Journal of Social Science
Ngudi Astuti
, Dewi Setyarini
Universitas Jayabaya Jakarta, Indonesia
contestation, law
enforcement, and
political ethics
The advancement of Gibran Rakabuming Raka to become Prabowo
Subiyanto's Vice President has indeed become a controversy in the political
and democratic life in Indonesia. With the issuance of the Constitutional
Court (MK) Decision Number 90/PUU-XXI/2023 concerning the Granting
of Additional Ownership Experience in the Minimum Age Requirements
for Presidential / Vice Presidential Candidates, submitted by a student
named Almas Tsaqibbirru Re A. This application was accepted by the
Constitutional Court on 3 August 2023. This research uses the theory of
ethics (imperative ethics) according to Immanuel Kant, which states that an
action is said to be right if it is in line with the principle of obligation
relevant to it. Categorical imperative ethics is an absolute command and
applies generally. to be all-inclusive, in Ethics it is very clear that the
categorical imperative, acts based on obligation. Act according to universal
laws, i.e. laws that tend to be accepted by society. The loss of ethics in
political life has implications for political practices that are Machavellistic,
namely politics as a tool to do everything, good or bad without regard to
decency, and norms and apply as positivistic nuances (value-free) and this
is very contrary to the ethical values of Pancasila Democracy which is
upheld for the Indonesian nation. If someone is running for public office,
they should prioritize polite politics and heed the rule of law so that there is
peace in living together as citizens in the community.
Last Sunday night (22 Oct), Prabowo announced Gibran as his Vice Presidential
Candidate, ignoring the public outrage and protests against the Constitutional Court's ruling
that the chief judge is President Jokowi's brother-in-law. "This is a gamble for Gibran. If he
wins, then his political career will rise faster," said a political observer from Gadjah Mada
University, Wawan Mas'udi. "If he loses, his career will not end, but he will face many
obstacles because he has a negative political-family image. The public in general, the mass
media, and civil society organizations see it as part of President Jokowi's efforts to maintain
power "(Kiki Siregar, 2023).
A political observer from Indonesia Political Opinion (IPO) Dedi Kurnia Syah also said
that although Prabowo had the opportunity to get Jokowi's voters in the previous presidential
Volume 3 Number 1 January 2024
p- ISSN 2963-1866- e-ISSN 2963-8909
Vol 3, No 1 January 2024
The Advancement Of Gibran In Political Contestation As Vice
President Of The 2024 Election In The Perspective Of Political
Ethics Of The Indonesian Nation
election, it was still quite difficult for Prabowo to win. "Given that Prabowo will face
aggravating propaganda. First, Prabowo is considered to be perpetuating dynastic or kinship
politics and this is certainly not by Prabowo's character so far, who is known to have a strong
enough knight ideology," said Dedi in his statement to Republika, Tuesday (17/10/2023).
Second, Prabowo is also faced with the assumption that he is more concerned with political
conditions than the state because he appoints a vice president not from the capacity factor
(Fauziah Mursid, 2023).
Kolnselp humans as political beings show that political thinking that involves the
proposals and results of the political activities of a political system of a government is based
on human elsen (nature). This means that human beings must be the criterion or measure and
goal. Although in politics people may overlook the fact that humans are ambivalent, so power
anywhere and anytime is always not only used well but also abused. Therefore, since time
immemorial, human beings have tried to prevent the abuse of power, especially by those who
abuse political power. The term eltika (moral philosophy) can be used in the sense of the moral
values and norms that form the basis of an individual or a group of people in regulating their
behavior. Eltics provides the moral basis of politics (Hariantati, 2003).
Removing ethics from political life has implications for political practices that are
Machavellistic in nature, namely politics as a tool to do everything, good or bad without regard
to decency, and norms and applies as if positivistic nuances (value-free) (Magnis Soseno,
Frans. 1988. Etika Politik. Gramedia. Jakarta, 1987). Political life is one of the improvisational
expressions of human social life, although it applies socially, its relationship with the
transcendent will not be separated. For this reason, regulating political life, by making morality
(ethics) the basis of politics, can be expected to have politics that heed the rules of the game,
what must be done, and what must be left alone (F. Iswara, 1999). To judge inner attitudes and
outer actions, a tool is needed, namely a moral measure.
Gibran's advancement to become Prabowo Subianto's vice president in the 2024
presidential election is an important political note in the journey of the democratic system in
Indonesia. Various problems have arisen, starting from the opinion of PDIP politician Ahmad
Basarah that PDIP has endorsed the candidate pair Ganjar Pranowo and Mahfud MD to run in
the 2024 Presidential Election. At this point, the decision must be obeyed by all PDIP cadres and
members, again including Gibran as a PDIP cadre. If there are cadres and party members who
do not comply, said Basarah, then it is the same as if the cadre has violated the rules and ethics
(Sabik Aji Taufan, 2023).
In the case of Gibran, as the Mayor of Solo, he has chosen not to obey the party's decision
line by advancing as a candidate for vice president. By itself in political ethics, Gibran has left
the PDIP membership. According to Hasto, PDIP together with PPP, Perindo, and Hanura as
well as volunteers are even more confident in their political path guided by moral values and
political ethics. This is because, continued Hasto, politics is driven by dedication to the nation
and state, fighting for the people, not for family interests. Furthermore, according to Ahmad
Basarah, Chairman of the PDIP DPP, (Saturday, 28/10/2023)(Agus Yulianto, 2023). In his
statement, Basarah believed that Gibran knew the bylaws and party mechanisms in making
decisions. Basarah explained that General Chairperson (Ketum) Megawati Soekarnoputri has the
prerogative to choose the presidential and vice presidential candidates to be promoted by PDIP.
