Yudha tama | Joss.Al-Makkipublisher.Com/Index.Php/Js
Journal of Social Science
Yudha Tama
Universitas Islam Riau, Indonesia
Adolescent, Online
November 25, 2022
March 14, 2023
March 28, 2023
This study aims to find out what exactly is the motive that arises from the
phenomenology of adolescents who play online gambling Higgs Domono
Isalnd in Sungai Padang Hamlet, Koto Gasib District, Siak Regency where
currently many teenagers in the hamlet play this online gambling game even
though whose name gambling is clearly prohibited in Indonesia and
prohibited in Islamic law because it will only have a negative impact, in this
study to be able to find out the motives of researchers using Alfred Schutz's
theory. And this study uses descriptive research with a qualitative approach
aiming to make direct observations in the field to obtain the necessary data.
And this study involved 6 informants who actively played online gambling
Higgs Domino Island. And from the results of the study it can be seen that
the motives that emerge from this phenomenology are past motives
(Because motives) such as the experience of seeing friends play and seeing
advertisements, then the second motive are future motives (in order to
motive) such as entertainment, finance and friendship environment.
Globally, technology and information today have changed the order of life and behavior
of society and also human civilization (Viete & Erdsiek, 2020). With the existence of the
internet today, there have been many changes in the habits of many people because with the
internet, there are many activities that can be done virtually using the internet, one of which is
the ways and means of electronic transactions, (e-commerce), such as education, health,
transportation, tourism and entertainment all of these things can be done in a virtual way using
the internet (Aditi & Widana, 2020).
However, not all good things that arise with the current advances in technology and
information but many negative things then arise along with the development of technology and
information today, this is because the internet has a very wide range of information that we
want to find and know will be very young we find this because the internet has a very wide
range (Saputra, Eskasasnanda, & Sukamto, 2020).
One form of negativity that is currently caused by advances in technology and
information is the emergence of types of onlaine gambling which are currently widespread in
the international and national world. Online gambling games first appeared in 1994 which
initially originated from the passage of the fact of free trade in the Caribbean State of Antigua
and Berbuda so that there was a granting of permission for other organizations to be able to
access online gambling sites. And previously there was a company called micro gaming first
Volume 2 Number 3 Maret 2023
p- ISSN 2963-1866- e-ISSN 2963-8909
Vol 2, No 3 March 2023
Phenomenology Of Teenagers Playing Online Gambling Higgs
Domino Island In Sungai Padang Hamlet, Koto Gasib District,
Siak Regency
which developed a software type of online betting and then continued development by a
company called cryptologic and became a company that first made an online gambling system
security in 1996 (Hall & Studdert, 2021).
Online gambling is currently developing very rapidly, at first online gambling was only
in the form of card games, currently from guessing gambling to connecting chickens
mushrooming on local and foreign sites, and having users to make gambling transactions,
online gambling games are quite very practical to be able to do as well as factors for the
development of supporting facilities.the development of online gambling that is growing
rapidly in the world turns out to be due to lack of attention and anticipation from the
government. According to the manager of the Irwin day newsletter foundation, the rapid growth
of online gambling is also one of them triggered by the neglect carried out by the internet
aservice proveder considering that usually online gamblers are big customers of the ISP
concerned, he stated that although the site is less compared to pornography, the access is 25
most, even entering the top 25 largest sites in Indonesia (Hasanudin & Budiharjo, 2021).
In Indonesia, it first entered gambling as a result of the Dutch colonial period. Traders
from China, Eripa and other regions also bring gambling with various games such as dominoes,
poker, dice, cards, and many other types. In the period after independence, the local community
only started playing gambling freely karan in the period before independence the local
community only became the bottom layer during the colonial period. In the period of
independence under the leadership of Ali Sadikin, gambling activities were as high as in this
period gambling activities were legalized (Rai & Dhyani, 2023).
