Journal of Social Science
Vanny M.A. Tiwow
, Paulus Hengky Abram
, Sri Hastuti V. Pulukadang
, Yinangsih
Universitas Tadulako, Sulawesi Tengah, Indonesia
, pauluaabram1[email protected]
, Sri_hastut[email protected]
Virgin coconut oil
(VCO), Kalsium
oksida (CaO), Eco-
enzyme DAN, DPN.
Virgin coconut oil (VCO) is a processed form of coconut meat that is pure
and free of free fatty acids. VCO is widely recognized as a cooking oil,
cosmetic, antioxidant and beneficial for health, due to its high content of
lauric acid. The method used in this research is a combination of qualitative
and quantitative methods. The stages carried out in this research start from
literature study, field research, laboratory analysis, data processing, and
reporting. The purpose of this research is to produce VCO by utilizing CaO
from oysters and Eco-enzyme to de-emulsify proteins to separate oil from
water and measure the decrease in free fatty acid number and the decrease
in peroxide number as quality parameters of the VCO produced. The
application of CaO and Eco-enzyme fermentation is simple by mixing 0.2
g, 0.4 g, 0.6 g CaO and 0.2 mL, 0.4 mL, 0.6 mL Eco-enzyme respectively
with 100 mL coconut milk. After treatments, it can be concluded that:
separation of water from oil in the manufacture of VCO from coconut milk
can occur using CaO and using Eco-enzyme It means that de-emulsification
of protein in coconut milk is working well. To determine the quality of
production VCO from CaO de-emulsification found 50.00 % the
decreasing of Free Fatty Acid number and the decreasing of peroxide
number is 28.57 %. From eco-enzyme de-emulsification the results are
55.55 %, the decrease of the acid number (DAN) and 57.14% the decrease
of the peroxide number (DPN).
Central Sulawesi occupies the 4
position in the provinces (after Riau, North Sulawesi
and Maluku) which produces 195,000 tons of coconut per year with a land area of 217,228 Ha
(Id, 2017). This product is sold from Central Sulawesi in the form of copra in seeds, but in the
form of seeds it becomes polemic because the retailer only buys Rp. 500 Rp. 700/seed. So
that the government and Commission VII of the House of Representatives have been prohibited
selling in whole/seed form (, 2020).
The scarcity of cooking oil also led to an increase in the price of copra from Rp.3,500 to
an average of Rp. 11,400/kilogram, so farmers returned to selling coconut commodities in the
form of copra (Basri Marzuki, 2020).
According to Kindangen et al. 2000, in fact coconut production can be increased 2 to 4
times, with the calculation that now copra production is now around 1 ton/ha/year, compared
Volume 3 Number 7 July 2024
p- ISSN 2963-1866- e-ISSN 2963-8909
Vol 3, No 7 July 2024
Introduction Of CaO From Oyster And Ecoenzim For Making
Virgin Coconut Oil
to the potential production of 2-4 tons/ha/year if using the recommended technology (Kamela,
2021). In addition to maximizing production per hectare, Indonesia has also not tried seriously
to seek "value added coconut products" with technology to produce products with high selling
value, such as, according to Arancon, R. N. (1999), alternative products (other than oil) from
coconut with added, there are 12 kinds of high value and prospects in the global market, five
of which are 1). Desiccated coconut meat 2). Coconut milk or canned coconut cream 3).
Coconut milk powder 4). Fresh young coconut and 5). Coconut water; these products are
competitive with copra. The other six kinds of products are 1). nata de coco, 2). coconut coir,
3). fiber products, 4). fiber dust, 5). shell charcoal, and 6). activated carbon. Another product
is kopyor coconut (makapuno in the Philippines), which is an “abnormal” coconut that cannot
be used for copra but can be used as an ingredient in drinks or dessert products that are highly
valued. The chemical composition of kopyor coconut, both the flesh and the water has been
studied (Santoso et al., 1996).
The solution to the problem above is that there needs to be a comprehensive effort from
those involved in R & D, both in the development of coconut production and in the
development of value added coconut products. Then after obtaining a comprehensive form of
development, run one by one until a solution to the problem is reached. One product that
requires an integrated development effort is virgin coconut oil, which contains very high lauric
acid (45-55%). and used as raw materials for the food, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical industries
(Soro et al., 2016).
Coconut (Cocos nucifera L) is an Indonesian commodity that has high economic value.
Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) is one of the processed products from coconuts that has the potential
to increase people's income so that they have opportunities for new productive businesses.
VCO is an oil obtained from the flesh of fresh old coconuts that have gone through a squeezing
process with or without the addition of water, with a maximum heating of 60
C or without
heating, and is safe for human consumption. Many enzymes have been investigated to separate
meat from oil, such as protoase from Moringa seeds, bromelain from pineapple and papain
from papaya, etc (Suhardiyono, 1991).
In this study, CaO and eco- enzymes will be used which are currently trending as cleaning
products. However, the process is the same as for other enzymes, namely from fruit. Basically
what is used to make eco-enzymes is fruit peel or fruit waste, such as apples, water melons,
rock melons, ripe papaya bananas. The aims of this study are to produce VCO using CaO as
absorbent H
O and eco-enzymes as de-emulgator of protein and to measure decreasing of free
acid number and decreasing of peroxide number as the characterization of VCO.
