Journal of Social Science
Efionita Sepfiani
, Aria Wirakusuma
, Rudi Kurniawan
, Endang Sutrisno
Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati, Indonesia
Cirebon City;
Hospitality Industry;
Standardization of
Wastewater Quality
Standards; Water
Pollution Control
This study aims to control water pollution by conducting
observations on the hotel industry in Cirebon City regarding the
implementation of compliance with the standardization of
wastewater quality standard parameters according to Ministerial
Regulation No. P 68 of 2016. Research methods were conducted
openly through interview techniques regarding monitoring and
management of wastewater produced by the Hospitality Industry in
Cirebon City. The results of the study identified that from the hotel
industry in the city of Cirebon which is the object of research, the
quality standard of wastewater produced exceeds the
standardization of meeting quality standards so that there is still a
risk of water pollution. The handling can be this problem by
conducting strict monitoring by the environmental service and
providing knowledge or information related to the management of
wastewater quality standards properly so that the content of the
waste produced does not endanger the flow of rivers and seas in the
city of Cirebon. The approach that must be taken in order to
understand and be able to maximize the treatment of liquid waste
with a wastewater management plant (IPAL) is to consult the
Environmental Service in order to get direction to cooperate with
third parties (outsourcing). Observations also state that there is still
one hotel that does not use IPAL and in the hotel's activities, the
waste is purely dirty and pollutes the river flow in Cirebon City.
As living beings, humans need a healthy environment for their survival, so one of the
absolute rights that every Indonesian citizen must receive is to be physically and mentally
prosperous, such as getting a good and healthy environment by getting health services, in
accordance with the provisions of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Pasal 28h
ayat 1.
Human activities in the utilization of natural resources and the environment every day
often produce waste substances from their daily activities which can be called waste that can
increase the content of pollutants in the water, this pollutant content is a substance or material
added to the environment that is unwanted or that cannot be accepted by the environment.
These substances can cause pollution problems in the environment, if these environmental
Volume 3 Number 5 May 2024
p- ISSN 2963-1866- e-ISSN 2963-8909
Vol 3, No 5 May 2024
Legal Review Of The Fulfillment Of Wastewater Quality
Standards In The Hotel Industry In Cirebon City
conditions cannot neutralize materials or substances containing pollutants, environmental
pollution will occur (Standard, 2017). Therefore, the fulfillment of the Wastewater Quality
Standard, which is a measure of the limit or level of pollutant elements that are tolerated in
Wastewater that will be discharged or released into the water and soil media from a business
and/or activity, is very important (Riskyanto, 2019).
Therefore, every business actor who has certain criteria is required to make an IPAL
(Instalasi Pengelolaan Air Limbah) to filter and neutralize water or waste substances that
contain substances that can cause environmental pollution (Fauzia & Siska, 2021). In
Government Regulation number 22 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Environmental
Protection and Management pasal 1 ayat (28) (Tumpu et al., 2023).
Factors that can exceed wastewater quality standards in the environment by human
activities, namely the entry of living things, substances, energy, and other components, have
been stipulated in pasal 1 ayat 31 concerning the protection and management of water quality
is a systematic and integrated effort to maintain water quality And for the rules governing
wastewater quality standards themselves are regulated in the Minister of Environment and
Forestry Regulation No.68 of 2016 (Tuhu Agung & Winata, 2010).
Supporting the economy of a city is the large number of hotel establishments in the city
of Cirebon, as the main role in the impact of environmental sustainability in all its activities,
namely in the management of wastewater and garbage generated by hotel hotels in the city of
Cirebon with not a small amount of waste sources generated classified as non-infectious waste
which is domestic waste from kitchen activities, Therefore, to maintain the environment in
Indonesia, it is necessary to deal with problems in the state of the environment such as
deterioration or degradation aimed at reducing environmental damage due to pollution of the
hotel industry or waste disposal that does not meet technical and health requirements (Busyairi
et al., 2020). Wastewater from laundry, kitchen, and café activities is channeled to gray water
septic tanks. While wastewater from the activities of the campus or bathroom is channeled to
the black water septic tank (Surabaya, 2019).
Hotels with environmentally friendly themes, namely eco-hotels, aim to participate in
saving the environment by means of water and energy use efficiency systems, managing
wastewater disposal or wastewater utilization systems, waste recycling programs, and
employee empowerment programs to protect the environment as an effort to reduce
environmental pollution (Marliani, 2015) & (Herlambang, 2006) .
The waste produced is domestic waste or household waste, but the waste produced by
the hospitality industry is more in the form of liquid waste which is sometimes lost directly
dumped into the river channel in the city so it can be very dangerous because of the possibility
of hazardous materials or waste content that microorganisms cannot digest (Suardana et al.,
Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine how well the hotel industry in Cirebon
meets the wastewater quality standards set by the government.
