Fauzan akbar | https://joss.al-makkipublisher.com/index.php/js
JoSS :
Journal of Social Science
Fauzan akbar
, Fauzi isnaen
Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika Indonesia
Policy, Disaster Risk
Reduction, Flood.
27 October 2022
17 November 2022
17 November 2022
Banking financial performance comes from several factors, namely that
it is very important for a bank's capital to be achieved within the limits
set by Bank Indonesia. The ratios that are quite significant in banking
are the capital adequacy ratio (CAR), the BOPO Ratio, OJK explained
that efficiency continues to be encouraged for banks so that they are able
to reduce operational costs to operating income, as well as the ratio of
non-performing loans or non-performing loans (NPL). . This study
emphasizes the effect of CAR, BOPO ratio, and NPL ratio on the
profitability of foreign exchange BUSN in Indonesia. Researchers used
a sample of 35 banks for the 2012-2016 period, with secondary data
types and quantitative analysis methods, statistical calculations in this
study using Eviews 8 software. and NPL have no significant effect on
ROE. The ratio of CAR, BOPO, and NPL statistically significant effect
on bank profitability.
Indonesia's economic growth in 2016 was recorded at 5.02%, improving compared to
2015 which was 4.88%, in line with Bank Indonesia's forecast. Economic growth in 2016,
particularly in the fourth quarter, was supported by growth in household consumption,
improved investment performance, and increased exports. (source: bank indonesia). Financial
growth in Indonesia has increased significantly every year, although inflation has increased
or decreased drastically (Widayati & Effendi, 2021). Banking in Indonesia includes
conventional banks and Islamic banks, the two banks have different principles (Usman,
1998). The existence of financial growth in terms of banking can have an influence on the
macro economy in Indonesia (Ulum, 2014). then a bank is required to achieve good
performance or be said to be healthy so as to facilitate the financial aspects of the state.
The financial services authority noted that the growth of conventional commercial
banks was lower than that of Islamic commercial banks (Tamitiadini, Adila, & Dewi, 2019).
In nominal terms, the largest increase was still occupied by conventional banks of Rp 31.46
trillion (Rauch & Evans, 2000). Meanwhile, the assets of Islamic commercial banks (BUS)
only increased by Rp. 1.55 trillion. However, this is not the case with asset growth. In
percentage terms, the growth of conventional commercial banks (BUK) is still lower than that
of BUS. The growth of BUS assets was recorded at 14.70%, while the growth of BUK assets
(YoY) was only 13.32%. On the other hand, the LDR for the position of April 2017 was
recorded at 91.44% or slightly lower than the LDR as of April 2016 (91.54%) and December
2016 (93.25%).
If viewed from the previous period, according to the president director of the
independent Islamic bank, Agus Sudiarto, stated that the aggregate growth of Islamic banks
Volume 1 Number 3, November, 2022
p- ISSN 2963-1866- e-ISSN 2963-8909
Vol 1, No 3 November, 2022
Analysis Of Policy Implementation In Tanjungpinang Flood
Disaster Risk Reduction
in Indonesia in the period 2000-2014 exceeded that of conventional banks, this can be seen
from several indicators (Takagi, Esteban, Mikami, & Fujii, 2016). Total asset growth of BUS
if calculated based on the compound annual growth rate (CAGR). In terms of financing, the
growth was 43% higher than conventional banks which only amounted to 19%. (source:
Banking financial performance comes from several factors, namely that it is very
important for a bank's capital to be achieved within the limits set by Bank Indonesia.
Adequate capital allows for increased financial growth in Indonesia (Sutopo, 2002).
However, in the midst of slowing economic growth, the capital adequacy ratio (CAR) of
commercial banks increased (Van Voorst, 2016).Based on Indonesian banking statistics (SPI)
at the OJK, as of the first quarter of 2016, the CAR of commercial banks reached 22%, an
increase of 61 basis points from the end of last year which was 21.39%. Groups of business
activity banks (BUKU) III and IV recorded a year-to-date increase of 75 bps from 19.26% to
20.01%. The size of the bank's CAR ratio illustrates the resilience of the bank to face credit
risk, market risk, and other risks.
