Journal of Social Science
Wahyudi Utomo
, Effy Z Rusfian
, Martani Huseini
Politeknik Negeri Jakarta
, Universitas Indonesia
This study aims to analyze the governance of collaboration of the Belitung
Ecotourism UNESCO Global Geopark. Attention is given to the study of
collaboration governance considered one of the key issues of success in the
context of Belitung tourism development as part of the UNESCO Global
Geopark network. The contribution and role of each actor whether from the
government, private sector, community, or community has made a positive
contribution to building sustainable and environmentally sound tourism
quality. This research uses a sequential mixed methods research
exploratory approach, in this research data is obtained through in-depth
interviews, document reviews, and surveys so that the triangulation process
can be carried out more completely. Research informants consisted of
elements of government, the private sector, associations, society, and
communities. A total of 13 informants were interviewed and 31 people
responded to the survey. The results show that trust, values, and social
networks have become the glue and bind each actor so that they function
as a basic element to form a good collaboration.
Indonesia as a destination has been considered by the tourism market as an attractive
destination. Economic growth, political stability, and security are getting better, attracting
many local and foreign investors interested in investing in Indonesia either as organizers or as
participants. The tourism sector has played a key role as a country's development engine, this
sector has many roles and advantages in supporting development, namely large capital and
investment value, the ability to absorb a large workforce, and the ability to create value-added
creation. The Indonesian tourism sector has a very strategic role to grow the economic activities
of the community and encourage the growth of other industries such as the household industry,
small and medium industries, and other industrial groups and involves all human economic
activities in producing goods or services. Through this framework, tourism destinations in the
region can be linked and combined to include all products, services, and experiences offered.
These components can help see the regional impact of tourism and manage supply and demand
to maximize benefits for all actors (Riyanto et al., 2019).
Belitung Island is an island located at 107°31.5' - 108°18' East Longitude and 2°31.5'-
3°6.5' South Latitude. In the local language called Belitong, it is one of two large islands in the
Volume 3 Number 4 April 2024
p- ISSN 2963-1866- e-ISSN 2963-8909
Vol 3, No 4 April 2024
Collaboration Governance On Ecotourism Belitung UNESCO
Global Geopark
Province of Bangka Belitung Islands with an overall area of 4,800 km² or 480,010 ha. Belitung
Island consists of two regencies, namely Belitung Regency with its capital Tanjung Pandan,
and East Belitung Regency with its capital Manggar. The main source of income for this region
is derived from the primary sector, especially tin mining products. Even from tin mining, the
province of Bangka Belitung islands can contribute around 30% of the world's tin needs, and
of course, this provides a large income for foreign exchange and contributes a not small amount
to the revenue sector or Gross Regional Domestic Revenue (GRDP) as shown in table 1 below.
Table 1
Export Structure by Sector
Fats & Oils
Coffee, Tea &
Fish &
Export Value
January - April 2022
million US$
97.78 Million US$
10,84 Million US$
9,03 Million
M-to-M Change
Y-on-Y Change
Source: BPS Bangka Belitung Year 2022
Based on Table 1, shows that until today the general mining sector, especially tin, is
included in the primary sector group and is still the mainstay of the Bangka Belitung Islands
Provincial Government. Meanwhile, the tourism sector is included in the tertiary sector group
and only contributes 28.03% to GRDP (BPS Bangka Belitung Islands Province).
Tourism in Belitung has long been predicted to be the mainstay sector after tin mining.
The moratorium policy on tin mining issued some time ago, further solidified the steps of the
local government to develop the tourism sector as a leading sector that can play a major role in
the economic progress of the community. The existence of the Belitung Geopark as part of the
UNESCO Global Geopark further emphasizes Belitung as an international tourist destination
expected to boost the welfare of the community through tourist destination visits based on the
concept of protection, education, and sustainable development. According to Morgan,
destinations have now emerged as leading brands in the travel industry (Morgan et al., 2011).
The concept of ecotourism is an important essence that can be relied upon as an integral part
of developing tourism potential. This concept has recently become a trend along with the
placement of tourism and the environment as a unity of interrelated and futuristic activities
(Ibrahim et al., 2019).
The research seeks to explore how to develop a Geopark Ecotourism collaboration
governance design as an effort to develop Belitung as part of the tourism industry in Indonesia
can achieve a competitive advantage in the global market and regional tourism management
that can increase the acquisition of national foreign exchange earners and increase local
revenue (PAD). It is hoped that the existence of this tourism potential will be able to create and
encourage Geocities-based development that provides economic benefits and creates
prosperity for the community. The economic benefits that are born and felt by the community
must also be accompanied by awareness to maintain the survival of existing tourist objects,
thus the balance of economic activities and environmental conservation must be a joint
Collaboration Governance On Ecotourism Belitung UNESCO
Global Geopark
Vol 3, No 4 April 2024
commitment of every local economic actor so that the Belitung Geopark tourism management
survives in the context of tourism object conservation and remains an international tourist
destination choice.
