Sukarno Wibowo
Journal of Social Science
Sukarno Wibowo
Poltekpar NHI Bandung Indonesia
Local Culinary,
Central Java
March 21, 2023
March 29, 2023
March 31, 2023
This research was compiled to identify the potential for developing
local culinary products in building tourism development, especially
culinary tourism in Purworejo Regency, Central Java Province. Local
culinary creations in some places can positively impact the local
economy. Good management can also positively affect the
preservation of the local environment and culture. The topic was
chosen because of the potential for developing local culinary tourism
in Purworejo regency as a district whose area is very strategic in the
province of Central Java, where local culinary products are expected
to significantly impact the development of local culinary tourism in
Purworejo Regency. The type of research conducted by researchers is
qualitative descriptive research. Redana (2006: 137) describes
descriptive qualitative research. It is a study designed to obtain
information about symptoms' state when the investigation involves
the local community, local government, tourists and culinary industry
players in Purworejo Regency. Data analysis uses qualitative and
interpretive descriptive analysis. Qualitative data analysis is the
compression of data through the development of classification
methods. It is a time series classification system that includes a
collection of collected information and systematically reveals their
relationships. This research is expected to be a commitment or
thought in creating arrangements for increasing traditional culinary
tourism in Purworejo Regency, Central Java. This research can
potentially be used as an open data source for the community to
advance conventional culinary tourism in Central Java. Tourists from
Central Java can be used as a typical regional culinary reference when
visiting Central Java regions and cities.
The tourist travel industrial area is one of the productive areas for each district, especially
on the island of Java, with cultural diversity, customs, and good advantages, causing the travel
industry area to develop rapidly on the island of Java. The variety and quality of territoriality
in Java Island make the tourist travel industry area spread in various regions in Java. Focal Java
is one of the regions with the highest number of holiday destinations in Java, reaching 615
tourist attractions. The number of tourist visits in Central Java is much lower than the number
of tourist visits in West Java. West Java Province is the region with the highest number of stops
Volume 2 Number 3 Maret 2023
p- ISSN 2963-1866- e-ISSN 2963-8909
Vol 2, No 3 March 2023
Development Of Traditional Culinary Tourism In Purworejo
Regency, Central Java
on the island of Java, followed by Central Java, DKI Jakarta, DIY and Banten (Afnarius et al.,
Travel industry transportation that gathers in Central Java makes Central Java one of the
regions rich in travel industry assets. The distribution of the number of tourist travel industry
objects in Central Java Province because of its critical area, namely at 5°40' - 8°30' South
Latitude and 108°30' 111°30' East Longitude, with an area of 3.25 million hectares or 25.04%
of the size of Java Island (BPS Central Java, 2018). The Java Sea directly borders Central Java
Province in the north, the Special Region of Yogyakarta and the Indian Sea in the south. In the
west, it is directly connected by West Java and East Java (Annugerah et al., 2016).
This condition causes the development of travel industrial estates in Central Java to
develop rapidly, which can support the expansion of foreign trade. Currently, the potential of
the tourism industry is also ready to encourage the development and improvement of culinary
specialties of the travel industry; this visit is one of the travel industries that support financial
growth in the environment. By utilizing the richness of culture, customs, society and politics,
Central Java Province has become one of the areas designated by tourists to visit. Next is the
introduction of tourist visit information in Central Java Province.
Table 1
Number of Foreign and Domestic Tourists to Central Java Province
Foreign Tourists
Total Number of
Table 1 shows that the number of tourists from Central Java shows fluctuating
development, decreasing and increasing yearly. From 2015 to 2018, the growth of tourists in
Central Java recorded a reasonably high increase, but from 2019 to 2020, the development of
tourists in Central Java decreased. Focal Java is one of Indonesia's regions, with 29 regions and
six urban areas with various holiday destinations.
