Journal of Social Science
Maharani Trisni Zulaiha
, Lamijan
, Hono Sejati
Universitas Darul Ulum Islamic Centre Sudirman GUPPI, Indonesia
maharanitrisn[email protected]mail: -E
E-Wallet; Legal
Strategy; Misuse of
E-wallet, or electronic wallet, is an application or software that enables
users to store, manage, and conduct financial transactions electronically. E-
wallets usage is able for various purposes, such as making payments,
transferring money, or storing payment information for online transactions.
Despite the advantages of e-wallets, there are still risks associated with
their use, such as the potential loss of consumer funds and the possibility
of personal data leaks due to inadequate security measures on the platform.
It can disadvantage consumers as users of e-wallets. Law Number 8 of 1999
concerning Consumer Protection contains various provisions aimed at
directing manufacturers and businesses, especially those in the business
sector, to behave in a manner that supports national economic development.
Bank Indonesia has implemented a legal protection system for digital
wallet users, starting from the issuance of regulations and policies. One
such policy is the creation of guidelines for the operation of payment
system services, especially for the use of digital wallets. These guidelines
are regulated in Bank Indonesia Regulation Number 20/6/PBI/2018, which
discusses the operation of payment systems through digital wallets. This
regulation, known as the Bank Indonesia Electronic Money Regulation,
establishes licensing and supervision procedures for electronic money
operations, including the use of digital wallets. Bank Indonesia not only
regulates operational procedures but also emphasizes consumer protection
for payment system users, including those using digital wallets, by issuing
Bank Indonesia Regulation Number 16/1/PBI/2014 concerning Consumer
Protection for Payment System Providers. Additionally, there is also Bank
Indonesia Regulation Number 22/20/PBI/2020, which complements Bank
Indonesia Regulation Number 16/1/PBI/2014. This regulation is more
specific in regulating the obligations and responsibilities that must be
fulfilled by providers, as part of the government's efforts to protect
The internet has ushered the global economy into a new era known as the digital
economy. This is marked by the increasing economic activities leveraging the internet as a
means of communication. For instance, in trade, more and more transactions are conducted
through electronic commerce or e-commerce (Indrajit, 2001). The digital era, as a trade based
on advanced technology, has fundamentally transformed conventional trade where interactions
Volume 3 Number 7 July 2024
p- ISSN 2963-1866- e-ISSN 2963-8909
Vol 3, No 7 July 2024
Legal Strategy To Prevent And Overcome Abuse Of Funds In
Digital Wallets
between consumers and companies previously conducted directly have become indirect. It
shifts the traditional business paradigm by developing interaction models between producers
and consumers in the virtual realm. The trading systems used in e-commerce are designed to
support electronic signatures, from the purchasing process, and examination, to the delivery of
goods (Barkatullah & Prasetyo, 2005).
The advancement of information technology has had a significant impact on people's
lives, creating convenience and comfort. Like human life, digital technology continues to
evolve. Commercial transactions, especially in payment systems, are greatly influenced by the
rapid development of technology and information (adi Astiti, 2018). The development of
financial technology opens up opportunities to build various platforms to facilitate people in
financial activities. In this digital era, the economy has begun to integrate through online
systems, facilitating economic activities for society. Financial participant companies utilize this
technology by storing public funds in electronic form, known as e-wallets.
An e-wallet, or electronic wallet, is an application or software that enables users to store,
manage, and conduct financial transactions electronically. E-wallets can be used for various
purposes, such as making payments, transferring money, or storing payment information for
online transactions. Electronic wallet transactions (e-wallet) are electronic payment
transactions conducted online. Here are some functions of e-wallets:
a. Storing money electronically
E-wallets allow users to store money electronically, enabling them to make transactions
without cash or physical cards.
b. Digital payments
E-wallets are used for digital payments, both in physical stores through QR codes or Near
Field Communication (NFC) technology and for online purchases on websites and apps.
c. Money transfers
With e-wallets, users can transfer money to other users, both within the same network and
across platforms, quickly and easily.
d. Integration with other services
E-wallets are often integrated with other services, such as bill payments, ticket purchases,
and transportation services, providing flexibility in various transactions.
e. Security and authentication
E-wallets typically come with security features such as encryption, two-factor
authentication, and biometric scanning (such as fingerprint or facial recognition), to ensure
transaction security and user information.
f. Loyalty and special offers
Some e-wallets offer loyalty programs, discounts, and special offers to users, as a way to
increase usage and user engagement.
g. User convenience
E-wallets are designed for ease of use, with intuitive interfaces and customer support to
assist users with questions or issues.
