Journal of Social Science
Indra Sukma Wijaya
, Muhammad Andra Setia Putra
, Khaerudin Imawan
, Dedet
Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati, Indonesia
, khaerudin[email protected].id
gender bias, media
framing, hardcore
This research aims to find out how media framing and the impact obtained
from media framing on the representation of women in the hardcore punk
scene. This research reveals how media framing affects people's
perceptions and understanding of women's representation in the hardcore
punk scene and the impact of media framing on women's representation.
The many roles of women in the hardcore scene, with the presence of
female musicians and fans who actively contribute and bring new
perspectives that enrich this music scene. This study uses a qualitative
method to describe how media framing represents women in the hardcore
punk scene through the website and social media use your voice using
Robert N. Entman's framing analysis theory. As for the results of this study,
women in the hardcore punk scene are faced with various obstacles and
discrimination that must be addressed immediately through concrete
actions to improve representation and gender equality in the hardcore punk
Music is the result of art created through the arrangement of sounds to convey meaning
and beauty. In the journal, music can be a song or other musical composition, Jamalus
(Aminatul Azizah & Andriana Kurnia Putri, 2023). There are various types of music worldwide,
including classical, blues, pop, jazz, and rock. Music continues to evolve with new subgenres
influenced by changing times, whether social, cultural, political, or technological. For example,
the rock genre produced the Hardcore punk subgenre, known for its fast tempo, aggressive
rhythms, screaming vocalists, and critical lyrics, (Dicky Indra Sukmana et al., 2022).
According to (Michael Azerrad, 2001), in his book Our Band Could Be Your Life: Scenes
from the American Underground 1981-1991, Hardcore punk was born from punk rock and
hardcore, with critical lyrics and fast music. Bands like Black Flag led the movement, spreading
across the United States and Europe in the early 1980s, creating many stylistic variations.
Hardcore punk also began to enter Indonesia in the late 1980s. The genre was brought by the
pre-existing punk community in Indonesia.
Volume 3 Number 7 July 2024
p- ISSN 2963-1866- e-ISSN 2963-8909
Vol 3, No 7 April 2023
Asian Women And The Hardcore Scene
Picture 1
(Source; Screnshoot of @burgerkillofficial Instagram account)
The first hardcore punk bands in Indonesia included Burgerkill, (Muhammad Alghifary
Hardyali & Septiawan Santana K, 2023). Hardcore punk continues to evolve with subgenres
such as emo, metalcore, and deathcore and is an important part of global punk rock culture. The
music is fast, loud, and aggressive, with lyrics that often raise social, political, and personal
issues, expressing anger and rejection of social status, (Kartika Novita Rohmah et al., 2023). In
the book “American Hardcore: A Tribal History” by (Steven Blush, 2001), Hardcore music
expresses anger and frustration, stirs emotions, encourages critical thinking, and pushes for
change. Dare to speak your mind, even if it is controversial.
We use the Das Sollen theory approach by Immanuel Kant to describe the current
condition of hardcore punk music and scene. according to Das Sollen Theory proposed by
(Immanuel Kant, 1788) in Kritik der praktischen Vernunft (Critique of Practical Reason). In
this work, Kant divided reality into das sein (the actual state) and das sollen (the state that
should be). Music, in the concept of das sollen, is seen as a universal form of language that can
be enjoyed by all individuals, without being affected by cultural or linguistic differences,
(Burhanudin Ata Gusman et al., 2022). Music is not always accepted by everyone due to
differences in musical tastes society's difficulty in accepting cultural differences, and people's
difficulty in accepting cultural differences, (Erna Nurhayati et al., 2022).
In reality, not everyone likes or understands music, especially hard genres like hardcore
punk. However, hardcore punk's values, such as freedom and equality, encourage women's
involvement in the scene, (Verdhyawan, 2021). Even so, the role of women in this genre is still
minimal, on the website and social media Useyourvoice shows that they can be involved and
Asian Women And The Hardcore Scene
Vol 3, No 7 July 2024
Figure 2
Figure 3
Useyourvoice's website and social media discuss the development of hardcore music in
Indonesia, but the role of women is still minimal. This research aims to uncover how the media
often portrays women in the hardcore scene as negative, in relation to gender bias. Faqih (Agus
Afandi, 2019) states that gender-biased behavior is often influenced by gender injustice in the
social system that harms men and women. The concept of gender according to feminists is the
result of social construction that results in injustices such as marginalization, subordination,
stereotypes, violence, and double workload, (Siti Rayhana Maysuri A et al., 2022).
