Johan Sutarjo |
Journal of Social Science
Johan Sutarjo
Universitas Negeri Semarang Indonesia
01 December 2022
05 December 2022
10 December 2022
Based on the results of research on "School Management at SMA Negeri 1
Gebog Kudus", school management, which is a way of behavior in
managing schools so that the process in learning can run well, is also
implemented at SMA Negeri 1 Gebog Kudus. This school has a wide
environment, and also the management of school management is also good
in the context of teaching and learning activities. The determination of the
research location is at SMA Negeri 1 Gebig Kudus which is a school with
accreditation A. Research objectives are specifically formulated: To find out
and explain the school profile of SMAN 1 Gebog Kudus, To know and
explain the management of the school curriculum of SMAN 1 Gebog
Kudus, To know and explain the management of students at SMAN 1 Gebog
Kudus, To know and explain personnel management at SMAN 1 Gebog
Kudus school, To know and explain the finances in the school of SMAN 1
Gebog Kudus, to know and explain the management of public relations in
the school of SMAN 1 Gebog Kudus, to know and explain the infrastructure
in the school of SMAN 1 Gebog Kudus, and to know and explain the
management of special services in the school of SMAN 1 Gebog Kudus.
The implementation of school management at SMAN 1 Gebog Kudus has
met good standards, this can be seen from the performance of professional
educators in KBM. This study has used a descriptive study, & qualitative
approach. In this study, observations have been made in the form of data
collection techniques in several ways, including: observation, & interview.
School management is a way of behavior to manage schools so that the process in
learning can run well. School management actually has the same meaning as education
management. The scope and field of study of school management, namely education
management, is motivated by one school, while education management has a large & wide
range of systems from regional, national & international (Efriani, Ahyani, and Fattah 2021).
Schools are very complex environments. One, because the concept of the school itself
is difficult to understand when using a single view. Second, because of the difference in focus
which can cause difficulties in interpreting schooling. Third, because schooling is often
related to the human element, namely education & students. Because of these human factors,
schools are difficult to manage properly (Alfiansyah, Assingkily, and Prastowo 2020).
There are at least 7 school components that can be managed properly in the framework
of SBM, namely curriculum & programs in teaching, students, teachers, finance,
management of school relations with the surrounding community, infrastructure in
Volume 2 Number 2, Februari, 2023
p- ISSN 2963-1866- e-ISSN 2963-8909
Vol 2, No 2 February 2023
School Management At Sma Negeri 1 Gebog Kudus
education, and management of special services (Novianti 2015).
In Indonesia, there is an education system that still has a flexible nature to strengthen
the "status quo" in an established social structure, so that not all children can experience
schools that are internationalism or national standard schools.
From the results of the description above, school observation is also needed to find out
the management in the school.
Based on the background of the thoughts above, the problem that arises is "School
Management at SMA Negeri 1 Gebog Kudus". To examine the problem, several
interconnected problems are formulated through this question: 1). What is the profile in
SMAN 1 Gebog Kudus school?, 2). How is the curriculum management in SMAN 1 Gebog
Kudus school?, 3). How is the management of students in SMAN 1 Gebog Kudus school?,
4). How is the personnel management in SMAN 1 Gebog Kudus school?, 5). How is the
finances in SMAN 1 Gebog Kudus school?, 6). How is the public relations management in
SMAN 1 Gebog Kudus school?, 7). How is the infrastructure in SMAN 1 Gebog Kudus
school?, and 8). How is the management of special services in SMAN 1 Gebog Kudus
This research aims to explain about "School Management at SMAN 1 Gebog Kudus".
In detail, the objectives in this study are: 1). To find out and explain the school profile of
SMAN 1 Gebog Kudus, 2). To know and explain the management of the school curriculum
of SMAN 1 Gebog Kudus, 3). To know and explain the management of students at SMAN
1 Gebog Kudus, 4). To know and explain personnel management in SMAN 1 Gebog Kudus
school, 5). To find out and explain the finances in the school of SMAN 1 Gebog Kudus, 6).
To know and explain public relations management in SMAN 1 Gebog Kudus school, 7). To
find out and explain the infrastructure at SMAN 1 Gebog Kudus and 8 schools. To know and
explain the management of special services in the school of SMAN 1 Gebog Kudus (Nur,
Harun, and Ibrahim 2016).
Benefits of this research, 1). So that students know about school management at SMAN
1 Gebog Kudus, 2). So that students know what is the school management at SMAN 1 Gebog
Kudus, and 3). So that students know the school environment at SMAN 1 Gebog Kudus.
In this study, it has used a descriptive study, namely research that has the purpose of
describing a situation. This research approach uses a qualitative approach because it examines
information, information, & symptoms from a result of the observation process during this
study regarding "School Management at SMA Negeri 1 Gebog Kudus".