Then during the new order period the government wanted to change the game of lottery
gambling without any gambling culture. As a result, in 1974 the toto lottery was made illegal
and banned by the government. Along with the development of the times from time to time
technology has advanced advances, this is used by bookies as a medium for gambling. Online
gambling began to emerge and Was Of Interest To Players Because It Was Considered Safer
And Easier To Access. Currently, Online Gambling Is Growing Rapidly In Indonesia, There
Are Many Online Gambling Games That Can Be Found On The Site Easily And Profitably.
Among Them Are Online Slot Games, Online Casino, Online Lottery, Chicken Continuation,
And Many Others. (Blog.ub.ac.id) From this online gambling game, there are many problems
that will then be caused, therefore the government prohibits the community from playing
gambling because it will only cause problems for the users themselves, even will also be angry
with the people around them. Not only the government prohibits gambling but also religion
also prohibits all types of gambling and considers gambling as a maksiat activity and is beci
by god (Rai & Dhyani, 2023).
From the research of the journal of Educational Social Studies written by Achmad
Zurohman, teenagers who do online gambling when they lose gambling, the attitude or action
that teenagers do is to pawn the goods that teenagers have as has happened in the field is
teenagers pawning their cellphones and motorcycles in order to meet their needs or fun playing
online gambling (AT, Haris, & Heru, 2019).
Higgs Domino Island is a game that was first released in 2018 on November 12 by its
rightful owner, Higgs Games. There are so many advanced and interesting features, one of
which is unlimited chips / coins to money (RP) and many other types. Then to be able to play
Phenomenology Of Teenagers Playing Online Gambling
Higgs Domino Island In Sungai Padang Hamlet, Koto
Gasib District, Siak Regency
Vol 2, No 3 March 2023
Yudha tama| http://joss.al-makkipublisher.com/index.php/js
players must have coins or commonly called chips. To get this players have to buy or top up
first. After top up, players will be able to do the game inside Higgs domini Island. And for
players who are lucky or commonly called jekpot will get a lot of coins and the coins or chips
they get can then be traded against fellow players of the Higgs Domino Island online gambling
game. Higgs domino island has various types of games that are biased in the following is a
picture of the types that can be played in the Higgs domino island application (Judge, 2013).
Figure 1
Higgs Domino Island online gambling
Currently, the Higgs Domino Island online gambling game is entering a gambling game
that is much in demand among teenagers in riau province, even though the government has
banned the community from playing this game, even though there is one example of the arrest
of one of the male sellers selling chips in the Rokan Hulu area, Riau. The perpetrator was
arrested while buying and selling chips or coins higgs domino island. The perpetrator sells
chips at a price of 1B RP 70,000, the perpetrator is subject to article 12 letter e of law no.31 of
1999 as amended by law number 20 of 2001 with the criminal act of corruption jo article 55 of
the Criminal Code threatens a short sentence of 4 years maximum of 20 years imprisonment.
Although there have been examples of arrest, it does not necessarily have an effect on the users
and sellers of gam higgs domino chips and sellers currently teenagers in the province are
blatantly playing freely in the open without any worry at all (Faizin, Al Farisi, & Wafi, 2021).
Meanwhile, from the search results that have been carried out through looking at the play
store for the number of higgs domino island players has currently reached more than 50 million
Researchers are trying to be able to reveal what exactly is the motive of teenagers in the
river hamlet of the field many who play the game Higs Domino Island. Currently, the number
of youths in the river hamlet is 35 men, of which 24 teenagers play the game higs domino
island. From the description above, then to see the phenomenon of this gambling game, by
conducting a study entitled "phenomenology of teenagers playing online gambling higgs
domino island in the padang river, Koto Gasib District, Siak Regency".
Vol 2, No 3 March 2023
Phenomenology Of Teenagers Playing Online Gambling Higgs
Domino Island In Sungai Padang Hamlet, Koto Gasib District,
Siak Regency
In this study, it focused on extracting the motives of teenagers in Sungai Padang Hamlet
who played Higgs Domino Isalnd online gambling. So in this study the method used is
phenomenology. In this study using qualitative methods. The type of qualitative research is
research that seeks meaning, understanding, understanding, verstehen about a phenomenon,
event, or human life by being directly or indirectly involved in a researched, contextual and
comprehensive setting (Aditi & Widana, 2020).
