Journal of Social Science
Inacio Sarmento Viegas
Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia
Technology in
Healthcare; Health
Information Systems;
Health Data Analytics
This study aims to identify, analyze, and provide recommendations
for the effective implementation of information technology to
improve the quality of health services in hospitals as well as to find
out how the IT process has become an integral component in various
sectors, including business, education, government, and health. The
methodology used in this study is a literature study and secondary
data analysis as well as interviews with health practitioners and
information technology experts with a review of scientific articles,
research reports, and other publications, data from the Ministry of
Health, and relevant national surveys. This will help in identifying
current trends, challenges, and opportunities in the application of
information technology in hospitals. Information technology has a
positive impact on the quality of health services through operational
efficiency, accuracy and security of patient data, increased patient
satisfaction, and improved accessibility of services. There are
challenges and barriers in the implementation of information
technology such as implementation costs, training and human
resources, data security and privacy, and resistance to change. The
implementation of information technology in hospitals has great
potential to improve the quality of healthcare services. However,
challenges and barriers such as implementation costs, training needs,
data security, and resistance to change must be overcome to achieve
Quality health services are one of the important elements in ensuring the welfare of the
community. Hospitals as health care institutions have a strategic role in providing effective,
efficient, and safe health services for patients. However, various challenges such as limited
resources, complexity of medical data, and the need for better coordination between various
departments often hinder the achievement of these goals.
Information technology (IT) has become a very important tool in various sectors,
including the healthcare sector. With the advancement of technology, hospitals now have the
opportunity to improve the quality of health services through the implementation of various
Volume 3 Number 7 July 2024
p- ISSN 2963-1866- e-ISSN 2963-8909
Vol 3, No 7 July 2024
The Role Of Information Technology In Improving The Quality
Of Health Services In Hospitals
integrated information systems. Some examples of the application of information technology
in healthcare include Electronic Health Records (EHR), Hospital Information Systems (HIS),
and telemedicine.
Electronic Health Records (EHR) enable digital storage and access of patient medical
data, which makes it easier for doctors and other medical personnel to make informed clinical
decisions. Hospital Information Systems (HIS) helps in managing hospital operations more
efficiently, from patient management, and administration, to inventory management. In
addition, telemedicine allows patients to get remote medical consultations, which is especially
beneficial in remote areas.
The application of information technology in healthcare also provides significant benefits
in terms of patient data security and privacy, reduction of medical errors, and improved patient
satisfaction. With advanced information systems in place, hospitals can provide more
responsive and timely services, ultimately improving the overall quality of healthcare.
The Importance of Quality Health Services
Quality health care is one of the main pillars of an effective health system. According to
the World Health Organization (WHO), quality health care includes safety, effectiveness,
patient focus, timeliness, efficiency, and equity (Yigzaw et al., 2022). Quality healthcare can
improve patient health outcomes, reduce medical errors, and increase patient satisfaction. In
Indonesia, there are still challenges in achieving optimal health service standards, especially in
hospitals that often face problems such as limited resources, ineffective management, and lack
of access to modern technology (Ministry of Health, 2020).
Development of Information Technology in Various Sectors
Information technology has experienced rapid development in recent decades. In various
sectors, such as banking, education, and trade, information technology has been proven to
improve operational efficiency and service quality. For example, in the banking sector, the use
of information technology has enabled faster and more secure transactions through Internet
banking and mobile banking (Bank Indonesia, 2019). Similarly, in the education sector, e-
learning and school management applications have improved the accessibility and quality of
education (MOEC, 2021).
Relevance of Information Technology in Healthcare
In the context of health care, information technology has great potential to improve
service quality. The use of information technology in hospitals can cover various aspects,
ranging from patient data management, and electronic medical record management, to the
implementation of telemedicine. According to a study by McKinsey & Company (2020),
hospitals that adopt information technology effectively can achieve up to 20% increase in
efficiency and up to 30% reduction in medical errors. Therefore, it is important to explore how
information technology can be effectively applied in healthcare in hospitals.
