Aziz Ambara, Melinda Malau |
Journal of Social Science
Aziz Ambara
, Melinda Malau
Universitas Trisakti
, Universitas Kristen Indonesia
Tax planning, audit
quality, capital
13 January 2023
15 January 2023
19 January 2023
This study aims to test tax planning, audit quality, and capital
intensity against company value moderated by independent
commissioners. Purposive sampling method used as a method in
collecting research data and the multiple regression equation model
used as statistical analysis tool. The sample in this study are 29 issuers
on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, especially manufacturing sector
companies whose financial statements have been published for 5
(five) years from 2017 to 2021. Based on the results of this study, it
shows that audit quality has a significant effect on company value, tax
planning has an insignificant effect on company value, capital intensity
does not affect company value, independent commissioners strengthen the
influence between tax planning and audit quality on company value,
while independent commissioners do not strengthen the influence
between capital intensity to the value of the company. This study can
be information for shareholders, management, and interested parties
in understanding and using the services of a big four public accountant
that will affect audit results and can increase company value..
One of the main goals of the company is to increase the wealth of shareholders.
Measurement in the assessment of shareholders' wealth can be done by looking at the
company’s value. The high value of the company reflects the good condition of the company.
This will have a lot of impact on several things including the assessment of outsiders in business
development and for internal parties, namely the assessment of good management
Ningrum (2021) company value information can be seen from the financial statements
published by the company, as a reflection of the company's financial performance. Financial
statements are the end of a process in accounting to provide a complete and reasonable picture
of the actual conditions that occur in the company. Along the way, the conditions described in
the company's financial statements may provide biased information that does not correspond
to the reality that actually occurred. One of the reasons is the existence of several interests in
each individual with the aim that his performance looks good in the eyes of shareholders. This
is in accordance with the theory of agencies, in this theory where the principal and the manager
Volume 2 Number 1, January, 2023
p- ISSN 2963-1866- e-ISSN 2963-8909
Vol 2, No 1 January, 2023
Effect Of Tax Planning, Audit Quality, And Capital
Intensity On Company Value With Independent
Commissioners As Moderation Variables
of the company that is considered an agent have two different interests. The value of the
company can be influenced by tax planning.
Vu et al. (2022) expectations of companies wanting a broad scope in reducing tax liability
through tax planning. Various steps were taken to take advantage of the loopholes in achieving
such actions. Agency and traditional theory are two perspectives to explain the relationship
between tax planning and corporate value. Agency theory argues that tax planning harms the
company value because managers may reduce accounting or tax liability income
Vu & Le (2021) the consequences of tax planning can bring benefits or create costs for
the company. Tax planning is effective when the benefits outweigh the costs. As a result, the
company value increases.
Wijaya (2020) The Indonesian capital market provide positive appreciation to companies
that have been audited with higher quality. High quality of audit is expected to reduce agency
costs, reduce information asymmetry, and increase company value. Companies are encouraged
to use high quality auditors in order to increase company value in the Indonesian capital market.
Alsmairat et al. (2018) companies that have high quality of audit can be able to minimize
audit failures and earning management. If this can be addressed then it could potentially help
reduce agency costs and prevent value reduction diversification motivated by agency conflicts.
(Isaac et al. 2021) knowledge is the main source of competitive advantage and can
increase economic growth and company value. In the field of auditing, the authority is aware
of the need for improved reporting and has thus issued a new standard regarding auditor reports.
While new reports are expected to improve audit reporting and improve audit quality, the move
could also increase audit costs as auditors need to expand their efforts in conducting audits.
High company value reflects the good condition of the company, this condition can
increase investor confidence in the inclusion of capital for the company going concern. Capital
is one of the main factors in increasing the company value. In increasing the company value,
company not only needs policies controlled by the owner and the implementation of planning
from management but must also be supported by adequate capital forces. Capital intensity may
affect the company value. High capital intensity can cause depreciation expenses as well as
high, this can affect the company's earning which causes the company's value to rise or fall.
Alamsah & Adi (2022) capital intensity affects the company value. Capital intensity is
measured using the comparison of fixed assets with total assets, this gives an idea that the
effectiveness of the company in using assets can increase company value. This can happen
because almost all fixed assets are depreciated and depreciation costs are costs that can reduce
income in the calculation of corporate taxes. Thus, the greater the depreciation fee, the smaller
the tax rate that must be paid by the company which has implications for increasing revenue.