This research has also been focused on a problem of planning, organizing systems,
applications in learning, systems in supervision that need to be used by a program at SMA
Negeri 1 Gebog Kudus. The focus on this research is then further elaborated through several
questions as follows: 1). What is the school profile of SMAN 1 Gebog Kudus?, 2). How is the
school curriculum management of SMAN 1 Gebog Kudus?, 3). How is the management of
students in SMAN 1 Gebog Kudus?, 4). How is the personnel management in SMAN 1 Gebog
Kudus school?, 5). How is the finances in SMAN 1 Gebog Kudus school?, 6). How is the
public relations management in SMAN 1 Gebog Kudus school?, 7). How is the infrastructure
School Management At Sma Negeri 1 Gebog Kudus
Vol 2, No 2 February 2023
Johan Sutarjo|
in SMAN 1 Gebog Kudus school?, and 8). How is the management of special services in
SMAN 1 Gebog Kudus school?.
The data that has been collected through this research is certain data with the focus of the
research, namely School Management at SMA Negeri 1 Gebog Kudus. The types of data in
this study have been divided into 2, namely: primary & secondary data. Primary data have been
obtained in the form of verbal as well as words & actions from the subject. Moleong (1994)
which can emphasize that the characteristics of primary data are in verbal speech, as well as
the behavior of humans. Meanwhile, secondary data is sourced from several documents and
photos that have been used to complement the primary data. Secondary data characteristics are
photos, images, recordings, & writings.
The data collection technique is to try to get information media or reality that is correct
and accountable. Data collection is the main stages in this study, because only by obtaining the
data that has been obtained will a research process be able to last until a researcher who obtains
an answer to the formulation of the problem that has been applied, (Sarwono 2006). Thus,
without knowing the data collection techniques, a researcher cannot obtain sufficient data from
the standards that have been imposed. In the study entitled "School Management at SMA
Negeri 1 Gebog Kudus" a researcher has carried out data collection techniques in several ways,
including observation, documentation, and interviews.
In this data analysis technique, according to an expert named (Usman 2013), it is an
analytical activity that categorizes data to obtain interconnected patterns, themes, interpreting
what is meaningful, and others. According to the opinion of an expert named (Subagyo et al.
2017) data analysis techniques are activities to utilize data so that truth or truth can be obtained
from a hypothesis.
In the data analysis technique in the study entitled "School Management at SMA Negeri
1 Gebog Kudus" will apply a model from the qualitative research of Miles & Huberman. Data
analysis there are 3 activity pipelines that are together, which includes reduction, data
presentation, & verification.
Vol 2, No 2 February 2023
School Management At Sma Negeri 1 Gebog Kudus
A. School Profile of SMAN 1 Gebog Kudus
School profiles are school data in the form of names, addresses, cities, & others. The
school profile can contain the history of the school's establishment & its development to
date. In the school profile, other information included can be in the form of profiles of
principals, educators, students, & others including with sarpras & school activities.
For the school profile itself at SMAN 1 Gebog in the compiler of the school profile it
refers to the vision & mission of the school. The vision of SMAN 1 Gebog is the formation
of school residents who have commendable morals, excel, have the nation's cultural insight,
& care about the environment. From that vision then develop, with the goal to be achieved
from that vision. From the vision and mission, it will be elaborated into related school
programs from all elements of the curriculum, student affairs, public relations, and so on.
B. Curriculum Management of SMAN 1 Gebog Kudus School
Curriculum management is a common way to ensure that teaching objectives are
specialized in an effort to optimize the competence of teaching and learning interactions.
Curriculum management is related to management in the learning experience that requires
certain strategies to produce student learning productivity. Learning management is a way
with interconnected components, including: students, educators, teaching materials,
curriculum, infrastructure, & learning strategies.
Curriculum management in schools, for this school year 2022 still uses the 2013
curriculum, which in the curriculum of course must also refer to the permendikbud. For the
rules and structure of the curriculum, it is already in the permendikbud. For the next school
year, we will try to use the implementation of an independent curriculum, because there are
several schools that are specifically designated as alarm schools. If there are only two in
Kudus, for later in the next semester, SMAN 1 Gebog Kudus registers for an independent
IKM curriculum.
C. Student Management at SMAN 1 Gebog Kudus School
Student management from the expert opinion of (Hendayat and Wasty 1982) is the
regulation of all activities related to students, from the entry of students to the exit of the
student from a school.