You can explore various exciting attractions and events related to large urban
communities in Central Java, especially Purworejo Regency, Kudus Regency, Gepara
Regency, Surakarta Regency and Semarang Regency. Various attractions, events, and tourist
cities in Central Java can also attract tourists and increase tourist ticket prices.
The decline in salaries from travel industrial estates in Central Java also impacts the total
income of travel industrial estates in local and urban communities of Central Java. This issue
requires special consideration from significant countries and nearby countries in developing
travel industrial parks. The development of tourist industrial areas in regencies and cities is
substantial and will increase the number of tourists visiting these attractions. The interest of
Development Of Traditional Culinary Tourism In Purworejo
Regency, Central Java
Vol 2, No 3 March 2023
Sukarno Wibowo
tourists visiting Central Java attractions must be seen from what tourists like when heading to
Central Java.
The traditional culinary of the travel industry is due to the synergistic impact that arises
from the presence of the travel industry as a type of social abundance as a uniqueness or
territorial practice that supports the circulation of money. Together, these visits can be utilized
as one of the best nature excursions in Central Java. Various local/urban communities in
Central Java are decorated with multiple types of traditional and current cuisine and retail
The conventional culinary travel industry is one type related to provincial culinary claims
famous for various preferences (Rahma et al., 2017). The culinary travel industry is one type
with the potential for business areas that bring tourists to travel (Handayani & Dedi, 2017).
These shopping visits offer different essential needs, territorial strongholds, and local claims
to fame and empower the development of MSMEs in the district.
The development of traditional cuisine in the travel industry is very rapid. This is due to
the increasing interest of tourists and the increasing number of tourists in Central Java tourist
sites. This travel industry is a type of travel industry that affects the turn of events and the
progress of an area. Recalling the most memorable creator reviews about the staff at the Central
Java Tourism Office, Syahrul says:
Undeveloped. Guests of traditional culinary attractions are unaware of this visit. Tourists
can not see when they are shopping or on culinary tours" tourists will quite often understand
that the travel industry only visits vacation places like the usual, social and creative travel
The development of the conventional culinary travel industry in Central Java is speedy.
This is confirmed by the increasing number of shopping centres, shopping centres and places
that offer various sources of food and snacks as culinary areas. Still, traveller tourists do not
necessarily know this condition. Are an unstructured visit and no planning related to the
indigenous food travel industry in Purworejo, Central Java.
The travel industry is an act of movement carried out by an association or individuals
who visit a particular area to find out about the diversion, self-awareness, or uniqueness of
temporary vacation spots (Firman, 2009). The types of travel industries regulated in the Law
of the Republic of Indonesia Number 10 of 2009 include natural, cultural, and handicraft travel
industries. According to Ismayanti (Kristiana et al., 2018), the types of travel industries include
the game travel industry, strict travel industry, cave travel industry, environmental travel
industry, agricultural travel industry, shopping tourism industry, tourist travel industry. The
culinary travel industry. The culinary travel industry is a type of travel industry that attracts
tourists by eating and planning different kinds of food that are usual for the location of tourists.
The food Connoisseur travel industry is influenced by the longing of tourists who travel
to places where food is made, food celebrations, places to eat and where various food sources
are offered, determined to taste Yes food (Hall Jr et al., 2003). in (Kristiana et al., 2018). ,
Suryadi and Sunaryo, 2018). As the International Association of Food and Tourism (ICTA)
pointed out, the foodie travel industry is a movement related to food and beverages that tourists
make while travelling (Besra, 2012). The culinary travel industry is also a type of travel
Vol 2, No 3 March 2023
Development Of Traditional Culinary Tourism In Purworejo
Regency, Central Java
industry that cannot be delayed, so you are eager to visit and appreciate the places that offer
culinary visits.
The culinary travel industry, as referred to above, is a kind of travel industry that offers
territorial fortifications to attract tourists. This travel industry takes full advantage of the
surrounding wealth and culture. This type of tourist trip is delivered directly by the surrounding
area and directs tourists in making due, serving and selling cooking goods due to preparation.
