Ardi Pramono, Yossy Budi Setiawan, Akhmad Syaiful Fatah Husain,
Silvia Rakhmadani|
JoSS :
Journal of Social Science
Ardi Pramono
, Yossy Budi Setiawan
, Akhmad Syaiful Fatah Husain
Silvia Rakhmadani
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Indonesia
Parkinson, general
anesthesia, regional
Parkinson, anestesi
umum, anestesi
01 December 2022
04 December 2022
05 December 2022
Parkinson's disease is a degenerative disease of the central nervous system,
which occurs in 1% of the population over 60 years of age. This disease is
caused by the loss of dopaminergic nerve fibers in the basal ganglia of the
brain due to an immune response. Parkinsonism is the name given to a
clinical syndrome consisting of disorders of voluntary movement
(hypokinesia), stiffness, and tremors. The typical pathological picture is the
destruction of nerve cells containing dopamine in the substantia nigra of the
basal ganglia. The selection of anesthetic techniques in patients with
Parkinson's disease plays an important role in minimizing complications and
patient morbidity and mortality. Anesthetic concerns in patients with
Parkinson's disease are the presence or absence of interactions with anti-
Parkinson's drugs that the patient is taking, decreased organ function due to
old age, such as decreased cardiovascular, respiratory, and autonomic nerve
function. In this case, the patient with Parkinson's disease will undergo
repositioning of the left femoral head due to the dislocation. We chose
regional anesthesia because it has several advantages over general
anesthesia. The results during and after surgery were good, there were no
complications and the patient returned to the room.
Penyakit Parkinson adalah penyakit degeneratif pada sistem saraf pusat,
yang terjadi pada 1% populasi di atas usia 60 tahun. Penyakit ini disebabkan
oleh hilangnya serabut saraf dopaminergik di basal ganglia otak akibat
respon imun. Parkinsonisme adalah nama yang diberikan untuk sindrom
klinis yang terdiri dari gangguan gerakan sukarela (hypokinesia), kekakuan,
dan tremor. Gambaran patologis yang khas adalah penghancuran sel saraf
yang mengandung dopamin di substansia nigra ganglia basal. Pemilihan
teknik anestesi pada pasien penyakit Parkinson berperan penting dalam
meminimalkan komplikasi serta morbiditas dan mortalitas pasien.
Kekhawatiran anestesi pada pasien dengan penyakit Parkinson adalah ada
tidaknya interaksi dengan obat anti Parkinson yang dikonsumsi pasien,
penurunan fungsi organ karena usia tua, seperti penurunan fungsi
kardiovaskular, pernapasan, dan saraf otonom. Dalam hal ini, penderita
penyakit Parkinson akan mengalami reposisi kepala femoralis kiri akibat
dislokasi. Kami memilih anestesi regional karena memiliki beberapa
keunggulan dibandingkan anestesi umum. Hasil selama dan setelah operasi
baik, tidak ada komplikasi dan pasien kembali ke ruangan.
Volume 1 Number 4, December, 2022
p- ISSN 2963-1866- e-ISSN 2963-8909
Vol 1, No 4 December, 2022
Regional Anesthesia In Patients With Parkinson's Disease
Parkinson's disease is a degenerative disease of the central nervous system caused by loss
of dopaminergic nerve fibers in the basal ganglia. This disease generally occurs in old age
(geriatrics) (Roberts & Lewis, 2018), and about 1% is present in the population over 60 years
of age (Shaikh & Verma, 2011). Parkinsonism is the name given to a clinical syndrome
consisting of disorders of voluntary movement (hypokinesia), stiffness, and tremors. The
typical pathological picture is the destruction of nerve cells containing dopamine in the
substantia nigra of the basal ganglia (Nicholson, Pereira, & Hall, 2002). Patients with
Parkinson's diasease can also experience intellectual disorders such as dementia with a variety
of complex causes (Cummings, 1988).
Parkinson's disease is usually treated with dopamine preparations, so the use of anesthetic
agents should consider the interaction with the action of dopamine (Bhidayasiri et al., 2015).
General anesthetic techniques are widely used in patients with Parkinson's, but these techniques
can mask Parkinson's attacks during surgery (Oğuz, Öztürk, Özkan, Ergil, & Aydın, 2014)
(Muravchick & Smith, 1995) even the use of anesthetic gas can trigger the appearance of
Parkinson's symptoms (Mastrangelo, Comiati, & Zamprogno, 2013). In this paper, we will
describe the technique of regional anesthesia or spinal anesthesia that is rarely used in patients
with Parkinson's disease.
