Journal of Social Science
, Megawati Barthos
, Haris Farhan
Universitas Borobudur, Indonesia
Juridical; Code of
Ethics; National
Indonesian National Police Regulation No. 7 of 2022 contains guidelines
for ethical behavior known as the Indonesian National Police Code of
Ethics. A juridical analysis of the Polri Code of Ethics is important to
understand the legal basis, principles, and values that govern the behavior
of Polri members in carrying out their duties as law enforcers and protectors
of society. This juridical research highlights several important aspects. First,
the Polri Code of Ethics is based on the principles of State Ethics,
Institutional Ethics, Community Ethics, and Personal Ethics, which
emphasize integrity, professionalism, and commitment to moral values in
every action of Polri members. Secondly, in a legal context, the Polri Code
of Ethics requires compliance with applicable regulations and laws, with the
Indonesian National Police Regulation No. 7 of 2022 as the legal basis for
the values, standards, and behaviors that must be upheld by members of the
National Police. Third, enforcement of the Polri Code of Ethics relies
heavily on the Polri Code of Ethics Commission, which is responsible for
overseeing and investigating violations of the code in accordance with
applicable legal procedures. The legal analysis of the Polri Code of Ethics
emphasizes the importance of deeply understanding the values, norms, and
ethical obligations of every Polri member to create a professional, clean, and
integrity work environment in order to maintain public trust in the police
Members of the Indonesian National Police (Polri) are guided in carrying out their duties
and responsibilities as law enforcers by the National Police Code of Ethics, a moral and ethical
foundation. As an institution responsible for law enforcement and public security, the National
Police has a vital role in maintaining order, security, and services to the community. The long
history of the National Police has provided a strong foundation for the formation of a Code of
Ethics as an instrument that regulates the behavior and actions of its members. This Code of
Ethics is not only normative but also reflects the values that are upheld in carrying out their
duties as law enforcement officers. In the context of a pluralistic Indonesia, the Police Code of
Ethics is an affirmation of its commitment to upholding justice, professionalism, and authority
amidst ever-developing social dynamics.
The importance of the Police Code of Ethics lies not only in the internal aspects of the
Volume 3 Number 6 June 2024
p- ISSN 2963-1866- e-ISSN 2963-8909
Vol 3, No 6 June 2024
Juridical Analysis Of The Republic Of Indonesia Police Code Of
organization but also in the relationship between the Police the community and other external
parties. Public Trust in the National The extent to which members of the Indonesian National
Police adhere to and implement the values outlined in the Code of Ethics is crucial to the success
of the police as a law enforcement agency. As a result, the public's perception of the police is
largely influenced by the Police Code of Ethics.
Amid increasingly rapid developments in technology and information, the challenges
faced by the National Police in maintaining the integrity and professionalism of its members
are increasingly complex. The National Police Code of Ethics is a guideline that must always
be updated and adapted to current developments so that it remains relevant and effective in
facing various new challenges.
The role of the mass media also influences public perceptions of the National Police's
performance and implementation of the Code of Ethics. News related to ethical violations or
disgraceful behavior committed by members of the National Police often becomes the public
spotlight and can damage the image of the National Police institution as a whole. Therefore,
enforcing and monitoring the Police Code of Ethics has become more important to maintain the
integrity and trust of the public.
In the context of globalization and information integration, openness and accountability
of the National Police in carrying out their duties is an important focus in implementing the
Code of Ethics. Transparency in actions and effective communication with the public are key
factors in ensuring the effective implementation of the National Police Code of Ethics and
having a positive impact on law enforcement and security.
All members of society must uphold the law in order for there to be a rule of law. It
implies that all actions must be grounded on the relevant legal statutes. Law is a body of rules
governing how individuals should behave in order to maintain social order, safety, and pleasure.
Every member of society has different interests, and in order to pursue those interests and
maintain a balance in communal life, members of society enter into legally regulated
partnerships(Gultom, 2014).When one asks how these goals will be accomplished, problems
start to surface. It turns out that police work can only be performed by adhering to and following
certain restrictions, one of which is legal in nature; the police are tasked with establishing and
maintaining order within the relevant legal framework (Satjipto Rahardjo, 2009).