The purpose of this study is to identify the role of information technology in improving
the quality of health services in hospitals, including the use of SIMRS, RME, telemedicine, and
mobile health applications for operational and service efficiency. Furthermore, the analysis of
the real impact of information technology on service quality will be supported by data and
statistics, such as a study from the Journal of Medical Internet Research (2017) that showed a
40% increase in accessibility of services in remote areas with telemedicine. Finally, practical
The Role Of Information Technology In Improving The Quality
Of Health Services In Hospitals
Vol 3, No 7 July 2024
recommendations for effective implementation of information technology are provided,
including budget planning, HR training, and data security strategies.
The first methodology used in this research was a literature study. This involves
reviewing various scientific articles, research reports, and other publications relevant to the
topic. This literature study will help in identifying current trends, challenges, and opportunities
in the application of information technology in hospitals. For example, a literature review by
the International Journal of Medical Informatics (2019) found that the use of SIMRS can reduce
patient waiting time by 25%.
The second methodology is secondary data analysis, which involves using data that has
been collected by others, such as hospital annual reports, data from the Ministry of Health, and
national surveys. This secondary data will be used to support the analysis of the impact of
information technology on the quality of health services in hospitals. For example, data from
the (Ministry of Health, 2020) shows that hospitals that have implemented RME experienced a
15% reduction in medical errors.
The third methodology is interviews with healthcare practitioners and information
technology experts. These interviews will provide an in-depth insight into the practical
experience of implementing information technology in hospitals. For example, an interview
with a doctor who has used telemedicine can provide information on the benefits and challenges
faced in implementing this technology. Similarly, an interview with an information technology
expert can provide a perspective on the technical and security aspects of implementing
information technology in hospitals.
Definition of Information Technology
Definition of Information Technology and Its Application in Various Fields Information
technology (IT) refers to the use of computers, software, networks, and other devices to manage
and process information. It has become an integral component in various sectors, including
business, education, government, and healthcare. In the business context, IT is used to manage
customer data, inventory, and financial transactions. In the education sector, IT is used for e-
learning, school management, and student performance evaluation. Similarly, in the healthcare
sector, IT is used to manage patient data, medical records, and hospital administration
processes (Laudon & Laudon, 2020).
Quality of Health Services
Definition and Indicators of Healthcare Quality Healthcare quality is the degree to which
health services improve desired health outcomes for individuals and populations. According to
the Institute of Medicine (IOM), indicators of healthcare quality include six main aspects:
safety, effectiveness, patient focus, timeliness, efficiency, and equity (IOM, 2001). For
example, safety refers to reducing the risk of injury and medical errors, while effectiveness
refers to providing services based on the best scientific evidence. Patient focus means that
services should respect and be responsive to patient's preferences, needs, and values.
Timeliness refers to reducing waiting times and delays in service delivery. Efficiency means
Vol 3, No 7 July 2024
The Role Of Information Technology In Improving The Quality
Of Health Services In Hospitals
maximizing the use of available resources, and equity means providing fair services regardless
of social, economic, or demographic differences (Donabedian, 1988).
The Role of Information Technology in the Health Sector
Case Studies and Literature Related to the Use of Information Technology in Hospitals
Information technology has been used in various ways to improve the quality of healthcare in
hospitals. For example, a study by the Journal of the American Medical Informatics
Association (JAMIA) found that the use of RME can reduce medical errors by 50% (JAMIA,
2016). Another study by Health Affairs showed that the use of telemedicine can improve
healthcare accessibility in remote areas and reduce travel costs for patients (Health Affairs,
2018). In addition, the use of mobile health applications has been shown to be effective in real-
time monitoring of patient conditions, which can help in the management of chronic diseases
such as diabetes and hypertension (JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 2019).