In this case, a 62-year-old male patient was confronted by the PKU Muhammadiyah
Gamping Hospital, Jogjakarta with complaints of left back pain and difficulty moving after
falling out of bed. Approximately 1 month ago, AMP was performed on the left femur. The
patient was diagnosed by the surgeon with post AMP left femoral head dislocation and will be
repositioned. The patient is consulted to an anesthetist for anesthesia. From the history, we
obtained a history of Parkinson's disease since 2 years ago, and received routine treatment in
the form of levodopa 100 mg 2x1 tablet, trihexyphenidyl 2 mg 2x1 tablet. Examination of vital
signs in the form of blood pressure 137/88 mmHg, pulse 80x/minute regularly, respiratory rate
22x/minute, with normal breathing sounds. The examination of the abdomen was normal, the
limbs acral were warm, and there was tremor in both hands. The results of routine blood tests
were normal, blood sugar levels were normal. The anesthetic diagnosis of ASA 2 due to
Parkinson's disease on medication. Anesthesia is performed using a regional spinal anesthetic
technique, using bupivacaine 0.5% as much as 4 ml or 20 mg which is injected into the 3-4
lumbar vertebrae subarachnoid space. The drug dose for spinal anesthesia is bupivacaine
hydrochloride 10-20 mg. Hemodynamics is normal during the operation until the end of the
procedure and there was no flare up. The operation lasts about 30 minutes, and the patient
returns to the room.
Parkinson's disease is caused by reduced dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra
basal ganglia, which function to control conscious movement and mood regulation
(Klockgether, 2004). The reduction of these dopaminergic neurons can be due to the response
of the inflammatory process to anesthesia and the response to surgery (Hwang, Joo, & Joo,
2020). In Parkinson's disease, dopamine deficiency causes an imbalance in the dopamine:
Regional Anesthesia In Patients With Parkinson's Disease
Vol 1, No 4 December,2022
acetylcholine ratio, which aggravates the symptoms of Parkinson's disease. Dopamine
deficiency can be caused by increased activity of the nucleus inhibitor in the basal ganglia,
which causes pressure on the cortical motor system, resulting in akinesia, rigidity, and tremor
(Triarhou, 2013).
In patients with Parkinson's who will undergo surgery and anesthesia, anesthetists need
to pay attention to the administration of anti-Parkinson's drugs in the perioperative period,
the possibility of adverse interactions of anesthetic drugs with anti-Parkinson's drugs, and the
possibility of systemic complications such as aspiration pneumonitis, respiration depression,
myocardial depression, and postural hypotension (Triarhou, 2013).
The choice of anesthetic technique to be administered depends on the need for the
surgery or surgical procedure, the anesthesiologist's ability, the patient's consent, the patient's
condition, and risk factors. Some of the advantages of using regional or spinal anesthesia in
patients with Parkinson’s disease are: (Shaikh & Verma, 2011) (Nicholson et al., 2002).
The patient is still conscious so that he can convey the complaints he feels during surgery,
so it can be given appropriate and fast treatment.
Myopotential events, which are an early sign of an intra-operative Parkinson's
exacerbation, can be recognized immediately, because spinal anesthesia does not use
muscle relaxants that can mask myopotential events.
Routine oral therapy for anticholinergic drugs / levodopa can be given before, during, or
after surgery is over.
Can avoid the use of inhalation anesthetics in combination with intravenous opioids that
can trigger Parkinson's disease symptoms.
The use of regional anesthesia can facilitate postoperative pain management and suppress
the stress response.
Coughing and swallowing reflexes in patients are maintained, thereby reducing the risk
of lung infection before and after surgery, due to difficulty removing lung secrets when
performed under general anesthesia.
In regional anesthesia, the incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) is less
common, so it does not hinder the administration of postoperative Parkinson's therapy.
Although there are advantages using regional anesthesia compared to general
anesthesia, there are several disadvantages, namely: (Shaikh & Verma, 2011) (Nicholson et
al., 2002).
Patients with Parkinson's disease are difficult to position.
Tremors and rigidity cannot be relieved by regional anesthesia, which can interfere and
complicate the work of the monitoring equipment.
The patient is conscious of frequent movements that can interfere with surgical
In the procedure under general anesthesia, it is necessary to anticipate the possibility
of difficulty in the airway, hypersensitivity reactions, and aspiration of secretions that arise
due to the administration of general anesthetic agents. The use of postoperative mechanical
ventilation also needs to be prepared. The use of fentanyl, an opioid analgesic agent, needs
to be considered, because it can cause rigidity and even postoperative confusion and
hallucinations (Shaikh & Verma, 2011).
Vol 1, No 4 December, 2022
Regional Anesthesia In Patients With Parkinson's Disease
In this case, the use of regional anesthesia found no complications or obstacles before,
during, and after surgery. The patient was still continuing levodopa therapy so that there were
no Parkinson's symptoms. This result is in accordance with the research of (Hani et al., 2020)
which shows that Parkinson's patients who are given spinal anesthesia have fewer
complications than general anesthesia (Hani et al., 2020). The case carried out by (Holyachi,
KaRajagi, & BiRadaR, 2013) in a Parkinson's patient who underwent a laparotomy, also
showed safe results using regional anesthetic techniques (Holyachi et al., 2013). Spinal
anesthesia is a fairly safe regional anesthetic for patients with Parkinson's (Triarhou, 2013)
(Ward, 2018).
The choice of regional anesthesia in this case is appropriate because it has several
advantages over general anesthesia. During surgery and after surgery there were no
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Copyright holder:
Ardi Pramono, Yossy Budi Setiawan, Akhmad Syaiful Fatah Husain,
Silvia Rakhmadani (2022)
First publication right:
JoSS - Journal of Social Science
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