The Advancement Of Gibran In Political Contestation As Vice
President Of The 2024 Election In The Perspective Of Political
Ethics Of The Indonesian Nation
Vol 3, No 1 January 2024
Megawati has also chosen Ganjar Pranowo and Mahfud MD to be carried by the party bearing
the Bull symbol. For this reason, all PDIP cadres must support this decision.
In his statement, Basarah believed that Gibran knew the bylaws and party mechanisms in
making decisions. Basarah explained that General Chairperson (Ketum) Megawati
Soekarnoputri has the prerogative to choose the presidential and vice presidential candidates to
be promoted by PDIP. Megawati has also chosen Ganjar Pranowo and Mahfud MD to be carried
by the party bearing the Bull symbol. For this reason, all PDIP cadres must support this decision.
The purpose of writing this article is to be useful as public information and for leaders to
know the preferred leadership style of the community, from a leader, in this case, the presidential
and vice presidential candidates in the upcoming 2024 elections, to be successful in carrying out
their vision and mission, of course, based on democratic values, legal procedures, and election
laws as the will of the Indonesian Nation to live peacefully in society, nation, and state. In
addition, it is also a reference in the scientific field, especially management, regarding a deeper
understanding of the preferred leadership style of the Indonesian people, because the President
and Vice President are leaders of a country who bring the people they lead forward to build a
better country so that they are not left behind by other more advanced countries. A President and
Vice President must also be able to lead well to all people from various circles in their country.
If they lead their country well, it will also bring a good name in the eyes of the world so that it
can be included in the category of top leaders in the world (Nurfaizi, 2020).
The method used in this research is a descriptive method with the type of qualitative
research used to discuss the advancement of Gibran in political contestation as vice president
of the 2024 elections from the perspective of the political ethics of the Indonesian nation.
Furthermore, the type of data used is secondary data consisting of primary legal materials,
namely regulations related to the research conducted, secondary legal materials in the form
of processed opinions or thoughts of experts or experts who study certain fields, in the form
of books, papers and scientific journals related to the object of research.
The Importance of Ethics in Political Office
The word 'ethics' comes from the Ancient Greek ethos. In general, it means habit or
permanent goodwill (Itma mil wafa, n.d.). Its meaning as a thought is habit, custom, character,
disposition, attitude, or way of thinking. In philosophy, the meaning of ethics used is as a way of
thinking (Bertens, 1993). The term was first used in philosophy by Aristotle (384-322 BC) to
explain moral philosophy (Panggabean, 2020). In this sense, ethics is defined as the science of
customs and habits (Murya & Sucipto, 2019). In academia, ethics is one of the main branches of
philosophy. Ethics is a specialized scientific discipline within philosophy. Scientifically, ethics
falls under the subdisciplinary position of philosophy, namely ontology, axiology, and
Ethics as a scientific discipline of philosophy examines the nature of goodness and
morality. Defined attitudes and behaviors have been regarded as something of value to human
life. The function of normative ethics is to provide judgment and basic norms for every decision
Vol 3, No 1 January 2024
The Advancement Of Gibran In Political Contestation As Vice
President Of The 2024 Election In The Perspective Of Political
Ethics Of The Indonesian Nation
to take action. These basic norms are presented in the form of general rules and principles of
behavior. The benefit of ethics is the existence of individual self-control which can facilitate the
fulfillment of the interests of social groups (Tjaronosari dan Herianandita, 2018). The approach
used in ethics is a descriptive study of morality. Ethics becomes human social action as its main
problem. ethics aims to evaluate human actions and provide recommendations or approval of
human actions.
Aristotle then explained the definition of ethics as a science that studies human actions. Its
scope only includes procedures or habits that produce actions that are considered good or bad
according to human nature (Ekasari, K. dan Nurfitriasih, 2019). Ethics determines the
appropriateness of a way of doing things and ethics applies to oneself and others. The nature of
ethics is absolutely to be applied. Furthermore, the perspective of ethics views humans
completely, thoroughly, and deeply (Hudha & Rahardjanto, 2018).
And in simple terms, ethics is a theory that was born with the realization of the tragedy
of anarchy that takes place at various levels whether at the level of individuals, groups, the
world, or even the universe. Ethics distinguishes itself from the discipline of philosophy of
science which examines problems based on the right-wrong principle. Ethics is also not to be
confused with aesthetics which talks about beautiful things and flawed things. But ethics
positions itself to discuss the good and the bad, ethics is a matter of policy. Ethics is brought
to the fore so that different and possibly conflicting interests can not only be reconciled but
also so that the peace process can fulfill the taste of the norms of justice and humanity.
Ethics at the macro or micro level, wants to help guide humans along with science
(science) and aesthetics (art), to achieve the goal, which Aristolteles called Eudemoni or
happiness. To quote Kar Barth eltika (from Elthols) is comparable to morals (from Mos).
Second, Political Ethics, both of which are philosophies about customs (sitten). The German
word Sitte (from old German, situ) denotes a model (model of human behavior), a constancy
(constancy, condition) of human action. Therefore, in general, ethics or morals is a philosophy,
science, or discipline about the modes of human behavior or the constancy of human action
(Madjid, 1992).
Ethics is relevant today and will always be relevant because human life is continually
characterized by an unrelenting battle (conflict) between the forces of good and the forces of
evil. Ethics bases itself on reason to determine the moral quality of virtue, hence it is also called
a system of philosophy that questions human praxis about its responsibilities and obligations.