Based on the description above, we focus in this study to find out the issue of how the
compliance of the hotel industry in Cirebon City related to the standardization of parameters
for meeting the quality standards of liquid waste has been in accordance with the regulation of
the minister of environment and forestry (2016) No.68 household quality standards.
Legal Review Of The Fulfillment Of Wastewater Quality
Standards In The Hotel Industry In Cirebon City
Vol 3, No 5 May 2024
The method used to optimize this research process is a qualitative research method based
on the accuracy of observation data to obtain accurate data. The techniques applied in the
process of collecting and managing data are in the form of object observation, open interviews,
and filling out questionnaires (Ratnaningtyas et al., 2023). In accordance with the formulation
of the problem stated the focus of the research is to know and observe the laboratory test of the
quality standards of liquid waste in six hotel objects in Cirebon City in accordance with
Permen-LKH NO 68 of 2016 concerning domestic wastewater quality standards.
Level of Compliance of the Hospitality Industry in Cirebon City with Domestic
The level of compliance in four reference hotel industries in the city of Cirebon, each hotel
shows different results related to wastewater management, we will present a compliance table
regarding domestic wastewater management in the hotel industry, this table contains a number
of criteria for the compliance of the hotel industry with domestic wastewater management. The
criteria include important aspects that reflect sustainable wastewater management practices
(Panjaitan et al., 2023).
Table 1
Hospitality Industry Compliance Criteria Related to Wastewater Management
Water Pollution Control
1. The obligation of business actors to treat the
wastewater they produce in accordance with the
provisions of pasal 130 of Government
Regulation 22 of 2021.
2. The obligation of business actors to have a
wastewater treatment system in accordance with
pasal 17 ayat (1) of the Minister of Environment
and Forestry Regulation 5 of 2021.
3. 3. Obligation of business actors to have
technical recognition of compliance with
relevant wastewater quality standards. Pasal
133 PP 22 of 2021, pasal 3 ayat (1) Minister of
Environment and Forestry Regulation 5 of
4. The obligation of business actors to meet the
requirements for technical compliance with
waste quality standards and standards. technical
competence of human resources in accordance
with pasal 138 of PP 22 of 2021, and pasal 21 of
the Minister of Environment and Forestry
Regulation of 2021.
5. Obligation of business actors to conduct
wastewater monitoring in accordance with pasal
144 of Government Regulation 22 of 2021.
Vol 3, No 5 May 2024
Legal Review Of The Fulfillment Of Wastewater Quality
Standards In The Hotel Industry In Cirebon City
Based on data from field observations from the six hotels in the city of Cirebon, namely
Hotel B, Hotel O, Hotel D, Hotel S, Hotel L, and Hotel R. In accordance with PP No. 22 of
2021 and Permen LHK No. 5 of 2021 states that Hotel S has met the compliance criteria in
terms of documents and management. The results of Hotels B and L are almost in accordance
with the compliance criteria because they have provided indicators that can optimize the
treatment of domestic wastewater generated from the operation of these hotels. However, Hotel
B does not maximize the treatment and monitoring of wastewater produced so there is still a
slight risk of water pollution in the surrounding environment. Then the results of research on
Hotel O and Hotel D show that the two hotels have not met the criteria for compliance with
applicable regulations because the IPAL owned by the two hotels is not considered to be
managed and does not carry out regular checks on wastewater generated from the hotel's
activities so that it can pose a great risk to water pollution in the surrounding environment
(Kurniajati, 2018). The research results from Hotel R state that Hotel R does not meet the
criteria for compliance with applicable regulations, because the hotel does not have an IPAL,
and the waste generated by the hotel is directly discharged into the city irrigation channel so
that it is at great risk of water pollution (Kapindha, 2013).
The wastewater quality standard is the quality that wastewater produced by companies
or businesses must meet. These standards include certain parameters, such as pollutant content,
acidity, temperature, and other relevant parameters.
Correct sampling is necessary to obtain good wastewater analysis results. the best way to
sample is to use a good approach with the average concentration of several points that have
been selected, or by taking samples at equalization. Wastewater sampling includes several
aspects, namely sampling location, time and frequency, collection method, necessary
equipment, and storage and preservation of samples.
