Journal of Social Science
Nuril Falina
, Terza Travelancya D.P
, Ivonne Hafidlatil Kiromi
Universitas Islam Zainul Hasan Genggong, Jawa timur, Indonesia
Introduction of
Hijaiyah Letters,
Upin Ipin Song,
Early Childhood
Education (ECE)
This study aims to discover how singing methods are applied in introducing
hijaiyah letters in early childhood group A in RA Sunan Bonang Brani
wetan. The method used is a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis.
The object of this study was as many as 16 people, with the techniques used
by researchers in collecting data, namely observation, interview, and
documentation techniques. To analyze the data, researchers also use data
collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The study
was conducted for 1 month. The application of the method of singing with
the song Hijaiyah upin ipin is very effective in providing hijaiyah letter
recognition to children from an early age in group A RA Sunan Bonang
Brani wetan, with the steps used; Preparation and Planning of Learning
Implementation of Singing Method, Teachers Understand Well the
Material Teach, Selection of Songs to be Taught to Children, Demonstrate
Songs Repeatedly, Convey Learning Information, Ask Questions. The
impact of using this method is that children have an interest in learning
hijaiyah letters and are involved in the learning process such as singing
together and answering questions together (active), the learning
environment created also becomes fun, and children memorize faster so
that it also makes it easier for children to recognize hijaiyah letters.
Education has a very important and strategic role in ensuring the continuity and
development of the nation's life. In this case, education must be able to prepare citizens to face
their future, so it is not wrong if people argue that the future of a country is determined by its
current education (Herwati & As’ ari, 2019). Education is a conscious and planned effort to
create a learning atmosphere and learning process so that students are actively able to develop
their potential to have the spiritual potential, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble
character, and skills needed for themselves, society, nation, and country that lasts for life (life
long education) (Suprapno et al., 2021). And for assistance in the world of education, it must
start at an early age, because it is at that age that the generation and the sustainability and future
of the nation begin to be built (Dp et al., 2023).
Early childhood is an individual character who undergoes a developmental process for
the next life. Early Childhood (AUD) is an individual who is in the Golden Age condition
(Cahyanti & Katoningsih, 2023). This stage is the golden period because children grow and
Volume 3 Number 2 February 2024
p- ISSN 2963-1866- e-ISSN 2963-8909
Vol 3, No 2 February 2024
Implementation Of Upin Ipin Song In The Introduction Of
Hijaiyah Letters To Children In RA Sunan Bonang
develop so quickly, and is a stage that cannot be replaced in the future. The aspects of child
development include moral and religious values, socio-emotional, linguistic, cognitive, artistic,
and physical-motor aspects as well as motor and fine motor aspects.
The aspect of language development, which is a phase of development that can be
controlled from an early age, is not only focused on rapid growth but also on speaking and
listening skills because language is a medium for establishing communication. Language also
affects children's cognition and has an important role in children's social conditions (Suryana,
2016). Recognition and reading are the foundation on which children master various subjects.
If the ability to recognize and read does not appear immediately in early childhood, then
children will encounter many obstacles when learning other subjects. Therefore, children need
to learn to recognize and read.
Reading in this case is not only reading or recognizing the alphabet (a-z), but the main
thing is to teach children hijaiyah letters (Arabic letters) from an early age. As Muslims, we
cannot be separated from the guideline of life, namely the Qur'an and the Qur'an has Arabic
writing, namely Alif to ya 'as opposed to the alphabet consisting of a-z. This research focuses
on children's learning to recognize and read Hijaiyah letters. Early childhood education in the
family has a central role in a child's life, this education lasts throughout life and occurs
continuously. The importance of instilling religion early on is that children are the gold mine
of the family so that it can give birth to a generation that understands religion. Religious
education to recognize Hijaiyah letters is the beginning of reading the Qur'an which is a crucial
part to be conveyed to early childhood.
Quality education requires a good learning system accompanied by unique, interesting,
and fun learning methods or models. Methods are ways that the process of use is called tools
to achieve the goals of the learning process so that the learning process activities can take place
Based on this, it shows that the selection of early childhood learning methods can be
given more attention by teachers. The learning method chosen should be tailored to the
character of the child, such as fun learning, where there is an element of play or singing. The
singing method is a method that is very popular in early childhood. Managing a class using the
singing method means shaping and managing learning using songs. Generally, the songs used
are songs whose lyrics are adapted to the materials to be taught. The singing method can also
provide a unique and interesting learning experience, arouse enthusiasm, and cause children to
like learning so that children's development can be stimulated more optimally.