The Republic of Indonesia State Police Guideline Number 7 of 2022 About the Expert
Set of Principles and the Republic of Indonesia Police Set of Rules Commission govern the
overall set of rules for the police force. Article 1's first point indicates that:
"The written and unwritten standards or moral guidelines that direct National Police of
the Republic of Indonesia officials' attitudes, behaviors, and actions in the performance of their
daily tasks, authority, and responsibilities are known as the Code of Professional Ethics for the
National Police of the Republic of Indonesia, or KEPP for short."
In the Republic of Indonesia State Police Regulation Number 7 of 2022 concerning the
Professional Code of Ethics and the Republic of Indonesia Police Code of Ethics Commission,
some provisions regulate the relationship between the authority and functions of the National
Police by the applicable Code of Ethics. The following is a description of the relationship
between the authority and functions of the National Police as reflected in the National Police
Code of Ethics:
Juridical Analysis Of The Republic Of Indonesia Police Code Of
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1. Police Authority.Law enforcement. The National Police has the authority to enforce the law
and provide protection to the public by applicable legal provisions. This authority includes
taking action against violations of the law, preventing crime, and regulating traffic.
The National Police is responsible for providing a sense of security and protection to
the community, both in emergency and everyday situations. This authority includes securing
public events, handling social conflicts, and disaster management.
The National Police has the authority to carry out investigations into criminal cases and
other crimes to uncover and take action against criminals.
2. Functions of the National Police.
The National Police are expected to carry out their duties with full professionalism,
integrity, and responsibility. This function includes the implementation of high ethical and
moral standards in every aspect of service to the community.
Public service.
As a public service institution, the National Police has the function of providing
excellent and responsive service to the community. This includes providing assistance,
information, and protection to people in need.
Community Partnerships.
The National Police are expected to establish good partnerships with the community in
maintaining security and order. This function involves the active participation of the
community in supporting Polri activities and providing information needed for law
3. Relationship with the Police Code of Ethics.
Provisions in the Code of Ethics.
The conduct, actions, and attitudes of National Police members in the performance of
their responsibilities are governed by the Code of Ethics. This includes prohibitions against
abuse of authority, discrimination, corruption, violations of human rights, and actions that
are detrimental to society.
Commitment to the Code of Ethics.
Police members are expected to be fully committed to the Code of Ethics that has been
established, both in interactions with fellow members, the community, and other related
parties. The implementation of the Code of Ethics is the moral basis for every step taken by
members of the National Police in carrying out their duties.
Through the Republic of Indonesia's National Police Regulation Number 7 of 2022,
which outlines the National Police's functions and authority, it is hoped that the National
Police can uphold its integrity, professionalism, and public trust in the course of performing
its duties as public protectors and law enforcers. According to the above description, the
Republic of Indonesia State Police Regulation Number 7 of 2022, which regulates the
Professional Code of Ethics and Commissions of Ethics Code for the National Police of the
Republic of Indonesia, regulates the Police Professional Code of Ethics. As a result, the
National Police Code of Ethics, which has been implemented by the Indonesian Police itself,
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Juridical Analysis Of The Republic Of Indonesia Police Code Of
cannot be separated from this more comprehensive policy.
The issue in this paper is the means by which the guidelines in regard to the Police
General set of rules are directed in the Republic of Indonesia State Police Guideline Number
7 of 2022 concerning the Expert Set of principles and the Republic of Indonesia Police
Governing set of principles Commission.
This practical paper was written utilizing a descriptive-analytical approach, which starts
with data that precisely characterizes the issue as it occurs in the field, analyzes it, and then
draws conclusions to address it. (Soemitro, 1988) In order to find answers to the issues in
writing this article, the data-gathering approach involves observation and a review of the
literature (Sugiyono, 2017).
Police Regulation No. 7 of 2022 deals with the normative juridical approach, which is the
process of analyzing legal issues through the lens of statutory regulations and rules that serve
as a foundation for researching issues and their legal ramifications. In this case, the rules are
the Republic of Indonesia State Codes of Professional Ethics and the Republic of Indonesia
Police Code of Ethics Commission.