Bank Indonesia has expressed that in this modern era, regulations regarding the provision
of payment system services need to be restructured because this is a new aspect implemented
in Indonesia's financial system. Therefore, the payment process must adhere to the principles
Legal Strategy To Prevent And Overcome Abuse Of Funds In
Digital Wallets
Vol 3, No 7 July 2024
of security, smoothness, efficiency, and effectiveness, and prioritize consumer protection. With
the presence of E-Money, it is considered more practical and efficient compared to cash
Companies providing e-wallet platforms not only offer more efficient and practical
services but also provide additional benefits to consumers, such as cashback rewards every
time they make transactions. In Indonesia, some popular e-wallets are GoPay (Go-Jek), OVO
(Lippo Group), DANA (PT. Espay Debit Indonesia Koe), LinkAja (Telkomsel), and many
more. Despite the advantages of e-wallets, there are still risks associated with their use, namely
the potential loss of consumer funds and the possibility of personal data leakage due to
inadequate security measures on the platform.
Based on Article 4 of Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection,
consumers have the right to convenience, security, and safety in consuming goods or services,
as well as the right to compensation, damages, and replacements if the received goods or
services do not comply with agreements or standards. Furthermore, there is also Financial
Services Authority Regulation Number 1/POJK.07/2013 addressing consumer protection in the
financial services sector. Consumers of electronic money deemed invalid are also provided
legal protection if their cards are lost or damaged.
Based on the explanation above, an interesting legal issue to discuss is how to strategize
legally to prevent and address the misuse of funds in E-Wallets.
The research method employed to create this writing is normative legal research, which
is a legal research method conducted by examining library materials and secondary data,
wherein the approach used is normative juridical (statute approach) with a descriptive-
analytical nature (Soerjowinoto, 2006).
The normative approach is a method used to examine issues in the context of law and
legislation, including rules that can be used as a basis to examine issues and their legal
consequences. In this case, an example is Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer
Protection. The normative approach is applied to specific legislation or written laws related
to the concept of law enforcement regarding E-Wallets. This research depicts the situation of
the object being studied, focusing on regulations and legal protection concepts related to legal
strategies to prevent and address fund misuse in E-Wallets (Soemitro, 1990).
E-Wallet According to Indonesian Positive Law
E-wallet, or electronic wallet, is an application or feature designed to facilitate payment
transactions for users. Users have accounts within the application, which include information
about the amount of money they have in the account. The money in the E-Wallet can be used
to make various payment transactions. As a replacement for conventional wallets, e-wallets
provide users with a more convenient way to store and manage their money, without the need
for reliance on cash or physical credit/debit cards (Clevalda & Kharisma, 2019). Digital wallets
provide users with the ability to perform various transactions, such as online and offline
Vol 3, No 7 July 2024
Legal Strategy To Prevent And Overcome Abuse Of Funds In
Digital Wallets
shopping payments, money transfers, bill payments, purchasing phone credits, and various
other services.
Typically, digital wallets are linked to users' bank accounts or credit cards. Through the
digital wallet application downloaded and installed on their digital devices, users can easily
access and manage their balance or funds in their digital wallets. To make transactions, users
are required to enter the necessary information, such as the amount of money to be sent or paid,
and the recipient or merchant's number, and then confirm the transaction using predetermined
security methods, such as passwords or fingerprints.
Additionally, e-wallets often offer various additional features such as loyalty programs,
special discounts, and integration with other applications such as online transportation services,
online food purchases, or e-commerce. It makes the use of e-wallets more attractive and
provides additional benefits to users, as they can easily access various services and receive
special offers. Overall, e-wallets provide convenience, speed, and flexibility in conducting
financial transactions. With e-wallets, users no longer need to carry cash or physical credit
cards, as they can make transactions using their digital devices. Furthermore, e-wallets also
offer the benefit of transaction recording and monitoring, making it easier for users to manage
their finances more efficiently.