The word phenomenolgy comes from the word phenomenon which means the
appearance of an object, event or condition in the perception of an individual. Phenomenology
uses firsthand experiential knowledge as a way to understand the world. The phenomenological
tradition places a very strong emphasis on the perception and interpretation of the experience
of the human subject. Proponents of this theory view that individual stories or experiences are
more important and have more authority than even research hypotheses (Kuswanto &
Radiansah, 2018).
In phenomenological research, it must be able to try to explain the meaning and
experience in the lives of a million people about concepts or symptoms. According to natason
using the term phenomenology refers to all visions or social views that position human
consciousness and subjective meaning as the focus to be able to understand social action. The
phenomenological method, according to Creswell the study of feneomenology describes the
meaning of a life experience for some people about a concept or phenomenon.
Phenomenologists consider human behavior to be what people say and do as a product of the
way the person interprets their world (Morissan, 2014). Some of the main features of
phenomenology are described by phenomenological researchers (Moleong, 2007).
a. Refers to reality in this case the awareness of an object clearly.
b. Understanding the meaning of pristiwa and its relation to people being in a certain
c. Start with silence.
Phenomenology suggests Alfred Schutz he agrees with weber's thoughts on human
experience and behavior in the everyday social world as a socially meaningful reality. Schutz
referred to the behaving manuasia as "actors". When a person sees or hears what an actor makes
he will understand the meaning of the action (Kuswarno, 2015).
Through a phenomenological approach, this research was designed using the theory
developed by Alfred Schutz. According to schutz in (Kuswarno, 2015) to describe the entirety
of a person's actions, schut groups them in two phases namely:
a. In-order-to-motive (Um-zu-motive) is a motive that refers to future actions, where the
actions taken by someone must have a goal that has been determined first.
b. Because motive (Weil motive), which is an action that refers to the past, where, the action
that a person does must have a reason from the past when he did it. In the context of
phenomenology, adolescents are actors who carry out social actions ( the phenomenon
of playing online gambling higg domino island) alone or with other actors who have
similarities or togetherness in the bonds of intersubjective meaning. Or as a perilku
playing higgs domino island online gambling from the past, it became a thing that was
addicted to playing online gambling to the point of its deprivation.
Phenomenology Of Teenagers Playing Online Gambling
Higgs Domino Island In Sungai Padang Hamlet, Koto
Gasib District, Siak Regency
Vol 2, No 3 March 2023
Yudha tama| http://joss.al-makkipublisher.com/index.php/js
Based on the results of analysis of the interview data, the researcher grouped the result
data into two aspects of motives based on the theory proposed by Alfred Schutz, namely
Because motive and in order to motive
Table 1
Phenomenological Category of Teenagers Playing Online Gambling Higgs Domino
Isalnd In Sungai Padang Hamlet, Koto Gasib District, Siak Regency
Long time
Because motive
In order to motive
2 year
In the interview
process that has
been conducted
with redy
informants he said
in his interview the
beginning of his
playing the online
gambling game
Higgs Domino
Isalnd was from the
experience he saw
his friends who had
played first well
from here the
beginning of the
thought emerged he
played this game
becomes in order tu
motive this is based
on an in-depth
interview with redy
informant because
in his waancara
redy said that this
game can make a
sense of purpose,
and also playing
this game can earn
money which
makes him even
more fond of this
online gambling
2 year
It was the
experience of his
friends that became
the initial motive for
amad playing online
gambling Higgs
Domino Isald and
there was also a
push from the
advertisements that
appeared when
amad saw yutube
and facebook things
according to what
he said in the
interview that he
had done that he
said early on he
learned about this
game from his
friends and saw the
curls that were on
The environment of
friendship and as
became in order to
motive that made
amad play
gambling games
until now, this is
based on the in-
depth interview that
has been done to
Muhammad, he
said what makes me
still play this game
until now is the first
because my friends
are still on many