Based on POJK number 57/POJK.04/2017, board of commissioners can hold concurrent
positions a) at most two people for other issuers as members of the board of directors or
commissioners, b) at most four people for other issuers as members of the board of
commissioners, if: the board of commissioners does not concurrently serve as a member of the
board, c) a maximum of five people; The board member concerned with the board member or
other board member, as long as it does not meet the provisions of other regulations. If there are
differences with other regulations.
Effect Of Tax Planning, Audit Quality, And Capital
Intensity On Company Value With Independent
Commissioners As Moderation Variables
Vol 2, No 1 January,2023
Aziz Ambara, Melinda Malau |
The purpose of this study is to asses the effect of tax planning, audit quality, and capital
intensity on company value. As well as testing whether independent commissioners can
moderate tax planning, audit quality, and capital intensity to the companies value in
manufacturing companies listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) during the research
This research examines companies listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange with a five-year
period (2017-2021). The object of his research is the enterprises of the subsector of the
consumer goods industry. Research conducted on companies in the consumer goods industry
subsector which is one of the subsectors that have a significant contribution to economic
growth. In addition, the industry in this sector supports people's daily activities. Based on the
above background, the title of this study is "The effect of tax planning, audit quality, and capital
intensity, on company value, with independent commissioners as moderation variables".
This research is a type of quantitative research. The population is a subsector of the
consumer goods industry listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2017-2021 period.
The number of samples was 45 taken using purposive sampling techniques with criteria as
1. The Company publishes audited financial statements using rupiah currency for the period
31 December 2017 31 December 2021.
2. The company did not experience delisting from the stock exchange during the period 31
December 2017 31 December 2021.
3. The company experiences earning before income tax.
A. Company Value
Alamsah & Adi (2022), (VU and LE 2021), (Jihadi et al. 2021), and Abba & Sadah
(2020), Tobins Q was first introduced by Nicholas Kaldor in 1966 which was later in 1968
reintroduced by James Tobin, an American economist who hypothesized that corporate
replacement costs should be equal to the combined market value of companies in the stock
market. Through Tobin's Q, if a ratio of 1 (one) is obtained, the company is valued equally
between the value of the listed company and the company value in the market. If it is below
1 (one), the company is under valued or in the market the company value is below the
recorded value. On the other hand, if it is above 1 (one) then the company is overvalued or
valued higher in the market than the company value. Using market data, of course,
management cannot carry out manipulations, other than trying to increase the value of the
EMV + Total Debt
TQ = ........…………………………………(1)
Total Assets
Information :
TQ : Company Values
Vol 2, No 1 January, 2023
Effect Of Tax Planning, Audit Quality, And Capital
Intensity On Company Value With Independent
Commissioners As Moderation Variables
EMV : Equity Market Value
EMV obtained from the result of multiplying the closing price at year end (closing price) by
the number of shares outstanding at the year end.
B. Tax Planning
Tax planning in is proxied with the effective tax rate which is a comparison of tax
expense minus deffered tax expense divided by taxable earning (Vu & Le, 2021; Siahaan et
al., 2022).
Tax Expense - Deffered Tax Expense
Effective Tax Rate (ETR)= ………(2)
Earning Before Tax
C. Audit Quality
Measurement of audit quality based on research that has been studied by Aca et al.
(2020); Abba & Sadah (2020); (Julius, Malau, and Simanjuntak 2020); (Monametsi and
Agasha 2020), the measure of auditor quality is measured using dummy variables, namely
for the Company's financial statements audited by public accountant in the Big 4
classification (big-four) during the research period given a value of 1 (one) while outside
the classification is given a value of 0 (zero).
