Johan Sutarjo |
Journal of Social Science
Johan Sutarjo
Universitas Negeri Semarang Indonesia
Learning, Drawing
Nature, Free
04 January 2023
10 January 2023
26 January 2023
Based on the results of research on "Learning to Draw Natural Objects in
the Independent Learning Curriculum at SMPN 2 Semarang" at SMPN 2
Semarang in the 2022/2023 academic year, especially in Semarang City,
they will start conducting a teaching and learning activity which is carried
out offline in line with the rules set by Ministry of Education and Culture of
the Republic of Indonesia. This independent learning curriculum is also
applied to SMP Negeri 2 Semarang for new students in grade 7. This
research is in a field location at SMP Negeri 2 Semarang where the school
is located on Jl. Brigadier General Katamso No. 14, Karangtempel, Kec.
Semarang Tim., Semarang City, Central Java 50242. The location of the
research was determined because this school is one of the best schools in
the city of Semarang. The purpose of this study was specifically formulated:
To find out and explain learning to draw natural objects in the Free Learning
Curriculum at SMPN 2 Semarang, To find out and explain the driving
factors for learning to draw natural objects in the Free Learning Curriculum
at SMPN 2 Semarang, and To find out and explain the factors obstacles to
learning to draw natural objects in the Independent Learning Curriculum at
SMPN 2 Semarang. This research has used a descriptive study, namely
research that has the aim of describing a situation. This research approach
uses a qualitative approach because it examines information, information,
& symptoms from an observation process during this research regarding
"Learning to Draw Natural Objects in the Independent Learning Curriculum
at SMPN 2 Semarang". This research has carried out data collection
techniques in several ways, namely observation, documentation, interviews,
and questionnaires.
Education is one of the most prioritized factors for determining human resources and
for the progress of the country. In an educational process can bring up a new idea or ideas
that are innovative, creative, in dynamics as time goes by. Curriculum development is a tool
that can foster excellence in the world of education, especially schools. A real policy will
be seen through an implementation of the curriculum that is implemented because
"Curriculum is the heart of education" which can directly determine the world of education
this opinion according to (Munandar, 2017). According to Law No. 20 (2003), "The
curriculum is a planning tool in learning that connects to a teaching material, content, &
objectives and methods that can be carried out, and is used as a benchmark in organizing
learning activities to achieve national education goals"(Nasution, 2022).
Volume 2 Number 1, January 2023
p- ISSN 2963-1866- e-ISSN 2963-8909
Vol 2, No 1 January 2023
"The Indonesian state implemented a curriculum that has undergone various reforms
and improvements starting from 1947, 1964, 1968, 1973, 1975,1984, 1994, 1997, 2004,
2006, & 2013 the government also passed the Ministry of National Education which could
change back to K 13, & in 2018 there was a revision to K-13 Revision "this opinion
according to (Adrianto et al., 2021). At this moment a new curriculum is also present,
namely the Independent Curriculum, which can be interpreted as learning design that can
provide opportunities for students to be able to study in comfortable conditions (Rahayu,
Rosita, Rahayuningsih, Hernawan, & Prihantini, 2022).
The Merdeka curriculum is very focused on a matter of freedom and creative thinking.
It becomes a strategy that can be elaborated by the Ministry of Education and Culture in
releasing the Independent Curriculum, namely starting a driving school program (Khusni,
Munadi, & Matin, 2022).
There are those who agree with the view (Ainia, 2020) "The teacher is the first subject
who has an important role that can be expected to be a driving force to take a behavior that
can give good things to students". With the Independent Curriculum, namely rearranging a
National Education system in the State of Indonesia, in the opinion of (Yamin & Syahrir,
2020) "Saying something about that statement in order to be able to support and support an
overhaul and success for our nation so that it can keep pace with the transformation of the
times ”. So with what The Minister of Education, Nadiem Makarim, has said that "Changes
in education cannot be carried out just to carry out an administrative approach, the question
is that we will carry out cultural transformation (Satriawan, Santika, & Naim, 2021).
