Journal of Social Science
Siti Fatimah
, Nadia Nisa Aulia
, Miftahul Jannah
, Siti Khumayah
, Aghnia Dian
Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati, Cirebon, Indonesia
Public Policy;
Traditional Market;
Market Arrangement
The market is a medium for bartering between the needs of sellers and
buyers where sellers expect profits while buyers expect efficiency at very
affordable prices. The purpose of this study is to explore the changes in the
arrangement and guidance as well as the impact on the income level of the
community after the fire. This research used a qualitative method with a
case study approach. Three data collection techniques were used including
observation, interview, and documentation. The research findings show
that the authorized parties in implementing the policy are only the Cirebon
Regency Trade and Industry Office. In terms of structuring, it is divided
based on 3 elements, namely dry, semi, and wet zones. Based on Public
Policy, structuring, and coaching have been implemented in accordance
with government policy and in accordance with existing data. Policy
Stakeholders have been well implemented, but not optimal because the
traders are still not orderly and consumer interest is more to the marketplace
making it easier for them to shop and more efficient in terms of time and
expenses. Policy Environment has been well implemented, because it
makes it easier for traders and consumers when selling and shopping. The
conclusion of the impact on the income of business actors decreased due to
a lot of competitiveness.
According to the definition in the Big Indonesian Dictionary (Mahiryanto, 2014), a
market is a location where sellers aim to exchange goods or services for money while buyers
aim to exchange money for goods or services. Markets and traditional markets are regulated
in the Regulation of the Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia Number 21 of 2021
concerning guidelines for the development and management of trade facilities which is
implemented through Cirebon Regent Regulation Number 9 of 2016 concerning Structuring
and Coaching Traditional Markets, Shopping Centers and Modern Stores. The arrangement
and guidance aim to increase the income of the local community. Traditional markets refer to
markets that are established and run by various parties, such as government agencies, local
governments, private entities, and state-owned enterprises, as well as partnerships between
Volume 3 Number 6 June 2024
p- ISSN 2963-1866- e-ISSN 2963-8909
Vol 3, No 6 June 2024
Structuring And Fostering Traditional Markets, Shopping
Centers, And Modern Stores At The Community Income Level
the public and private sectors. These markets consist of various types of business premises,
such as shops, kiosks, Los, and lemparakan that are owned or managed by traders of various
levels, ranging from small, and medium, to community initiatives or cooperatives. These
traditional markets usually have a small scale of business, limited capital, and use a bargaining
process in buying and selling merchandise. The growth of minimarkets, supermarkets, and
hypermarkets in the region has had a major impact on the community, both socially and
economically. The market is a medium for bartering between the needs of sellers and buyers
where sellers expect profits while buyers expect efficiency at very affordable prices.
Traditional buildings are given priority or primacy in their use for markets that have been
established for two decades, markets that have experienced fires, faced the impact of post-
natural disasters, and social conflicts, as well as affected areas that have great trade potential.
The Cirebon Regency Regional Government is structuring and fostering the Sumber
traditional market with the aim of improving the welfare of traders, increasing their
profitability, and encouraging the Sumber market to compete with other markets.
According to the provisions in Regulation of the Minister of Trade No. 21 of 2021
concerning guidelines for the construction and management of trade facilities, the second
section describes the criteria for the construction of trade facilities. This section consists of
paragraphs that discuss the criteria for the construction of public markets, which are regulated
in Article 8 paragraph 4 as follows: (a) Type A public markets must operate every day, have
at least 400 traders, and have a minimum land area of 5,000m
(b) Type B public markets
must operate at least 3 times a week, have at least 275 traders and a minimum land area of
(c) Type C public markets must operate at least 2 times a week, have at least 200
traders and a minimum land area of 3,000m
(d) Type D public markets must operate at least
1 time a week, have at least 100 traders, and a minimum land area of 2,000m
Physically, the condition of the Sumber traditional market compared to other markets in
Cirebon Regency is very different because, on August 15, 2015, there was a fire that resulted
in the condition of the market being burned to the ground. As a result of the fire, traders were
moved to a temporary market adjacent to Sumber Market. The condition of the traditional
market is inseparable from the spatial arrangement in it, including the spatial arrangement in
the building of stalls, los, stalls, and other transaction places. One of the changes and
improvements that can be made by traditional markets can be through physical rearrangement
and traditional market management.