The digital era today brings many changes, where students emphasize smartphones rather
than textbooks. The existence of technological advances can be utilized by students by
accessing the internet to find learning resources either through the web / BlogSpot or YouTube.
Thus, video-based learning models can support the learning process in today's era (Wulandari
et al., 2023). This is by the learning model applied by teachers at RA Sunan Bonang, namely
by applying the animated singing learning method.
As revealed by one of the teachers at Sunan Bonang Kindergarten Class A, "Children
memorize more easily if they use songs, especially in songs that have often been watched at
home so it can be said that children are familiar with the song." This statement made the author
finally interested in researching this matter.
Implementation Of Upin Ipin Song In The Introduction Of
Hijaiyah Letters To Children In RA Sunan Bonang
Vol 3, No 2 February 2024
The formulation of this research is how the application of the singing method in
introducing hijaiyah letters in early childhood. The purpose of this study is to find out how the
application of the singing method in introducing hijaiyah letters in early childhood group A at
RA Sunan Bonang Brani Wetan. In addition, this research is expected to provide benefits for
readers to better understand the importance of choosing learning methods in introducing
hijaiyah letters early in children, and this research is expected to be a reference for other
This research uses a qualitative approach. The type of research used in this research is
qualitative research with descriptive analysis. The period required to conduct research is 1
month starting from January 3 to February 3. The location or place of research is RA Sunan
Bonang Brani Wetan Maron District, Probolinggo Regency. The targets and research subjects
consisted of sixteen people. The techniques applied in obtaining information are observation,
interview, and documentation techniques. Researchers first made observations for
approximately one week regarding the application of the singing method applied at RA Sunan
Bonang, besides that researchers also observed the behavior of students during the research
process, researchers also took data through interviews with informants in the study. The data
from this study are in the form of interview transcriptions, observation notes, reports or records
(Khasanah, 2021) of child development assessments, daily notes, anecdotal notes, and
documentation (school profiles, student data).
Qualitative research is conducted with a type of case study research. This type of case
study research is a qualitative research method that produces descriptive data, a systematic,
accurate description of the facts and relationships between the phenomena being investigated
(Mursyidah et al., 2022). There are several steps taken so that this research can be completed
properly, including data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing.
researchers collect data on research topics related to steps in applying the singing method, steps
taken by teachers in making assessments, collecting observation notes, collecting data on
school information, student data, and things that can later be used as references in research.
After the data is collected, the researcher reduces the data, the researcher carries out the
process of the data selection stage, the researcher carries out the selection stage from the large
amount of data that has been collected, the researcher selects important data, and is by the
research topic that will be used later as a reference, the selected data source must be related to
the topic of research on the application of the hijaiyah letter singing method and the
achievement of child development which focuses on the introduction of hijaiyah letters in
children. After the data is appropriately selected, the researcher presents the right data in this
study, the researcher presents the data that has been obtained in the form of simple reports that
have been arranged systematically to facilitate the research process such as child development
evaluation reports to make it easier for researchers to conclude. Conclusions, namely
concluding the data that has been reduced into a systematic report by connecting and selecting
data that leads to problem-solving and answers the problems and objectives to be achieved
(Wijaya, 2020).
Vol 3, No 2 February 2024
Implementation Of Upin Ipin Song In The Introduction Of
Hijaiyah Letters To Children In RA Sunan Bonang
This research will analyze the data that has been collected from the results of research
conducted through observation and interviews, in the results of this study indicate that the
singing method applied at RA Sunan Bonang on an ongoing basis can increase knowledge in
recognizing hijaiyah letters in class A children.
This research is in line with research conducted by Kamtini and Fahmi Agustina
Sitompul in their journal entitled The Effect of the Singing Method on the Ability to
Remember Letters and Numbers in Early Childhood, by taking samples for the experimental
class, getting research results that show that there is a significant effect of the singing method
on the ability to remember early childhood (Kamtini & Sitompul, 2019).