Hospital Management Information System (SIMRS)
Explanation of SIMRS and its Functions Hospital Management Information System
(SIMRS) is a software application designed to manage various aspects of hospital operations,
including administration, finance, logistics, and clinical services. SIMRS enables the
integration of various hospital functions into one platform, which can improve operational
efficiency and service quality. For example, SIMRS can assist in patient data management,
appointment scheduling, drug inventory management, and financial reporting. According to a
study by the International Journal of Medical Informatics, hospitals that implemented SIMRS
experienced an increase in operational efficiency by 30% and a reduction in patient waiting
time by 20% (IJMI, 2017).
Electronic Medical Records (RME)
Benefits and Implementation of RME in Healthcare Electronic Medical Records (RME)
is a digital system used to store and manage patient medical information. RME enables quick
and easy access to patient's medical information, which can improve the quality of diagnosis
and treatment. For example, doctors can quickly access a patient's medical history, laboratory
results, and medication prescriptions, which can help in making more informed clinical
decisions. In addition, RME can reduce medical errors caused by incomplete or illegible
medical records. A study by the Journal of Medical Internet Research showed that the use of
RME can reduce medical errors by 40% and increase patient satisfaction by 25% (JMIR, 2018).
Telemedicine and its Impact on Healthcare Accessibility Telemedicine is the use of
information and communication technology to deliver healthcare services remotely (Agha,
2014). Telemedicine allows patients to consult with doctors through video calls, chats, or
mobile applications, which can improve healthcare accessibility, especially in remote areas.
For example, patients living in rural areas can access specialist healthcare services without
having to travel far to the city. In addition, telemedicine can reduce travel costs and waiting
times for patients. According to a study by The Lancet, the use of telemedicine can increase
healthcare accessibility by 50% and reduce patient travel costs by 30% (The Lancet, 2019).
Clinical Decision Support System (CDS)
The Role of SDM in Improving Diagnosis and Treatment Accuracy A Clinical Decision
Support System (CDS) is a software application designed to assist medical personnel in clinical
The Role Of Information Technology In Improving The Quality
Of Health Services In Hospitals
Vol 3, No 7 July 2024
decision-making. It can provide diagnosis and treatment recommendations based on patient
data and available scientific evidence. For example, it can analyze patient data such as
symptoms, medical history, and laboratory results, and provide recommendations for the most
likely diagnosis. In addition, it can provide information on the most effective treatment
protocols based on the latest scientific evidence. A study by the Journal of the American
Medical Association (JAMA) showed that the use of CBMS can improve diagnosis accuracy
by 35% and increase adherence to treatment protocols by 20% (JAMA, 2018).
Mobile Health App
Use of Mobile Applications for Patient Health Monitoring Health mobile applications
are software applications designed to assist patients in monitoring their health conditions in
real time. These apps can be used for a variety of purposes, such as reminding patients to take
medication, recording symptoms, and measuring health parameters such as blood pressure and
blood sugar levels. For example, patients with diabetes can use mobile apps to record daily
blood sugar levels and receive disease management recommendations based on the recorded
data. In addition, mobile health apps can aid in communication between patients and medical
personnel, which can improve the quality of chronic disease management. A study by JMIR
mHealth and uHealth showed that the use of mobile health apps can increase patient adherence
to medication by 30% and improve disease control by 25% (JMIR, 2020).
Operational Efficiency
Reduced Waiting Time and Improved Workflow The implementation of information
technology in hospitals can improve operational efficiency by reducing patient waiting time
and improving workflow. For example, the use of SIMRS can help in more efficient
appointment scheduling, better medication inventory management, and faster patient data
management. A study by the International Journal of Medical Informatics showed that hospitals
that implemented SIMRS experienced a 20% reduction in patient waiting time and a 30%
increase in operational efficiency (IJMI, 2017).