Agreed with "A theory about the Independent Curriculum has subsequently been
approved reminding that there is a vision and mission of Indonesian State Education going
forward for the formation of human beings who have quality and are able to compete in all
fields, especially life" (Sibagariang, Sihotang, & Murniarti, 2021). With an Independent
Curriculum on which students can rely, they will be able to develop rapidly with their
potential and abilities that they already have because of the Independent Curriculum to find
learning that is critical, competent, expressive, applicable, varied, and progressive.
"Reforming the independent curriculum requires good cooperation, high commitment,
seriousness and application of reality from all parties, so that the learning profile of
Pancasila is in the hearts of students," according to (Amini, 2020).
The driving school program is an attempt to realize the vision of education in the State
of Indonesia by creating a progressive, independent, self-sufficient, and personable
Indonesian State through the creation of students with a Pancasila ideology. The focus on a
driving school program is the growth of an outcome in holistic student learning which
includes a quality of literacy and numeracy and attitude, starting with the presence of human
resources who have superior seeds from an educator and school principal. The Mobilizing
School Program is a change from a previous school development program.
The important core of the Free Learning Curriculum is an independence about learning
for students and educators. Freedom of learning has supported the formation of an attitude
of an independent spirit in which educators and students can broadly and happily learn about
knowledge, character and skills from the environment around us. The Free Learning
Curriculum can support students to learn and develop their personal potential, as well as
Learning To Draw Natural Objects In The Independent
Learning Curriculum At Smpn 2 Semarang
Vol 2, No 1 January 2023
Johan Sutarjo |
form an attitude of empathy for the surrounding environment from which students learn,
encouraging students to have confidence and skills to easily adapt to the surrounding
environment and the demands of education in the 20th century. To 21. The essence of the
Free Learning Curriculum is to advance existing education independent & autonomous both
educators and schools to interpret a KD in a curriculum which is the result of an evaluation
of educators according to the opinion of (Widiyono, Irfana, & Firdausia, 2021) An
application of the independent learning curriculum strategy can support the role of educators
both in terms of developing a curriculum or in a learning process. Furthermore, a source in
learning, where independent learning from a teacher educator or teacher has a role as one,
namely a learner facilitator who can be supported by the competencies mentioned above,
the teacher has realized an implementation & purpose of implementing independent learning
policies according to opinion from Pendi in 2020. One of the problems that arises and
simultaneously can boost the emergence of an independent learning policy is the busyness
of an educator who is trapped in the administration of learning so that the educator becomes
not optimal in implementing learning in the classroom. The climate of an education in the
country of Indonesia has been prepared, so one of the tasks of the educator is to design and
organize the administration of learning that is aligned with the established procedures.
Busyness in fighting for the administration of learning is part of a learning process. It can
be stated (Salimi et al., 2020) that an educator and school have been trapped in procedures
and goals which have made educational administration a matter of main concern not to
blame bureaucratic regulations, accreditation, grades and exams.
This study aims to explain about "Learning to draw natural objects in the Independent
Learning Curriculum at SMPN 2 Semarang". In detail the purpose of this study as follows:
1). To find out and explain learning to draw natural objects in the Independent Learning
Curriculum at SMPN 2 Semarang, 2). To find out and explain the driving factors for learning
to draw natural objects in the Independent Learning Curriculum at SMPN 2 Semarang, and
3). To find out and explain the inhibiting factors in learning to draw natural objects in the
Independent Learning Curriculum at SMPN 2 Semarang.
The benefits of this research, 1). For students, the results in this study will increase
the activity of students in participating in learning to draw natural objects, and increase
students' understanding of the subject matter of cultural arts (fine arts) taught by a teacher,
2). For art teachers, the results in this study will provide empirical information about
Learning to Draw Natural Objects in the Independent Learning Curriculum at SMPN 2
Semarang, 3). For schools the results of a study in this study can increase the professionalism
of an educator in implementing teaching and learning activities in the independent learning
curriculum, and can improve the skills of a teacher in using various types of teaching
methods, and 4). For researchers, the results of this research can add broad insights and
knowledge about Learning to Draw Natural Objects in the Independent Learning
Curriculum at SMPN 2 Semarang.