Likewise, research from Dahlia Amalia, and Afifatu Rohmawati with the title
Improving Arabic Speaking Skills Through Singing Methods in Group B Children at PAUD
Al-Madaniy Gondanglegi-Malang, which uses the type of Classroom Action Research
(Action Research). Data collection techniques through the application of the cycle, and
documentation. Based on the findings, it shows that there is an increase in Arabic speaking
skills through the singing method which is shown through an increase in learning
completeness with a percentage of 30%. The increase in cycle I with a percentage of 53%
and an increase in cycle II with a percentage of 83%. So, the increase in Arabic speaking
skills through singing methods in group B children between cycle I to cycle II amounted to
30%. In the results obtained, the singing method is very effective and efficient in improving
Arabic speaking skills through memorization techniques (Amalia & Rohmawati, 2020).
Not only that, a study entitled The Effect of the Use of Singing Learning Strategies on
the Ability to Read Iqro' Early Childhood, written by Ramadhaniar, Tien Rafida, and
Humaidah Br Hasibuan also strengthens previous studies. The study, which is a quantitative
study of this type of experiment, found that singing learning strategies can improve the ability
to read Iqro' of early childhood group B at RAUmmul Qura Stabat (Ramadhaniar et al.,
The difference in this study is that the researcher's variables are more specific to
recognizing hijaiyah letters only while the variables in the previous study are more general,
namely the development of reading and language skills. The research methods used are
somewhat different because other studies use quantitative methods, while researchers use
qualitative methods.
In the introduction, the author has stated that the purpose of this research is to describe
the application of the method of singing hijaiyah letters in the upin ipin film in recognizing
hijaiyah letters in early childhood at RA Sunan Bonang, Brani wetan Village, Maron District,
Probolinggo Regency. The following is an explanation of the application of the method of
singing hijaiyah letters at RA Sunan Bonang which the author will describe including the
Application of Singing Method in Introducing Hijaiyah Letters in Early Childhood
Singing is a fun activity for children because by singing children can express what is in
their minds. Besides being fun, singing can also be used to improve children's memory, because
by singing or listening to music, children's concentration can increase.
Rasyid wrote that singing can hone a child's ability to absorb, improve, and pronounce
words. If the child learns to sing an important part of the song, the child unconsciously learns:
Implementation Of Upin Ipin Song In The Introduction Of
Hijaiyah Letters To Children In RA Sunan Bonang
Vol 3, No 2 February 2024
a. Distinguish the sounds of letters, words, and sentences.
b. Pronounce letters, words, and sentences.
c. Remembering letters, words, and sentences (Sundari, 2014)
Therefore, the singing method is one method that can support the introduction of hijaiyah
letters in children from an early age. Singing will play a more important role if in its
implementation it is emphasized and stimulated more on religious nuances so that children
develop more religiously, such as when singing children are given songs that contain Islamic
teachings. This needs good stimulation in providing the introduction of hijaiyah letters to
children, as implemented in RA Sunan Bonang. The implementation of the singing method at
RA Sunan Bonang has several stages including the following:
Preparation and Planning for Singing Method Learning Implementation
At this stage before carrying out learning activities using the Islamic singing method.
The teacher prepares himself first to do the learning, then the teacher will compile a lesson
plan, and prepare what will be needed in the learning process by using the Islamic singing
method. Preparations were made such as preparing songs and materials to be delivered and
preparing lesson plans during the learning process. Planning is needed in the learning process
starting from planning learning objectives, planning the material to be delivered, and planning
media or methods if needed (Fadlillah, 2016). In this case, RA Sunan Bonang teachers prepare
several teaching tools, both from lesson plans to the media used.
The teacher understands the material well
Before the learning activity process begins, the teacher first prepares himself to master
the material and understand what the teacher will convey to the students, so that in delivering
the material the children can easily understand it, and the learning objectives can also be
achieved. Apart from just understanding the teacher must also understand the concepts or facts
of new material that must be mastered by students. In this case, the teacher must recognize the
characteristics of the hijaiyah letters. Letters are script marks in writing systems which are
members of the alphabet that symbolize sound and language. According to Ath Thabari, it
explains that hijaiyah letters are one of the distinctive types of language displayed in the Qur'an.
The Qur'an is indeed arranged using Hijaiyah letters with different makhraj as well as implying
that the Qur'an was revealed using Arabic (Latifah, 2021). This is what was explained by one
of the class A teachers; "Before entering the class, I first prepare myself, such as the hijaiyah
letter material. I must memorize and know the characters first".