who continue to
play the game
lumyan exciting
Vol 2, No 3 March 2023
Phenomenology Of Teenagers Playing Online Gambling Higgs
Domino Island In Sungai Padang Hamlet, Koto Gasib District,
Siak Regency
social media such as
Yutube and
1 Year
It is still the same as
because of the
motive with what
the informant redy
said, that the
informant eko that
the experience of
seeing a playmate is
still a motive that
arises from the past
of the informant eko
who said that he
saw his friend
hanging out there is
another maen game
Domino Isalnd keep
people shouting so
much so I keep
curious right so I
came and I came
and I saw this
person again maen
this game well from
there I wondered if
this game was calm
yaudah finally
joined maen until
Meanwhile, the
environment of
friendship, financial
and entertainment
needs is still in
order to motive
which comes from
the results of
interviews that have
been conducted to
informants named
eko, this is
conveyed that this
online gambling
game is one of the
removes for and at
the same time
looking for profit,
perhaps he can get a
jakpot from this
online gambling
8 bulan
Because of the
motive arising from
the informant fery
adalag saw his
theme of selling
chips from playing
Higgs Domino
Island, now from
this experience,
mullah initially
arose a sense of
desire for him to
start playing Higgs
Domino Isalnd
online gambling on
Entertainment and
money are still in
order to motive that
appeared in
interviews that have
been conducted
with informant Fery
he said that this
game can be used
and in addition, this
game can make
5 Month
The experience of
seeing playmates is
still the dominant
motive for
informants in this
Entertainment and
became in oreer to
the motive that
Phenomenology Of Teenagers Playing Online Gambling
Higgs Domino Island In Sungai Padang Hamlet, Koto
Gasib District, Siak Regency
Vol 2, No 3 March 2023
Yudha tama| http://joss.al-makkipublisher.com/index.php/js
study, this is also
stated in kris in
interviews that have
been conducted that
he was initially
interested in seeing
his friends play
happened to the
informant Kris he
said that he played
this game to cross
the sense of sobat
and because friends
in his neighborhood
still played this
1 Year
The experience of
seeing from friends
is also still
dominating in the
motive because the
informant also said
that the beginning
of the motive to
play the online
gambling game
Higgs Domino
Isalnd also began
when he saw the
theme was playing
in the hamlet.
Entertainment and
(money) are still a
prominent in order
to motive in this
study because bayu
informants also say
that this game is
exciting and is one
of the vavorit games
for bayu and the
money earned from
this game is one of
the drivers of this
game is still played
by bayu today
Motives in the past (because motive)
that is, an action that refers to the past, where, the action that a person does must have
a reason from the past when he did it. In the context of phenomenology, adolescents are
actors who carry out social actions ( the phenomenon of playing online gambling higg
domino island) alone or with other actors who have similarities or togetherness in the bonds
of intersubjective meaning. In research on the phenomenology of adolescents playing online
gambling Higgs Domino Island in Sungai Padang Hamlet, Koto Gasib District, Siak
Regency, there are two motifs that appear on Bicause Motifs (motifs in the past) namely as
Friend Seeing Experience
The phenomenology of teenagers playing online gambling games Higgs Domino Island
in the hamlet of singai padang has past motifs that were discovered through the results of
interviews that the motive of the teenage traveler is the experience of seeing his friends and
school friends who have played online gambling games Higgs Domino Island can produce
something from the Higgs Domini Island game so that teenagers in the padang river hamlet
feel like playing this game. So it can be said that teenagers in the padang river hamlet have a
motive in their past, the average teenager sees that his friends have already played this game,
both school friends and outside of school, so that teenagers in the padang river hamlet are
encouraged to play the Higgs Domino Island game.
Advertising is any form of promotion that serves to attract the attention of the general
Vol 2, No 3 March 2023
Phenomenology Of Teenagers Playing Online Gambling Higgs
Domino Island In Sungai Padang Hamlet, Koto Gasib District,
Siak Regency
public to be interested in the goods or services offered. Quoted in the book integrated
marketing communications by Morrisan advertising is any form of nonpersonal
communication related to an organization, product, sevis or idea paid for by the sponsor.