Or to use the rhetoric of postmodernism (functional), because competition in the game of power
or certain economic or cultural groups always desires to seize supremacy to become the most
dominant. If ethics is re-examined with enthusiasm, which follows the rhetoric of some
ethicists from advanced industrialized countries, there will be a revival(Franz Magnis-museum,
The study of ethics is often opened from the pages of the history of Western civilization
based on the Greco-Roman tradition and later Christian Judaism. As a societal entity, the
melting away of Celtics, especially because of the continuing existence of terror, whether
considered to have originated from fascism, communism, or recently, is recognized by
Huntington from the Islamic tradition. In the below-modern era, eltika as a discourse was
revived when the history of the last century was broken in the French Revolution (1789 and
The Advancement Of Gibran In Political Contestation As Vice
President Of The 2024 Election In The Perspective Of Political
Ethics Of The Indonesian Nation
Vol 3, No 1 January 2024
1884). The idea of progress in the Pellegrini era to build an ideal society was pioneered from
the societal movements in England through to Germany, Holland, and various other European
countries and culminated in the French Revolution.
In French sociological literature, Emile Durkheim is known as the father of the theory of
Social Harmony, which today still dominates the efforts of social scientists to validate the
Sociology of Morality needed to form a social order in the concept of the Modern Nation-State
with a blend of ethics and morality that supports the ideal of individual or person integration
in a nation-state.
Political Ethics belongs to the group of social ethics, which discusses the moral norms
that should give rise to attitudes and actions between people because almost all human
obligations are coupled with the fact that he is a social beings. Political ethics does not offer a
normative system as the basis of the state. Ethics is reflective in that it contributes to thinking
about how the problems of life can be faced but does not offer how to solve them. Thus,
political ethics questions the responsibilities and obligations of humans as human beings and
not as citizens towards the state, towards applicable laws, and so on. Because the goodness of
man as a human being and the goodness of man as a citizen are not identical. The function of
political ethics is limited to providing theoretical thinking to question and explain political
legitimacy in a responsible, rational, objective, and argumentative manner. Therefore, the task
of political ethics is subsidiary in the sense that it helps that the discussion of ideological
problems can be carried out objectively, meaning that it is based on arguments that can be
understood and responded to by all parties who understand the problem.
Political ethics can provide benchmarks, orientation, and normative guidance for those
who want to assess the quality of order and democracy of political life and the benchmark of
human dignity (Franz Magnis-suseno, 1988). In addition, political ethics can function as a
means of critiquing ideology (not the state and the law) in the form of understandings and
legitimacy strategies that underlie state administration.
So political ethics can only help society's efforts to translate the country's lofty ideology
into concrete political reality. For example, by reflecting on the essence of social justice, how
power should be handled by human dignity. Since Aristotle philosophers have contemplated
humans as political beings (zoon political), and community beings Nietzche, Max Weber, and
Hans Morgenthau were perhaps the first to understand the term political beings (essentially) in
other terms as beings who seek power. And if we are to seek and discuss the concept of power
then we cannot escape the judgement of power in politics which always depends fundamentally
on a particular view of human beings.
In essence, power is seen as something evil. But even that still raises questions: Is every
user of political power bad and every unavoidable action bad? The perspective of a true realist
is different, where the world is seen as a split reality. Evil and good are mixed up in Political
Ethics. If humans are inherently evil, then there can be no government. Then, if all men were
good, there would be no need for government. So it must be recognized that true human beings
are complex and ambivalent, halfway between the ways of reason and reasonlessness, between
good and evil, a mixture of egoism and goodness. With this ambivalence, human beings can
use power well or badly, in small things and big things, in private life and politics (Hans Kung,
Vol 3, No 1 January 2024
The Advancement Of Gibran In Political Contestation As Vice
President Of The 2024 Election In The Perspective Of Political
Ethics Of The Indonesian Nation
According to classical sociologist Max Weber's definition, power is any opportunity to
establish one's own will in a social relationship even in the face of resistance, no matter what
the basis of that opportunity. Thus, the nature of every person can be understood and every
constellation can be understood. With this assumption, it will be easy to direct and position a
person according to the determination of his own will in a particular situation.
Thus, political power in a broad sense is an expression of human nature, both of which
are subject to ambivalence: That is, on the one hand, human power can be used for good, in a
truly humane way, both for the prosperity of those concerned, for those around the power and
its environment. On the other hand, human power can also be used for evil, through inhumane
and inhumane means, either deliberately to the detriment of those who are interested or to the
detriment of those around them and their environment.
At all levels of politics, power should be used to serve, not to dominate, regardless of
personal commitments. Power and domination are not synonymous. At all levels of politics, if
one can continually see that a politician, group of politicians, or government is using power as
a tool to dominate rather than to serve, then power will dominate political thought and action,
and will generate hatred and hostility; indeed, power will lead to war, cold or hot.
But where politicians or particular groups or a government seek to see that power is to
serve, not to dominate, then in the power struggle they help humanize deadly competition and
promote respect and appreciation for others, mediation, understanding, and peace (Hans Kung,
1999). Based on these thoughts, ethics becomes a challenge for politicians, the need for
political ethics as a control of political power, and the abuse of power by institutions as a
fundamental problem of theories of the State.
DPD RI member, Prof. Jimly Asshiddiqie, S.H., invites the public, especially the younger
generation as novice voters to vote intelligently and use the right conscience and logic in
assessing prospective leaders. "A good leader is an effective teacher that people can emulate.
In the 2024 elections, we are looking for people with the quality of leaders who can be
emulated. I also think that the science of state administration is reconstructed into the science
of nation administration. Constitutional science is not only constitutional law but ethics. Let us
organize our national life," said Jimly Asshiddiqie (Admin, 2023).
Political leadership also cannot be separated from various factors that must be
considered, such as influence (influence), style (style), strength/power (power), integrity
(integrity), change (change), problem-solving (problem-solving), human relations (human
relations) and so on. Besides paying attention to some of the factors above, a person as
leadership in an organization is certainly required to have a qualified attitude. In
Transformational Leadership, there are several types of leaders related to leader transformation
or transformational leadership, namely:
a. Inspirational Leader means a leader who can inspire, who can channel energy, and drive
action or behavior.
b. Visionary Leader means that being an inspiration is only one step, there is a next step that a
leader must have which is having and building a vision known as a visionary leader. As a
visionary leader, a leader needs to develop three characteristics, namely risk-taking, listening,
and responsibility to realize.