Table 1
Names of Markets in Cirebon Regency
Market Name
Market Ciledug
Market Babakan
Market Cipeujeuh
Market Sumber
Structuring And Fostering Traditional Markets, Shopping
Centers, And Modern Stores At The Community Income Level
Vol 3, No 6 June 2024
Market Kue Weru
Market Pasalaran
Market Batik Trusmi
Market Jamblang
Market Palimanan
Source: Market Data Recapitulation Source 2023
Of the 9 (nine) markets, researchers are more focused on studying or examining the
Sumber Market because the Sumber market is included in the Type A people's market criteria
because the Sumber Market has a land area of 5,000m
, a building area of 4,000m
and the
number of traders still operating is 413. According to the researcher's view, initially, the
condition of the source market was not well organized, but after the renewal of the arrangement
and development of the source market, it was more well organized, in terms of buying and
selling interest, this was due to high competitiveness such as the many marketplaces that made
it easy for buyers to shop practically and the many itinerant vegetable traders who made it
easier for buyers to reduce expenses. Therefore, researchers are interested in conducting
research that will focus more on the level of community income.
Figure 1
Comparison of the State of Sumber Market Before and After Post-Fire
Generally, this development only focuses on the physical improvement of the market
without considering the internal organization of the market itself. The physical development of
the market can be seen from the improvement of buildings such as kiosks, los, lemprakan, and
PTT which are more organized. The first floor is dominated by clothing, sandals and shoes,
accessories, and office stationery (stationery) traders. Furthermore, the second floor is occupied
by traders of vegetables, fruits, groceries, eggs, chicken, beef, goats, and herbal medicine
Table 2
Location of Market Buildings Source
1st floor
vegetables, fruits, groceries, eggs, chicken, beef, goat, and herbal
medicine vendors.
2st floor
clothing, sandals and shoes, accessories, and office stationery
Source: Market Data Recapitulation Source 2023
Vol 3, No 6 June 2024
Structuring And Fostering Traditional Markets, Shopping
Centers, And Modern Stores At The Community Income Level
After the construction process, the spatial layout of the source market has four types of
trading spaces, namely kiosks, los, lemparakan, and PTT with a total of 669 units of trading
Table 3
Types of Trading Spaces in the Sumber Market
Type of
Status Pedagang
Open and
Source: Market Data Recapitulation Source 2023
The table records a total of 669 units of trading spaces, but most of them have closed
down. Only 413 units of trading space are still actively running their businesses. In the Sumber
Traditional Market, there are still many closed lots from the four types of trading spaces and
traders choose to trade using the lemprakan type of trading space. Sumber Market already has
good infrastructure and facilities. One of the objectives of structuring and coaching is to renew
and improve the quality of a place, as well as allow slump traders to utilize the facilities that
have been provided.
The policy of regulating the governance of the Sumber traditional market, which is
included in the management by the Cirebon Regency government, aims to create a more
modern traditional market. This is expected to improve the convenience of services to
consumers and consumers get better quality goods.
Based on this, the research focus can be focused on issues related to the impact of Cirebon
Regent Regulation Number 9 of 2016 on the arrangement and guidance of traditional markets,
shopping centers, and modern stores which are more focused on the level of community income
in Sumber Market. In previous research, namely by, (Umam, 2019) entitled "Analysis of the
Effectiveness of the Traditional Market Revitalization Program at Grengseng Market,
Paguyangan District, Brebes Regency", showed that of the six indicators studied, namely
program socialization, profit or income, growth, efficiency, satisfaction, and morale. Four
indicators have proven effective, namely profit or income, growth, satisfaction, and morale.
However, two indicators, namely program socialization and efficiency, have not yet reached
the desired level of effectiveness. Thus, overall, the revitalization program in Grengseng
Market can be considered successful because the majority of the objectives of the revitalization
program have been achieved.
According to research conducted by (Lutfiana, 2020) with the title "The Effectiveness of
the Traditional Market Revitalization Program in Increasing Trader Income: A Case Study of
Setono Betek Market, Kediri City", found that the results of the study showed the following:
(1) After the implementation of the revitalization program, the condition of the Setono Betek
market in Kediri City has increased significantly from the previous condition. Although the
main responsibility in maintaining market facilities and infrastructure is still the obligation of
Structuring And Fostering Traditional Markets, Shopping
Centers, And Modern Stores At The Community Income Level
Vol 3, No 6 June 2024
the developer, the UPT market also tries to participate in the maintenance. Almost all physical
aspects in Pasar Setono Betek experienced a satisfactory increase. (2) In terms of traders'
income, market revitalization has a significant positive impact on Pasar Setono Betek, Kediri
City. The level of effectiveness of this revitalization is considered high based on the intensity
of the results achieved. This is because the market manager remains compliant with the rules
that apply in market management, and traders also show a high level of awareness in creating
a market that is able to compete.
