal of the service is to grow satisfaction,
The Contribution Teaching Factory On Practical Learning
Process, Production Process And Vocational School Quality
Vol 2, No 5 May 2023
admiration, recommendation and for all the repeat orders, creating trust, self beliefs, and
reputation conveying guarantee.
Marketing aspect in Teaching Factory
Marketing product of teaching factory is fully handled by Busniss Center (BC). BC team
looks for customers or orders by approaching the customer candidates by explaining the
products, specification, quality, the time of production and the price. The coverage of
marketing involves PKU Muhammadiyah and to other customers.
The above finding in line with statement of Hendra Pranata (2018) that teaching factory
can contribute in increasing the spirit of student enterpreneurship by involving students directly
dalam in the whole process from planning, production, and marketing.
The opinion is supported by the statement of Sudiyanto et al, (2011) that teaching factory
is learning activity by doing production activity for goods and service in education environment
by the students. Goods or service produced by students has good quality so can be sold and
accepted by society or consumers.
The contribution TEFA learning in practice learning in SMK Muhammadiyah 1
Industrial class formation
Industrial class formation in vocational school is badly needed in order that the students
are able to focus in practice learning in major workshop or in teaching factory. In teaching
factory students can maximalize practice learning because practice learning in teaching factory
is designed berbasis based on product and service in industrial standard, so the students will
get a lot of knowledge and skills. Practice learning in teaching factory is link and match
between practice learning in school inteaching factory based on industrial need and business.
The above statement in line with UU No.20 Tahun 2005 pasal 45 ayat 1, every formal
education and non-formal one provides facilities like major workshop and teaching factory to
meet education need based on the growth Physical potency, intelligence, social, emotion, dan
student psychology.
The link between industry and vocational school
Teaching factory atau technopark is the connector between school and industrial world.
Connector means about learning model, learning material, and business and industry
collaboration. So teaching factory or tecnopark brgidges the school and business and industry
worldi because learning in teaching factory or technopark in line with real industry.
The finding above is suitable with the research of Jalinus et al (2019) that learning model
in teaching factory is a learning and training model that results in competent output with skills
needed in industry. Teaching factory has big potency to make the gap narrow in skills. Learning
carried out under industry condition but lack of training infrastructure or facilities will slow
down the training process. The government must increase fund raising for SMK.
TEFA learning contributes in production process in SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Sukoharjo
The implementation On the Job Training for teacher
Teacher job training becomes facilities increases teacher professionalism to support
production process and introduces industrial climate in business and industry. The real
experience of pruductive teachers in industry is important capital in learning process in SMK.
Vol 2, No 5 May 2023
The Contribution Teaching Factory On Practical Learning
Process, Production Process And Vocational School Quality
Teachers are not doubt in learning process because they have got experinces in industry.
Teachers have self-confidence and master practice in industry world.
The data above in line with the research of Muhammad & Hamid (2018) that design of
industrial learning factory in industry 4.0 indicates the increase of demand in skills of
production staff. The existence of learning factory often focus on technical skills that learning
factory also trains decision making, work group and performance monitoring skills.
The statement above in line with UU No.20 2003 Pasal 39 Ayat (2) that teachers are
professional work force in charge of planning and implementing learning process, judging
learning process, guiding and training. They also do researches and dedicate to the society.
Industrial work practice The gap of practice in industrial world and in SMK should get solution
for practice in industrial world (prakerin). Industrial practice world is important to prepare
students enter the work world. Work world practice or job training for six month bisa can
make the students know and practice the theory to be implemented in industry.
The above finding in line with the research of Xing (2020) that found teaching factory
learning model is a learning and training model that produce competence alumni with industrial
competent skills needed. Teaching factory has big potency to narrow the skill gap.
Learning carried out under industrial condition but lack on training infrastructure or
facilities slow down the training process.
Collaboration between business and industrial world
The collaboration between SMK with business and industrial world increase human
resources in industrial 4.0 is developing industrial classes, an implementation teacher job
training involving suitable material, industrial visit and gust teachers. Cooperation betwen
school and business and industrial world must be carried out maximally to eliminate the gap
between school and industrial world.
The finding above matches with statement of Syahrul & Purnamawati (2018) that
partnership model design based on need analysis and partnership that consists of 7 components
namely; (1) government ministry policy, (2) main strategy concept, (3) vocational school
policy, (4) industrial management, (5) ministery principle, (6) alumnus competence and (7) the
absorbtion of vocaltiona school alumni. Besides, the data above is in line with Lampiran
Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Nomor 19 Tahun 2007 on Education management
standard, that every school makes partnership with other relevant institutions.
The opinion above is strengtened with the finding of Lertari Suharno & Ngatou Rohman
(2014) that teaching factory goal provides professional output in their field, develops modern
concept curriculum, demostrate correct solution toward the challange from industrial world,
also transfers technology from partner industry of students and education institution.