The Professional Code of Ethics and the Republic of Indonesia Police Code of Ethics
Commission of the State Police Regulation Number 7 of 2022 both outline the normative
juridical approach applied to specific statutory regulations or written laws pertaining to the
Rules for the Police Code of Ethics (Soemitro, 1988). This study outlines the circumstances
surrounding the object of study, with a particular emphasis on the laws governing the National
Police Code of Ethics in the Republic of Indonesia State, as well as Police Regulation No. 7 of
2022 pertaining to the Professional Code of Ethics.
Regulations relevant to the police code of ethics are included in the Republic of Indonesia
State Police Regulation Number 7 of 2022 regarding the Professional Code of Ethics and
the Republic of Indonesia Police Code of Ethics Commission.
The main tasks and functions (Tupoksi) carried out by the Indonesian Police in handling
criminal acts are divided into 2 (two), namely preemptively and preventively, including:
1. Preemptively: The Semarang Police Intelligence and Security Unit typically uses public
pleas, counseling, recitations, and the placement of posters and stickers in prominent
locations for people to read as part of its preemptive measures. In order to more readily
gather information about community developments, the Semarang Police Intelligence and
Security Unit establishes positive working relationships with the community.
The public can prevent criminal activity from starting if it actively cooperates with law
enforcement by sharing information. In order to preserve security and social order, the
National Police assists in directing the community as well as influential individuals who are
involved in the region, such as youth groups, religious leaders, and traditional authorities. In
addition, the police welcome the public to work with them as partners in upholding law and
order, and they always encourage the public to continue sharing any information they may
have concerning any criminal activity.
Juridical Analysis Of The Republic Of Indonesia Police Code Of
Vol 3, No 6 June 2024
Preemptive prevention is an additional kind of preventive that Awaloeddin Djamin
introduced. In the real world, the National Police refer to this proactive phrase as
"community development" or "indirect preventive," which refers to directives meant to help
the community become law-abiding members. Suparlan (1993). In this instance, the cops
discuss law enforcement without bringing up the legislation or the protocols for doing so
(Meliala, 2006).
2. Preventively: The preventive job is a preventive job so opiates wrongdoings don't happen in
that frame of mind of the Semarang Police. According to Law No. 2 of 2002 Concerning the
National Police of the Republic of Indonesia, police officers, particularly members of the
Semarang Police Intelligence and Security Unit, are required to handle narcotics crimes in
connection with the above description, which is related to the distribution and abuse of
Therefore, the focus of preventive efforts is on how to carry out constructive work and
how to establish circumstances—such as the environment, community culture, and
economic conditions—that become a dynamic force in development rather than the other
way around. For example, generating social tensions that incite deviant behavior is one way
to do this. Another is to raise public awareness and participation in the idea that maintaining
security and order is a shared responsibility.
Combating criminal acts cannot only rely on penal means because criminal law in its
operation has weaknesses/limitations. The weaknesses/limitations of criminal law's ability
to combat crime have been widely expressed by scholars, among others: (Barda Nawawi
Arief, 2001)
a) Given the likelihood that there are criminals who operate beyond the purview of the
criminal justice system, it is unrealistic to anticipate that the enforcement of criminal laws
inside the confines of the criminal justice system will be the sole effective way to combat
b) Criminal law's effectiveness cannot be accurately measured. Regulation is just a single
method for social control. It is more effective to regulate human behavior through
customs, religious beliefs, group support and condemnation, interest group suppression,
and public opinion than through legal sanctions.
c) In legislative products (gesetz) there are sometimes GezetzlichesUnrecht, namely
injustice in the law, while there are quite a few ibergesetzlichesrecht (justice outside the
law) found in people's lives.(Marzuki, 2006)
d) " merely acts as a regulator and an effect on human conduct. Even though they are
less formal and apparent in their origin and substance, moral and social standards are
nonetheless quite important in society's attempts to regulate conduct."(Ali, 1998)
A comparison of punitive and non-penal methods reveals that the former are more
important than the latter, as is also acknowledged on a global scale by the United Nations
Campaign Against Corruption (UNCAC). Reassessing the drug problem is necessary in the
context of confronting society in order to prevent individual incentives that result in drug
distribution or misuse, raise public awareness of the law, and punish drug offenders in
accordance with the law. Therefore, all non-penal preventative measures have a highly strategic
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Juridical Analysis Of The Republic Of Indonesia Police Code Of
position in preventing drug-related crimes when seen from the standpoint of criminal politics.