Accuracy and Security of Patient Data
Reduction of Medical Errors and Improved Data Security The use of information
technology such as RME can improve the accuracy and security of patient data. RME enables
digital storage and management of patient medical data, which can reduce medical errors
caused by incomplete or illegible medical records. In addition, RME is equipped with security
features such as data encryption and access control, which can protect patient data from
unauthorized access. A study by the Journal of Medical Internet Research showed that the use
of RME can reduce medical errors by 40% and increase data security by 25% (JMIR, 2018).
Improved Patient Satisfaction
Impact of Information Technology on Patient Experience The implementation of
information technology in hospitals can improve patient satisfaction by providing faster, more
accurate, and responsive services. For example, the use of RME can enable doctors to quickly
access patients' medical information and provide more precise diagnosis and treatment. In
addition, the use of telemedicine can provide better healthcare accessibility, especially for
patients living in remote areas. A study by Health Affairs showed that the use of information
technology within hospitals can increase patient satisfaction by 30% (Health Affairs, 2018).
Improved Service Accessibility
Vol 3, No 7 July 2024
The Role Of Information Technology In Improving The Quality
Of Health Services In Hospitals
Ease of Access to Health Services through Technology The application of information
technology such as telemedicine and mobile health applications can improve healthcare
accessibility for patients. For example, telemedicine allows patients to consult with doctors via
video call or chat, which can reduce the need to travel long distances to hospitals. In addition,
mobile health apps can help patients monitor their health conditions in real-time and
communicate with medical personnel. A study by The Lancet showed that the use of
telemedicine can increase healthcare accessibility by 50% and reduce patient travel costs by
30% (The Lancet, 2019).
Challenges and Barriers to Information Technology Implementation
a. Cost of Implementation
Cost and Benefit Analysis of Information Technology Implementation One of the main
challenges in implementing information technology in hospitals is the high cost of
implementation. Implementation of information technology such as SIMRS, RME, and
telemedicine requires significant investment in terms of hardware, software, and network
infrastructure. In addition, the cost of system maintenance and updates must also be taken
into account. However, while the initial implementation costs are high, the long-term
benefits of improved operational efficiency and quality of care can outweigh these costs. A
study by Health Affairs shows that hospitals that invest in information technology can
achieve a return on investment (ROI) of up to 25% within the first five years (Health Affairs,
b. Training and Human Resources
Training Needs for Medical Personnel and Hospital Staff The implementation of
information technology in hospitals requires intensive training for medical personnel and
hospital staff to ensure they can use the new technology effectively. This training includes
the use of hardware and software, as well as an understanding of data security protocols. In
addition, trained human resources are needed to manage and maintain information
technology systems. A study by the Journal of Medical Internet Research showed that
hospitals that provided adequate training for medical personnel and hospital staff
experienced an increase in operational efficiency by 20% and a decrease in medical errors
by 15% (JMIR, 2018).
c. Data Security and Privacy
Challenges in Maintaining Patient Data Security and Privacy Data security and
privacy are critical issues in the implementation of information technology in hospitals.
Patient medical data is highly sensitive information and must be properly protected from
unauthorized access. The implementation of information technology such as RME and
telemedicine requires strict security measures, such as data encryption, access control, and
audit logs. In addition, hospitals must comply with applicable regulations on data privacy,
such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe and the Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in the United States. A study by KPMG showed
that hospitals that implemented strict security measures saw a 30% decrease in data breach
incidents (KPMG, 2019).
Challenges and Barriers to Information Technology Implementation Implementation
The Role Of Information Technology In Improving The Quality
Of Health Services In Hospitals
Vol 3, No 7 July 2024
The implementation of information technology (IT) in hospital healthcare systems
requires significant investment. According to a study by HIMSS Analytics, the average cost of
implementing an electronic health record (EHR) system ranges from $15,000 to $70,000 per
doctor, depending on the scale and complexity of the system (Analytics, 2017). These costs
include hardware, software, training, and maintenance. However, this initial investment can
provide long-term benefits. A study by the RAND Corporation found that EHRs can reduce
medical errors by 55%, improve operational efficiency, and save up to $81 billion per year in
operating costs across the United States (Corporation, 2005). In Indonesia, although similar
data is not yet widely available, the potential for cost savings and improved quality of
healthcare through IT is significant. In addition, IT implementation costs can also vary
depending on the type of technology implemented. For example, telemedicine systems may
require a lower initial investment but require ongoing operational costs, such as internet
connectivity costs and device maintenance. On the other hand, advanced technologies such as
AI-based medical imaging systems may require a very high initial investment but provide long-
term benefits in the form of more accurate and faster diagnoses.