According to (Umam, 2019), the evaluation of the revitalization program at Pasar
Grengseng, Paguyangan District, Brebes Regency shows the effectiveness of the program,
especially in achieving indicators of profit or income, growth, satisfaction, and overall morale.
Meanwhile, according to (Lutfiana, 2020), the revitalization program at Setono Betek Market,
Kediri City has brought significant improvements in the maintenance of market facilities and
infrastructure, with a good contribution from the UPT market. Almost all physical aspects of
the market have improved satisfactorily, and this revitalization has had a positive impact on
income and the types of goods traded in the market. Market managers and traders also show a
high level of awareness in complying with the new market rules.
Thus the researcher is interested in examining the reforms in this study by utilizing a
qualitative approach. The purpose of this study is to explore the changes in the arrangement
and guidance as well as the impact on the income level of the community after the fire. This is
intended to improve the competitiveness of Sumber Market with other Modern Markets in the
Cirebon Regency area, as well as to improve service quality and accessibility for the
community. This research also aims to evaluate the impact of Cirebon Regent Regulation No.
9/2016 on the income level of the community and to improve the competitiveness of the
Sumber Traditional Market with other modern markets around it.
The method applied in this research is a qualitative method with a case study approach.
According to (Hermawan, 2019), "The case study research method is an appropriate strategy
for use in research that uses the main research question of how or why, the researcher has
little time to control the events under study, and the research focus is a contemporary
phenomenon, to track contemporary events." In the case study method, researchers focus on
the design and implementation of research. In the case study method, researchers focus on
the design and implementation of research".
In this research, a qualitative data analysis method was used. Matthew B. Milles and
A. Michael Hubberman in (S. Sugiyono, 2012) explain that the qualitative data analysis
process is carried out interactively and continuously until the data reaches saturation. This
data analysis activity includes data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing.
1. Data Reduction: Reducing data means combining, selecting key things, emphasizing
crucial aspects, and identifying emerging themes and patterns. Technically, the data
reduction process in this study includes recapitulating the results of interviews and
analyzing the results of documents that are relevant to the research focus (S. Sugiyono,
Vol 3, No 6 June 2024
Structuring And Fostering Traditional Markets, Shopping
Centers, And Modern Stores At The Community Income Level
2. Data Presentation (Data Display): In this research, the data will be presented in various
ways such as in the form of narrative text, tables, photos, or charts (S. Sugiyono, 2012).
3. Conclusion Drawing: The process of drawing conclusions in this research involves a
discussion between the findings in the field and the theories related to this research (S.
Sugiyono, 2012).
Based on (P. D. Sugiyono, 2009), qualitative research utilizes data collection in natural
settings (natural conditions), uses primary data sources, and emphasizes more on observation,
interview, and documentation techniques. In this study, three data collection methods are: (1)
Observation involves a process consisting of various biological and psychological aspects,
with the main focus on observation and memory. (2) An interview is a meeting between two
individuals to exchange information and ideas through a question-and-answer dialog,
allowing the construction of meaning in a particular topic using a semi-structured interview
type (3) Documentation includes recording events that occurred in the past.
This method focuses on collecting data that already exists in the Sumber Market,
Cirebon Regency, such as institutional profiles, staffing data, organizational structure, and
other data relevant to the research. The application of the documentation method in research
at the Sumber Market, Cirebon Regency aims to collect supporting data related to research
problems. By using documents as one of the data sources, research results from observations
and interviews become more credible and accountable.
Arrangement and Development of Traditional Markets, Shopping Centers and Modern
Stores on the Level of Community Income based on Cirebon Regent Regulation Number 9 of
2016 concerning Arrangement and Development of Traditional Markets, Shopping Centers and
Modern Stores includes 3 key elements: Dunn (1994: 71) in Tachjan, 2006 suggests "A policy
system, or the overall institutional pattern within which policies are made, involves
interrelationships among three elements: public policies, policy stakeholders, and policy
environment" (Tachjan, 2006).
Arrangement and Development of Traditional Markets, Shopping Centers, and Modern
Stores at the Community Income Level
a. Public policy
Based on the findings of the research conducted by the author, it can be concluded that
the Cirebon Regent Regulation No. 9/2016 policy regarding the arrangement and guidance
of traditional markets, shopping centers, and modern stores has been successfully
implemented effectively. The goal is to ensure that the two entities can grow harmoniously,
support each other, and mutually benefit each other. However, in terms of seller and buyer
interest, it is not as expected due to high competitiveness such as the many marketplaces
that make it easy for buyers to shop practically and the many traveling vegetable traders that
make it easier for buyers to reduce expenses.