Consequently, all preventative measures must be able to be integrated into a normal state
activity system by a criminal policy (Sudarto, 1983).
One of the National Police's primary responsibilities as a law enforcement organization
is to combat criminal activity. The link between crime prevention and the National Police Code
of Ethics is crucial to the completion of this duty. This connection is described as follows:
1. Integrity and Professionalism.Enforcement of the Code of Ethics. In dealing with criminal
acts, members of the National Police are expected to carry out their duties with high integrity
and professionalism according to the values stated in the Code of Ethics. This includes
honesty, firmness, and consistency in acting without interference or personal interests.
2. Fair Law Enforcement.Justice.The National Police Code of Ethics emphasizes the
importance of fair and proportional law enforcement. In dealing with criminal acts, members
of the National Police are expected not to be discriminatory and to treat each individual by
prioritizing the principle of presumption of innocence and human rights.
3. Transparency and Accountability.Implementation of the Code of Ethics. In handling
criminal acts, transparency and accountability are the main principles reflected in the Police
Code of Ethics. Police members are expected to be responsible for every action taken and
ready to be accountable for every decision taken.
4. Protection of Human Rights.Respect for Human Rights. In dealing with criminal acts,
members of the National Police must always respect and protect human rights. The National
Police Code of Ethics emphasizes the importance of enforcing laws that do not violate human
rights and prioritize humanitarian interests.
5. Partnership with the Community.Society participation. In dealing with criminal acts, the
National Police needs to establish good partnerships with the community as partners in
creating security and order. The National Police Code of Ethics encourages members of the
Indonesian National Police to involve the public in the process of dealing with criminal acts
and provide the necessary information.
With the close relationship between crime prevention and the National Police's Code of
Ethics, it is hoped that the implementation of the National Police's duties in law enforcement
can be carried out with full integrity, professionalism, and prioritizing high ethical principles.
It will help strengthen public trust in the National Police as a clean, fair, and responsible law
enforcement agency.
The following is clarified and verified in Article 8 of the Republic of Indonesia State
Police Regulation Number 7 of 2022 on the Code of Ethics Commission and the Professional
Code of Ethics:
Every National Police Officer, in terms of Personal Ethics, is obliged to:
a. Believe and be devoted to God Almighty;
b. Responsible, honest, disciplined, cooperative, fair, caring, responsive, firm and humanistic;
c. obey and respect:
1) legals norm;
2) religious norms;
3) norms of decency; and/or
Juridical Analysis Of The Republic Of Indonesia Police Code Of
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4) local wisdom values;
d. Maintain and preserve family, community, national, and state life politely;
e. Carry out state, institutional, and community duties with sincere/sincere intentions, as a
concrete manifestation of his religious deeds; And
f. Maintain manners and ethics in social interactions and use of social media and other media.
In addition, adherence to state, institutional, community, and personal ethics is mandated
for every member of the National Police. Every member of the National Police is expected to
uphold and adhere to the values of State Ethics, Institutional Ethics, Community Ethics, and
Personal Ethics in the course of their work as law enforcement officers and public guardians.
The definitions of each area of ethics are provided below:
1. State Ethics: State Ethics refers to respect for the state, the constitution, and the applicable
legal system. Every member of the National Police is required to uphold state values, be
loyal to the state, and comply with applicable laws and regulations.
2. Institutional Ethics: Institutional Ethics reflects the commitment of Polri members to the
Polri institution and the values adhered to within the organization. This includes compliance
with rules, discipline, and hierarchy in carrying out duties as well as maintaining the honor
and reputation of the National Police institution.
3. Community Ethics: Community Ethics emphasizes the importance of a harmonious
relationship between the National Police and the community. Police members are expected
to serve the community well, respect human rights, and establish strong partnerships with
the community in maintaining security and order.
