Lulu Syarifatul Munawaroh, Ima Rismayanti, Siti Sahronih, Mochamad Guntur |
JoSS :
Journal of Social Science
Lulu Syarifatul Munawaroh
, Ima Rismayanti
, Siti Sahronih
, Mochamad Guntur
Invada Institute of Education and Languages Cirebon, Indonesia
the impact of the
COVID-19 pandemic,
online learning,
elementary school
8 September 2022
9 September 2022
12 September 2022
This study aims to analyze online learning at home for elementary school
students the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. The research uses a literature
study method, where in collecting data information with documentation
techniques, namely looking for data on relevant matters from various
sources in the library such as documents, books, magazines, news and
journals. The criteria for the sources chosen were discussions about the
impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and online learning in elementary schools.
From the sources obtained, the most relevant are then selected. The results
in the study show that there are many impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on
online learning in elementary schools. This can be seen from the results of
the data obtained showing that due to the Covid-19 pandemic it has an
impact on students, parents, and teachers but can be carried out quite well if
there is cooperation between teachers, students, and parents while studying
at home.
The whole world is currently experiencing the outbreak of the coronavirus. (Yurianto
& Bambang Wibowo, 2020)Coronavirus itself is a virus that causes illness ranging from mild
to severe symptoms. There are two types of coronaviruses that are known to cause illness
that can cause severe symptoms.(Wicaksono & Rachmadyanti, 2017)Coronavirus Diseases
2019 (Covid-19) is a new type of disease that has never been previously identified in humans.
Common signs and symptoms of Covid-19 infection include symptoms of acute respiratory
distress such as fever, cough, and shortness of breath.(Yani, n.d.)The average incubation
period is 5-6 days with the longest incubation period being 14 days.(Sobron & Bayu,
2019)On January 30, 2020, WHO has declared it a public health emergency of concern to
the world.(Purwanto et al., 2020)On March 2, 2020, Indonesia reported 2 confirmed cases of
Covid-19. As of March 16, 2020 there were 10 people who were declared positive for the
corona virus . The current Covid-19 virus in Indonesia has an impact on the entire
community.According to kompas, 28/03/2020 the impact of the Covid-19 virus occurred in
various fields such as social, economic, tourism and education. (Sakdiah & Fatmi,
2021)Circular (SE) issued by the government on March 18, 2020, all indoor and outdoor
activities in all sectors are temporarily postponed in order to reduce the spread of corona,
especially in the education sector. (Fatimah, Chan, & Sofwan, 2021)On March 24, 2020, the
Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia issued Circular Letter
Number 4 of 2020 concerning the Implementation of Education Policies in the Emergency
Period for the Spread of Covid, in the Circular it was explained that the learning process was
Vol 1 No 1, September,2022
p- ISSN 2963-1866- e-ISSN 2963-8909
Vol 1, No 1 September,2022
Analysis of the impact of the covid-19 pandemic
on online learning in elementary school
carried out at home through online/distance learning to provide a learning experience.
(Isbaniah, Saputro, Sitompul, Manalu, & Setyawaty, 2020)meaningful to students.Studying
at home can be focused on life skills education, including regarding the Covid-19
pandemic.(Dewi, 2020)Learning carried out in elementary schools also uses online/distance
learning through parental guidance. With online learning, students have the flexibility of
learning time, can study anytime and anywhere.(Efendi et al., n.d.)Students can interact with
teachers using several applications such as classroom, video conference, telephone or live
chat, zoom or via whatsapp group. (Dewi, 2020)This learning is an educational innovation
to answer the challenge of the availability of diverse learning resources.The success of a
model or learning media depends on the characteristics of the students. As revealed by
Nakayama, all the literature on e-learning indicates that not all students will be successful in
online learning. This is due to the factors of the learning environment and the characteristics
of students. The purpose of this study was to analyze the impact of Covid-19 on online
learning in elementary schools. Can online learning in elementary schools be carried out
properly and effectively?