According to the Cirebon Regency Trade and Industry Office, the main background of
the arrangement and guidance was due to the fire on August 15, 2015. The policy objective
Structuring And Fostering Traditional Markets, Shopping
Centers, And Modern Stores At The Community Income Level
Vol 3, No 6 June 2024
of Cirebon Regent Regulation No. 9/2016 was carried out because the condition of the
market has met its target in accordance with government policy and existing data in the
The arrangement of the Cirebon Regency Trade and Industry Office in implementing
the Cirebon Regent Regulation No. 9/2016 policy on the spatial arrangement of selling
goods related to the zoning system already has a division and classification based on 3
elements determined by the agency through the market manager, namely dry, semi and wet
zones. At this time the rental system of Kios, Los, and Lemprakan
The Cirebon Regency Trade and Industry Office in implementing the Cirebon Regent
Regulation No. 9/2016 policy guides business actors. Disperindagin directs to complete the
legality of business licenses and halal products in food businesses. Implementation of
healthy market socialization activities, socialization of market schools within 1 (one) year 3
(three) times socialization, and socialization of market distribution facilities management.
Conditions in the field show that traditional market traders are worried about the
presence of modern stores because they think they will lose customers over time. The
presence of stores that are very close to traditional markets can lead to intense competition
and make traditional markets lose their appeal to the public.
b. Policy Stakeholders
a) Internal
Based on the findings of the research conducted by the author, according to the
"Head of the Cirebon Regency Trade and Industry Office, the authorized parties in the
Cirebon Regent Regulation Number 9 of 2016 are the Cirebon Regency Trade and
Industry Office".
b) Target Groups
Based on the results of research conducted by the author, the number of trading
spaces is 669 spaces and only 413 spaces are currently occupied by traders in the Sumber
Traditional Market, Cirebon Regency.
The hope is that this arrangement and guidance will be carried out:
1) More decent place to sell
2) Traders are more organized
3) Consumers give positive responses to the facilities and infrastructure available at the
Sumber Traditional Market, Cirebon Regency.
4) Increase consumer purchasing power
The management and arrangement of traditional markets are already quite good,
and it is hoped that this program will be able to maintain the sustainability of
traditional markets amid the rapid development of modern stores. With effective
market management, the government can increase local revenue from retribution in
traditional markets.
c. Policy environment
Based on the results of research conducted by the author, the existing data on access
for traders, buyers, and distribution of goods is currently adequate with the loading dock
above and below for access to the distribution of goods such as the entry and exit of vehicles
and trolleys. In this case, the arrangement of stalls, stalls, and stalls has been arranged neatly
Vol 3, No 6 June 2024
Structuring And Fostering Traditional Markets, Shopping
Centers, And Modern Stores At The Community Income Level
and cleanly and the security of traders and buyers has been maximized because of the
parking area facilities using a manless automatic parking system.
According to research conducted by the author in a study conducted by (Permana et
al., 2022) Supervision is an element of the internal control system that is carried out through
continuous monitoring actions, involving routine management activities, supervision,
comparison, reconciliation, and other actions related to the implementation of tasks.
Separate evaluations are carried out through internal assessments, reviews, and tests of the
effectiveness of the internal control system which can be carried out by the government's
internal control apparatus or external parties using an internal control checklist. Follow-up
on recommendations resulting from audits and other reviews must be carried out
immediately and carried out in accordance with the procedures for resolving
recommendations from audits and other reviews that have been established.
The Impact of Structuring and Coaching Traditional Markets, Shopping Centers, and
Modern Stores on Community Income Levels
Based on the findings of the research that the author conducted, the arrangement of the
traditional source market according to the existing data access for traders, buyers, and the
distribution of goods is currently adequate with the loading dock above and below for access
to the distribution of goods such as the entry and exit of vehicles and trolleys. In this case, the
arrangement of stalls, stalls, and stalls has been neatly arranged and clean and the security of
traders and buyers has been maximized because the parking area is facilitated by using a
manless automatic parking system. Guidance provided by the Cirebon Regency Trade and
Industry Office by conducting coaching including healthy market socialization and market
school socialization within 1 (one) year three times.