The portrayal of women in the media as weak and vulnerable reflects stereotypes that can
influence the perception of society as a whole, reduce understanding of women's potential, and
strengthen gender inequality. According to Warni (Sulistyowati, 2021), gender equality is a
principle that demands equal rights, opportunities, and treatment between men and women.
However, there is a positive emphasis in the media, especially viewing women as musicians
who play a significant role in the hardcore scene. The hardcore band Dental Surf Combat from
Jakarta has a female member named Anida who actively voices issues about gender equality.
Anida (Isdy, 2020) argues that women can play an active role in the hardcore scene regardless
of their gender. Positive framing in the media can improve society's perception of women in
the hardcore scene, considering them equal to men.
Described by experts, the function of the media in society according to (Denis McQuail,
2011) in the book Mass Communication Theory, namely mass media function as a provider and
conveyor of information about events and conditions in society and the world, with the hope of
Vol 3, No 7 April 2023
Asian Women And The Hardcore Scene
presenting news in accordance with reality and playing an important role in conveying events
to readers. Meanwhile, according to Laswell, quoted by Mcquail in his book, it is explained that
communication in society has the main function of monitoring the environment, relations with
society, and broadcasting cultural heritage. According to Charles R. Wright (Faudina, 2023),
the fourth media function is entertainment, while the fifth function is mobilization.
Framing is used by the mass media to present information and events in an entertaining
and mobilizing manner, influence people's perception of reality, and direct public opinion about
the issues reported. According to Eriyanto (Anang Sujoko & Rosalina Bilqisth, 2022), Framing
is the media's approach to selecting and writing news, allowing them to present information
from different perspectives and emphasize certain aspects of an event. The media plays an
important role in shaping public opinion by representing issues or news in a certain way, leading
to readers' opinions.
According to (Stuart Hall, 1997) Representation is the ability to describe or imagine,
where language is one form of symbol or representation. Stuart Hall divides representation into
three forms: reflective, intentional, and constructionist. Reflective representation reflects
existing meanings, intentional embodies personal intentions, and constructionist shapes
meaning through language. According to (Imawan et al., 2023) in the Journal of Tarling Music
Industry Ecosystem in The Digitalization Arena explains that the representation of language is
an important process in the formation of language, where language is considered a
representation system. Research with the title “Women in the Underground Music Scene”
written by (Indrawan, 2020) has revealed various challenges faced by women, there are several
research gaps that need to be filled. This study shows that patriarchal domination and gender
discrimination are still very strong in the underground music scene, which results in women
often being a minority and less recognized. However, this research does not delve into the
specific strategies used by women to overcome such discrimination, nor does it compare the
situation in Surabaya with other major cities that have underground music scenes. Furthermore,
there has been no in-depth focus on the role of social media in shaping perceptions and
supporting women in this scene. Therefore, the research “Asian Women and the Hardcore
Scene” aims to fill these gaps by exploring how women face and overcome challenges in the
hardcore music scene, as well as how social media can be used as a tool to support and promote
gender inclusivity in this community. As such, this research will provide a more comprehensive
understanding of women's experiences in the hardcore scene and strategies to create a more
inclusive and equal environment. In the explanation above, the author tries to analyze media
framing that explains the representation of women in the hardcore scene, how media framing
affects people's perceptions and understanding of women's representation in the hardcore punk
scene, and what impact this media framing has on women's representation.
This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach, where this method aims to describe
and explain thoroughly a phenomenon or social situation, (John W. Creswell, 2014). This
research will analyze how Useyourvoice's website and social media describe the representation
of women and gender bias in the hardcore music scene through framing analysis proposed by
(Entman, 1993), explaining that framing is the way the media selects and exposes stories, which
in turn influences how society understands certain issues.
Asian Women And The Hardcore Scene
Vol 3, No 7 July 2024
The data collection techniques in this study include interviews, namely efforts to obtain
information directly by asking questions to informants, either directly face-to-face or through
intermediary media. Informants in this study: (1) The initials AMR owns the @useyourvoice
Instagram account, (2) the initials AS, a female informant who is active in the hardcore scene,
(3) the initials AS, a follower of the @useyourvoice Instagram account, (4) the initials MAH,
not a follower of the @useyourvoice Instagram account, and (5) the initials Z, a randomly
selected informant who does not know about hardcore music. Observation, according to
Soehartono (Aldieny Nurunnisa, 2020) observation is seeing using the sense of sight without
asking. This observation is done by paying attention to any content that discusses women in the
hardcore scene on the Useyourvoice website and social media. Research data is obtained
through literature studies of various sources such as books, scientific journals, online articles,
and other scientific works that are relevant to the topic of representation of women and gender
bias in the hardcore scene.
