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Journal of Social Science
Wawan Kurniawan
Universitas YPIB Majalengka Indonesia
Social nursing,
Health, and
Keperawatan sosial,
Kesehatan, dan
01 December 2022
04 December 2022
05 December 2022
Health has an important role in carrying out daily activities comfortably
and safely. Without health, life becomes less effective and efficient
because whatever is done to humans depends on their level of health. One
way that is considered capable of improving public health is through
social nursing that goes directly to the community. Therefore, researchers
want to carry out research on the role of social nursing in improving
public health. The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not
the role of social nursing in improving public health. The research method
used is descriptive qualitative with data collection through interviews,
observations, and documentation to 50 respondents in city X. The results
show that social nursing has a fairly large role, namely 70% in improving
public health with various programs it does such as waste management,
re-functioning water sewers, conducting weekly mutual assistance, clean
food awareness movements, self-care awareness movements, and literacy
awareness movements.
Kesehatan memiliki peran penting dalam melaksanan aktivitas sehari-hari
dengan nyaman dan aman. Tanpa adanya kesehatan maka kehidupan
menjadi kurang efektif dan efisien karena apapun yang dilakukan pada
manusia bergantung pada tingkat kesehatannya. Salah satu cara yang
dianggap mampu untuk meningkatkan kesehatan masyarakat adalah
melalui keperawatan sosial yang langsung terjun ke masyarakat. Maka
dari itu, peneliti ingin melaksanakan penelitian mengenai peran
keperawatan sosial dalam meningkatkan kesehatan masyarakat. Tujuan
dari penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui mengenai ada atau tidaknya
peran keperawatan sosial dalam meningkatkan kesehatan masyarakat.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah kualitatif deskriptif dengan
pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, obsevasi, dan dokumentasi kepada
50 responden di kota X. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa
keperawatan sosial memiliki peran yang cukup besar yakni70% dalam
meningkatkan kesehatan masyarakat dengan beragam program yang
dilakukannya seperti pengelolaan sampah, memfungsikan kembali
selokan air, melakukan gotong royong mingguan, gerakan sadar makanan
bersih, gerakan sadar merawat diri, dan gerakan sadar literasi.
Public health is an important aspect that must be considered (Pratiwi, Pratiwi,
Prastyoningsih, & Suryani, 2021) every country. A healthy society will certainly help the
Volume 1 Number 4, December, 2022
p- ISSN 2963-1866- e-ISSN 2963-8909
Vol 1, No 4 December, 2022
The Role Of Social Nursing In Improving Public Health
country achieve its goals, including Indonesia, where the nation's ideals are contained in the
opening of the fourth paragraph of the 1945 Law (Lisbet, 2016).
Unhealthy society through the rapid spread of disease, has a negative impact on the
country in various sectors, both educational, social, economic and even political. This was
proven when the Indonesian state was exposed to the covid-19 virus where many people fell
ill and even died so the government made various policies to break the chain of covid-19 which
started from Wuhan China in 2019 (Nasution & Hidayah, 2021) (Susilo et al., 2020) late and
entered Indonesia in early 2020 (Rofiuddin, 2022).
This incident provides evidence that a healthy society will have an impact on the health
of the country (Abror & Damayanti, 2021) (Junaedi & Salistia, 2020). Improving public health
can be done through various things on the basis of community awareness itself, such as
consuming healthy and nutritious food, taking enough rest and exercising to organize oneself
to continue to think positively and so on.
Unfortunately, the results of observations show that in Kota X there are still some people
or residents who have not paid attention to aspects of personal health. Such as consuming
unhygienic food, defecating and urinating in an inappropriate place and so on which has an
impact on a dirty, environment and many diseases.
This is certainly homework for social activists to continue to proclaim the importance of
health and cleanliness so as to create a healthy society. One social activist who is considered
to have an important role is social nursing. Social nursing is often also referred to as a social
worker (Astri, 2013). A social nurse or social worker is someone who has a variety of skills or
abilities in social work where this ability is obtained in various ways such as education or
training and is proven by the certificates they have (Fahrezi, Wibowo, Irfan, & Humaedi, 2020).