The research was conducted at the Chemistry Laboratory of the Faculty of Teacher
Training and Education (FKIP) Tadulako University and the Laboratory of Science XRD and
XRF at Hasanuddin University, utilizing both basic laboratory equipment and advanced
instruments such as UV-Vis and XRD. The materials used included oyster shells, various
fruits (papaya, apple, pineapple, mango, banana), palm sugar (eco-enzyme stock), distilled
water, aluminum foil, coconut flesh, CaO from oyster shells, aquadest, 96% ethanol,
phenolphthalein indicator solution, 0.1 N NaOH, chloroform, KI solution, sodium
Introduction Of CaO From Oyster And Ecoenzim For Making
Virgin Coconut Oil
Vol 3, No 7 July 2024
thiosulfate, acetic acid, and 1% starch solution. The research method combined qualitative
and quantitative approaches, involving literature studies, field research, laboratory analysis,
data processing, and reporting. For sample preparation, oyster shells were cleaned, dried,
mashed, and sieved. Water and ash content were determined by drying and calcining the
samples, respectively, and CaO levels were analyzed using XRF. To produce VCO, coconut
milk was extracted from grated coconut flesh and mixed with eco-enzyme and CaO in
varying amounts. The mixtures were stirred and allowed to stand before filtering and
analyzing the quality of the resulting VCO.
VCO Production
In the process of making coconut milk, grated coconut meat is added with water to extract
coconut milk from solids or pulp. Coconut milk which consists of water and oil is basically
immiscible, but because it contains protein as an intermediate which makes water-oil able to
combine into a colloidal liquid called an emulsion. Protein acts as an emulsifier / emulsifying
agent where the protein will wrap the coconut oil granules with a thin layer, as well as water
so that the oil globules and protein-water granules can join the protein-oil granules.
The water used to extract will be separated by gravity, the water with the smaller BJ will
be at the bottom of the container and the coconut milk on the top. This also means that the
protein-oil grains are larger in number than the water-protein grains.
After separating the extraction water from the coconut milk/coconut emulsion, the coconut
milk or emulsion needs to be broken so that the water and oil and protein are separated as
Decreasing of Free Fatty Acid Number and Peroxide Number with Eco-enzyme
In this step, two methods were used to break the oil-water emulsion;
First, by using enzymes, as done by (Setiaji, 2006), using protease enzymes.
proteases with varying catalytic characters can be used to break lipoprotein bonds in fat
emulsions, including papain (papaya), bromelain (pineapple), and protease enzymes which
comes from river crabs (Ward, 2011). These enzymes are known to be safe when used in
foodstuffs (Whithaker, 1994).
In addition, the extracellular work of microorganisms with a high complexity to produce
enzymes as biocatalysts in chemical reactions in living cells, is for cell metabolism and cell
regulation in living things. super productive, thousand times (Boyer & Carlton, 1968).
Eco-enzymes, which are produced from the fermentation of several types of fruit (five
types of skin and fruit flesh)
(Palungkun, 1993)
are confirmed to contain protease enzymes,
namely papain enzymes because there is papaya flesh, and bromelain enzymes because there
is pineapple flesh and skin. By these enzymes proteins are converted into peptides and amino
acids through a hydrolysis process The particular reason for the use of Eco-enzyme, is that at
this time it has become a public concern because of its other functions that have been
worldwide. The combination of enzymes contained in it is certainly interesting to know its
function as a catalyst for breaking down proteins into amino acids so that the emulsifier
function is eliminated.
Production VCO with this enzymatic process consists of three main stages, namely
making coconut milk, adding proteases (eco enzymes) and filtering.
Vol 3, No 7 July 2024
Introduction Of CaO From Oyster And Ecoenzim For Making
Virgin Coconut Oil
Table 1
Result of VCO Acid Number Test with Eco-enzyme Coagulant
Volume Eco-
enzyme (mL)
Free Fatty Acid Number
% Decreased Free
Fatty Acid Number
This enzymatic process is certainly superior to the separation process by heating, which
for quality improvement must be done through refining, bleaching, and deodorizing. Another
advantage is that it is useful for the body (Nevin & Rajamohan, 2004).
After coconut milk is mixed with eco-enzyme, the results of the decrease in acid number
and peroxide number are obtained as shown in Tables 1 and 2. According to Chen and Diosady,
2003, to extract VCO by fermentation, it is carried out using papain enzymes which directly or
through enzymes-producing microbes that can break protein bonds with oil in coconut milk
Table 2
The Results of VCO Peroxide Number with Eco Enzyme Catalyst
Volume Eco-enzyme
(mL)/100 mL
Peroxide number
% decreasing of Peroxide
Making VCO from coconut milk is done in several ways: first, by heating gradually at a
temperature of 60ºC-70ºC, then the oil and its granular will be separated.