This research uses library research. Library research is a research that is used to collect
information and data with the help of various materials in the library such as documents,
books, magazines, historical stories, news, and so on. Meanwhile, according to experts,
library research is a theoretical study, references and other scientific literature related to
culture, values and norms that develop in the social situation under study(Mouratidis &
Poortinga, 2020). In this study, data collection was obtained from news and articles in online
journals(Bruning, Alge, & Lin, 2020).The research technique used is documentation, looking
for data about things or variables in the form of notes, books, papers, scientific articles,
journals and news. (Arikunto, 2010). Researchers searched for articles from Google Scholar
using the keywords "Impact of Covid-19" and "Online Learning". From several sources, the
most relevant were selected and 5 articles and 2 news items were selected.This study uses
trigulation of data sources. Data analysis was carried out in 4 stages, namely:
1. data collection
2. data reduction
3. data display
4. conclusion
The spread of the corona virus initially had a major impact on the world's economy,
which began to sluggish, but now the impact is also being felt by the world of education. The
policies taken by many countries including Indonesia by closing all educational activities, make
the government and related institutions have to present alternative educational processes for
students and students who cannot carry out the educational process at educational institutions.
With the emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic, teaching and learning activities that were
originally carried out in schools have now become learning at home via online. Online learning
is carried out according to the abilities of each school.Online learning can use digital technology
such as google classroom, study house, zoom, video conference, telephone or live chat and
others. But what must be done is to give assignments through monitoring mentoring by teachers
through whatsapp groups so that children really learn. Then teachers also work from home in
coordination with parents, either through video calls or photos of children's learning activities
Analysis of the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on online
learning in elementary school
Vol 1, No 1 September,2022
Lulu Syarifatul Munawaroh, Ima Rismayanti, Siti Sahronih, Mochamad Guntur |
at home to ensure there is interaction between teachers and parents.
According to Vicky and Putri (Wicaksono & Rachmadyanti, 2016) The implementation
of google classroom in elementary schools without neglecting conventional learning is
comfortable and active in constructing knowledge. The survey conducted by Lenny N Rosalin,
Deputy Minister of PPPA for Child Development, also shows children's expectations about
the home study program. Children who took the survey from 29 provinces hoped that schools
would not give too many assignments and that two-way communication between teachers and
students would be more effective. (Ade Nasihudin Al Ansori, 2020).According to Heru
Purnomo, in the minds of the people, distance learning network media with the application of
the online assignment method for students via WhatsApp groups is considered effective in an
emergency situation due to the corona virus as it is today. Many teachers implement various
ways of learning at home, from the differences in learning the basis is still online learning.
Some use the concept of online lectures, some continue to teach in class as usual but are
videotaped and then sent to the student's WhatsApp application, some are taking advantage of
free content from various sources. (Ashari, 2020) .Research by Sobron, et al.(2019) "Students'
Perceptions in the Study of the Effect of Online Learning on Interest in Science Learning",
Online learning-based learning shows categorization agrees. This is shown after participating
in online learning-based learning, the students are more enthusiastic about participating in
learning, especially in science learning and the students do not feel bored when learning takes
place.Some schools that have not been able to organize online learning can develop teacher
creativity to utilize alternative learning media while students study at home. They can use
existing learning resources, namely student books in accordance with the themes taught
according to a previously made schedule. Online learning-based learning shows the
categorization agrees.Research by Dewi Fatimah with the title "Analysis of the Implementation
of Online Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic In Elementary Schools" The results of
this study illustrate that the implementation of online learning at Sd it Ahmad Dahlan, precisely
in class V A, has been carried out quite well, students and teachers have had adequate facilities.
the basic facilities needed, it describes the readiness for the implementation of online learning.