Quality of audit = Big Four ………………………………………………….(3)
D. Capital Intensity
Apriyanti & Arifin (2021); Kalbuana et al. (2020) companies with large fixed assets
will charge large depreciations so as to generate small earnings. Small earnings result in a
small corporate tax burden. Thus, the size of fixed assets owned by the company can
increase the potential to carry out acts of tax aggressiveness. The capital intensity ratio (CIR)
proxy is formulated as follows:
Total Fixed Assets
Capital Intensity Ratio (CIR) = ……………………..(4)
Total Assets
E. Independent Commissioner
Apriyanti & Arifin (2021); and Sutiyono, (2022), independent commissioners are part
of the board of commissioners elected through the General Meeting of Shareholders from
parties who do not have a relationship with the board of directors member, members of the
Effect Of Tax Planning, Audit Quality, And Capital
Intensity On Company Value With Independent
Commissioners As Moderation Variables
Vol 2, No 1 January,2023
Aziz Ambara, Melinda Malau |
board of commissioners and general shareholders. Independent commissioners are proxied
as follows:
Number of Independent Commissioner members
Independent Commissioner = ...(5)
Number of the Board of Commissioners members
F. Leverage
The control variable in this study is leverage. Lamba & Atahau (2022) a company that
uses a larger source of debt funds than its own capital can get greater earnings for investors
than a company that uses a smaller source of debt funds. This is because the company will
first prioritize obligations for the expenses it has before distributing to investors. The source
of funds from debt can be used in rotating the company's activities in order to obtain earnings
that can increase the the company value.
Measurement of leverage in the study is based on previous research conducted by
(Sari and Afriansyah 2022); Nadhiyah & Fitria (2021); (Julius, Malau, and Simanjuntak
2020) where leverage in this study is proxied with a debt to equity ratio. Debt to equity ratio
is a ratio used to find out how much part of each amount of capital is used as collateral for
debt. Leverage is calculated by the formula:
Total (debt)
Debt to Equity Ratio = X 100% ………….(6)
There are several ways that can be used to analyze data in a study. The analysis in this
study used descriptive statistics and hypothesis testing. The analysis technique used for
hypothesis testing is multiple regression analysis
G. Descriptive Statistical Testing
(Ghozali 2016) descriptive statistics provide an overview or description of a data seen
from the average value (mean), standard deviation, variance, maximum, minimum, sum,
range, kurtosis, and skewness (distribution scoring). The descriptive statistics used in this
study are the mean, maximum, minimum, standard deviation, and variance values of each
of the variables studied.
H. Regression Equation
The regression equation of company value in this study can be measured as follows:
FV = α - β1.TP + β2.KA + β3.CI β4.KOMIND*TP + β5.KOMIND*KA +
β6.KOMIND*CI + ε …………(7)
FV = Firm Value
Vol 2, No 1 January, 2023
Effect Of Tax Planning, Audit Quality, And Capital
Intensity On Company Value With Independent
Commissioners As Moderation Variables
TP = Tax Planning
KA = Audit Quality
CI = Capital Intensity
KOMIND = Independent Commissioner
ε = Error
Table 1
FV = α - β1.TP + β2.KA + β3.CI – β4.KOMIND*TP + β5.KOMIND*KA +
β6.KOMIND*CI + ε
Normality Test
Durbin-Watson Stat
Adjusted R2
Prob (F-Statistics)
Total Observation
*Significant at the level of 5%
I. Normality Test
The results from table 1 above show that significant data of 0.200 which is above 0.05.
Therefore, the residual value is distributed normally so that the research model is stated to
have met the assumption of normality.
a. Heterochedasticity Test
In this case using the glejser test where the absolute regressing of the error with an
independent variable, it is expected that there are no significant variables. The result of
this test is that the probability value is greater than the significant level (0.05) then it does
not reject H0. It can be concluded that risidual models have met the assumption of
homogeneity / non heterokedasticity.
b. Multicholinearity Test
Table 1 shows that the variables Tax Planning, Audit Quality, Capital Intensity,
Independent Commissioner, Independent Commissioner*Tax Planning, Independent
Commissioner*Audit Quality, Independent Commissioner*Capital Intensity have a VIF
of < 10. Then H0 is accepted, meaning that the variables indicate no symptoms of
colinearity. In other words, the relationship between variables does not have a very strong
correlation with other variables. In other words, it can be concluded that the regression
model used avoids the problem of multicholinearity.
Effect Of Tax Planning, Audit Quality, And Capital
Intensity On Company Value With Independent
Commissioners As Moderation Variables
Vol 2, No 1 January,2023
Aziz Ambara, Melinda Malau |
c. Autocorrelation Test
Durbin-Watson (D-W) autocorrelation test results, from the table above, the D-W
value is 0.887 (D-W number between -2 to +2) which means that there is no regression
model autocorrelation in this study.