Second, by centrifugation/me Chanical method by using a centrifuge, with a speed of
20,000 rpm and a time of 15 minutes and 3 layers will be formed, namely water, the granular
and oil. The oil is separated using a pipette. Third, by means of a inducement, coconut cream
is mixed with bait oil in a ratio of 1:3 while stirring until homogeneous, then allowed to stand
for 7-8 hours until the oil, the granular and water are separated. Then they are separated
mechanically. In this fishing technique, the oil molecules in the coconut milk are pulled by the
fishing oil until they become all oil This pull will change the water and proteins that were
previously bound to the coconut milk molecules to be disconnected (Sutarmi, 2006).
This method basically changes the shape of the oil-water emulsion into oil-oil. Some of
the above principles serve as the basis for thinking in the use of enzymes as catalysts to convert
protein polymers into amino acid monomers, as well as overhauling the emulsifying ability of
proteins, so that oil can be separated from water.
Decreasing Acid Numbers and Peroxide Numbers with CaO absorption.
CaO can be used as a water absorber because it has a hexagonal structure which has a
lattice inside which is interspersed with H+ and Na+ and others (Fitriyana & Safitri, 2015).
Introduction Of CaO From Oyster And Ecoenzim For Making
Virgin Coconut Oil
Vol 3, No 7 July 2024
Table 3
The Result of Free Fatty Acid Number of VCO with CaO
CaO (gram)/100 mL Coconut
Number Peroksida
% decrease number of
The acid number is expressed as the number of milligrams of KOH required to neutralize
free fatty acids in one gram of oil. A large acid number indicates a large free fatty acid (Tenda
& Kumaunang, 2007). This is reinforced by (Dahlan et al., 2013), that cellulose contains a lot
of hydroxyl groups (-OH) which are electronegative (base) and polar. These properties can
interact with the carboxylic acid (COOH) group of free fatty acids which are electropositive
(acid) and polar. CaO fulfills both theory and practice above. If so, CaO can attract water to
then it will be able to neutralize free fatty acids and can reduce the acid number to
57.14% at 2 grams.
The adsorption energy value obtained shows that the mechanism of the adsorption
process that occurs is physical adsorption caused by attractive forces involving van der Waals
forces of induced dipole-dipole interactions (Alimano & Syafila, 2014).
Table 3
The Results of Peroxide Number of VCO with CaO
CaO (gram)/100
Number Peroksida VCO
% decrease number of
The number of peroxides can be reduced because peroxides containing oxygen are polar
compounds so that they are more easily bound to polar molecule such as CaO. If the adsorbent
is polar, the polar component will be bound more strongly than the non-polar component
(Jasinda, 2013) The results obtained did not achieve the desired results, but there is still
evidence of a decrease in the oxidation number. This can be explained through previous
research evidence that the decrease in peroxide number is influenced by the number of
adsorbents and the length of contacting time. This is in accordance with the theory that the
more adsorbent and the longer the contacting time, the purification process will be faster. The
largest percentage decrease in peroxide value was the peroxide value of 7 mek O
/kg at an
adsorbent mass of 10 grams and a stirring time of 50 minutes. This has met the standard of SNI
At the contact time of 40 and 50 minutes with a mass of 10 grams of adsorbent the
decrease in peroxide number remained. This happens because the adsorbent has experienced a
saturation period which causes the adsorbent to no longer absorb the acid number in the oil.
Vol 3, No 7 July 2024
Introduction Of CaO From Oyster And Ecoenzim For Making
Virgin Coconut Oil
Figure 1
(a). Differences in Acid Number Reduction between Eco-enzyme catalytic and CaO .
absorbance (b). Differences in peroxide value reduction between Eco-enzyme catalytic and
There was a striking difference in the reduction of peroxide value by eco-enzyme and
CaO, eco-enzyme was more effective, especially at concentrations of 0.05 and 0.2. This
happens because in the eco-enzyme there are several fruits that contain high anti-oxidants such
as tocopherol compounds, vitamin C and also flavonoids that can ward off free radicals free
and also prevent the reaction (Vijayaraghavan et al., 2011).
Mixing CaO with water in solution will turn into alkaline Ca (OH)
, plus in this case it
causes Ca (OH)
to react with esterification oil resulting in a decrease in acid number and a
decrease in peroxide number.
The quality of VCO improved with the use of CaO, achieving a 50.00% reduction in free
fatty acid number at 4 grams and a 28.57% reduction in peroxide number. When using eco-
enzymes, the best results were observed with 0.2 mL, yielding a 55.55% reduction in free fatty
acid number and a 57.14% reduction in peroxide number. This research was funded by the
DIPA FKIP Tadulako University 2022 fund. The researcher expresses gratitude and
appreciation to the leadership of FKIP Tadulako University for their motivation and funding,
and thanks the dedicated research team for completing the research and writing this paper.
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Vol 3, No 7 July 2024
Introduction Of CaO From Oyster And Ecoenzim For Making
Virgin Coconut Oil
Copyright holders:
Vanny M.A. Tiwow
, Paulus Hengky Abram
, Sri Hastuti V. Pulukadang
Yinangsih Safitri
First publication right:
JoSS - Journal of Social Science
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0