This study has used a descriptive study, namely research that has the aim of describing
a situation. This research approach uses qualitative because it examines information,
Vol 2, No 1 January 2023
information, & symptoms from the results of the observation process during this study
regarding "Learning to Draw Natural Objects in the Independent Learning Curriculum at
SMPN 2 Semarang".
For another reason, choosing this qualitative research is based on a comparison of
research that has included an implementation of "Learning to Draw Natural Objects in the
Independent Study Curriculum at SMPN 2 Semarang". In this case, it is in line with the
characteristics of qualitative research which include having a natural setting, the researcher
is used as the most priority instrument, has a descriptive nature, the data that has been
collected is in the form of words, prioritizing data directly, participating without interruption
and inductive analysis that can be carried out continuously from the school field.
According to the opinion of an expert named (Sugiyono, 2013), the population, namely
the generalization area, consists of objects that have standard qualifications and certain
characteristics that can be applied by a researcher to be studied, and then a conclusion is
drawn. So the population is not just people, but an object and other natural objects and so on.
The population is not only the total object or subject, but all the characteristics that have been
possessed by the object or subject.
The population is everything from the subject of the research in the opinion of (Ahmad,
Arikunto, Puri, & Martono, 2022) The population is all of the variables that are related to the
problem to be studied according to the opinion of Nursalam. Year 2003. Population, namely
all good values from the results of calculations, both quantitative or otherwise, from a
characteristic that can affect groups of objects so completely and clearly in the opinion of
(Usman, 2006). The population is all individuals who have become the area of research that
will be generalized according to the opinion of I. B. Netra, 1947 p. 10.
According to an expert named (Sugiyono, 2013), the sample is part of the total number
and characteristics possessed by that population. If the population is much larger and a
researcher will not be able to study all of the population, because he has limited time, energy,
and funds, then a researcher can use samples that have been taken from the results of a
representative population.
Samples are parts to be taken from all an object to be studied & can represent all
populations in the opinion of Soekidjo. Year 200 p. 79. Furthermore, the expert opinion from
Issac & Michael obtained from the table determining the total of all samples with a significant
level of 5%, if the population is 25, the sample will be 23 people. Expert opinion from
(Sugiyono, 2013) The sample is part of an existing object taken from all of an object to be
studied and has been able to represent all of its population expert opinion from (Notoatmodjo,
2003) The sample is part or representative of the sample that will later be studied (Ahmad et
al., 2022).
The determination to focus on this research is intended to: (1) limit the results of the
study, and (2) meet the results of the criteria that have been included or have released new
information that can be obtained from the field (Moleong, 1994). The existence of this
determination of focus is very clear, researchers can also make good decision results from
the data that needs to be collected and which other data needs to be separated, even though
the data is attractive but not so relevant by reducing data.
Variables in research are attributes of other people, objects, organizations, or activities
Learning To Draw Natural Objects In The Independent
Learning Curriculum At Smpn 2 Semarang
Vol 2, No 1 January 2023
Johan Sutarjo |
that have certain variations that have been determined by a researcher to be able to study and
then a conclusion will be drawn from an expert opinion from (Sugiyono, 2013). The research
variables consist of several independent variables namely 1). Independent Variables:
Variables that are usually called stimulus, predictor, and antecedent variables. Variables are
variables that can give effect or become a cause of change or the emergence of dependent
variables expert opinion from (Sugiyono, 2013). Variables that can be used in this study,
namely learning to draw natural objects, and 2). Bound Variable: The dependent variable is
a variable that has an influence orwhich becomes a causality, because with the independent
variable expert opinion from (Sugiyono, 2013). The dependent variable that can be carried
out in this study is in terms of purchasing decisions. The purchase decision is a way of
integration that can be done to combine knowledge to evaluate three or more alternative
actions and to sort out one of them expert opinion from (Olson, 2013). The dependent
variable that can be used in this study is: Free Learning Curriculum.