(Silberberg, 1995) points out that collaboration with other forms of tourism can ttract a
wide audience because it offers a variety of experiences that will ultimately increase the
perceived value for their time and money. Collaboration is not only seen in an attempt to
expand the market geographically but is utilized to develop potential markets in terms of
segments. Collaboration can also contribute to bringing the potential of natural and cultural
heritage tourism as well as other forms of tourism to help build synergies with other tourism.
In addition, collaboration among existing stakeholders is expected to increase opportunities for
mutually beneficial communication and implementation (Silberberg, 1995). With the existence
of facilities and resources owned and the advantages of ecotourism resources, it can be created
and connected into a form of tourism that can stimulate the interest of tourists to experience
different activities in certain destinations. Creativity is the core of creative tourism (Tan et al.,
2013). The relationship between tourism and creativity shows that the roles of both can be
associated with the scope of developing tourism products and tourism experiences (Richards,
2011). Ecotourism can help destinations rethink and remodel cultural and other tourism in
innovative ways and enhance their creative potential in general (Richards, 2011).
Attention is given to the study of the governance of geopark ecotourism collaboration as
one of the key issues of collaborative governance in the context of a network that involves the
role of each actor or stakeholder involved. Researchers see the need to conduct research that
examines how the role of each stakeholder in the process of creating collaborative governance
of geopark ecotourism and as an effort to build innovative tourism quality. In particular,
attention is given along with the institutional and theoretical basis for the development of
geopark ecotourism collaboration governance design is relatively new and demands deeper and
comprehensive disclosure. then the research objectives are explained To analyze collaboration
governance in the development of Belitung Geopark Ecotourism and analyze the ideal
collaboration governance design in the development of Belitung Geopark Ecotourism.
This research will use a mixed-method research approach. It is expected that the purpose
of the approach using a mixed research approach will be to provide a better understanding of
research problems and phenomena that are more complex than using the approach itself
(Mariani, 2016). Another reason in favour of this approach is that this method can provide
validation of research findings, thus describing more complete and comprehensive results
(Figure 1).
Figure 1
Exploratory Sequential Mixed Method Research Design
Source: Creswell, 2018
Data Collection
and Qualitative
Data Analysis
for results
Data Collection
and Quantitative
Data Analysis
of results
Vol 3, No 4 April 2024
Collaboration Governance On Ecotourism Belitung UNESCO
Global Geopark
The mixed methods approach used in this research is an exploratory sequential mixed
method, which is based on (Creswell & Creswell, 2018) mixed method is a strategy for
researchers to combine data found from one method with other methods. The author uses a
mixed method with the hope that in addition to complementing the shortcomings, answers to
the subject matter will also be obtained more comprehensively than utilizing one method alone.
As explained earlier, in this study data was obtained through in-depth interviews, document
reviews, and surveys so that the triangulation process could be carried out more fully.
The collaborative practice developed by Ansell & Gash (2008) describes a collaborative
governance framework that connects between five (5) interrelated dimensions. The five
important dimensions that are prerequisites for collaborative governance include starting
conditions, collaborative process, institutional design, facilitative leadership, and outcomes.
This research was conducted by conducting interviews and surveys in Belitung Regency
in May and December 2023 A total of 13 informants were interviewed and 31 people responded
to the survey. The results showed that trust, values, and social networks have become the glue
and bind each actor so that they function as a basic element to form a good collaboration. The
researcher also conducted FGDs by presenting several elements of association representatives
and tourism actors. Survey data processing was carried out using the SPSS version 29 and MS
Excell applications with the average results of the dimensions and indicators of collaborative
governance described in Table 2 as follows:
Table 2
Average Dimensions and Indicators of Collaborative Governance in Belitung Regency
Mean Indicator
Mean Dimension
Initial Condition
Power asymmetry
History of Cooperation/Conflict
Building Dialogue
Building Trust
Shared Understanding
Interim Results
Institutional Design
Ground Rules
Broad Participation
Open Government
Reliable Management
Technical Credibility
Decision Integrity
Long-term Outputs
Source: processed by researchers in 2023
The results of the quantitative analysis of all indicators of collaborative governance show
that the outcomes dimension has the highest mean value with a value of 3.10 compared to other
Collaboration Governance On Ecotourism Belitung UNESCO
Global Geopark
Vol 3, No 4 April 2024
dimensions. The dimension with the lowest mean indicator is the facilitative leadership
dimension with a mean dimension value of 2.84.
Figure 2
Average of Collaborative Governance Dimensions for Belitung District (n = 31)
Source: Data processed by researchers, 2023
Figure 3 shows that the implementation of collaboration practices based on Ansell and
Gash's five (5) dimensional framework has an average value of 2.99. Based on the five (5)
dimensions, three (3) dimensions have a value above the average, namely the collaboration
process dimension, the institutional design dimension, and the outcomes dimension, while two
(2) dimensions have a value below the average, namely the initial conditions dimension and
the facilitative leadership dimension. That related to respondents' perceptions of the three
dimensions assessed to have values above the average shows that the dimensions of the
collaboration process, the dimensions of institutional design, and the outcomes dimension can
be said to have gone well. Meanwhile, the other dimensions, namely the initial conditions
dimension and the facilitative leadership dimension, were assessed by respondents to have low
scores. Although the value of these two dimensions is below the average, the value is close to
the average value, which can be interpreted as indicating that the ongoing process is showing
a positive direction.