The Advancement Of Gibran In Political Contestation As Vice
President Of The 2024 Election In The Perspective Of Political
Ethics Of The Indonesian Nation
Vol 3, No 1 January 2024
c. Strategic Leader means what does a strategic leader need to master? Strategic leaders must
understand that problem-solving and decision-making require careful and in-depth
observation of the situation and conditions, and adapting problem-solving approaches.
d. Charismatic Leader means speaking charisma a leader must always build connections and
attachments / close relationships with others, especially the team.
As expressed by President Jokowi himself about Gibran not being old enough to run in
the 2024 Presidential election, the Election Law requires the Presidential and Vice Presidential
Candidates to be at least 40 years old, at that time Gibran was only 35 years old, the President
also considered making Gibran a Vice Presidential Candidate to be illogical and also based on
the analysis of the theories mentioned above, meaning that Gibran must learn more to become
a potential leader in the future.
If it is connected with the theory of Ethics according to Immanuel Kant, then Gibran's
advancement in political contestation as vice president of the 2024 Election, is very
contradictory, whereas Immanuel Kant's theory teaches that an action is right if the action is in
line with the principle of obligation that is relevant to it. Then in categorical imperative ethics
is an absolute command and applies generally. so that it is all-inclusive, in categorical
imperative ethics it is very clear, act based on obligation. Act with a law that is universal, that
is, a law whose predisposition is accepted by society, where in the fact of Gibran's advancement
in political contestation as vice president of the 2024 Election by changing the decision of the
Constitutional Court (MK), then it is very violating, where in the end the judge who made the
Constitutional Court decision was dishonorably dismissed.
Several opinions about Gibran's advancement to become Prabowo's vice president in the
2024 election, ranging from culturalists, academics (observers), politicians, and legal
experts to foreign media.
a. Renowned Indonesian cultural figures Gunawan Muhammad (GM) and Butet Kartarajasa
cried when they saw President Joko Widodo's eldest son, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, finally
running as a vice president, after some time earlier the Constitutional Court (MK) decided
the case of the age limit for presidential and vice presidential candidates. It is known that on
Saturday (21/10) the Mayor of Solo came to the Golkar Rapimnas event. He received the
results of the Golkar Rapimnas from Airlangga Hartarto, which included nominating
Prabowo and Gibran as a presidential and vice presidential pair. The decision has been
debated. Many were angry and disappointed at this political practice. President Joko Widodo
is considered the most responsible person and is considered to have made a big mistake at
the end of his term. "It is wrong to antagonize Jokowi and forget his achievements. But it is
also wrong to ignore his missteps, which could damage the basic joints of our common life
- justice", fair play "and honesty" tweeted cultural figure Goenawan Mohamad on his
Twitter account @gm_gm.
b. Goenawan has indeed spoken quite loudly regarding the Constitutional Court's decision,
which is considered to be a way for Jokowi to nominate his son to be Prabowo's vice
president. And it was proven, Gibran accepted Golkar's proposal to become Prabowo's Vice.
"The most dangerous and troubling thing in the 2024 presidential election is the loss of
confidence that the election is honest and fair and that there is an impartial referee. Without
Vol 3, No 1 January 2024
The Advancement Of Gibran In Political Contestation As Vice
President Of The 2024 Election In The Perspective Of Political
Ethics Of The Indonesian Nation
that trust, the winner will not be accepted, the loser will harbor resentment. And the nation
can crack," he added. An even harsher statement was made by a cultural figure from Jogja,
Butet Kertaradjasa. Butet, who supported Jokowi desperately for two periods, admitted that
he cried at Jokowi's actions at the end of his term.
c. "I got A1 political information and I was shocked. I was crying, really crying", said Butet.
She said she participated in winning Jokowi in the 2014 and 2019 presidential elections. She
considered Jokowi to be a trustworthy President, working to serve the people and caring
about culture. "And his sons at that time only sold Martabak, Fried Banana. There is no
political ambition. When he left to deliver Jokowi, his sons were all geeky. I was happy, this
is a very cool President. He is a role model of a good leader that the nation desires", he
added. But at the end of his term of office, which was only a few months away, Butet
continued, Jokowi took actions beyond reason. He used state power to smooth out his son's
candidacy for vice president. "The last game was like this. I cried. He insisted on his desire
to send Gibran to be Prabowo's vice president," he said. The Constitutional Court continued
that Butet was used as a tool to smooth out his desire. And that made him even more sad.
He has even sent a letter to Jokowi to remind him of his misguided steps. "The Constitutional
Court, which was born from the Reform "98 struggle, which asked for the sacrifice of
several lives. How come it's just to mess around with the domestic affairs of a family?
Domestic matters are at stake for the nation and state," he criticized. Meanwhile, the
Executive Director of the Indonesian Political Indicator, Burhanuddin Muhtadi, believes
that if the Constitutional Court grants a lawsuit related to the minimum age of presidential
and vice-presidential candidates, it does not necessarily make Gibran Rakabuming Raka a
companion to Prabowo Subianto. Gibran's presence could also be a burden. Because issues
related to political dynasties will continue to roll until the voting on February 14, 2024.
Instead of increasing votes, this has the potential to erode Prabowo's electability, which is
already high.
According to Houston, PDIP together with PPP, Perindo, and Hanura as well as
volunteers are even more confident in their political path guided by moral values and political
ethics. Continued Hasto, politics is driven by a dedication to the nation and state, fighting for
the people, not for family interests.