The existence of E-wallets has been acknowledged by the state, as evidenced by the
formation of Bank Indonesia Regulation Number 18/40/PBI/2016 concerning Payment
Transaction Implementation. Article 1 number 7 of this regulation defines electronic wallets or
e-wallets as electronic services used to store payment instrument data, including payment
instruments such as cards or electronic money, as well as to store funds used for payments. The
regulation also regulates the payment transaction processing process by payment system
service providers and supporting providers. Article 4 paragraph (1) of Bank Indonesia
Regulation Number 18/40/PBI/2016 states that any party acting as a payment system service
provider must obtain prior approval from Bank Indonesia or obtain approval from Bank
Furthermore, E-Wallets are also regulated in Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning
electronic information and transactions. Article 1 number 2 of Law Number 11 of 2008
Concerning Electronic Information and Transactions states that electronic transactions are legal
acts carried out using computers, computer networks, and/or other electronic media. From the
explanation of the article above, it can be said that an action of exchanging information through
an electronic network can be considered as an electronic transaction.
Then, Article 21 paragraph (4) of Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic
Transaction Information states that if losses in electronic transactions are caused by the failure
of electronic agents due to the negligence of service users, all legal consequences become the
responsibility of the service users. Thus, the service provider is obliged to be responsible for
providing compensation for what the service user experienced.
The last legal basis is Bank Indonesia Regulation Number 16/8/PBI/2014 concerning
Amendments to Bank Indonesia Regulation No. 11/12/PBI/2009 concerning Electronic
Money, which states that electronic money is a payment instrument, thus meaning that e-money
is not a new type of currency because the nominal or currency value expressed in e-money is
still in Rupiah. Additionally, electronic money is merely a payment instrument or system.
Legal Strategy To Prevent And Overcome Abuse Of Funds In
Digital Wallets
Vol 3, No 7 July 2024
Electronic money is regulated in Article 1 number 3, which states that electronic money is a
payment instrument that meets the following criteria (Situngkir, 2018):
a. issued based on the value of money deposited in advance to the issuer
b. the value of money is stored electronically in a server or chip medium
c. used as a payment instrument to merchants who are not the issuer of the electronic money;
d. the value of electronic money managed by the issuer is not considered a deposit as referred
to in laws regulating banking.
Legal Strategy to Prevent and Address Misuse of E-Wallets Funds
The development of financial technology has created a new phenomenon, namely e-
wallets or digital wallets, which have now become a very important and commonly used
payment tool by modern society. E-wallets provide a solution for people to conduct
transactions quickly, easily, and efficiently. However, like the two sides of a coin, this progress
also brings several challenges and risks (Fitria, 2023). One of the main concerns of users is the
loss of balance in e-wallets. It is not without reason that technical errors, cybercrime actions,
or other external disruptions can result in financial losses for users. When users report such
issues, they often receive unsatisfactory responses. Slow responses, complicated claim
procedures, and sometimes failures to recover lost funds are common problems encountered.
Financial Services Authority Regulation (OJK) No. 6/POJK.07/2022 requires Financial
Services Business Providers (PUJK) to guarantee the integrity and security of the information
technology they use, as well as to protect consumer data and personal information. Cases
related to data and information security should serve as a warning for these services to improve
their security systems and provide more effective and responsive issue-resolution mechanisms.
Electronic wallets are digital services that allow users to store payment information such as
cards or electronic money, as well as store funds and make payments.
To establish an e-wallet service, service providers must meet certain requirements.
Additionally, service providers also need to obtain appropriate licenses, which can be obtained
through banks, non-bank institutions, or limited liability companies. Companies must also have
legality, clear profiles, compliance with the law, operational readiness, and secure and reliable
systems. During the payment process, companies must implement risk management and
information security standards effectively. In cases of transaction cancellations and refund
requests, e-wallet providers must promptly refund funds to users. They must also have
procedures to ensure that the refund process runs smoothly. The refunded funds must originate
from the source used in the transaction.