Advertising has a considerable influence in attracting the interest of many people to be able
to determine something that we want, and currently we can see advertisements on various
social media platforms such as yutube, fecebooks and so on. In this study, advertising became
one of the drivers for teenagers in the hamlet of the padang river to play Higgs Domino Isalnd
online gambling as stated by Muhammad's informant.
A. Future motives (in order to motive)
That is a motive that refers to future actions, where the actions carried out by someone
must have a goal that has been determined first. In addition, the phenomenology of
teenagers playing online gambling Higgs Domino Isalnd has future motives that have been
found through the results of interviews that have been conducted that there are three
motives of teenagers who play this game are;
1. Entertainment
Based on entertainment motives, it is known that teenage online gambling user
Higgs Domino Isalnd uses this game as a way to entertain themselves when they are in
their spare time so that they can fix mods and get tired.this is conveyed by several
informants who say that this online gambling game is an effort to cross their feelings,
because by playing this game and they can get jakpot will make them feel happier
because of course they will get money.
2. Economic/financial
Apart from being entertainment, this game is also a tool to be able to earn money
briefly without working, this is what encourages teenagers in the river hamlet of
Padang to play the Higgs Domino Island game. In the interviews, researchers also
found from the results of interviews with teenagers who played that the money they
got from this game was quite attractive for the size of teenagers, reaching 300 thousand
rupiah until some reached 2 million rupiah, the average karana of them still just
graduated from school and for those who just graduated from school they worked as
palm oil harvest workers so that the nominal was quite large and made teenagers feel
interested in play. Then the money from playing this game will usually be used to meet
the needs of the teenager such as to buy cigarettes, buy pakian, buy internet quota and
Motives in
teh past
The Friend
Social Media
Phenomenology Of Teenagers Playing Online Gambling
Higgs Domino Island In Sungai Padang Hamlet, Koto
Gasib District, Siak Regency
Vol 2, No 3 March 2023
Yudha tama| http://joss.al-makkipublisher.com/index.php/js
so on. And from the results of research, the average teenager already feels addicted to
playing this game because they feel uneasy if they don't play this game within one day.
3. Friendship Environment
In addition to entertainment and economic motives, another motive that encourages
many teenagers to play this game is the motive because if there are teenagers who do
not play games and do not know about the game Higgs Domino Isaland then the
teenager will feel alienated in the place of the community because teenagers who are
fellow players will definitely tend to tell stories and communicate with fellow players
so that their speakers are connected. And one of the reasons teenagers in the river
hamlet still survive playing this game is because their friends still play today.
Based on the results of this study conducted with interviews that have been conducted
by researchers regarding the phenomenology of adolescents playing Higgs Domino Island
online gambling in padang river hamlet, Koto Gasib District, Siak Regency, it can be
concluded that the results of the research findings of the motives of playing Higgs Domino
Island online gambling in teenagers Dusun sungai padang which is more dominant is in future
motives (in order to motive) namely they consider that the game is a game What they play
is one of the tools to entertain themselves when they are in a hurry that can also give them
an advantage because this game if you can win (jakpot) can make a large enough money for
teenagers from 300 thousand rupiah to reached 2 million rupiah. Meanwhile, the motives of
the past (because motive) of teenagers in the hamlet of sungai padang are Because of the play
environment of the teenagers in the river hamlet like their peers, they have already played
this game before, the teenagers are also affected and encouraged to play. And also teenagers
have a strong sense of curiosity so that their curiosity is also a motive for this
phenomenological pendorng to appear for teenagers in the hamlet of the padang river In
addition, playing the Higgs Domino Isalnd online gambling game will also have a negative
impact on teenagers, namely causing addiction, so lazy to work, will often go into debt, lazy
to study, and the worst thing to commit a crime is stealing.
mas motif
Vol 2, No 3 March 2023
Phenomenology Of Teenagers Playing Online Gambling Higgs
Domino Island In Sungai Padang Hamlet, Koto Gasib District,
Siak Regency
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Copyright holders:
Yudha Tama (2023)
First publication right:
JoSS - Journal of Social Science
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0