According to Ahmad Basarah, Chairman of the PDIP DPP, (Saturday, 28/10/2023). In
his statement, Basarah believes that Gibran knows the bylaws and party mechanisms in making
decisions. Basarah explained that the General Chairperson (Ketum) Megawati Soekarnoputri
had the prerogative to choose the presidential and vice presidential candidates to be promoted
by PDIP. Megawati has also chosen Ganjar Pranowo and Mahfud MD to be carried by the party
bearing the Bull symbol. For this reason, all PDIP cadres must support this decision.
"When Mr. Gibran then left the decision scheme that had been taken by Mrs. Megawati
and even nominated himself as a vice presidential candidate outside the party's decision line,
then according to the party constitution, according to party rules he has committed
insubordination," Basarah said at the PDIP School, Jakarta, quoted by CNN Indonesia "He has
done something different from the party's decision line. In terms of political ethics, he
deliberately wants to leave and or has even left the PDIP membership," he added. Therefore,
The Advancement Of Gibran In Political Contestation As Vice
President Of The 2024 Election In The Perspective Of Political
Ethics Of The Indonesian Nation
Vol 3, No 1 January 2024
Basarah said PDIP was waiting for Gibran's political ethics to return the party's membership
card (KTA). "So what we are waiting for is the political ethics of a mas Gibran who has now
ventured to run for the vice president of the Republic of Indonesia, so we are waiting for that
political ethics to accept the PDIP membership card," further, Basarah also emphasized that his
party was waiting for Gibran's political ethics to the party that had raised his family. He then
mentioned the role of PDIP for Gibran's family, including his father, Jokowi. "We are waiting
for his good intentions to show his political ethics to Mrs. Mega, to the extended family of the
party that gave birth to him, and raised him," said Basarah.
foreign media highlights
Foreign media Al-Jazeera and South China Morning Post (SCMP) for example. Reuters,
Associated Press, and ABC to Singapore's Strait Times also paid attention. Al-Jazeera
published the headline "Prabowo Picks Jokowi's Son as Running Mate in Indonesia
Presidential bid" on Monday. It featured how Prabowo chose Gibran to gain President Joko
Widodo's (Jokowi) supporters. "Indonesian Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto has
announced that President Joko Widodo's eldest son, known as Jokowi, will be his running mate
in next year's election", wrote the Qatar-based media, quoted Tuesday (24/10/2023).
"The election of 36-year-old Gibran, who is currently the mayor of Surakarta, Central
Java, could help boost the former general's campaign for the top job while also fueling criticism
that Jokowi is trying to create a political dynasty in the government of the world's third-largest
democracy," he wrote. It also highlighted how the Constitutional Court (MK) ruled on Gibran's
move to run for office. It mentioned how the court upheld the rule that candidates must be at
least 40 years old, but made exceptions for those who already hold public office.
The same thing was also published by Hong Kong media, SCMP. The headline
"Indonesia election 2024: Prabowo's VP pick of Jokowi's son could be a double-edged sword,
analysts warn", mentioned how this choice could be a "boomerang". "Indonesian presidential
candidate Prabowo Subianto's attempt to capitalize on incumbent leader Joko Widodo's
popularity by choosing his son as his vice president may be a double-edged sword in his third
bid for the top job, observers say", the media outlet reported.
While Reuters published an article with the title "Indonesia Presidential Candidate
Prabowo Picks Jokowi's Son as running mate". It mentioned how Prabowo chose Gibran amidst
the "anger" that has not subsided in the country due to the decision of the Constitutional Court
(Mahkamah constitute)
The same thing was published by the Associated Press (AP) which was also quoted by
ABC News. Both articles were headlined "Indolnelsia's leading presidential election picks
Widoldol's sole run for VP in 2024". "He did not meet the age requirement to run at 40, but the
Court-led by Prelsideln's brother-in-law made an exception in its ruling last week. Now,
melrelka who serve or are elected as local leaders can run at a younger age," the court said.
"The colonial decision, which paved the way for Gibran to run in the election, has been widely
criticized for its non-political nature and analysts fear that the decision could undermine the
democratic process," he added.
German media, Handesblatt, and US Times review Jokowi's dynastic politics; President
Jokowi's family political move, especially his son, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, to run as
Prabowo Subianto's vice president in the 2024 presidential election is seen as destructive to
Vol 3, No 1 January 2024
The Advancement Of Gibran In Political Contestation As Vice
President Of The 2024 Election In The Perspective Of Political
Ethics Of The Indonesian Nation
democracy. At least that is how foreign media describe and highlight the current conditions in
Indonesia. Handesblatt stated that Jokowi was trying to build a completely new dynasty. This
condition is also considered a very problematic political development. Handesblatt stated that
Jokowi was trying to build a completely new dynasty. This condition is considered a very
problematic political development. "The fact that 36-year-old Gibran will soon take a central
role at the national level is thanks to the controversial decision of the Constitutional Court last
week," Handesblatt wrote. It is not only foreign media Handesblatt that assesses Jokowi's
political missteps in leading a democratic country. But Time also glanced at Jokowi's unhealthy
style at the peak of his career as President.
Time emphasized that Jokowi had tarnished his good image as a democracy breaker. The
US media said Jokowi's process was considered a breakthrough for Indonesian democracy.
Jokowi managed to become President with a background as a carpenter from Solo. However,
what is being shown to the public now, Jokowi has instead returned to building political
dynasties that kill democracy. "If we look at a broader analysis of the last ten years of Jokowi's
rule, that has shown a real setback to democracy," said Ian Wilson, a senior lecturer specializing
in Indonesian politics at Australia's Murdoch University, quoted by Time (Fitriani, n.d.).
