Journal of Social Science
Ambar Rani Priyanjani
, Farah Fadillah
, Alfazrryan Ghalib
, Endang Sutrisno
, Deni
Yusup Permana
Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati, Cirebon, Indonesia
legal certainty; labor;
misuse of personal
Legal certainty is one of the objectives of law according to Gustav
Radburch, with the development of the times, and the rise of digitalization,
it is necessary to have a legal umbrella as a form of preventive effort so that
there are no legal problems such as misuse of personal data in the labor
scope. This legal research method uses normative juridical legal methods
using qualitative data based on consideration of the purpose of this research
itself to determine the importance of legal certainty and protection of
personal data in the context of labor in the era of technology, and
information that has developed rapidly. The clarity of legal norms guides
community behavior, including the protection of personal data. The impact
of technological advances is especially evident in changes in community
behavior and information seeking through the internet. This change creates
new challenges, especially related to the misuse of personal data in the
world of work. Legal protection for personal data in the world of work in
the era of digitalization of technology and information is very important. It
has positive implications for companies, employees, and society as a
whole. By implementing good personal data protection, all parties can
benefit from the opportunities offered by digital technology while
maintaining the privacy and security of personal data.
According to Fence M. Wantu, law without the value of legal certainty will lose its
meaning because it can no longer be used as a behavioral guide for everyone (Wantu, 2007).
Legal certainty is defined as the clarity of norms so that they can be used as guidelines for
the people who are subject to these regulations (Wijayanta, 2014). Meanwhile, according to
Van Apeldoorn, legal certainty can also mean things that can be determined by law in
concrete matters (Verboom & Van Apeldoorn, 1990). As in technology, information, and
communication, there needs to be legal certainty in the misuse of personal data for labor.
Personal data protection itself is a dynamic aspect that will continue to face and be
influenced by technological advances and innovations as well as business practices. One of
the factors in the emergence of crime and the unlawful use of personal data is due to the
development of technology, information, and communication. At present, technology,
Volume 3 Number 6 June 2024
p- ISSN 2963-1866- e-ISSN 2963-8909
Vol 3, No 6 June 2024
Legal Protection For Personal Data In The World Of Work In
The Era Of Digitalization Of Technology And Information
Information, and communication have penetrated almost all aspects of life and changed the
behavior of people's lives toward electronic and internet-based community interactions
(Nababan & Lasmadi, 2023).
Advances in information technology today have also had a major impact on social
changes in the world, including changes in information-seeking behavior. This is supported
by the internet as a sophisticated information search media (Yusup, 2010). Data accessed
through the internet media is very valuable and carries risks. Educational and economic
factors limit people from thinking long about the risks that will occur in the future when any
data is accessed through the internet media (Saputri, n.d.).
In the general explanation of law number 1 of 2024, the second amendment to law
number 11 of 2008 concerning information and electronic transactions in the life of society,
nation, and state, the rights and freedoms in using and utilizing information technology are
implemented by considering the restrictions stipulated by law.
The development of technology, information, and communication makes everyone
able to access it, including job vacancies, and various job vacancies that companies offer to
job seekers, one of which is through social media with criteria and requirements that must be
met. These requirements usually attach several documents containing personal documents
that are very private.
Data protection for labor is very important according to the 1945 Constitution,
especially Article 27 Paragraph (2) concerning citizens' rights to workers and livelihoods that
are worthy of humanity. But nowadays there are many people who misuse data, especially
personal data in the world of work for their own personal interests.
According to the results of research by (Thalib & Maswari, 2021), it shows that there
are still many cases of misuse and theft of company personal data by company employees
which can be resolved by litigation and non-litigation mechanisms. It is better to anticipate
in advance by implementing ways to secure company personal data.
Talking about the law, we endlessly observe and study something that is like all the
rules about order and on the other hand will also be followed by irregularities, through
subjective assessments in describing the goals and ideals of the law, namely justice and
certainty, in the end the law is identified with art. Departing from such thinking, it is no
wonder that ordinary people sometimes occur in pessimistic patterns when looking at the law
(Sutrisno, 2018).
The focus of the study becomes the problem is how the form of legal protection for
personal data in the world of work in the era of digitalization, technology, and information.
This is very reasonable considering the current legal provisions must be considered,
especially the labor parties and other parties within the scope of the world of work.