Table 2
Wastewater Quality Standard
Maximum Level
Oils and Fats
Total Coliform
Source Regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry Number P.68/Menlhk-Setjen/2016
Table 3
Observation Results of Laboratory Tests of wastewater from the four Hotels in Cirebon City
Oils &
Hotel B
Hotel O
Hotel D
Hotel S
Legal Review Of The Fulfillment Of Wastewater Quality
Standards In The Hotel Industry In Cirebon City
Vol 3, No 5 May 2024
Hotel L
Hotel R
MS: Meets Standard
HMS: Almost Meets Standard
TMS: Does Not Meet Standard
TMI: Does not have Ipal
The laboratory test results above show that there are still many hotels that have not met
the quality standards that have been regulated in PP 22 of 2021, PERMEN LHK 5 of 2021, and
PERMEN LHK P68 of 2016. For hotels that are included in the description of Qualified, Not
Qualified, it is recommended that they always consult with experts or competent institutions in
wastewater analysis to ensure that the fulfillment of wastewater quality standards is in
accordance with applicable regulations, and for hotels that do not have an IPAL, it is urged to
make it otherwise the applicable sanctions from the relevant agencies will be lowered
(Setiyono, 2009).
Handling of Wastewater Management that exceeds the Standard
The environment office has a major role in supervising the implementation of
environmental management and monitoring in accordance with its main tasks as a regional
agency business and assisting the duties of the regional head.
Supervision carried out by the local government and the community results in the
processing carried out by the hotel industry still has minimal awareness regarding
environmental sustainability. The factor is the supervision of the environmental service which
is passive and reactive so there is a lack of coordination between related agencies. therefore the
level of awareness and supervision of the environmental service is a very important factor as
well as handling wastewater management that exceeds the standard.
Handling of liquid waste management in the hotel industry that exceeds quality standards
can be done from various aspects including the following:
a. Handling the management of wastewater that exceeds quality standards in the legal aspect
involves the enforcement of existing regulations, this can be in the form of, fostering legal
sanctions in the form of administrative sanctions or written warnings for hotels or
individuals responsible for wastewater pollution. The government can impose fines,
temporary or permanent closure of sewers used by the hospitality industry against facilities
that violate the rules, and even criminal legal action against serious violations. In addition,
a strict licensing and supervision system is also in place to ensure that all wastewater
management complies with set standards.
b. Technical handling can be done as follows:
a) Liquid waste treatment with physical techniques, namely filtering the separation of
disposal between sand and solid wastewater, then settling and flotation which serves to
remove pollutant particles to the surface of wastewater.
b) Treatment of liquid waste with Biological techniques, namely by involving Aerobic
bacteria to decompose organic matter.
Vol 3, No 5 May 2024
Legal Review Of The Fulfillment Of Wastewater Quality
Standards In The Hotel Industry In Cirebon City
c) Treatment by disinfection, which is to reduce microorganisms in liquid waste by adding
chemical compounds according to the required dose so as not to endanger the
d) Liquid waste treatment with chemical techniques, namely the process of neutralization,
gas transfer, and coagulation by giving positive chemicals, to change the degree of acidity
(pH) of wastewater. Liquid waste treatment can also be carried out with the principles
that the hotel industry must have for water pollution control, namely reusing waste
generated from hotel industry activities for the benefit of further industries without
reducing the quality of the wastewater.
The hotel is required to conduct regular monitoring of the quality of wastewater produced
and report it to the local Environmental Agency. This includes periodic sampling and analysis
of wastewater. Good wastewater management is essential for maintaining environmental
quality and public health, by complying with applicable regulations, hotels can ensure that their
operations do not negatively impact the surrounding environment.
From this study, we can conclude that the level of compliance of the four hotel industries
in Cirebon City related to wastewater management shows varying results. Hotel S complies
with the compliance criteria, and Hotel B and L almost comply with the compliance criteria but
are still at risk of environmental water pollution. Hotel O and Hotel D still do not meet the
compliance criteria due to unsupervised IPAL and lack of monitoring of wastewater. Hotel R
does not even have an IPAL and directly discharges waste into urban irrigation channels which
can increase the risk of environmental pollution.
For hotels that are included in the Almost Meets and Does Not Meet the requirements, it
is recommended that they always consult with experts or competent institutions in wastewater
analysis to ensure that the fulfillment of wastewater quality standards is in accordance with
applicable regulations, and more active supervision and guidance is needed from the
Environmental Service and community involvement in supporting environmental management
efforts. Handling of wastewater management that violates quality standards can be done
through law enforcement, and guidance from various techniques and principles of water
pollution control.
This research recommends that every industry in Cirebon City begin to learn to reuse the
wastewater produced and this research provides little information related to wastewater
management with Physical, Chemical, Biological, and Desinfication Techniques. The
information in this study hopes to be useful for the Hospitality Industry in Cirebon City.
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Copyright holders:
Efionita Sepfiani
, Aria Wirakusuma
, Rudi Kurniawan
, Endang Sutrisno
First publication right:
JoSS - Journal of Social Science
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0