Constitutional Court Decision Controversy: about Gibran's Decision
"Politiae Legiuss Non-Leges Politi Adoptandae" Politics must be subject to the law, not
the other way around, in the case of Gibran Rakabuming Raka who wants to run to be
Prabowo's vice president in the Presidential election contest in 2024, it has become a spotlight
and controversy in the community both in print and electronic media and is still warm until this
article is written down. Monday, October 16, 2023, The Constitutional Court (MK) held a
hearing on the decision of the judicial review of Article 169 letter (q) of Law Number 7 of 2017
concerning General Elections related to the minimum age limit of the presidential and vice
presidential candidates, case number: 29/PUU-XXI/2023 with the applicant Indonesian
Solidarity Party (PSI) requesting that the minimum age limit for presidential and vice
presidential candidates be returned to 35 years as previously regulated in Article 5 letter (o) of
Law Number 42 of 2008 and Article 6 letter (q) of Law Number 23 of 2003 concerning General
Elections for President and Vice President.
In the verdict session, the Constitutional Court rejected the presidential and vice
presidential age limit lawsuit to a minimum of 35 years, the decision was read out by the Chief
Justice of the Constitutional Court Anwar Usman which was also attended by all constitutional
judges in an open session for the public. The verdict stated: Reject the petition of the Petitioners
in its entirety. According to the Chairman of the Constitutional Court, the petition does not
have a reason according to the law in its entirety. However, what is interesting about this
material test verdict hearing is that the Constitutional Court, even though it has rejected the
lawsuit for the age limit of the presidential and vice presidential candidates to be at least 35
years old, has granted the applicant's request in part in case number 90 / PUU-XXI / 2023
submitted by a student named Almas Tsaqibbirru, which allows a person who has experience
in holding or currently holding positions elected through general elections including regional
head elections to become a presidential and vice presidential candidate.
Article 7 paragraph 2 letter (e) of Law Number 10/2016 on the election of Governors,
Regents, and Mayors states that the minimum requirement to become a candidate for Mayor
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and Deputy Mayor as well as a candidate for Regent and Deputy Regent is 25 years old. With
the granting of the decision, it can be said that someone who is still 25 years old is allowed to
become a presidential and vice presidential candidate as long as they have experience in
holding or currently holding positions elected through general elections including regional head
This political decision also made the Constitutional Court labeled the "Family Court".
The reason for labeling the Constitutional Court as a "Family Court" is because the Chief
Justice of the Constitutional Court, Anwar Usman, is the brother-in-law of President Joko
Widodo who is also Gibran Rakabuming's Uncle, where this application is considered to be
prepared for the candidacy of Gibran Rakabuming, President Joko Widodo's eldest son as the
Vice President of one of the presidential candidates, but is constrained by his age which is still
36 years old. However, the nickname of MK as the "Family Court" cannot be removed from
public opinion because it remembers Gibran who is currently serving as the mayor of Surakarta,
in other words, even though Gibran is still 36 years old, he can run for vice president or vice
presidential candidate because he is occupying a position elected through general elections.
From a legal perspective, the Applicant (individual or group) who submits an application
related to the age limit of the presidential and vice presidential candidates to the Constitutional
Court is a constitutional right guaranteed by the Constitution or Law and also the Constitutional
Court as a Judicial Institution is an institution authorized to assess the validity of laws or
regulations deemed incompatible with the constitution.
The 40-year age limit can ensure that potential leaders have a sufficient level of maturity.
By the age of 40, an individual may have accumulated a sufficient amount of experience and
have a more mature understanding of the crucial issues facing the country and may also have
acquired the appropriate knowledge and integrity to be the right presidential and vice
presidential candidate. If there is a requirement to have experience of holding or currently
holding positions elected through general elections including regional head elections, it should
be based on a holistic consideration of the qualifications and competencies of prospective
Indonesia as a collective nation needs leaders who understand social, political, and
economic issues deeply. Requiring Caprels and Cawaprels to be at least 40 years old may
ensure that they have accumulated sufficient experience in various walks of life. This will help
Cawaprels or Cawaprels make wise and sustainable decisions while avoiding impulsive
policies and exercising leadership with complete awareness. As a whole, the policy of a
minimum age limit of 40 years without any other elmbell to become Caprels and Cawaprels is
a wise step because this allows us to ensure that our leaders have sufficient experience, the
necessary political stability which will all bring progress to our nation.
According to a former Constitutional Court Judge, Mahfud MD also emphasized that
such decisions should no longer be issued by the Constitutional Court. This constitutional law
expert assessed that several principles were violated in the decision, including judges deciding
cases related to their family interests. As is known, the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court
Anwar Usman, who is the uncle of Solo Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka, participated in
deciding the case. Gibran himself benefited from the Constitutional Court's decision because it
gave him the right to run as a presidential or vice-presidential candidate. "This decision could
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have happened if the situation of legal development and development was still like now, but
this is a lesson for all of us so that in the future it will not happen again," said Mahfud.
The Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court (Majelis Kehormatan MK) was
The Constitutional Court (Mahkamah Konstitusi) formed MKMK on Tuesday (24/10) to
investigate alleged violations of the code of ethics in last week's Constitutional Court decision
regarding the age of presidential and vice-presidential candidates, which was said to be full of
interests. The Chairman of the Constitutional Court, Anwar Usman, has denied allegations that
he arranged the Constitutional Court's decision on the age limit of the presidential and vice
presidential candidates so that his nephew, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, could run as a candidate
for vice president in the 2024 presidential election. Apart from the accusations against Anwar
Usman, several parties - including constitutional law experts - have questioned the neutrality
of MKMK in handling alleged violations of the code of ethics.
It is known that MKMK was formed by former Constitutional Court President Jimly
Asshiddiqiel, former Constitutional Court Delwan Eltik member Bintan Saragih, and
Constitutional Court judge Wahiduddin Adams. Melrelka will investigate allegations of
violations of the electoral college and misconduct of judges about the Constitutional Court
Decision Nolmolr 90/PUU-XXI/2023 which is considered to open the door for Gibran
Rakabuming Raka to run in the 2024 Pilprels at the age of 36 years from the position of Mayor
of Kolta Sollol. The complaints varied, ranging from those against Chief Justice Anwar Usman
who is Gibran's uncle, some asking him to resign, some against all judges of the Constitutional
Court, some against judges who delivered dissenting opinions (dissenting opinion), and
complaints against the establishment of the MKMK.