Contribution of TEFA learning to improve the quality of SMK Muhammadiyah 1
Knowledge improvement (Soft Skills)
Knowledge in the form of academic competence, personal dan social is important
vocational competence, the mature of students is not enough to master vocational competence,
students need to be equipped with knowledge to have comprehensive views towards problems,
so they can look for correct solutin. Such condition can increase quality of SMK.
The Contribution Teaching Factory On Practical Learning
Process, Production Process And Vocational School Quality
Vol 2, No 5 May 2023
The above finding is suitable with statement of Risnawan (2019), that quality means
“dynamic condition related to product, serbice, human resources, process, and expected
The above data is in line with the research of Zainudinl (2012) that teaching factory
program can increase knowledge, skills, experiences, student discipline and create professional
attitude. while the quality of SMK is always connected to quality goods and service, so quality
means the goodness or the badness of something (Sinambela, 2016).
Besides, The data above in line with the research of Muhammad & Hamid (2018) that
design of industrial learning factory in industry 4.0 indicates the increase of demand in skills
of production staff.
The existence of learning factory often focus on technical skills that learning factory also trains
decision making, work group and performance monitoring skills.
Skill improvement (Hard Skill)
The skill increase in SMk is carried out in line with industrial standard namely; product
and service- based learning happens in industry. Teaching factory learning model is well
applied to increase student skill in preparing students to enter work world and to be
The above finding in line with the research of Rohmah, Sari, & Wulansari (2019), that
basic principle of teaching factory is integration experience in work world to school
curriculum. In teaching factory curriculum, all facilities and material as well as education
practice designed to do production process to produce product and service.
The previous statement is supported by Unsudah, Hery, & Irianti (2020) that teaching
factory is a learning activity involving production of goods and service in education
environment br students. Goods and service produced by students have good quality so they
are saleable and accepted by consumers.
Enpowering SMK by applying industrial culture (Life Skills)
Vocational school enpowering with industrial culture approach is important, from the
early time school applied industrial culture disciplinely to create industrial athmosphere,
applied rules and industrial behavior through teaching factory. Tha application of industrial
culture is an adaptation to know the procedure of industry in order that the students accustomed
to the athmosphere when they enter in work world.
The opinion above is strengtened with the finding of Lertari Suharno & Ngatou Rohman
(2014) that teaching factory goal provides professional output in their field, develops modern
concept curriculum, demostrate correct solution toward the challange from industrial world,
also transfers technology from partner industry of students and education institution. In line
with the opinion, there should be cooperation between SMK, and business and industry to
create industrial culture in accordance with Revitalisasi Pendidikan Vokasi program
(Kemendikbud, 2016). Improving enterpreneurship ability Vocational school needs to be
supported to prepare the students for enterpreneurship after completing their study. Stimulating
enterpreneurship interest is important in developing economy, with the facts that the worker
supply is more that vacancy.
Vol 2, No 5 May 2023
The Contribution Teaching Factory On Practical Learning
Process, Production Process And Vocational School Quality
The finding in accordance with the research of Sholikhah (2018) that teaching factory
can contribute in improving student enterpreneurship spirit by involving students directly in all
process in business, from planning to production and marketing.
The statement is supported by Makhbubah & Rusdarti (2020) that teaching factory
learning can create student enterpreneur spirit and emphasizes enterpreneurship value to
students and contribution of teaching factory to business center. The gap between practice in
industrial world and in SMK become problem that needs to be solved by joining job training
(prakerin). collaboration SMK and business and industrial world to increase the human
resources in industry revolution 4.0 by developing industry classes, means implementing
teacher job training.
Based on the finding and discussion of the research can be concluded that:
a. Teaching factory learning implementation in SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Sukoharjo runs well,
even the existence of teaching factory has been more modern and develops into technopark
becoming reference of teaching factory from other vocational schools.
b. Teaching factory learning vocational schools contributes to practice learning in SMK
Muhammadiyah 1 Sukoharjo. Students involve actively in practice learning so they are
skillful in their own competence to meet skills needed by business and industrial world.
c. Teaching factory learning contributes to production process in SMK Muhammadiyah 1
Sukoharjo. The contribution involves industrial classes formation in vocational schools in
order the students are able to focus in production process in major worshop and in teaching
factory because teaching factory or tecnopark is the link between schools and industry,
whether in learning model, learning material or collaboration with business and industry.
d. Teaching factory based-learning contributes to quality improvement in SMK
Muhammadiyah 1 Sukoharjo. The contribution helps students to master their competence
so they are ready to work in industry and to be enterpreneur because the learning in teaching
factory is in line with business and industrial world.
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Vol 2, No 5 May 2023
The Contribution Teaching Factory On Practical Learning
Process, Production Process And Vocational School Quality
Copyright holders:
Kristanto, Tri Kuat, Bambang Noor (2023)
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JoSS - Journal of Social Science
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