Information security is an effort to protect information and related essential elements,
whether in the form of systems or hardware used to store and transmit information. However,
security in e-wallets often isn't sophisticated enough, resulting in many victims experiencing
losses due to weak security systems. Therefore, a legal strategy is needed to prevent fund
misuse in e-wallets, considering the potential risks associated with electronic transactions and
digital financial services. Government efforts to prevent fund misuse in e-wallets typically
involve various aspects of regulation, supervision, and law enforcement. Here are some
common efforts undertaken by governments to prevent fund misuse in e-wallets:
a. Enhancing clear and stringent regulations
Vol 3, No 7 July 2024
Legal Strategy To Prevent And Overcome Abuse Of Funds In
Digital Wallets
The government issues specific regulations to govern the use of e-wallets and electronic
transactions. These regulations include security requirements, consumer protection, and fair
business practices, such as those outlined by Bank Indonesia and the Financial Services
Authority (OJK) in Indonesia.
b. Improving Strong Security Standards
The government mandates e-wallet providers to implement strong security standards,
including data encryption, two-factor authentication, and monitoring systems to detect
suspicious activities. This helps prevent hacking and data misuse.
c. Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter-Terrorist Financing (CFT):
The government implements strict rules regarding Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and
Counter-Terrorist Financing (CFT) to prevent the use of e-wallets in illegal activities. This
includes the obligation for e-wallet providers to report suspicious transactions to the
d. Identity Verification and KYC (Know Your Customer)
The government requires e-wallet providers to implement strict KYC procedures,
including user identity verification before opening an account or conducting transactions.
This helps ensure that only legitimate individuals can use e-wallets.
e. Supervision and Regular Audits:
Government authorities conduct regular supervision and audits of e-wallet providers to
ensure compliance with regulations and security standards. This helps detect and prevent
potential violations or misuse.
f. Consumer Education and Awareness:
The government promotes consumer education and awareness regarding the risks and
safe practices of using e-wallets. With better knowledge, consumers can be more cautious
and protect themselves from fund misuse.
g. Collaboration with Law Enforcement Agencies
The government collaborates with law enforcement agencies to address cybercrime and
financial crimes related to e-wallets, including sharing information and resources to identify
and prosecute legal violations.
h. Strict Sanctions and Law Enforcement
The government imposes strict sanctions for regulatory violations, including fines,
business activity freezes, and license revocations. Powerful law enforcement helps prevent
and reduce fund misuse in e-wallets.
By taking these steps, the government can help ensure that e-wallets become safe and
reliable payment tools for the public while preventing fund misuse and other illegal activities.
Currently, the government's strategy in preventing fund misuse crimes in e-wallets is to
continue using laws related to e-wallets, but with a firmer and unbiased government role,
particularly regarding legal protection against fund misuse in e-wallets regulated under Law
Number 8 of 1999 concerning consumer protection.
Legal protection can be defined as a series of efforts undertaken by the government or
competent authorities to protect the rights of the people using binding regulations. The
elements of legal protection include protective actions, responsible parties for protection, and
methods used to protect these rights (Amdery et al., 2022). Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning
Legal Strategy To Prevent And Overcome Abuse Of Funds In
Digital Wallets
Vol 3, No 7 July 2024
Consumer Protection contains several provisions aimed at directing manufacturers and
business entities, especially those operating in the business sector, to act by national economic
development. In the event of violations by these manufacturers or business entities, legal
sanctions, both administrative and criminal, will be enforced. Acts contrary to the goal of
establishing a healthy business climate can be considered criminal acts. This protection is
reflected in Article 19 of Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection, which states
that business actors are responsible for providing compensation for damages, pollution, and
losses arising from the consumption of goods or services produced or traded.
The compensation provided may be in the form of a refund or replacement of goods or
services of the same type or equivalent value, and this compensation shall be provided within
a maximum period of 7 days from the transaction date. The compensation provided to
consumers does not preclude the possibility of criminal imprisonment claims based on further
evidence of wrongdoing. However, Article 23 states that if a business entity refuses to respond
to or fails to fulfill compensation for its mistakes, it can be sued through the consumer dispute
resolution body. Therefore, e-wallet providers are obliged to compensate for the losses
experienced by consumers.