a. Negative Impacts of Structuring and Coaching Traditional Markets, Shopping Centers and
Modern Stores
Based on the findings of the research that the authors conducted, the obstacles that
hinder the implementation of Structuring and Coaching Traditional Markets, Shopping
Centers and Modern Stores, namely, the funding budget submitted by the Cirebon Regency
Trade and Industry Office is the most important thing in structuring and coaching but the
submission period until disbursement takes approximately 5 (five) working days from the
time of submission and limited budget structuring and coaching, The limited quality of
employees is still lacking in the implementation of Structuring and Coaching Traditional
Markets, in terms of structuring there are stairs that are too high and steep which results in
the community or buyers feeling uncomfortable shopping on the 2nd (second) floor so they
choose to shop outside the market, in terms of coaching after socialization many business
actors and the community are still not open-minded, lack of self-awareness and many
business actors who do not comply with the policies that have been enacted from thus
hampering the objectives of this policy.
b. Positive Impact of Structuring and Coaching Traditional Markets, Shopping Centers, and
Modern Stores
Structuring And Fostering Traditional Markets, Shopping
Centers, And Modern Stores At The Community Income Level
Vol 3, No 6 June 2024
Based on the findings of the research that the authors conducted, the factors that support
the process of Structuring and Guiding Traditional Markets, Shopping Centers and Modern
Stores, namely, the condition of the arrangement of kiosks, los and lemprakans looks tidier,
cleanliness is much cleaner and more comfortable, parking is more orderly and the buyers'
vehicles are not on the shoulder of the road but in a parking lot that is already available and
safe, making the traditional market a very strategic source.
Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that the arrangement and guidance
of traditional markets have an impact on community income including:
1. Income levels are declining due to high competitiveness such as the many marketplaces
that make it easy for shoppers to shop practically and the many traveling vegetable traders
that make it easier for shoppers to reduce expenses.
2. Changes in retribution payments that have become more expensive, causing business
owners to experience a loss of income from the rental prices of kio, Los, and lemprakan.
3. There are still many business actors who sell in front of the market or on the shoulder of
the road which causes a decrease in buyers and the income of business actors who are
inside the traditional market of Sumber.
According to the author's research in a study conducted by (Khumayah, 2014) that the
arrangement and development of traditional markets can improve community welfare through
increased purchasing power and social services in response to increased income levels and
community skills.
Based on the results of research and discussion on the research title "Arrangement and
Guidance of Traditional Markets, Shopping Centers and Modern Stores on Community Income
Levels" it can be concluded that the Impact of the Cirebon Regent Regulation on Arrangement
and Guidance of Traditional Markets, Shopping Centers and Modern Stores on Community
Income Levels is not fully optimal. 1) Public Policy has been implemented well and is optimal.
Which states that the arrangement and guidance on the traditional market of Sumber Cirebon
Regency has been implemented in accordance with government policy and in accordance with
existing data. 2) Policy Stakeholders have done well, but not optimal. This states that the
enthusiasm of traders in using kiosks, Los, and Lemprakan facilities is still not orderly on
policies determined by the Office while the interest of consumers is more to the marketplace
which makes it easier for them to shop practically and more efficiently in terms of time and
expenses. So it becomes one of the obstacles to policy implementation. 3) The Policy
Environment has been implemented well and is optimal. This states that structuring and
coaching have a beneficial effect and can make it easier for sellers and buyers when selling and
Negative impacts in research on the Arrangement and Development of Traditional
Markets, Shopping Centers, and Modern Stores, namely, the budget process is quite long, the
quality of employees is not optimal, the condition of steep building stairs, there is a lot of
competitiveness outside the traditional market sources, lack of self-awareness and compliance
of business actors in applicable policies.
Vol 3, No 6 June 2024
Structuring And Fostering Traditional Markets, Shopping
Centers, And Modern Stores At The Community Income Level
The positive impact of research on the Arrangement and Guidance of Traditional
Markets, Shopping Centers, and Modern Stores, namely, the condition of the building and
arrangement is good and appropriate, cleanliness and comfort are better, parking is more
orderly and safe, the source traditional market becomes a very strategic market.
The impact of the Arrangement and Guidance of Traditional Markets, Shopping Centers,
and Modern Stores on community income has decreased due to a lot of competitiveness,
retribution payments have changed resulting in reduced community income, and there are still
business actors who sell on the shoulder of the road so as to reduce the interest of buyers to
enter the traditional market source because it is more time efficient and saves parking payment
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Structuring And Fostering Traditional Markets, Shopping
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Copyright holders:
Siti Fatimah
, Nadia Nisa Aulia
, Miftahul Jannah
, Siti Khumayah
, Aghnia Dian
First publication right:
JoSS - Journal of Social Science
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0