To stem the tide of suspicion, Jimly ensured that he would maintain MKMK's
independence to restore public confidence in the Court. In particular, Jimly emphasized that
his support for Prabowo was less important than restoring the dignity of the Constitutional
Court that he worked so hard to establish two decades ago. "It's not important. Everyone has
the right to choose, but our problem is not that. This judge is on trial. So don't link it first,"
Jimly told BBC Indonesia. He also said, "I am the founder of the Constitutional Court. I have
a responsibility. We made the Constitutional Court 20 years ago with blood. Now we want to
destroy it from within and from outside. Let's get it right. I am not willing to be destroyed like
this," Jimly then emphasized that MKMK would move quickly to resolve these cases to restore
public trust in the Constitutional Court.
The Constitutional Court Honor Council (Majelis Kehormatan MK) held its first hearing
on Thursday (26/10) regarding alleged ethical violations in the Constitutional Court's
decision on the age limit for presidential and vice-presidential candidates.
tua MKMK, Jimly Asshiddiqie
, me
mimpin sidang te
rbuka de
ngan age
nda klarifikasi
pada pihak-pihak pe
r di Ge
dung II Mahkamah Ko
nstitusi RI pukul 10. 00 WIB. After
hearing explanations from each complainant, Jimly revealed that the trial process would take
30 days and MKMK needed to move quickly in examining the reports. "Then the trial schedule
will be determined later, we will arrange the trial schedule. The minimum call is three days.
That means we have to be ready.
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"That means Tuesday (October 31, 2023) there will be a hearing. But who comes first,
we will organize it first," Jimmy said. Bintan Saragih, a member of MKMK, added that in the
next hearing, the complainants can bring evidence and immediately notify the witnesses who
will be present. "So that it can be rotated. This is only until November 24. This is serious,
people are waiting.
The MKMK hearing related to alleged ethical violations in the Constitutional Court's
decision on the age limit for presidential and vice presidential candidates will be held openly,
except during the examination of the reported party. There were nine reporting parties present
in the meeting room, both online and offline, including Furqan Jurdi, DPP. ARUN, Ahmad
Fatoni (LISAN Advocate), Perekat Nusantara & TPDI, PBHI, Denny Indrayana, LBH
Ciptakayara Keladilan, Gagum Ridhol Putra, et al., Jolhan Imanuell, et al., Nur Rahman, and
Law academic reports Chief Justice to MKMK alleges violation of code of ethics
Representatives of Constitutional Law (Hukum Tata Negara) and State Administration
Law (Hari Anak Nasional) academics reported Constitutional Court Chief Justice Anwar
Usman for allegedly violating the ethics and behavior of constitutional judges. ICW researcher
Kurnia Ramadhana considered that the Constitutional Court's decision some time ago was not
by the law. "First, the argument presented by Anwar Usman a few days ago which said that the
examination of the law was an abstract test, not related to certain individuals, for us it was a
ridiculous argument," Kurnia told reporters at the Constitutional Court Building, Jalan Medan
Merdeka Barat, Central Jakarta, Thursday (26/10/2023).
"Why? Because if you read the application clearly, it specifically mentions the name of
the Mayor of Solo, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, who is the nephew of Anwar Usman," he
continued. Meanwhile, HTN and HAN representative Violla Relininda revealed several points
of reporting to the Constitutional Court. One of them is because of the conflict of interest when
examining and adjudicating the case. The first is regarding the potential conflict of interest
when examining and adjudicating case number 90, which provides space or privileges to the
nephew concerned to run for vice president, namely Solol Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka
and this has been confirmed by the person concerned registering to accompany Presidential
Candidate Prabowo Subianto," Violla said. The next two relate to the leadership of the Chief
Justice of the Constitutional Court, Anwar Usman. According to him, there is no judicial
leadership in examining and also deciding cases regarding testing the age requirements for
presidential and vice presidential candidates. "Why? Because one, it does not comply with the
procedural law as it should, because there is a process that is carried out in a hurry and also not
by procedures, especially in connection with not investigating irregularities in the form of
withdrawing the application," he said. "Then also, the absence of judicial leadership is related
to his leadership when facing the concurring opinion of two constitutional judges whose
substance turns out to be a dissenting opinion. So that it also creates an oddity in the decision
of the constitutional court", continued Violla. In addition, regarding Anwar Usman's comments
when the case had not been decided, namely when he gave a public lecture in Semarang some
time ago. In the public lecture, Anwar commented on the substance of the judicial review of
the law on the age requirement to become a presidential candidate and vice president "We hope
that this case can be examined objectively by the honorary panel of the constitutional court,
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then we also encourage a cooperative attitude from potential constitutional judges to be
presented as witnesses in this case," concluded Violla. The 16 academics are:
1. Pro
f. H. De
nny Indrayana, S. H., LL. M., Ph. D.
2. Pro
f. Dr. Hj. He
sti Armiwulan, S. H., M. Hum, C. M. C.
3. Pro
f. Muchamad Ali Safaat, S. H, M. H.
4. Pro
f. Susi Dwi Harijanti, S. H., LL. M., Ph. D
5. Dr. Aan E
, S. H., M. Hum.
6. Dr. Auliya Khasano
fa, S. H., M. H.
7. Dr. Dhia Al Uyun, S. H., M. H.
8. Dr. He
rdiansyah Hamzah, S. H., LL. M.
9. Dr. He
rlambang P. Wiratraman, S. H, M. H.
10. Iwan Satriawan, S. H., MCL., Ph. D.
11. Richo
Andi Wibo
, S. H., LL. M., Ph. D.