Bank efficiency is one of the important indicators to analyze the performance of a bank
and also as a means to further increase the effectiveness of monetary policy (Sedarmayanti,
2018). OJK explained that efficiency is continuously encouraged for banks so that they are
able to reduce operational costs against operating income (BOPO).(Ripley & Franklin, 1986)
Arilajiji (director of bank supervision at the Sulampua ojk office) said that BOPO is indeed
the concern of the OJK, so that banks are able to reduce the ratio to a lower level (Rijanta,
Hizbaron, & Baiquni, 2018). The maximum BOPO ratio is 85%, and if it is more than that, it
means that the banking system is not efficient. As is known as of October 2013, the average
BOPO ratio for commercial banks nationally is 73.74%. This figure decreased 12.7%
compared to the position in October 2011 which amounted to 86.44% (Putera, Valentina, &
Rosa, 2020). Therefore, as an effort to reduce the BOPO ratio, the OJK requested that banks
pay attention to their overhead costs. In addition, careful planning must be carried out to
anticipate excessive loads (Pressman & Wildavsky, 1973). For example, when banks expand
their network openings.
The ratio of non-performing loans or non-performing loans (NPL) of national banks as
of March 2017 was recorded to be improving compared to the February period. However,
since 2015 non-performing loans have continued to increase (Pratama, 2016). From the
Indonesian banking statistics (SPI) in February 2017 published by the Financial Services
Authority (OJK), commercial bank lending as of February was recorded at Rp. 4.308 trillion
with an NPL ratio of Rp. 135.99 trillion or 3.16%. This amount is higher than the period at
the end of 2016, credit distribution was recorded at Rp. 4.377 trillion with the number of non-
performing loans of Rp. 128.13 trillion or with a percentage of 2.93%. Then in the 2015
period, lending reached Rp 4.057 trillion, the total NPL was Rp 100.93 trillion or the
percentage of non-performing loans was 2.49%. In 2014, loans were recorded at IDR 3.674
trillion with non-performing loans at IDR 79.38 trillion with a percentage of 2.16%. The head
of the OJK's communications and international department, Triyono, said in a written
statement that the credit risk was considered stable, because OJK saw that there was still a
global economic recovery process that could have a positive impact on the financial services
sector (Prasojo, 2020). "Credit risk is stable, the gross NPL ratio as of March is 3.04%, Net is
1.43%," said Triyono. OJK also sees that there is still room in the financial services sector to
spur further domestic economic growth by taking advantage of the ongoing improvement
momentum (Pearce, Robinson, & Subramanian, 2000).Some downside risks to policy
normalization in developed countries and the issue of euroscepticism are expected to begin to
Analysis Of Policy Implementation In Tanjungpinang Flood
Disaster Risk Reduction
Vol 1, No 3 November ,2022
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subside. Despite this, OJK will continue to monitor various developments, both global and
domestic, that could disrupt financial system stability.
Based on the background of problems regarding capital adequacy, bank operations or
bank efficiency and non-performing loans in foreign exchange BUSN. The research that
reflects the background of this problem.(Wijayanti, 2020) entitled the effect of NPL, LDR,
CAR on the profitability of National Private Commercial Banks foreign exchange. The
results of this study explain that the non-performing loan (NPL) variable has an effect on the
profitability of foreign exchange BUSN ROA (O’Toole, 1986). LDR and CAR have no effect
on ROA of foreign exchange BUSN registered with BI with assets exceeding 50 billion.