Table 1
Characteristics of Hijaiyah Letters
Tidak dilambangkan (half madd)
Te dan Ha
Ha (dengan titik dibawah)
Ka dan Ha
Vol 3, No 2 February 2024
Implementation Of Upin Ipin Song In The Introduction Of
Hijaiyah Letters To Children In RA Sunan Bonang
De dan Ha
Es dan Ye
Es (dengan titik dibawah)
De (dengan titik dibawah)
Te (dengan titik dibawah)
Zet (dengan titik dibawah)
Koma terbalik diatas
Ge dan Ha
The definition of recognizing letters for early childhood education is that children learn
to recognize letters and their sounds from the context of the language used. Children are
directed to identify the shape of the letter and its sound. So children learn from the overall
concept to a specific concept. In this case, the overarching concept introduced to children is
the hijaiyah letters which total 28 letters, while the specific concepts introduced are the shapes
of letters and their sounds. Considering that the students taught are early childhood children
who are still in group A with ages between 3-4 years, then from the 28 hijaiyah letters, children
are directed to understand that the 28 letters introduced are hijaiyah letters, while considering
their early age, it is expected that at least students can recognize 10-15 letters from the 28
hijaiyah letters introduced.
While hijaiyah letters, linguistically means letters as we know in Indonesian which
consists of 26 letters. While in Arabic there are 28 letters that we know as hijaiyah letters.
Based on the description above, it can be concluded that the ability to recognize hijaiyyah
letters is the mastery of recognizing the letters and sounds of the 28 hijaiyyah letters based on
the shape, sound, and context of the language used, in this case, the language of the Qur'an.
Hijaiyah letters start from alif and end in ya' separately. Hijaiyah letters are the letters
used as the basis for learning to read the Qur'an. Hijaiyah letters in more detail are a collection
of letters that amount to letters used in the Qur'an and are known until now. Children need to
be introduced to the letters that make up writing to help the reading process as well as the need
to be introduced to Aaliyah's letters to be able to read the Qur'an.
Implementation Of Upin Ipin Song In The Introduction Of
Hijaiyah Letters To Children In RA Sunan Bonang
Vol 3, No 2 February 2024
Reading skills in early childhood can be stimulated by practicing listening to letter
sounds, and words about objects, and showing the shape of letters and objects. In line with that,
hijaiyah letters need to be introduced to children from an early age. Hijaiyah letters consist of
two words, namely letters and hijaiyah. Letters are the plural of al-harfu which means the
smallest part of the pronunciation that cannot form its meaning unless it must be assembled
with other letters. Letters in Arabic are called hijaiyah. Its origin comes from the development
of the letter system in the ancient Mediterranean which can be traced back to the emergence of
Egyptian civilization in 2000 BC. So the mention of hijaiyah is derived from Arabic which has
its history (Ma’arif & Azizah, 2020).
The ability to recognize letters is part of the child's language development aspect, which
needs to be developed by providing optimal stimulation from an early age. Stimulation of letter
recognition is to stimulate children to recognize, understand, and use written symbols to
communicate. In line with that, the introduction of hijaiyah letters is considered important.
Selection of songs to be taught to children
In choosing songs that will be taught to children, teachers choose song tones that are
familiar to students, such as religious songs contained in the animated film Upin ipin; one of
which is the hijaiyah letter song, with the aim that it is easier for students to remember. Because
the Upin ipin movie is already familiar to children. Including also with the songs.
As well as in the application of the singing method in RA Sunan Bonang class A which
uses the Hijaiyah letter song upin ipin. One of the teachers interviewed by the researchers
explained that "The song has several advantages, so it was finally chosen as the song of choice
for the use of learning methods. The song is very effective besides being familiar to children,
the lyrics are also directly on the material not wordy. So we immediately show the letters."
Demonstrating the Song Repeatedly
After giving examples to students, the teacher will demonstrate or repeat the song that
was sung earlier so that children are more able to follow it. Repeating the song until the children
feel they can start and invite them to sing together.
Conveying Learning Information
From the song, there is material that we can convey, not only based on the lyrics of the
song but also on the pronunciation and shape of the letters. An example of delivering material
from the song Hijaiyah Letters up in pin;
First, the teacher will explain that as Muslims we cannot be separated from the guide to
life, namely the Qur'an and the Qur'an has Arabic writing, Alif to ya'. Therefore, religious
education to recognize Hijaiyah letters is the beginning of reading the Qur'an.