This research uses normative juridical legal research methods using qualitative data
based on the consideration of the purpose of this research to examine legal norms and
products in the form of laws and regulations related to legal protection for personal data in
the world of work in the era of digitalization of technology and information, especially Law
Number 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower, Law Number 1 of 2024 concerning Electronic
Legal Protection For Personal Data In The World Of Work In
The Era Of Digitalization Of Technology And Information
Vol 3, No 6 June 2024
Information and Transactions, Law Number 27 of 2022 concerning Personal Data Protection,
and Regulation of the Minister of Communication and Information Technology Number 20
of 2016 concerning Personal Data Protection in Electronic Systems.
Based on Law No. 13 of 2003 Article 1 paragraph 2 Labor is every person who is able to
do work in order to produce goods and/or services to meet their own needs and for the
community. According to Simanjuntak's opinion, labor is a group of people of working age,
who are able to work or carry out economic activities in producing goods and services to meet
the needs of society (Simanjuntak, 1985). According to Tambun (Tambunan, 2002),
employment opportunities include jobs that have been occupied (employment) and are still
vacant. The number of graduates starting from Junior High School (SMP), Senior High School
(SMA), Vocational High School (SMK), or College is not comparable to the available job
Based on data from the Ministry of Education and Culture, graduates from junior high
schools are 5,300,042, high schools are 5,040,123, vocational schools are 158,638 (Dapo
Kemdikbud. 2023) and according to the Indonesian Minister of Manpower (Menaker), Ida
Fauziyah, said that around 12 percent of unemployment in Indonesia is currently dominated by
undergraduate and diploma graduates, the large number of unemployed college graduates is
due to the absence of links and matches between universities and the job market (Gusti
Grehenson. 2024). From these data, we know that there are not that many job vacancies, they
compete with each other for available jobs, but on the one hand, there are some people in order
to fulfill their daily needs, are willing to do anything to work without paying attention to the
data that job applicants submit to the company. These data, such as Identity Cards (KTP),
diplomas, Police Record Certificates (SKCK), and so on are included in personal data.
Sometimes companies deliberately misuse these data for personal gain without thinking
about the privacy rights of their employees, various job vacancies are offered, especially on
social media Facebook, Instagram, linked, and others as to find job vacancies in the hope of
meeting daily needs.
In addition to the workforce must pay attention to the data above, the workforce must
also pay attention to matters relating to the employment agreement, because if something
undesirable happens, it can be reviewed from the agreement that the two parties have made
regarding the employment agreement.
An agreement is an agreement that occurs when parties promise each other to carry out
certain actions. The term agreement is often also termed contract (contracts) and overeenkomst
(in Dutch). Contract and agreement are the same terms because the point is that there is an
event of the parties agreeing on the matters agreed upon and are obliged to obey and implement
them so that the agreement gives rise to legal relations (Saliman, 2005).
Article 1 paragraph 14 of Law No.13 of 2003 defines a work agreement as an agreement
between workers and employers/employers that contains working conditions, rights, and
obligations of the parties. In this case, the law also provides protection to workers in realizing
welfare and improving the welfare of workers and families. Sectors of life governed by the rule
of law must be able to reach the point of order and a sense of justice including economic
Vol 3, No 6 June 2024
Legal Protection For Personal Data In The World Of Work In
The Era Of Digitalization Of Technology And Information
management, human resources, and natural resources in order to achieve happiness together
(Sutrisno-Sudarminto, 2017). This worker protection is especially regarding the protection of
labor personal data. In accordance with Article 1 paragraph 8 of Law No.13 of 2003 Labor
information is a combination, series, and analysis of data in the form of numbers that have been
processed, manuscripts, and documents that have certain meaning, value, and meaning
regarding employment.
Documents that have value and meaning can be interpreted as both electronic documents
and manual documents, we know that applicants submit data with manual documents such as
job application letters, diplomas, and identity cards (KTP) which will then be inputted into data
on workers by companies using electronic systems. According to the Regulation of the Minister
of Communication and Information Technology number 20 of 2016 concerning the protection
of personal data in electronic systems article 1 paragraph 7, Electronic System Users,
hereinafter referred to as Users, are individuals, state administrators, business entities, and the
public who utilize goods, services, facilities, or information provided by electronic system
operators. Article 2 further explains the protection of personal data in electronic systems
includes protection against the acquisition, collection, processing, analysis, storage, display,
announcement, transmission, dissemination, and destruction of personal data.
In relation to Article 2 of the Regulation of the Minister of Communication and
Information Technology No. 20/2016 on the protection of personal data in electronic systems,
the company obtains its employee data from the collection of job application letters which are
then stored to serve as company archives in case of unforeseen events.