For student activities at SMA Negeri 1 Gebog Kudus, there is such a thing as student
waka, there continues to be a student council, as a children's organization at the school
level. For such management, every activity carried out by the student is monitored by the
school, especially by the student so that any activity carried out by the student must be with
the knowledge of the school. Moreover, if in KBM hours or outside the KBM in the
afternoon, everything must be monitored by the school, the activities are coordinated by
the school, supervised by the teacher, whether it is from the student council coach or
extracurricular activities, there is also an extra coach or an extra coach. For all children's
activities to be monitored and reported by the school, no child activities are illegal. Like in
class, there is a homeroom teacher whose job is to coordinate the students, where when
there is an activity or organization through the homeroom teacher first, then in the
classroom an organizational structure is also formed starting from the class leader, and so
School Management At Sma Negeri 1 Gebog Kudus
Vol 2, No 2 February 2023
Johan Sutarjo|
D. Personnel Management at SMAN 1 Gebog Kudus School
Personnel management is planning, organizing, directing, & controlling labor
procurement, development, compensation, integration, maintenance, & termination of
The name is employee, you also teach employees, TU is also an employee there is
also an order, and there are rules that must be obeyed, there are also superiors who always
provide guidance at all times. There must also be something to obey, for example the
presence of the teacher, for a maximum attendance at 7 o'clock, if it is more than 7 o'clock
although not often 1 - 2 minutes late 1 or 2 times it is still reasonable. The personnel relations
themselves and the teachers are well established, everything is communicative and there are
no problems whatsoever. Everything with a sense of family, togetherness, learning from
each other if there is new knowledge that does not know, and can ask questions or exchange
E. Finance at SMAN 1 Gebog Kudus School
Funding Management is funds management, namely the management of own &
external funds obtained from other institutions that have the aim of maximizing profits while
still being able to maintain adequate liquidity & security in conducting.
The management of funding, of course, in public schools, now there are only two BOS
sources of funds and from the BOP, it is clear that the funding is from the government, in
the management of funding it clearly refers to the juknis of the BOS and BOP.
F. Public Relations Management at SMAN 1 Gebog Kudus School
Public relations management is the process of research, planning, implementing, &
evaluating activities in communication that will be supported by the organization. The
public relations management process is carried out by practitioners in public relations
activities. In the opinion of expert Frank Jeffkins, public relations is something that consists
of a form of planned communication, either inward or outward, to achieve a specific goal,
namely a common understanding.
The management of public relations, whose name is the school, cannot be separated
from the surrounding community, the school continues to cooperate with the surrounding
community. Continuing to establish good relations in the surrounding community, in this
gebog area the term is in the edge area (village), in this gebog high school also collaborates
with the community in rahtawu. Another example of working with universities, socialization
about universities when grade 12 wants graduates many who need information about
colleges. On the other hand, it also cooperates with the health department. It also cooperates
with the police, in terms of making mass driver's licenses, and many also cooperates with
other agencies.
G. Infrastructure Management at SMA Negeri 1 Gebog Kudus School
Equipment management is the process of planning, organizing, procurement,
maintaining, removing, & equipment activities. (Soebagio 1992). Educational facilities are
all equipment, materials, & furniture that are directly used in the educational process in
The management of facilities & infrastructure in schools has a budget source, for
advice and its own infrastructure every year in preparing budget planning must still be
Vol 2, No 2 February 2023
School Management At Sma Negeri 1 Gebog Kudus
balanced for the needs of KBM, Sarpras. In planning facilities and infrastructure activities
that should be prioritized for the needs of students, the needs of KBM are also prioritized.
After everything is fulfilled for suggestions and infrastructure in the school, everything may
be labs, classrooms and the whole thing, even the furniture and even the environment in the
school can be said to be good in terms of facilities and infrastructure.
H. Special Service Management at SMA Negeri 1 Gebog Kudus School
Special service management is an activity process that provides a service to the needs
of students to boost learning activities so that educational goals can be realized effectively
& efficiently. The management of special services in schools has basically been made easier
in learning, and can meet the special needs of students in schools. Special services have
been held in schools with the intention of facilitating the implementation of teaching in order
to achieve educational goals in schools.
Special services in schools may be for students who have special needs. For students
who have special needs even though the school is public but the school will be encouraged
if there are students with special needs, and able to study at SMAN 1 Gebog Kudus in
general must be accepted. Incidentally, at SMAN 1 Gebog Kudus there is one student with
special needs, but in a normal mind, but the road is a bit difficult. In that case we help him
provide the closest classroom to the student, providing facilities and infrastructure to the
classroom easily. For example, schools have special facilities, such as wheelchairs, for
children who do have special needs or are needed at that time with things that are urgent.
Based on the results of field observations that have been carried out, it is concluded
that the implementation of school management at SMAN 1 Gebog Kudus has met the good
standards applicable in the government. Viewed several aspects that are used as guidelines
in its implementation that have been appropriate. This is realized through the performance of
professional educators in the KBM process. From students, they have also given positive
feedback on learning that is realized through mastery of theory by students. The output of
obtaining good grades, judging from students who graduated from last year to the present has
relatively increased, & also graduates are ready to work so that they can be directly
distributed to companies, or do not continue to PTN.
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