4. Personality Ethics: Personality Ethics refers to the moral values and personal character that
every member of the National Police must have. This includes integrity, honesty, discipline,
responsibility, and a high attitude of professionalism in every interaction with the public and
It is hoped that every member of the National Police will be able to perform their duties
effectively, uphold the National Police's clean and professional image, and foster positive
relationships with the community by abiding by state, institutional, community, and personality
ethics. This will help increase public trust in the National Police as a law enforcement institution
of quality and integrity. Police ethics, which includes institutional, community, and personal
ethics, is closely related to State Police Regulation (Perkap) Number 7 of 2022, which governs
the Professional Code of Ethics and the Police Code of Ethics Commission. The following
explains the importance of police ethics and how they connect to the Chief Regulation:
1. Police Ethics: Polri Ethics reflects the values that must be adhered to and upheld by every
Polri member in carrying out their duties. State Ethics, Institutional Ethics, Community
Ethics, and Personal Ethics are the moral and ethical foundations that must be adhered to to
maintain the integrity, professionalism, and quality of Polri services to the community.
2. Republic of Indonesia State Police Regulation Number 7 of 2022 concerning the
Professional Code of Ethics: The detailed regulations for the National Police's professional
code of ethics are found in Perkap No. 7 of 2022. The State Ethics, Institutional Ethics,
Vol 3, No 6 June 2024
Juridical Analysis Of The Republic Of Indonesia Police Code Of
Community Ethics, and Personality Ethics that members of the National Police must uphold
in the performance of their duties are emphasized in this regulation.
3. Police Code of Ethics Commission: The National Police Code of Ethics Commission is the
body in charge of monitoring and enforcing the National Police's adherence to the
professional code of ethics. This commission plays a crucial role in upholding State,
Institutional, Community, and Personal ethics as well as making sure that any transgressions
of the code of ethics may be dealt with through the appropriate legal channels.
Through the link between Police Ethics, Perkap Number 7 of 2022, and the role of the
Police Code of Ethics Commission, it is expected that every member of the Police can
understand, respect, and comply with the ethical values and norms that apply in carrying out
their police duties. It will help create a professional, clean, and quality work environment in
maintaining security and public order.
An important first step in comprehending the legal foundation and standards that govern
the conduct of Republic of Indonesia Police (Polri) members in carrying out their
responsibilities as law enforcers and community protectors is judicial analysis of the Code of
Ethics. The Republic of Indonesia Police Governing set of rules, which is directed by the
Republic of Indonesia State Police Guideline Number 7 of 2022, underscores the qualities,
standards, and principles of conduct that should be complied with by each individual from the
Public Police. In this juridical analysis, several important points can be concluded: First, a
powerful legal foundation, meaning that the Police Code of Ethics is based on a strong legal
foundation, namely the Republic of Indonesia State Police Regulation Number 7 of 2022. It
shows Polri's commitment to maintaining integrity. , professionalism, and quality of service to
the community. Second, the meaning of Polri Ethics, meaning that the Polri Code of Ethics
includes State Ethics, Institutional Ethics, Community Ethics, and Personality Ethics, which
serve as guidelines for every member of the Police acting. This ethics underlines the importance
of upholding moral values, integrity, and discipline in executing police duties. Third, the role
of the Police Code of Ethics Commission, meaning that the Police Code of Ethics Commission
has a vital role in enforcing and supervising the implementation of the Police Code of Ethics
within the Police. With this institution, it is expected that every violation of the code of ethics
can be followed up fairly and proportionally. Fourth, the importance of ethics education and
training, meaning that the juridical analysis of the National Police Code of Ethics emphasizes
the importance of ethical education and training for members of the National Police to ensure
a deep understanding of the values and norms that must be upheld. Thus, through a juridical
analysis of the Republic of Indonesia Police Code of Ethics, it is hoped that every member of
the National Police can carry out their duties with full integrity, professionalism, and
responsibility to provide quality police services and integrity to the community.
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Copyright holders:
, Megawati Barthos
, Haris Farhan
First publication right:
JoSS - Journal of Social Science
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0