In completing this research, researchers used several journal references as reference
materials, including: (1) Hikmalia et al., 2022, Framing Analysis of Sexual Violence Coverage
on Women in Online Media, in the Journal of Communication Domain. This study analyzes the
framing of the news of the sexual violence case experienced by Novia Widyasari, using Robert
N. Entman's framing analysis method and communication, social psychology, or feminist
theories; (2) Fachrezi Hafidz & Masitoh, 2023, Robert N. Entman's Framing Analysis of Sexual
Violence on Women in Online Media and Konde. co, in the BroadComm Journal.
Discusses sexual violence against women in the mass media. Using a descriptive qualitative
approach and the Robert N. Entman analysis model; (3) Islami et al., 2022, Representation of
Gender Bias in Ultramilk Pure Passion Milk Advertising. Audience Journal. Discusses the
concept of gender as a social construction. The research method uses the Roland Barthes
semiotic approach; (4) (Java Anggara & Aziz Taufik Hirzi, 2020, Viewers and the Film “This
is Our Scene Too!”, in Journal of Journalistic Proceedings. This research describes the
movement of women in the local hardcore punk music scene. Stuart Hall's reception analysis
with supporting theories of feminist communication compiled by Rakow and Wackwitz and
uses and gratification; (5) Donaghey, 2021, Punk and feminism in Indonesia, in the Journal of
Cultural Studies. Discusses women's experiences in the punk and feminist movements in
Indonesia, ethnographic methods, interviews, and text analysis, and feminist punk,
intersectional, and poststructuralist theories.
Define Problem
In the hardcore punk scene, male dominance is still apparent with minimal media
coverage of female musicians, causing inequality in the music industry. Women face stigma,
are considered sexual objects, and are not recognized as much as men. The stereotype that this
music is more suitable for men also hinders women's success and recognition in this scene. The
lack of representation and knowledge about women's roles needs to be addressed to achieve
better gender equality.
“For me, any gander is the same, it's just that there is a lack of media coverage of
musicians, especially women, or it could also be the dominance factor still held by men”.
(Interview; Akram, 13/02/2024)
Vol 3, No 7 April 2023
Asian Women And The Hardcore Scene
Based on Robert N. Entman's theory of defining problems, this element looks at how an event
is defined or seen by the media. In the hardcore punk scene, the problems faced by women are
reflected in the way the media frames them. The lack of media coverage of women's roles in
this scene means that women are considered irrelevant or even harassed, leading to
underrepresentation and unequal treatment. Gender stereotypes also influence this frame, with
the media tending to focus on men in the hardcore punk scene, creating the notion that the
genre is more suited to men. This limits women's participation and becomes an obstacle for
them to thrive in the music industry. This analysis is in line with Entman's framing theory,
which states that the media can choose certain aspects of an issue to influence public
perception. To overcome this, it is necessary to change the existing framing by providing more
positive coverage of women in the hardcore punk scene, overcoming gender stereotypes, and
increasing understanding of women's contributions to punk music to achieve better gender
Diagnose Cause
Gender stereotypes still limit women's participation in the hardcore punk scene by
assuming that this music is more suitable for men, creating barriers for women to feel
represented and recognized. The lack of female representation in the hardcore punk music
industry is influenced by the lack of media coverage and exposure to female musicians.
Stereotypes also cause social stigma, resulting in unequal treatment and lack of opportunities
for women. Increased education, understanding, and media coverage of the role of women in
punk music are needed to overcome gender stereotypes and provide greater space for women
in the hardcore punk scene.
"It is the same with women or men in any genre of music. As long as they work in
accordance with morals and ethics, there is no problem. I've never focused on gender. However,
it may be more difficult for women to make a career in the hardcore punk genre because of
society's perception". (Interview; Zahida, 13/02/2024)
In Robert N. Entman's framing theory, the diagnosis of the cause of the problem by the media
in the context of the representation of women in the hardcore punk scene can be seen from the
perspective of how the media shapes these views. Gender stereotypes play an important role in
shaping the frame where the perception that women are incompatible with hardcore punk music
becomes dominant. In addition, the underrepresentation of women in musicians and media
coverage also shapes a frame where women are less visible and less recognized in the scene.
The stigma and discrimination that women face in the hardcore punk scene are also part of this
framing, creating a perception that women are unwelcome and uncomfortable in this scene.