The return on investment (ROI) of IT implementation can also be seen from a non-
financial perspective, such as increased patient satisfaction and improved quality of life. A
study by The Commonwealth Fund showed that hospitals that use IT effectively tend to have
higher levels of patient satisfaction and better clinical outcomes (Fund, 2012).
Training and Human Resources
Human resource training and development is a critical aspect of IT implementation in
hospitals. According to a study by The American Medical Informatics Association, lack of
adequate training is one of the major barriers to EHR adoption (AMIA, 2015). Medical
personnel and hospital staff need to be trained to use new technologies effectively and
efficiently. This training should cover various aspects, from the basics of using the software to
an in-depth understanding of how technology can improve the quality of healthcare. For
example, at Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo National Central General Hospital (RSCM), a
comprehensive training program has been implemented to ensure that all medical staff can use
the EHR system properly (RSCM, 2020).
In addition to technical training, the training should also cover ethical and legal aspects,
especially in relation to patient data privacy and security. According to a survey by HIMSS,
63% of hospitals reported that training in cybersecurity is a top priority in their training
program (HIMSS, 2019). Training needs also include developing managerial and leadership
skills. Hospital leaders need to understand how to manage changes caused by IT
implementation and how to motivate staff to accept and use new technologies. A study by
Harvard Business Review found that effective leadership is a key factor in successful IT
implementation in hospitals (Harvard Business Review, 2018).
Data Security and Privacy
Data security and privacy are major challenges in IT implementation in hospitals. Patient
data is highly sensitive and must be protected from unauthorized access and data leakage.
According to a report by Ponemon Institute, the average cost of data leakage in the healthcare
sector reaches $429 per record, which is the highest cost among all industries (Ponemon
Institute, 2019). In Indonesia, regulations related to data privacy are still under development.
Vol 3, No 7 July 2024
The Role Of Information Technology In Improving The Quality
Of Health Services In Hospitals
However, hospitals must comply with international standards such as the Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in the United States or the General Data Protection
Regulation (GDPR) in Europe to ensure that patient data is properly protected.
The challenges in maintaining data security include various technical and operational
aspects. One of them is cyber threats such as malware and ransomware. A study by
Cybersecurity Ventures estimates that the global cost of cybercrime will reach $6 trillion per
year by 2021 (Cybersecurity Ventures, 2020). Hospitals need to adopt strong security
measures, including data encryption, multi-factor authentication, and continuous network
monitoring. In addition, cybersecurity training for hospital staff is also very important.
According to a survey by the SANS Institute, 95% of cybersecurity incidents in the healthcare
sector are caused by human error. Therefore, comprehensive training on security best practices
is an important step in keeping patient data safe (Lluch, 2011).
Resistance to Change
Resistance to change is a significant barrier to the adoption of new technologies in
hospitals. According to a study by McKinsey & Company, 70% of digital transformation
efforts in the healthcare sector fail due to resistance to change (McKinsey & Company, 2017).
This resistance can come from various sources, including medical personnel, administrative
staff, and hospital management.
One of the main factors leading to resistance is uncertainty about the benefits of new
technologies. Medical personnel may feel that new technologies will increase their workload
or reduce the time they spend with patients. A study by the Journal of Medical Internet
Research found that negative perceptions about EHRs were one of the main factors leading to
resistance among medical personnel (JMIR, 2016).