Bank Indonesia implements legal protection for e-wallet users by establishing several
regulations and policies. One such policy is the creation of guidelines for the operation of
payment system services, particularly regarding the use of digital wallets. These guidelines are
outlined in Bank Indonesia Regulation Number 20/6/PBI/2018, which addresses the operation
of payment systems through digital wallets. This regulation, also known as the Bank Indonesia
Electronic Money Regulation, covers licensing and supervision procedures for the operation of
electronic money, including digital wallets. In addition to regulating operational procedures,
Bank Indonesia also emphasizes protection for payment system users, including digital wallet
users, by issuing Bank Indonesia Regulation Number 16/1/PBI/2014 concerning Consumer
Protection for Payment System Providers (Nurdin, 2018).
Furthermore, Bank Indonesia Regulation Number 22/20/PBI/2020 was designed as an
enhancement of Bank Indonesia Regulation Number 16/1/PBI/2014. This regulation provides
more detailed provisions regarding the obligations and responsibilities that must be fulfilled by
providers, demonstrating the government's commitment to consumer protection. However,
Indonesia currently does not have specific legislation governing digital wallets. Nevertheless,
there are regulations covering electronic transactions and electronic money, including digital
wallets. However, in practice, these regulations are often ineffective. Many digital wallet users
still face issues such as fund loss, data breaches, and other difficulties, while businesses do not
always have solutions or take responsibility for consumer losses.
Therefore, Indonesia needs to specifically formulate regulations concerning digital wallets
to provide legal certainty to all parties, including users. With specific rules addressing digital
wallets, crimes related to fund misuse in digital wallets can be promptly addressed, ensuring
that consumers no longer need to fear using e-wallets.
The electronic wallet, colloquially referred to as the "e-wallet," represents a software
application enabling users to electronically store, administer, and execute financial
transactions. Its multifunctional capabilities encompass payment facilitation, fund transfers,
Vol 3, No 7 July 2024
Legal Strategy To Prevent And Overcome Abuse Of Funds In
Digital Wallets
and the archival of payment particulars pertinent to online transactions. Transactions via e-
wallets entail the electronic processing of financial transactions conducted over digital
platforms. Despite the manifold benefits conferred by e-wallets, their utilization remains
fraught with inherent risks, including the plausible forfeiture of consumer assets and the
vulnerability to privacy breaches precipitated by suboptimal security measures on the platform.
Such hazards pose a considerable detriment to consumers engaging with e-wallet services.
Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection contains various provisions
aimed at directing producers and businesses, especially those engaged in business activities, to
behave in a manner that supports national economic development. If there are violations
committed by these producers or businesses, they will be subject to legal sanctions, both
administrative and criminal. Actions contrary to the goal of fostering a healthy business climate
can be classified as criminal acts. Bank Indonesia has implemented a legal protection system
for digital wallet users, starting with the issuance of regulations and policies. One such policy
is the establishment of guidelines for the provision of payment system services, especially for
the use of digital wallets. These guidelines are regulated in Bank Indonesia Regulation Number
20/6/PBI/2018, which addresses the provision of payment systems through digital wallets. This
regulation, known as the Bank Indonesia Electronic Money Regulation, establishes licensing
and supervision procedures for the provision of electronic money services, including the use of
digital wallets. Bank Indonesia not only regulates operational procedures but also emphasizes
protection for users of payment systems, including those using digital wallets, by issuing Bank
Indonesia Regulation Number 16/1/PBI/2014 concerning Consumer Protection for Payment
System Providers. Additionally, there is also Bank Indonesia Regulation Number
22/20/PBI/2020, which is an enhancement of Bank Indonesia Regulation Number
16/1/PBI/2014. This regulation is more specific in regulating the obligations and
responsibilities that must be fulfilled by providers, as part of the government's efforts to protect
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Copyright holders:
Maharani Trisni Zulaiha
, Lamijan
, Hono Sejati
First publication right:
JoSS - Journal of Social Science
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0