The data collection technique is a process of procuring primary and secondary data in
the form of more accurate data, so that the results in the research will be in accordance with
the objectives that have been set. In other words, data collection has the goal of obtaining
data that has been adjusted for research purposes. There are several techniques that have been
selected for data collection in schools, as follows.
A. Observation
First Observation: In the observation technique that will be carried out in this study
with the aim of obtaining information and data directly from the research site. The
observation technique is an observation that will be carried out intentionally, regularly
overlapping a social event with psychic symptoms for further recording process (Subagyo,
2006). In the opinion of an expert named (Sarwono, 2006) observation activities include
a process of carrying out systematic recording of an event, behavior, & object that can be
seen as well as something else needed to complete this research that will be carried out.
In this study, observations can be made directly. Thus a researcher is an outsider
who can research a process of learning to draw natural objects in the Independent Learning
Curriculum at SMPN 2 Semarang. In other terms, it is a non-participatory researcher,
namely a researcher who is not directly involved or does not participate during the activity
process, a researcher only observes the activity process, (Sukmadinata, n.d.).
B. Interview
Vol 2, No 1 January 2023
Second Interview: A dialogue that can be used by a lawyer to obtain information
from the interviewee (Arikunto, 2010). Therefore, according to Subagyo (2006:39), an
interview is an activity that has been carried out to obtain some information directly by
asking several questions to the respondent. Interviews have meaning if we are face to face
with the interviewer and the respondent, and the activities can be used orally.
The interview is a conversation with a certain meaning, which can be used by both
parties, namely between the interviewer and the interviewee (Moleong, 1994). The purpose
of this interview is to get the construction going on about a seriousness & acknowledgment
of expert opinion from Sonhaji, 1994.
C. Documentation
Third Documentation: Trying to trace data regarding things that can be in the form
of agendas, chairs, minutes of meetings, and others (Ahmad et al., 2022) The techniques
in this documentation will be used to collect information about events that will be recorded
in images that can show evidence of an activity. There are 2 categories of photos that can
be used in qualitative research, namely photos that have been produced by people &
researchers themselves.
This technique is used to obtain secondary data to complement data that has never
been obtained through observation and interview techniques. Primary data is data obtained
directly from a respondent through an interview process, while secondary data is data that
has been collected to help complete the primary data which includes, among other things,
namely, archives and documentation from related agencies.
Learning To Draw Natural Objects In The Independent
Learning Curriculum At Smpn 2 Semarang
Vol 2, No 1 January 2023
Johan Sutarjo |
D. Questionnaire
Fourth Questionnaire: According to the opinion of an expert named (Sugiyono,
2013) a questionnaire is a data collection that can be done by giving a set of written
questions to respondents to answer.
The types of questions in the questionnaire have been divided into 2 parts, namely:
open questionnaire and closed questionnaire. An open question is a question that expects
the respondent to write down the answer in the form of a description of a certain matter.
On the other hand, closed questions are questions that want to expect short, concise, and
clear answers or can expect respondents to choose from one of the alternatives for answers
to each of the available questions. Every questionnaire question that wants to expect an
answer in the form of ratio, interval, nominal, & ordinal data is a form of closed question
(Sugiyono, 2013).
Also in this study, the data that has been collected can be analyzed in a descriptive
way. The data obtained in stages from data collection will then be selected, between data
that meets the criteria or does not match the material from the research. Then the data that
has been aligned is analyzed and neatly arranged into a form in the form of a research
The following is a scheme of qualitative data analysis expressed by the opinion of
an expert named Miles & Huberman (Usman, 2006).