Second, after conveying the importance of the Quran by learning hijaiyah letters first.
Then the teacher also explains the characteristics of the hijaiyah letters, such as how many
there are and what the reading is like.
Asking Questions
After passing through several stages above, it comes to the evaluation stage where the
teacher asks short questions about what has been conveyed by the teacher from the learning
results using the method of singing hijaiyah letters upin ipin. Questions related to the song
being taught. Some examples of questions asked to students, such as; the teacher writing one
of the hijaiyah letters and then asking the students "What letter is that?". Or vice versa, such
Vol 3, No 2 February 2024
Implementation Of Upin Ipin Song In The Introduction Of
Hijaiyah Letters To Children In RA Sunan Bonang
as; the teacher mentions one of the hijaiyah letters and then asks the learners to point on the
hijaiyah wall table what the hijaiyah letter read is written like.
The questions that teachers ask children are to evaluate learning whether the objectives
of the learning process can be achieved optimally and to find out whether children have
understood what the teacher has conveyed through learning by using the singing method. The
questions asked to children are adjusted to the song that the teacher has chosen in the learning
process (Rukmana et al., 2022).
The Impact of Using the Hijaiyah Letter Singing Method in the Upin Ipin Movie on
Based on the results of the research conducted by researchers, the use of the hijaiyah
letter song from the movie upin ipin there is a positive impact on group A children at RA Sunan
Bonang. Researchers have also written previously on the process of implementing learning,
where the learning objectives and children's responses during the learning process are the same,
this is known from the results of field observations and interviews with teachers.
In addition, upin ipin animated films played by children with conflicts presented are
children's activities, making them favored by many children in class A. So it is familiar for
them to remember the storyline or songs. This is also reinforced by a statement from one of the
guardians of class A students; "Nazil really likes watching Upin Ipin movies, maybe every day.
I also never forbid it, because it's a children's movie, so I think it's only natural. Moreover, the
story has a religious message too, so the child can learn too."
From the explanation above, it shows that playing or watching is a good activity if the
content of the activity is positive things. And good things need to be familiarized from an early
age. The real example is watching the animated movie Upin ipin and understanding or
recognizing the religious values in it, one of which is like a hijaiyah letter song.
This is evident when the application of the method of singing hijaiyah letters using upin
ipin songs is carried out at RA Sunan Bonang group A, there are several benefits to students,
a) Children tend to be active When the teacher applies the singing learning method, children
become very active during learning by singing along.
b) Creating an effective and fun learning environment The classroom atmosphere also
becomes easier, structured, organized, and fun. All the children are very happy singing
the upin ipin song together. Their imaginations are running by remembering each letter of
the hijaiyah.
c) Increased children's interest in learning Children no longer have the habit of playing with
tools, buying snacks, and having fun around the school during the learning process.
Thanks to the learning model provided by the teacher, children's interest in learning is
gradually increasing.
Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the application of the singing
method with the upin ipin hijaiyah letter song is very effective in providing the introduction of
hijaiyah letters to children from an early age in group A of RA Sunan Bonang Brani wetan.
The structured application provides positive value in teaching and learning activities, such as;
the existence of a pleasant learning situation which then becomes a habit and then records
Implementation Of Upin Ipin Song In The Introduction Of
Hijaiyah Letters To Children In RA Sunan Bonang
Vol 3, No 2 February 2024
learning achievements. The application has several steps that are carried out in the learning
process including; Preparation and Planning of Singing Method Learning Implementation,
Teachers Understanding the Material being taught, Selection of Songs to be Taught to Children,
Demonstrating Songs Repeatedly, Conveying Learning Information, Asking Questions.
Some of the stages above are the teacher's efforts in achieving learning objectives by
successfully using the singing method. So that researchers found the results that after using this
method children have an interest in learning hijaiyah letters and are involved in the learning
process such as singing together and answering questions together (active), the learning
environment that is created also becomes fun, and children memorize faster so that it also
makes it easier for children to recognize hijaiyah letters.
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Copyright holders:
Nuril Falina
, Terza Travelancya D.P
, Ivonne Hafidlatil Kiromi
First publication right:
JoSS - Journal of Social Science
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0