J. R & R-Square Test (Coefficient of Determination)
Table 1 shows the adjusted r square values of 0.092 > 0 and close to 1, so the
independent variables provide almost all the information needed to predict the variation of
the dependent variable. While the R value is 0.385
a. F Test
Table 1 shows that the independent variables tested had a significant effect on the
earning quality variables. This can be seen from the calculated F value whose value is
2.659 with a probability level of 0.014 (significance), because the probability is much
smaller than 0.05, the regression model can be used to predict the company value.
b. Tax planning negatively affects the company value
The results of the regression analysis showed that the significance value was 0.0415
and had a beta value of -1.750. When compared to the alpha value of 5%, this significant
value is much smaller (0.0415 < 0.05). The results of this study are in accordance with
research conducted (Le, Vu, and Nguyen 2022), tax planning negatively affects the
company value. The more often the company minimizes the tax burden, the more the
company value will increase. Companies view taxes as a burden that can reduce revenue,
so companies try to be able to pay as little tax as possible by doing tax planning.
c. Audit quality positively affects the company value
The results of the regression analysis showed that the significance value was 0.0025
and had a beta value of -2.882. When compared to the alpha value of 5%, this significant
value is smaller (0.0025 < 0.05). The quality of the audit has an insignificant effect on
the company value. The results of this study are in line with research conducted by (Aca,
Musa, and Garba 2020) audit quality has a negative influence on company value.
Companies that have low audit quality can increase audit failures and will affect the
company value.
K. Capital intensity positively affects the company value
The results of the regression analysis showed that the significance value was 0.2151
and had a beta value of -0.791. When compared to the alpha value of 5%, this significant
value is greater (0.2151 > 0.05). Capital intensity has no effect on the company value. The
results of this study are in line with the research conducted by (Putra and Dondoan 2021).
Capital intensity does not have a significant influence on the company value. This is
because it is possible that the low growth of capital or assets in the company can reduce the
company value so that investors no longer want to invest in the company.
L. Independent commissioner strengthens the effect of tax planning on company value
The Result of the Regression analysis showed that the significance value was 0.0130
and had a beta value of 2.252. When compared to an alpha value of 5%, this significant
value is smaller (0.0130 < 0.05). Independent commissioners reinforce the influence of tax
planning and corporate value. The existence of independent commissioners strengthens
Vol 2, No 1 January, 2023
Effect Of Tax Planning, Audit Quality, And Capital
Intensity On Company Value With Independent
Commissioners As Moderation Variables
supervision of management in carrying out tax planning actions that can affect the company
M. Independent commissioners strengthen the effect of audit quality on company value
The result of the Regression analysis showed that the significance value was 0.0353
and had a beta value of 1.791. When compared to the alpha value of 5%, this significant
value is smaller (0.0353 < 0.05). Independent commissioners strengthen the effect of audit
quality on company value. The existence of independent commissioners makes companies
that are being audited by qualified auditors further increase the company value.
N. Independent commissioners strengthen the effect of capital intensity on company value
The results of the regression analysis showed that the significance value was 0.7530
and had a beta value of 1.424. When compared to the alpha value of 5%, this significant
value is greater (0.7530 > 0.05). Independent commissioners do not reinforce the effect of
capital intensity on company value. This is because investors can see and analyze directly
the assets of the company through the company's audited financial statements.
Based on the results of the analysis and discussion that have been described, several
conclusions can be drawn as follows: Tax planning negatively affects the company value The
company views taxes as a burden that can reduce revenue, so the company tries to be able to
pay the smallest possible tax by doing tax planning. Audit quality has an insignificant effect
on the company value Companies that have low audit quality can increase audit failures and
will affect the company value. Capital intensity does not have a positive effect on the
company value The existence of low capital or asset growth in the company can reduce the
company value so that investors no longer want to invest in companies. Independent
commissioners strengthen the effect of tax planning on company value The existence of
independent commissioners strengthens supervision of management in carrying out tax
planning actions that can affect company value. Independent commissioners strengthen the
influence of audit quality on company value The existence of independent commissioners
makes companies that are being audited by qualified auditors further increase company
value. Independent commissioners do not strengthen the effect of capital intensity on the
company value Investors look at and analyze directly the assets of the company through the
company's audited financial statements.
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Aziz Ambara, Melinda Malau (2023)
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JoSS - Journal of Social Science
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