Make Moral Judgement
Views on the role of women in the hardcore punk scene are crucial to addressing gender
injustice. Media owners, musicians, and other interviewees emphasized the need to remove
stigma and discrimination against women and provide equal recognition. Other interviewees
highlighted the positive view of female musicians but cautioned that a lack of knowledge about
women's contributions can hinder gender equality. Strong collaboration between male and
female musicians is needed to achieve equality while overcoming stereotypes that hinder
women's progress in the scene. With an inclusive outlook and better understanding, a more fair
and equitable environment can be created for all hardcore punk musicians.
Asian Women And The Hardcore Scene
Vol 3, No 7 July 2024
“The role of women in the hardcore punk scene makes hardcore punk music more
colorful and less uniform, and by giving equal intensity and opportunities to men and women,
it is hoped that it can create equality between men and women in the hardcore punk scene and
other music genres”. (Interview; Akram, 13/02/2024)
In Robert N. Entman's framing theory, the Make Moral Judgement element considers the
moral values that the media wants to convey in its reporting. The results of interviews with five
interviewees illustrate diverse views on the role of women in the hardcore punk scene. Some
views state that women have the same rights as men to participate in this scene, while others
consider the stigma and discrimination against women in hard music as a form of injustice that
must be addressed. The unequal treatment of women is considered a violation of the values of
equality and human rights. The lack of understanding of women's roles in the scene is also
highlighted, which can lead to inequalities in the recognition and acceptance of women.
Collaboration between male and female musicians is considered essential to ensure equality
and mutual benefit for both parties. While a neutral attitude towards women who enjoy
hardcore punk music was considered positive, a deeper understanding of women's roles and
increased media coverage of female musicians was also considered necessary to overcome the
stigma, discrimination, and inequality that women still experience in the scene.
Treatment Recommendations
Efforts to increase the representation and equality of women in the hardcore punk scene
involve measures such as increased inclusive media coverage, encouragement of women to
speak up, providing equal opportunities with men, increasing education about gender equality,
providing more space for women in the music scene, encouraging activism to fight for women's
equality, empowerment programs for women, increased awareness about gender equality
through educational campaigns, removing stereotypes through promoting the idea that all
individuals have equal rights, an equitable collaboration between male and female musicians,
increased understanding of the role of women through education and promotion, increased
promotion through relevant media, education about gender equality, the formation of
supportive communities, and open discussion about gender issues in the hardcore punk scene.
"The content ‘Hardcore punk is not for men’ inspired me to support female representation
and tackle gender stereotypes in the hardcore punk scene. Such content needs to continue to be
produced on a larger scale because the representation of women as the second sex needs to be
voiced even louder. I also believe in the importance of fighting for equality and safe spaces for
all individuals in music". (Interview; Adam, 15/02/2024)
In Robert N. Entman's framing theory, Treatment Recommendation leads to the solution
offered by the media to overcome the problem at hand. In the context of improving the
representation and equality of women in the hardcore punk scene, media owners and other
interviewees provided a number of recommendations that could be implemented. These
recommendations include increasing media coverage of female musicians, encouraging women
to speak out more, and ensuring equal opportunities for women and men in the scene. Education
and awareness about gender equality and inclusion in the music world were also considered
important. Female empowerment programs in the hardcore punk music scene are also
recommended to provide greater space and opportunities for women to create and participate.
In addition, the elimination of stereotypical views about women and hardcore punk music is
also needed, by promoting the idea that all individuals have abilities.
Vol 3, No 7 April 2023
Asian Women And The Hardcore Scene
Based on interviews with various interviewees in the hardcore punk scene, there is
agreement that women face various challenges in gaining recognition and equality in this scene.
The dominance of men in the scene, the lack of media coverage of female musicians, and
stereotypes that women do not fit into hardcore punk culture are the main factors that influence
the lack of representation of women in the scene. Media owners and other interviewees see
women in the hardcore punk scene as strong and courageous individuals who have the same
rights as men to participate in the scene. Therefore, they recommended steps to increase the
representation of women in the hardcore punk scene, such as increasing media coverage of
female musicians, encouraging women to be more vocal, and providing equal opportunities to
women and men in the scene. In addition, education and awareness about gender equality in
the music scene also need to be improved. From the discussion, it can be concluded that women
in the hardcore punk scene face various challenges and discrimination that need to be addressed
through concrete steps to increase representation and gender equality in this scene.
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Vol 3, No 7 April 2023
Asian Women And The Hardcore Scene
Copyright holders:
Indra Sukma Wijaya
, Muhammad Andra Setia Putra
, Khaerudin Imawan
, Dedet
First publication right:
JoSS - Journal of Social Science
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0