In the implementation of online learning the teacher has carried out lesson plans and has carried
out learning well, namely using learning media, strategies, methods and learning approaches
that are tailored to students. Online learning has flexibility in its implementation and is able to
encourage teachers to be more creative in teaching, besides that students are required to be
more independent and motivated to be more active in learning. However, online learning has
obstacles in its implementation, unstable network conditions and difficulties for students to
understand learning materials are challenges in online learning.Research by Briliannur Dwi C
with the title "Analysis of the Effectiveness of Online Learning in the Time of the Covid-19
Pandemic". The results of this study are the ineffectiveness of online learning due to the lack
of facilities and infrastructure which are influenced by economic factors and the
unpreparedness of technology education.Research by Maulana Muhammad with the title
"Analysis of Online Learning Processes during the Covid-19 Pandemic for Muhammadiyah
Elementary School Teachers in Surabaya City" Based on the results of research through filling
out questionnaires through google forms and interviews, the general result is that online
learning makes children quickly bored or bored, because there are tools and understanding of
online learning that is not yet fully implemented. There are several factors that support online
learning to run well, including the availability of mobile phones, internet connections, and
parental support. The inhibiting factors that make online learning less run optimally are not all
children have cellphones, as well as the willingness of parents to provide assistance because
they are busy working.Research by Nawang Galuh Safitri with the title "Impact of the Covid-
Vol 1, No 1 September,2022
Analysis of the impact of the covid-19 pandemic
on online learning in elementary school
19 Pandemic on the Implementation of Online Learning in Elementary Schools"According to
Agus, et al in their research entitled "Explorative Study of the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic
On The Online Learning Process In Elementary Schools," The Impact Of Covid-19 on the
online learning process in elementary schools has an impact on students, parents and teachers
themselves. The results of this study are that there are several obstacles experienced by
students, teachers and parents in online teaching and learning activities, namely lack of mastery
of technology, additional internet quota costs, additional work for parents in accompanying
children to learn, communication and socialization between students, teachers and parents are
reduced and the working hours are becoming unlimited for teachers because they have to
communicate and coordinate with parents, other teachers, and school principals.
From this description, Covid-19 has an impact on the online learning process in elementary
schools, which has an impact on students, parents and teachers themselves.
1. Some of the impacts felt by students are that students do not have a culture of distance
learning because so far the learning system has been carried out face-to-face, students are
accustomed to being at school to interact with their friends, play and joke with their friends
and meet face-to-face with teachers, with the distance learning method, students need time
to adapt and they face new changes that will indirectly affect their learning absorption.
2. The impact felt by teachers is that not all are proficient in using internet technology or social
media as a learning tool, some senior teachers are not fully able to use devices or facilities
to support online learning activities and need assistance and training first. So, the support
and cooperation of parents for the success of learning is very much needed. Communication
between teachers and schools with parents must be established smoothly.
3. The impact on parents is that the obstacles faced by parents are the increase in the cost of
purchasing internet quotas, online technology requires a network connection to the internet
and quotas, therefore the level of use of internet quotas will increase and will increase the
burden of spending on parents and not all parents have mobile phones that support the online
learning process.
With the emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic, teaching and learning activities that were
originally carried out in schools have now become learning at home via online. Online learning
is carried out according to the abilities of each school. Online learning can use digital
technology such as google classroom, study house, zoom, video conference, telephone or live
chat and others. In terms of implementing learning at home, the teacher asks for the help of
parents or students' siblings as resource persons whose steps have been given through the
whatsapp group. Reports on the implementation of learning can be in the form of photos or
videos that must be posted through the group. Online learning is currently being used as a
solution during the Covid-19 pandemic. But online learning is not as easy as one might think.
The impact of Covid-19 on the online learning process in elementary schools has an impact on
students, parents and teachers themselves. Communication between teachers and schools with
parents must be established smoothly.
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Copyright holders:
Lulu Syarifatul Munawaroh, Ima Rismayanti, Siti Sahronih,
Mochamad Guntur (2022)
First publication right:
JoSS - Journal of Social Science
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0