Figure 1
Qualitative Data Analysis Scheme according to Miles and Huberman (Usman, 2006)
The following describes data reduction, data presentation, & conclusion of expert
Vol 2, No 1 January 2023
opinion from Miles & Huberman (in Usman, 2014: 85-88). 1). Simplification: Data reduction
is a form of analysis focusing, classifying, showing, discarding unnecessary, and organizing
data in such a way that final conclusions can be drawn. Data reduction will take place on an
ongoing basis as this research progresses. Then a data collection was carried out which was
completed, all notes from the field that were read, understood, & summarized contacts that
had contents about elaboration in the form of research results on field notes, focusing, and
answers to the problems to be studied, 2). Data Presentation According to expert opinion
named Miles & Huberman (1984) presentation of data intended to find patterns that have
meaning and provide possibilities for verification & action. The presentation of the data in
this study also has the intention of finding meaning from the data that is already owned, then
it will be organized neatly and systemically, from more complex forms of information to
simple but still selective. Because the data that is owned is only a series of words, sentences,
or paragraphs from the words of informants, observations, or in the form of documentation,
presented very well & easy to find and search for about reality, then under the quoted data
unit it will be given a certain label. The 1st 4th digits indicate the number that has the
sequence of notes in the field. The 6th & 7th digits will show the informants in the study. In
the 9th digit, how to get data, for example W means interview. The data collection technique
code consists of 3 types, namely W (interview), P (observation), and D (documentation). The
11th & 12th digits will show the data page code in each transcript, which is on the left of the
notes in the field. The 14th-18th digits, will indicate the data row that was quoted. For
example: CL02.KS.W.05.15-18.CL02 is the second field note, KS is an informant from the
school principal, W is a way to obtain data by conducting interviews, 05 is a page of data, 15
18 are rows of data that have been quoted, and 3).
Conclusion Drawing: Activities in the final qualitative research. The researchers have
arrived at the conclusions and carried out the verification stages, both in terms of meaning
and reality regarding the conclusions that have been agreed upon by the subject where the
research was carried out. The meanings that have been formulated by researchers from data
that have been tested for their correctness, suitability, and strength. The researchers realized
that in looking for a meaning, they had to take an ethnic approach, namely from the point of
view of the informants, and not from the interpretation of the meanings from the views of the
researchers (ethnic approach). The presentation of data, apart from being a result of
reduction/simplification, also needs to be reviewed in a data collection process to ensure that
no important data will be left behind. Likewise, if in drawing conclusions it turns out that
there are several conclusions whose results are still doubtful and cannot be agreed on the
correctness of the true meaning, then it returns to a data collection process. The act of
validating data is very important in verification.
Learning To Draw Natural Objects In The Independent
Learning Curriculum At Smpn 2 Semarang
Vol 2, No 1 January 2023
Johan Sutarjo |
In this study, it was located in a field location at SMP Negeri 2 Semarang, where the
school is located on Jl. Brigadier General Katamso No. 14, Karangtempel, Kec. Semarang
Team., Semarang City, Central Java 50242. The location of the research was determined
because this school is one of the best schools in the city of Semarang, has a special
accelerated program for the first time in Central Java (Central Java) since 2000, Has a high
score with Accreditation of 95 and Accreditation Rating A, and is the best junior high school
in Semarang City based on the average national exam score which ranks at the top compared
to other public junior high schools, namely 90.95.
SMP Negeri 2 Semarang is located in the city and on the edge of the main road. In the
east it is bordered by residents' Karang Ampel village, in the south it is bordered by Jalan
Brigjen Katamso & the "Duta Berlian Motor Suzuki" car showroom, in the west it is bordered
by Jalan Dr Cipto and there are several quite large figures and on the north side there are
several residents' houses as well as there are also small traders and to the north it borders
Jalan Halmahera.
SMP Negeri 2 Semarang is very strategically located because it is not too far from the
city center, located next to the main road and only 3.1 km from the intersection of five
Semarang by taking the route towards Purwodadi. Transportation to SMP Negeri 2 Semarang
is also easy, because many public transportation vehicles use the route to the school. Peace
in teaching and learning activities that are comfortable with the support of adequate learning
facilities between educators and students.