This certificate is proof that the person has competence in dealing with various social
problems. Of course, those who have a social nursing certificate should not be spectators while
standing idly by when they see people who are not yet at a good health level. Therefore, based
on the explanation above, the researcher wants to find out more about "The Role of Social
Nursing in Improving Public Health". The aim is to obtain information on whether or not there
is a role for social nursing in improving public health in city X. The researcher hopes that the
results of this study can become a source of reference or thought for social nurses, the
government or even researchers in the future.
The type of method used in this research is descriptive qualitative with data collection
techniques through observation, documentation and interviews with 50 respondents in city
X. suffering from digestive or other ailments. After the data is obtained, it will be processed
or analyzed to find out the results of the research.
Social nursing is a science that is starting to develop and is in demand by many people
(Fahmi, 2018).One of the things that can be done by social nursing is to help people to
achieve a more decent life, including in public health.
A healthy society is a dream for every country. Because with a healthy society, the
The Role Of Social Nursing In Improving Public Health
Vol 1, No 4 December,2022
Wawan Kurniawan | http://joss.al-makkipublisher.com/index.php/js
country becomes healthier. Nevertheless, the results of observations in city X show that the
environment is not clean and causes many diseases. This is according to the data below.
Table 1
Disease data that are often experienced by the people of city X before the social nursing
team carries out its role
Number of
Digestive tract
The data above shows that 10% of residents are healthy while the other 90% suffer from
diseases of the digestive and respiratory tract which are quite common in infecting the
community (Nasution & Hidayah, 2021). As stated by TH that he often experienced diarrhea
and also the flu while living in the neighborhood. In addition, YK also stated that he was often
dehydrated to the point that he had to be hospitalized due to non-stop vomiting. This shows
that the community environment of city X has not yet entered the healthy category.
Garbage is scattered everywhere, the gutters don't function properly, so when it rains it's
not uncommon for a lot of stagnant water. Such an environment certainly gives a feeling of
discomfort. In fact, all humans certainly hope to live in a comfortable environment (Abraham
& Ariffin, 2021). As stated by VN, he actually feels uncomfortable with his environment and
causes many diseases, but what can he do because this is the only treasure he really has.
After this problem was handled by the social nursing team, where they carried out their
role in forming a healthier community, it was proven that the environment in City X was
healthier. Some of the programs that are the focus of the social nursing team in city X are:
1. Good waste management
Garbage is leftover items that are no longer used (Elamin, 2018). Accumulated
garbage can cause many diseases because it becomes a breeding ground for mosquitoes and
various types of bacteria as well as viruses and other germs.
The social nursing team provides counseling on how to manage waste properly
starting from separating organic and inorganic waste and how to manage organic and
inorganic waste so that it becomes a product that has sales value. This is as done by TK as
one of the social nursing teams in city X, he stated that inorganic waste management is
carried out to shape community creativity which is expected to be able to increase income
and become a potential source of money. On the other hand, ZJ, a resident of City X,
admitted that with disciplined waste management, the environment became clean and
healthy. He was also happy because he had additional skills.
2. Reactivate the water ditch
Ditches are waterways (Afianto, Pradana, Prayogo, Lestari, & Huda, 2017) to prevent
flooding and also to keep the environment clean and tidy. The social nursing team invites
residents to have awareness in caring for their environment such as ditches so that flooding
Vol 1, No 4 December, 2022
The Role Of Social Nursing In Improving Public Health
does not occur because the ditches carry out their functions properly. Ditches full of garbage
are then cleaned, then the waste is collected at the waste management post provided.
With this, the gutters are clean, when the gutters are clean the residents are happy
because when it rains there are no more floods. As expressed by Okeh TW, he likes to clean
the gutters and now residents are reminding each other to dispose of trash in its place.