This opens the culinary doors of the travel industry as tourists can visit and taste this variety of
unique foods.
Tourism Planning
The travel industry is implemented to develop strategies that lead to the development of travel
industrial estates to increase revenue from travel industrial estates. According to (Inskeep,
1991), the process of structuring the travel industry centres on existing issues using several
methodologies, including:
1. Constant Approach, and Flexible Approach, structuring the travel industry is carried out
according to the needs needed.
2. The travel industry devised a framework approach incorporating innovation and
investigation frameworks.
3. A broad approach, a travel industry setting that thinks about all parts of improving the travel
industry, institutional and naturally specific, and financial effects.
4. A coordinated approach, structuring that directly relates to the overall framework, and
structuring and improving practice.
5. With biological and economic progress, the industrial travel area is organized and created
by maintaining the quality and management of regular and social assets through ecological
maintenance investigations.
6. Local area approach, a methodology that includes environmental networks in the setting and
navigation of the travel industry,
7. Pragmatic methodologies, strategies, plans, and proposals for improving the travel industry
in a real-world view. Implementation techniques, including repairs, activity plans, or
systems, especially in ID and registration.
8. Apply a deliberate regulatory approach. This approach is applicable to travel industry
settings taking into account the reasons for the Action
Regional Economic Development Theory
The right of state legislatures and nearby neighbourhoods to deal with the capabilities
of existing assets, to form associations between neighbouring states and remote regions, to
create new positions, and to support increased local financial exercises (monetary
developments). The importance of territorial monetary turnovers (Arsyad, 2010). Territorial
economic improvement is a program of working on new establishments, strengthening the
workforce and making new positions determined to work on individual expectations for
everyday comfort through the administration of existing assets, both regular and human. At the
time of utilization of these assets depends on the quality and capability of these assets.
One of the opportunities in space is the opportunity for industrial travel areas. The travel
industry is one of the areas that contributes the largest local revenue that arises from the
expectations in the real space. The travel industry area can also assimilate jobs from the
Development Of Traditional Culinary Tourism In Purworejo
Regency, Central Java
Vol 2, No 3 March 2023
Sukarno Wibowo
neighbourhood's local area and nearby specialists and involve the local area through the travel
Factors influencing the conventional culinary travel industry
1. Outside/external factors
a. Acceptance
Acceptance is a condition for determining tourist areas that impact road permits to
ordinary culinary, which is the object of movement business in Central Java.
b. Accommodation
Accommodation is an office the environment gives to help tourists on their journey.
c. Government
Government support is a kind of government pressure on the movement of business
districts, and government support is given as support for increasing business activity.
d. Competitiveness
Power is the profit potential of a vacation destination that can be used to gauge potential
and battle with other places for vacation.
2. Internal Factors
a. Tourism Interest
Connecting with quality Tourism interest is the uniqueness of a tourist area and can
attract tourists and complement the business practices of movement in the tourist spot.
The draw between visits varies greatly depending on the conditions and region of the
b. Workplace
The workplace is an attraction expected by a part in supporting the increase in the
movement of business areas. The workplace can be in the form of accessible obtaining
information, taking care of movement reports, and handling information related to
attractions, lodging, transportation, food, beverages, and visit package costs
c. Fun
Cheerfulness, or the so-called environment, is the attitude or condition of the
environment where tourists live who travel with tourist goods.
d. Capital city
The capital is a unique visitor attraction that can be used as a tourist attraction and can
be changed to attract tourists.
e. Promotions
Advancement is an attempt by tourism inquiry supervisors to increase the number of
tourist visits and display the type of tourism advertised in other ranges.
The conventional culinary travel industry is one type of travel industry in Central Java.