The location of this research, which is very precise, is in the position of the bangkong
intersection / local residents call it "MILO". Locations like this, density, busyness, and the
safety of traffic lights on the highways and pollution from the air that still often occurs around
the school's location is difficult to avoid and can be felt which can interfere with the
concentration of students' learning when teaching and learning activities have started. But
based on an observation by researchers, the situation and environmental conditions at SMPN
2 Semarang look beautiful, there is a ceremonial field that already has paving, and there are
also plants planted with various types of flowers. These efforts are implemented to reduce
the presence of air pollution caused by vehicles.
SMPN 2 Semarang has facilities in the form of facilities & infrastructure in teaching
and learning activities. SMPN 2 Semarang has a very distinctive building with a European
Vol 2, No 1 January 2023
architectural style and has 52 teaching staff consisting of 1 principal, 42 permanent educators,
2 temporary educators, and 7 auxiliary educators. Educators - educators have a duty to
manage learning activities and assist especially the principal in all matters relating to
teaching, student affairs, and community relations.
A. Learning to Draw Natural Objects in the Independent Learning Curriculum at
SMPN 2 Semarang
Learning to draw natural objects in SMPN 2 Semarang schools, some data has been
found, data materials that have been presented by educators to use are based on the Free
Learning Curriculum. Then in the lesson plan, then with the learning process in order to
achieve a goal of learning. The application of learning to draw natural objects at the junior
high school level has been adapted to the Free Learning Curriculum. A tree the most
important main points in the discussion of drawing as well as sub-topics of the discussion
of drawing natural objects. Then, the teaching of theoretical knowledge which is also
interrelated with one another, will be a support for practical activities and can expand the
activities of the students.
The consequences that must be needed in using exercises in making a picture of
objects around the school environment so that students can recognize their environment
well, in conveying a message through images that are so aesthetic to be easily digested by
other people (the public). From an observation process in the form of planning, applying
to the selection of learning media, the writer must consider that educators have a dream
to disseminate their learning materials, an educator must prepare everything, especially in
pre-planning before teaching & choosing learning media that is based on situations and
conditions. which has been synchronized with the student environment. It is in this
observation that the educator concerned must also use methods that are in sync with the
situation and conditions of the classroom, learning resources, existing learning media, and
room facilities for teaching and learning between educators and students.
According to a writer, the learning space is relatively adequate for the application
of learning to draw natural objects, in conditions like this, the freedom for students to
express what can be channeled properly and correctly. For the arrangement of classrooms
that are good enough and the availability of room to move for teaching and learning
activities is quite possible. In the room plan it can be seen that educators have tried to
create a good learning room situation. Tables and chairs are also arranged in such a way
Learning To Draw Natural Objects In The Independent
Learning Curriculum At Smpn 2 Semarang
Vol 2, No 1 January 2023
Johan Sutarjo |
with the aim that educators and students can act freely, both for learning to draw later,
both for theory and practice. This learning activity will also get evaluation or assessment
results both in theory and practice that have been carried out in accordance with the rules
of the components of existing learning, similar to what has been explained in component
theory and the previous learning stages.
B. Driving Factors for Learning to Draw Natural Objects in the Independent Learning
Curriculum at SMPN 2 Semarang
In the process of learning about drawing natural objects at SMPN 2 Semarang,
especially in learning to draw natural objects which have several factors that can support
and support the interests of students which include: Can encourage motivation to learn
from students, because can use the existence of an open natural setting as a means in the
classroom, which will be able to add aspects - aspects of fun and excitement for students.
Educators can also form a learning atmosphere that is fun and enjoyable because they can
explore which will create a learning atmosphere like playing. In a lesson, students use
media in learning that is so concrete and understands the surrounding environment around
them, and during learning a media that are in sync with the actual situation and conditions.