A healthy bank is a necessity for an economy that wants to grow and develop well,
bank management is guided to always maintain its health (Olsen & Morgan, 2005). Based on
bank indonesia regulation no. 13/1/PBI/2011,
Bank Indonesia refined the method for assessing the soundness of commercial banks by
using a risk-based bank rating approach, the RGEC method. Profit growth is an indicator to
measure the soundness of a bank. The author aims to analyze the effect of banking soundness
level using NPL LDR, PDN, BOPO, and CAR on profit growth. This research is included in
the type of descriptive veritative and causal research (Nursanjaya, 2021).By using purposive
sampling, the population in this study is a national private foreign exchange bank for the
period 2012-2015 with 33 samples (Merton, 1963). The method used in this research is
multiple linear regression. The data used in this research is secondary data (Masdar,
Asmorowati, & Irianto, 2009). The data analysis technique used is the multiple regression
analysis test and the classical assumption hypothesis test. The results showed that NPL, LDR,
and CAR had no significant effect on profit growth, while the ratio of PDN and BOPO had a
significant effect on profit growth.
Based on the background of problems regarding capital adequacy, bank operations or
bank efficiency and non-performing loans in foreign exchange BUSN. The research by Putri,
Chandra (2015), entitled the effect of NPL, LDR, CAR on the profitability of National
Private Commercial Banks foreign exchange. The results of this study explain that the non-
performing loan (NPL) variable has an effect on the profitability of foreign exchange BUSN
ROA. LDR and CAR have no effect on ROA of BUSN registered with BI with assets
exceeding 50 billion.
A. Research Strategy
In this study the data used is a quantitative approach. The data is a type of secondary
data in the form of banking financial ratios (BUSN) of foreign exchange in Indonesia
(Maryani & Nainggolan, 2019). The secondary data was taken on the official website of
each bank during the period of this study, namely 2012-2016. In accordance with the
analysis in this study, the secondary data taken are bank capital adequacy (CAR), operating
costs to operating income (BOPO), the ratio of bad loans (NPL) and bank profitability
B. Research population
The population in this study is distinguished between:
1. General population, overall foreign exchange banking companies registered with BI
and still operating during the study period 2012-2016 were 35 banks.
Table 1
Foreign Exchange Bank Population
Nama Bank
Vol 1, No 3 November, 2022
Analysis Of Policy Implementation In Tanjungpinang Flood
Disaster Risk Reduction
Bank Rakyat Indonesia Agroniaga, Tbk
Bank Antar Daerah
Bank Artha Graha Internasional, Tbk
Bank BNI Syariah
Bank Bukopin, Tbk
Bank Bumi Arta
Bank ICB Bumiputera Indonesia, Tbk
Bank Central Asia, Tbk
Bank CIMB Niaga, Tbk
Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk
Bank Ekononomi Raharja, Tbk
Bank Ganesha
Bank Hana
Bank Himpunan Saudara 1906, Tbk
Bank ICBC Indonesia
Bank Index Selindo
Bank SBI Indonesia
Bank Internasional Indonesia, Tbk
Bank QNB Kesawan, Tbk
Bank Maspion Indonesia
Bank Mayapada Internasional, Tbk
Bank Mega, Tbk
Bank Mestika Dharma
Bank Metro Express
Bank Muamalat Indonesia
Bank Mutiara, Tbk
Bank Nusantara Parahyangan, Tbk
Pan Indonesia Bank, Tbk
Bank Permata, Tbk
Bank Sinarmas, Tbk
Analysis Of Policy Implementation In Tanjungpinang Flood
Disaster Risk Reduction
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Bank Of India Indonesia, Tbk
Bank Syariah Mandiri
Bank Syariah Mega Indonesia
Bank UOB Indonesia
2. Target population, based on the population of foreign exchange banks that were still
operating during the study period. According to Sugiyono (2013: 215) in research,
population is defined as a generalization area consisting of objects/subjects that have
certain qualities and characteristics determined by researchers to be studied and then
drawn conclusions (Mahadiansar & Romadhan, 2021). The population is for example
the population in a certain area, the number of employees in a particular organization.
So the population of this study is a total of 35 companies located in Indonesia
(Luhmann, 1992). The population of the company is a foreign exchange bank that is
still operating during this research period 2013-2016.