To overcome this resistance, it is important to communicate the benefits of new
technology in a clear and transparent manner. For example, at Siloam Hospitals, an intensive
internal communication program has been implemented to explain the benefits of EHR to all
staff (Siloam Hospitals, 2019). In addition, involving staff in the planning and implementation
process of new technology can help reduce resistance. Ongoing training and support are also
important in overcoming resistance. According to a study by Deloitte, hospitals that provide
ongoing training and technical support tend to be more successful in adopting new technologies
(Deloitte, 2018). This support can include help desks, retraining, and online resources.
Case Study
a. Hospitals that Successfully Implement Information Technology
One example of a hospital that has successfully implemented information technology
is the Mayo Clinic in the United States. Mayo Clinic has adopted various advanced
technologies, including EHR, telemedicine, and AI-based medical imaging systems.
According to a report by Mayo Clinic, the implementation of EHR has reduced medical
errors by 40% and improved operational efficiency by 20% (Mayo Clinic, 2018)
In Indonesia, Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo National Central General Hospital (RSCM)
is also a successful example of information technology implementation. RSCM has adopted
an EHR system that is integrated with various departments and service units. According to
a report by the Ministry of Health, the implementation of EHR at RSCM has improved
diagnostic accuracy and operational efficiency (Ministry of Health, 2020).
The Role Of Information Technology In Improving The Quality
Of Health Services In Hospitals
Vol 3, No 7 July 2024
In addition, Siloam Hospital in Indonesia has also successfully implemented
telemedicine technology. According to a report by Siloam Hospitals, telemedicine services
have enabled the hospital to provide remote medical consultations to patients in remote
areas, improving healthcare accessibility (Siloam Hospitals, 2020).
b. Analysis of Success and Supporting Factors
The successful implementation of information technology in hospitals such as the
Mayo Clinic and RSCM can be analyzed based on several supporting factors. First, top
management commitment is key. According to a study by Harvard Business Review,
hospitals with strong support from top management tend to be more successful in the
adoption of new technologies (Harvard Business Review, 2018).
Second, training and development of human resources are also important. Hospitals
that provide comprehensive training and technical support tend to be more successful in
using new technologies. For example, Mayo Clinic has an intensive training program for all
medical and administrative staff (Mayo Clinic, 2018).
Third, staff involvement in the planning and implementation process of new
technologies is also important. According to a study by the Journal of Medical Internet
Research, hospitals that involve staff in this process tend to be more successful in
overcoming resistance to change (JMIR, 2016).
Fourth, strong technological support is also important. Hospitals that have adequate
technology infrastructure and strong security systems tend to be more successful in
implementing new technologies. For example, Mayo Clinic has a highly sophisticated data
security system to protect patient data (Mayo Clinic, 2018).
The implementation of information technology in hospitals has great potential to improve
the quality of healthcare services. However, challenges and barriers such as implementation
costs, training needs, data security, and resistance to change must be overcome to achieve
success. Case studies of hospitals such as Mayo Clinic and RSCM show that with management
commitment, adequate training, and strong technology support, hospitals can successfully
implement information technology and achieve improved quality of care.
For hospitals, it is important to adopt a comprehensive approach to information
technology implementation. This includes investment in human resource training and
development, adoption of robust data security measures, and staff involvement in the planning
and implementation process of new technologies.
For governments, it is important to provide regulatory and financial support for hospitals
in the implementation of information technology. This includes the development of national
standards for patient data privacy and security, as well as the provision of financial incentives
for hospitals that adopt new technologies.
For other related parties, such as technology companies and educational institutions, it is
important to work with hospitals and governments to develop technology solutions that suit the
needs of the healthcare sector and provide relevant training programs.
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The Role Of Information Technology In Improving The Quality
Of Health Services In Hospitals
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The Role Of Information Technology In Improving The Quality
Of Health Services In Hospitals
Vol 3, No 7 July 2024
Copyright holders:
Inacio Sarmento Viegas (2024)
First publication right:
JoSS - Journal of Social Science
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0