It is easy to follow situations and conditions so that it can potentially enrich the
achievements of students. The atmosphere will be more free, dynamic, comfortable,
relaxed and not boring so that a new perspective will be more developed. It is easier to
draw in detail using an observation that is carried out directly and carefully in the object
because it has no spatial boundaries so that we are free to choose which one to look at,
The space for movement is so wide as a result there is no need to be side by side like in a
classroom, as well as an atmosphere that is not saturated and not related to each other with
an atmosphere that is so formal as a result of the existence of a freedom to express and be
The students in carrying out learning activities to draw natural objects at SMP
Negeri 2 Semarang, students have a good family attitude Among his friends, this kind of
thing can be seen with the view that from the attitude of cooperation they are all to help
each other in terms of drawing natural objects. Then the students have a very high
preference in drawing activities which can be seen from the view of the many students
who have participated in class learning. In addition, this is evidenced by the number of
students who often go to school (do not skip school).
Vol 2, No 1 January 2023
Their interest in participating in learning to draw is because most of them are used
to drawing and the students also have a burning passion because of the self-motivation
that each student has for those who have achieved various achievements in each
competition. competitions that they have participated in themselves so that they get
brilliant achievements that make them proud at the Provincial level/ National. The
motivation of these students is one of the drivers of success in learning to draw natural
objects at SMP Negeri 2 Semarang.
C. Inhibiting Factors in Learning to Draw Natural Objects in the Independent
Learning Curriculum at SMPN 2 Semarang
In the learning process, especially in learning to draw natural objects at SMPN 2
Semarang, there are several inhibiting factors in learning interest students include:
Requires extra attention from educators when in learning, because it uses natural image
media that can make students not focus on one object, Teachers must pay more attention
to student supervision, because the characteristics of students are not in sync, there is an
emphasis on learning but sometimes there are also students who will use their time just
to play, learning pictures of natural objects outside a classroom can get weather, wind,
hot sunlight, or when it rains, it's easier to be disturbed by outsiders or noise, and students
are required to prepare extra equipment and tools in the form of foundations from
drawing paper or plywood.
Apart from the supporting factors for the success of learning to draw natural objects,
there are also constraints in this learning process at SMP Negeri 2 Semarang. From the
observations & interviews obtained, the factors of the constraints that arise from the
factors of the students themselves. Many students initially could not master drawing
media at all. They can draw but not so much detail. Many students are not very good at
drawing so that it lowers students' confidence in drawing natural objects. Here the
teacher's role is needed in guiding students gradually so that they can understand and
finally be able to draw natural objects well.
Based on the results of the research & discussion that has been presented regarding
Learning to Draw Natural Objects in the Independent Learning Curriculum at SMPN 2
Semarang it is concluded that at SMP Negeri 2 Semarang in the 2022/2023 academic year,
Learning To Draw Natural Objects In The Independent
Learning Curriculum At Smpn 2 Semarang
Vol 2, No 1 January 2023
Johan Sutarjo |
especially in Semarang City, they will start conducting an offline teaching and learning
process in line with rules that have been set by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the
Republic of Indonesia. This independent learning curriculum is also applied to SMP Negeri
2 Semarang for new students in grade 7 of junior high school (SMP). The purpose of this
research is specifically formulated: 1). First, learning to draw natural objects in SMPN 2
Semarang schools, some data has been found, data materials that have been presented by
educators to use are based on the Free Learning Curriculum. Then in the lesson plan, it is
followed by a learning implementation process that is useful for achieving a learning goal.
The application of learning to draw natural objects at the junior high school level has been
adapted to the Free Learning Curriculum, 2). Second, the supporting factors include: Can
encourage motivation to learn from students, Educators can also form an enjoyable learning
atmosphere, In a lesson students use a media in learning that is so concrete, It is easy to
follow situations and conditions so that it can potentially enriches achievements, the
atmosphere will be freer, it's easier to do detailed descriptions, the room for movement is so
wide, & the atmosphere doesn't make you bored, and 3). Third, the inhibiting factors include:
Requiring extra attention from educators, Teachers must pay more attention to student
supervision, Learning natural images outside a classroom can get obstacles such as weather,
More easily disturbed by people outside or noise, students are required to prepare equipment
and tools, & many students initially cannot master drawing media at all. In this research,
descriptive research is applied, namely research that aims to describe the situation. The
research approach used is a qualitative approach because it examines symptoms &
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Johan Sutarjo (2023)
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