C. Research Sample
The sample selection (BUSN Foreign Exchange) is by purposive sampling, if it has
the following criteria:
1. The bank selected as the sample is a foreign exchange BUSN in Indonesia (Lipsky,
2. The sample bank must have a ratio financial report during the research period,
namely 2012-2016 (Lindblom, 1968).
3. Total sample N minimum 30.
Based on the above sample selection criteria, Foreign Exchange BUSNs that meet the
criteria are shown in the table below:
Table 2
Sample Selection Criteria
foreign exchange BUSNs in Indonesia which were still
operating during the study period
foreign exchange BUSNs that have ratio financial
reports in the study period
Banks that meet the research sample criteria
Total N sample data (8x5). 8 foreign exchange BUSN and 5
years research period
Source: Bank Indonesia
Based on the sample selection criteria above, the list of foreign exchange BUSN
samples is as follows.
Table 3
List of Research Sample Banks
Nama Bank
Bank Bukopin,Tbk
Bank Central Asia,Tbk
Vol 1, No 3 November, 2022
Analysis Of Policy Implementation In Tanjungpinang Flood
Disaster Risk Reduction
Bank CIMB,Tbk
Bank Danamon Indonesia,Tbk
Bank Mega,Tbk
Bank Sinarmas, Tbk
Bank Rakyat Indonesia Agroniaga, Tbk
Bank Mayapada internasional, Tbk
Source: Bank Indonesia
D. Research data
The type of secondary data is in the form of annual financial statement ratios obtained
from each foreign exchange BUSN (Lamport, 1986). This study uses a period of 8 years.
(Kurnianingsih, Edison, & Safitri, 2017)The research data variables (CAR, BOPO Ratio,
and NPL Ratio) allow for an influence on ROE.
E. Method of collecting data
The data collection method in using this research archive strategy is in the form of
secondary data taken on the official website of the foreign exchange BUSN (Kodoatie,
2021). The data is the annual financial report of each bank during the period 2012-2016.
F. Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
In this study, there are 3 independent variables, namely CAR, BOPO Ratio and NPL
Ratio, and one dependent variable, namely ROE profitability(Kim & Gim, 2020). Then
the general equation of regression analysis used in this study is as follows.
ROE= +β_1 X_1+β_2 X_2+ _(3 ) X_(3 )+ _3
ROE (Return On Equity) = Bank Profitability
= Constant
1, 2, 3 = Regression Coefficient
X1 = CAR
X2 = BOPO Ratio
X3 = NPL Ratio
1 = Error / intruder error
A. Analisis Deskriptif Statistik
Table 4
Statistik Deskriptif .
Std, Dev,
Source: processed data.
Descriptive statistics provide an overview or description of a data seen from the average
value (mean), standard deviation, variance, maximum, minimum, sum, range, kurtosis and
skewness (skewed distribution) of each variable, (Kasih, Juaeni, & Harijono, 2007).
Statistical testing shows the average BOPO variable is 81,679 with a smaller standard
deviation of 9,290; the CAR variable is 17,113 with a smaller standard deviation of 3,539;
Analysis Of Policy Implementation In Tanjungpinang Flood
Disaster Risk Reduction
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The NPL is 1.917 with a standard deviation of 0.839 and the ROE variable is 14,832 with a
standard deviation of 7.155. So from the overall comparison of the average value and
standard deviation, the four variables are normally distributed. The lowest and highest value
variables of BOPO are 60,400 and 97,900; The CARs are 10,440 and 26,210; NPLs are 0.220
and 3,680; and ROE are 1,150 and 30,400.