In addition to quantitative data through surveys, researchers also collected and conducted
qualitative analysis of primary data obtained through in-depth interviews and FGDs using the
NVivo 12 application. The combination of the two types of data is intended to obtain more
complete and comprehensive results.
Figure 3
Hierarchical Graph of Collaborative Governance Qualitative analysis results from interview
transcripts and FGDs with NVivo 12 application (n statements = 195 statements)
Source: Data Processed by Researchers 2023
Vol 3, No 4 April 2024
Collaboration Governance On Ecotourism Belitung UNESCO
Global Geopark
Figure 4 shows the hierarchy chart, the coding results found a comparison between
dimensions, which explains that informants/source persons quoted the most statements about
the collaboration process, totaling 107 statements. While the dimension with the least number
of quotes is the initial conditions dimension with 24 statements. This shows that the
collaboration process has the highest attention from the informants. Another factor that causes
the large number of statements in this dimension can also be influenced by the large number of
indicators in the collaborative process dimension compared to the other 4 dimensions.
The results of the word frequency search analysis, namely the number of words that
appear the most, are used in this study to see the words most often spoken by informants when
answering questions. This search was carried out by ignoring (stop word) for all conjunctions
in the sentence. The results of the word search on the coding that has been prepared for words
consisting of at least ten letters show that the five highest words are community, tourism,
government, communication, and conservation. Referring to the existing word cloud and word
frequency shows that the community is the subject and object for which the collaboration is
carried out and gets the maximum benefit from the collaboration.
Collaboration is not just about negotiations between stakeholders, but more than that,
collaboration is an effort to build trust with each other (Ansell & Gash, 2008). Building trust in
a series of collaborative governance processes is an emotional action carried out by behavior
between stakeholders with the creation of critical concern for the results that will be achieved.
The aspect of building trust with shared understanding is two faces of a coin, where building
trust requires a foundation of shared understanding, both of which cannot be separated from the
communication and dialog that is built (Muslim, 2021).
The results of the interpretation of the initial conditions dimension and the collaboration
process, dimension at the beginning of building dialog and interim results found the fact that if
in Belitung Regency in the initial conditions of the collaboration process two things were the
main drivers of the collaboration process, namely building dialog and trust, which are strong
aspects that influence collaboration. Social capital is not solely seen as a result but rather a
process. The collaboration process is based on efforts to strengthen face-to-face dialog and build
trust among stakeholders built on cultural values and social networks. So the collaborative work
process based on this becomes the energy and strength of the community or society based on its
nature and substance, namely the existence of social processes in the form of trust, norms, and
networks that cannot be separated from one another. The social processes that have been formed
and have been ongoing can be said to reflect the strength of social capital owned by the
community or society.
Collaboration Governance On Ecotourism Belitung UNESCO
Global Geopark
Vol 3, No 4 April 2024
Figure 4
Visualization of Number of Informants Discussing Social Capital
Source: Data Processing by Researcher, NVivo 2023
Figure 6. explains the position of social capital in the Collaborative Governance of
Belitung Geopark Ecotourism is very important to highlight considering that the Belitung
Geopark Ecotourism development paradigm that has been running so far is more bottom-up
than top-down. So far, social capital, which combines elements of values and cooperation
networks, has been running and functioning in shaping the social dimensions of Belitung
society. Social capital is closely related to the social values of the Belitung community so that
social capital has been able to become an adhesive and bind certain people (who usually have
certain commonalities, such as similarity of work, similarity of residence, similarity of
ethnicity, religion, and so on), as well as bridging between different people, with a norm of
reciprocity exchange. As a result, social capital has produced a Belitung community
development paradigm that integrates the three dimensions of development: social, economic,
and environmental. This is in line with Fathy's opinion that the position of social capital has a
positive role and encourages the creation of community participation, accessibility, and
freedom, which is also a principle in the sustainable inclusive development paradigm (Fathy,
Figure 5
Relationship between Values, Beliefs and Informal Networks with Stakeholders
Source: Data Processing by Researcher, NVivo 2023
Vol 3, No 4 April 2024
Collaboration Governance On Ecotourism Belitung UNESCO
Global Geopark
Based on the above classification, the determination of the development of collaborative
governance design is very concern in this study as the urgency for the findings in answering
the formulation of the problem, other things also strengthen researchers in finding renewal from
research, not only the renewal of the researched field study but renewal of design development
to over some of the weaknesses in the grand theory that researchers consider still relevant by
he case study of Collaborative Governance.
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Copyright holders:
Wahyudi Utomo
, Effy
, Martani Huseini
First publication right:
JoSS - Journal of Social Science
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0