The relationship between personal data protection and labor is very important. In terms
of personal data protection, two methods are known to protect personal data, namely security
of the physical personal data itself and through regulations that aim to provide privacy
guarantees for the use of personal data (Yuniarti, 2019).
We know that the hallmark of law is legal certainty (rechtzekerheid) according to the
legal positivism school. The identification of the law with the law ensures that humans can
clearly know what is law and what is not. Legal certainty is only guaranteed if every form of
violation of positive legal rules is dealt with with certainty and is not prosecuted as long as the
action does not violate the provisions that have been deposited (Ibnu Artadi. 2012: 70).
In this case also when feeling aggrieved can report back on the misuse of data with
sanctions contained in article 67 of Law Number 27 of 2022 concerning Personal Data
Protection paragraph 1 "Every person who intentionally and unlawfully obtains or collects
Personal Data that does not belong to him with the intention of benefiting himself or others
which may result in the loss of Personal Data Subjects as referred to in Article 65 paragraph
(1) shall be punished with a maximum imprisonment of 5 (five) years and/or a maximum
imprisonment of 5 (five) years and/or a maximum fine of Rp5,000,000,000.00 (five billion
Provisions regarding the protection of privacy and personal data are also part of Article
28 G of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia which regulates the right to
protection of self, family, honor, dignity, and property under his control. To be able to see these
provisions as provisions regarding privacy and personal data, the opinion of Warren and
Legal Protection For Personal Data In The World Of Work In
The Era Of Digitalization Of Technology And Information
Vol 3, No 6 June 2024
Brandeis in their work entitled "The Right to Privacy" states that privacy is the right to enjoy
life and the right to be respected for feelings and thoughts (Samuel, 1890).
The Right to Privacy offers the necessary assurance to be frank about one's own feelings
without having to fear that one might offend someone. Without such protection of
communication, it is impossible for free thoughts to emerge without the fear of being
prosecuted for utterances or texts that might later be judged to be defamatory (Schermer, 2007).
Therefore, every individual must have ethics that become basic manners. If we want to be
respected, then respect others which is part of ethics. Ethics in this case is part of philosophy
that teaches the whole of ethics (good and bad) (Wajdi & Lubis, 2021). The right to protection
of personal data also develops from the right to respect for private life. The concept of private
life relates to humans as living beings (European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights and
Council of Europe) (fondamentaux et al., 2014).
Every company must have its own Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), and the
company must also be transparent about the process of processing personal data regarding
privacy notice (Kemp, 2019). Article 15 paragraph (2) of Government Regulation Number 82
of 2012 concerning the Implementation of Electronic Systems and Transactions, if there is a
data leak, the data manager must report in detail about the leaked data, the amount of data
affected, and the steps taken to overcome it because personal data breaches are one of the first
problems that arise due to massive data processing on centralized and decentralized analytics
servers in real-time (Silva & MA, 2017)
In addition to the leakage of personal data in the scope of labor, it turns out that there are
also many violations of personal data in other areas such as in the scope of health, where patient
data is traded or disclosed for insurance purposes (Rosadi, 2016).
The rapid development of technology has changed social behavior and human
interaction, including in the job search process, and increased the risk of personal data abuse.
Personal data of the workforce is often used in the recruitment process and is vulnerable to
misuse that can harm the parties involved.
The results show an imbalance between the number of education graduates and available
job vacancies, which increases the risk of personal data misuse in the world of work. The
protection of personal data of the workforce in Indonesia is governed by regulations such as
Law No. 13 of 2003 and Minister of Communication and Information Technology Regulation
No. 20 of 2016, which covers the collection, processing, storage, and destruction of personal
data. In addition, Article 28 G of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia guarantees
the right to personal protection and privacy.
This research also emphasizes the importance of ethics in the use of personal data and
the role of company operational standards in ensuring data transparency and security.
Regulations on reporting and handling data leaks are an important part of maintaining personal
data security.
Overall, this research underscores the need for legal certainty and effective personal data
protection in the midst of rapid technological development to ensure the security and privacy
of the workforce's personal data and prevent data misuse in the job search and offer process.
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Copyright holders:
Ambar Rani Priyanjani
, Farah Fadillah
, Alfazrryan Ghalib
, Endang Sutrisno
Deni Yusup Permana
First publication right:
JoSS - Journal of Social Science
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0