In table 1 above, an overview of the descriptive statistics of the dependent variable is
presented. independent, moderating and controlling. Based on the table above, it can be
explained as follows:
1. In the BOPO variable, this variable has a maximum value of 97.9 and a minimum value
of 60 (Johnston, 2014).40 with an average value of 81.68, and a standard deviation of
9.29. With this value, it can be said that the average company has the same operational
costs for operations, meaning that there are not enough operational costs, thus reducing
the BOPO ratio, so that a small BOPO ratio illustrates that the company is quite
2. In the CAR variable, this variable has a maximum value of 26.21 and a minimum value
of 10.44 with an average value of 17.11, and a standard deviation of 3.54. With this
value, it can be said that the average value of the deviation describes the data that the
data is normally distributed (Emaliyawati, Prawesti, Yosep, & Ibrahim, 2016).
3. In the NPL variable, this variable has a maximum value of 3.68 and a minimum value
of 0.22 with an average value of 1.92, and a standard deviation of 0.84. With this value,
it can be said that the company's average NPL is still below the NPL required by the
government, which is 2 percent (Hapsari & Djumiarti, 2016).
4. In the ROE variable, this variable has a maximum value of 30.40 and a minimum value
of 1.15 with an average value of 14.83, and a standard deviation of 7.16. With this
value, it can be said that the average ROE can be said to be good because it has an
average above current bank interest (Fowler, 2019).
Regression using panel data is called panel data regression. According to Widarjono
(2013) there are several advantages to using panel data. First, panel data which is a
combination of two time series and cross section data is able to provide more data so that the
degree of freedom is greater (Egeberg, 1999). Second, combining information from time
series and cross section data can overcome problems that arise as a result of variable
Panel data regression can be done with three models, namely common effect, fixed
effect, and random effect, each model has its own advantages and disadvantages (EDWARD
III, 1980). The selection of the model depends on the assumptions used by the researcher and
the fulfillment of the correct statistical data processing requirements, so that the results can be
justified statistically (Dunsire, 1978). Therefore, the first step that must be done is to choose
the right model from the three available models (Danar, 2020). Panel data that has been
collected, regressed using the common model, fixed effect model and random effect can be
seen in table 4
To determine the right model to be used in this study, a common effect and fixed effect
model was carried out using the chow test and if the chow test obtained the model, namely
the fixed effect model, it is necessary to do the Hausman test to better know which model is
between the fixed effect model ( FEM) and random effect model (REM) are more appropriate
for data estimation that can be used. The following table compares the estimation results:
Table 5
Chow test.
Effects Test
Vol 1, No 3 November, 2022
Analysis Of Policy Implementation In Tanjungpinang Flood
Disaster Risk Reduction
Cross-section F
Cross-section Chi-square
Source: processed data.
To find out the common effect model and the fixed effect model that will be selected for
data estimation, a chow test will be carried out (Garros-Berthet, 1994). The following are the
processed results with the help of Eviews 7 from the chow test, which can be seen in table 5
Testing the effect model with the Chow test, the results of the chi square probability of
0.000 <0.05 are significant. So Ha is accepted which means the Fix Effect model is better
than the Common Effect model.
H0 is rejected if the P-value is less than the value of a (Berlo, 1960). On the other hand,
H0 is accepted if the P value is greater than the value of a. The value of a used is 5%.
If the probability of F-count < 0.05, then H0 is rejected.
If the probability of F-count > 0.05, then H0 is accepted.
Information :
H0 : Common Effect Model
Ha: Fixed Effect Model
Suggestions from researchers for further research to obtain even better results are as
follows The use of data in this study is annual financial report data, the use of quarterly
financial report data is likely to produce more accurate results (Lamidi, 2022).Expansion of
research objects to be used by selecting certain bank categories such as foreign exchange
banks, regional development banks and others. Extending the period (time) of research is
also suggested so that the amount of data obtained is more representative so as to get better
results.With a predictive ability of 88% which is shown in the adjusted R Square value
which indicates the need for other bank financial ratios that have not been included as
independent variables that affect ROE such as NIM, GWM and others.
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Copyright holders:
Fauzan akbar
, Fauzi isnaen
First publication right:
JoSS - Journal of Social Science
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