3. Carry out weekly mutual cooperation
Gotong-royong is one of the cultures in Indonesia (Derung, 2019). With mutual
cooperation, work becomes lighter (Oktaviyani & Sukmayadi, 2020).The social care team
invites the residents of City X to be disciplined in working together every week or once a
week to clean up the environment so that it remains neat, beautiful and clean. At first this
activity was quite difficult to do because there were some residents who did not want to
work together, but this problem became lighter when fellow residents reminded each other
with firm sentences and did not offend other residents. The implementation of weekly
mutual cooperation is currently running in an orderly manner compared to when there was
no social institution team.
4. Clean food awareness movement
Food is a primary need for every living thing. Food can be a source of energy and can
also be a source of disease because it does not pay attention to cleanliness when handling
food (Andriyani, 2019).
Clean food certainly has a positive effect on the body, whereas dirty alley food can
have a negative impact on the body. One of the efforts made by the social nursing team
regarding clean food is to provide information on the importance of clean food for the body
both in the short and long term so that people have awareness to take care of their bodies.
5. Self-care conscious movement
Caring for oneself is an obligation and responsibility of every individual
(Rahmayanty, Wahyuni, & Fridani, 2021). Diligent bathing 2 times a day, brushing your
teeth, wearing clean clothes and so on are some ways to take care of yourself so you can
avoid various diseases such as itching, exposure to viruses, germs, and so on.
A conscious movement to care for oneself is carried out by social nursing by providing
an overview of the importance of caring for oneself. The brand uses an analogy that makes
sense and is easy to understand so that this awareness is slowly being understood by the
6. Literacy conscious movement
Literacy is an important thing for humans. Without being literate, a society will be left
behind from renewable information. Especially in the era of digitalization where technology
is developing rapidly as well as knowledge that is increasingly broad, people should have
literacy awareness by reading books or fighting hoaxes through their knowledge and logic
(Fitriani, 2020).
The literacy movement carried out by the social nursing team is by giving seminars,
inviting residents and children to love reading books, and so on. TY, one of the residents,
said that by frequently reading, his insights broadened so that in solving problems more
quickly and accurately, he was no longer in a hurry with emotions that actually destroyed
the bonds of siblings.
By carrying out the various programs above, it can be seen that people are becoming
healthier because the environment is cleaner. The social nursing team gave instructions if
there were residents who were sick, first aid was immediately given. However, if it doesn't
The Role Of Social Nursing In Improving Public Health
Vol 1, No 4 December,2022
Wawan Kurniawan | http://joss.al-makkipublisher.com/index.php/js
go away, you should immediately take it to the nearest health center or hospital so that it
can be treated properly. Data regarding the role of social nursing in improving public health
can be seen in the following data:
Table 2
Data before and after the social nursing team carried out its role
Number of
Number of
Digestive tract
Respiratory tract
Healthy Citizens
The data above shows that healthy people change from 10% to 80% with this, social
nursing plays a role in improving public health by 70%. After further research on residents
who still suffer from various diseases, it turns out that they have not implemented optimal
awareness of healthy living and also have long-standing comorbid diseases.
Based on the explanation above, social nursing has an important role in improving
public health. Therefore, social nursing graduates should be able to utilize their knowledge
for the survival of a healthy society so that their welfare will also increase.
Social nursing has an important role in improving public health so that citizens are
healthy and ready to compete in the national and even international spheres. With a healthy
community, they can develop their potential to the maximum.
Health is the basis for living a comfortable life. Research data shows that social nursing
provides a role of 70% in improving public health through various programs such as waste
management, re-functioning of water ditches, conducting weekly mutual cooperation, clean
food awareness movement, self-care awareness movement, and literacy awareness movement.
Therefore the researchers hope that all graduates or people who are certified in social
nursing will try to share their knowledge in caring for people in various aspects including
health. Researchers also hope that the results of this study can contribute ideas for all readers
to have awareness in improving health as well as a reference for future policy makers and
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Wawan Kurniawan (2022)
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