This kind of travel industry is one of the 4,444 social travel industries and one that upholds
different kinds of travel industries. However, given the premium of the travel industry in
Central Java, tourists will generally be less interested in the conventional culinary of the travel
industry, representing only 13.02% of the culinary travel industry and 14.03% of travel industry
spending. This is lower than the Central Java travel industry's lifestyle, nature, and
reasonableness. The common interest is due to the absence of data and culinary planning for
Vol 2, No 3 March 2023
Development Of Traditional Culinary Tourism In Purworejo
Regency, Central Java
the travel industry and shopping opportunities in Central Java. Therefore, this issue is examined
using interesting investigations, GIS, and SWOT examinations. The achievement of results as
an ID of conventional culinary opportunities for the travel industry in Purworejo, Central Java,
in addition to the advanced techniques of the travel industry. The specialists were refreshed
starting from the conventional culinary issues of the travel industry. The Framework of
Thought consists of ideas created by analysts so that experts can direct research related to
culinary advancements, the travel industry and shopping opportunities in Central Java.
The type of data used in this study is qualitative data, namely data expressed in the form of
sentences and descriptions, not in the form of numbers. Nawawi (Nurjanah, 2000) stated: "The
type of qualitative research data is a descriptive type with the following characteristics: (1)
focusing on the problem that existed when the research was conducted (currently) or the actual
problem, (2). xplain the facts about the problem under study as they are with rational
interpretation. This research was conducted in a traditional culinary tourism area in Purworejo,
Central Java, with the following considerations:
1. Located in the tourist area of Purworejo Regency, Central Java
2. The number of domestic and foreign tourist visits will at least influence traditional culinary
tourism in Purworejo
3. The activity of the village community in maintaining the preservation of conventional
culinary tourism in Purworejo
The primary data sources in qualitative research are words, sentences, and actions written
and observed by the researcher. Still, additional data can be provided in photographs,
attendance lists, letters, etc. Data is a research component related to particular objects and
functions as information that can be formed and retrieved through data collection technology
(Anggito & Setiawan, 2018). This preliminary data results from interviews with actors and
managers of traditional culinary tourism in Purworejo. At the same time, this study obtained
secondary data from a book or library related to the problem studied.
Decision-making methods are based on targets, "getoktular" systems, or snowball
sampling (Suprayogo, 2001). The identification of the informant was based on the informant's
choice of a correct understanding of this sacred dance performance (Choi et al., 2008). The
most familiar-looking informant is then used as the primary informant or as a source of
information to obtain additional informants deemed appropriate to the observed research. The
informants are identified at the beginning of the research process, as you can find several
informants and say or supplement the results of the narrative or data obtained.
Research operational costs
This research will be carried out in Purworejo Regency, Central Java Province. Thus the
following is the required research operational cost budget plan:
Development Of Traditional Culinary Tourism In Purworejo
Regency, Central Java
Vol 2, No 3 March 2023
Sukarno Wibowo
Table 2
Competency-Based Research Operational Cost Budget Plan April-June 2021
Unit Price
Daily Money
1 Person x 6 Days
Rp. 420.000
Rp. 2.520.000
1 Person x 5 Nights
Rp. 700.000
Rp .3.500.000
1 unit x 6 Days
Rp. 905.000
Rp. 5.430.000
Rp. 11.450.000
Source: Processed Author Data (2022)
Research schedule
July-September 2022
Table 3
Schedule of research activities
Source: Processed Author Data (2022)
The research on the development of traditional culinary tourism in Purworejo Regency,
Central Java, aims to develop and enhance the potential of conventional culinary tourism in
the region. This research used qualitative and quantitative approaches and data collection
techniques such as interviews, observation, and literature review. Based on the research
results, it can be concluded that traditional culinary tourism in Purworejo Regency has
excellent potential to be developed as one of the tourism destinations. This is because
Purworejo Regency has a variety of conventional foods that are rich in flavours and have
high historical and cultural values. However, to develop the potential of traditional culinary
tourism in Purworejo Regency, several efforts are still needed, such as improving the quality
of culinary products, developing promotion and branding, and enhancing the quality of
human resources involved in the tourism sector.
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Sukarno Wibowo (2023)
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JoSS - Journal of Social Science
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