12. Dr. Yance
na, S. H., M. H., M. A.
13. Be
ni Kurnia Illahi, S. H., M. H.
14. Bivitri Susanti, S. H., LL. M.
15. Fe
ri Amsari, S. H., M. H., LL. M.
16. Warkhatun Najidah, S. H., M. H.
Based on reports from academics, legal experts, and elements of society, the
Constitutional Court Honor Council (MKMK) decided that the Chief Justice of the
Constitutional Court Anwar Usman (Reported Judge) committed violations as stated in the
Sapta Karsa Hutama Principles of Impartiality, Principles of Integrity, Principles of Proficiency
and Equality, Principles of Independence and Principles of Decency and Decency. As a result,
MKMK dismissed Constitutional Judge Anwar Usman from the position of Chief Justice of
the Constitutional Court "Imposing sanctions of dismissal from the position of Chief Justice of
the Constitutional Court to the Reported Judge". This was said by MKMK Chairman Jimly
Asshiddiqie, accompanied by MKMK Members Wahiduddin Adams and Bintan R. Saragih, in
the MKMK Decision Number 02/MKMK/L/11/2023 which was held in the Plelnol Geldung I
Courtroom of the Constitutional Court on Tuesday (7/11/2023). Furthermore, in the verdict,
MKMK instructed the Vice President of the Constitutional Court within 2x24 hours after this
verdict was pronounced, to lead the implementation of the election of new leaders by the laws
and regulations. Furthermore, Anwar Usman does not have the right to run or be nominated as
the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court until his term of office ends. Anwar is also not
allowed to be involved in the examination and decision-making in the disputes over the results
of the Election of Candidates and Deputy Candidates, the Election of Members of the DPR,
DPD, and DPRD, as well as the Election of Governors, Regents and Mayors who have.
In the MKMK Decision Number 02/MKMK/L/11/2023, MKMK Member Bintan R.
Saragih gave a dissenting opinion. Bintan stated the dishonorable dismissal of Anwar Usman
as a Constitutional Judge. In the view of this academic who has been a lecturer since 1971,
Anwar has been proven to have committed serious violations. Only dishonorable dismissal
should be imposed for serious violations. "My basis for giving a different opinion is
"dishonorable dismissal" to the Reported Judge as a Constitutional Judge, in this case Anwar
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Usman, because the Reported Judge has been proven to have committed a serious violation.
The sanction for "serious violations" is only "dishonorable dismissal" and there are no other
sanctions as stipulated in Article 41 letter c and Article 47 of the Constitutional Court
Regulation Number 1 of 2023 concerning the Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court,"
said Bintan R. Saragih delivering a different opinion. Previously, MKMK had received 21
reports of alleged violations of the Code of Ethics and Behavior of Constitutional Judges
regarding the Constitutional Court Decision Number 90/PUU-XXI/2023 concerning the
Examination of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections (Election Law). Based
on these reports, MKMK held an examination session. Finally, a decision was made. MKMK
divided the 21 reports into four decision classifications, namely MKMK Decision Number
02/MKMK/L/11/2023 on the alleged violation of the Code of Ethics and Behavior of
Constitutional Judges on the Report of Chief Justice Anwar Usman reported by Denny
Indrayana et al.; MKMK Decision Number 03/MKMK/L/11/2023 on the Report of Deputy
Chief Justice Sadi Isra reported by People's Advocacy for the Archipelago (ARUN), et al;
MKMK Decision Number 04/MKMK/L/11/2023 on the Report of Constitutional Judge Arief
Hidayat reported by Cipta Karya Keadilan Legal Aid Institute, et al.; and MKMK Decision
Number 05/MKMK/L/11/2023 against the Reporting Constitutional Judges Manahan M.P.
Sitompu, Enny Nurbaningsih, Wahiduddin Adams, Suhartoyo and Daniel Yusmic P. Foekh
and M. Guntur Hamzah (Constitutional Judges) reported by the Indonesian Legal Aid and
Human Rights Association (PBHI), et al.
After the decision to dismiss the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court by MKMK,
this received a response from the Chairperson of PDI Perjuangan, Megawati Soekarnoputri,
during a speech related to the current political dynamics which was broadcast online, on
Sunday (12/11/2023). Megawati revealed that MKMK's decision to nine constitutional judges
was a bright light amid the darkness of democracy. The General Chairperson of the PDI-P
(PDI-P), Megawati Soekarnoputri, appreciated the decision handed down by the Honorary
Council of the Constitutional Court (Majelis Kehormatan MK) to the nine judges of the
Constitutional Court (MK) regarding the Constitutional Court's decision on the age limit for
presidential and vice presidential candidates. Megawati said that the decision was a
manifestation that politics was still based on truth and common sense. She called the
Constitutional Court's decision on the age limit for presidential and vice presidential candidates
a constitutional legal engineering. "The MKMK decision has provided a bright light amid the
darkness of democracy. The MKMK's decision is proof that moral strength, politics of truth,
and politics of common sense still stand strong despite facing constitutional legal engineering,"
she said in a speech entitled 'After a Long Wait, It's Time to Express Conscience' which was
broadcast online on YouTube PDI Perjuangan, Sunday (12/11/2023). Megawati emphasized
that the constitution is the institution of the life of the nation and state that must be followed
properly. Then, she remembered when she was still serving as the 5th President of the Republic
of Indonesia.
Megawati recounted her struggles when establishing this Constitutional Court institution
such as making laws to finding a building for the activities of judges and employees. "With its
role being so important, I was very serious in working on its establishment. I as President,
accompanied by the Minister of State Secretary, looked for the building myself and I decided
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near the Palace, which is a very strategic place called Ring One so that the Constitutional Court
must be useful, not for individuals, but for the people, nation, and state," Megawati also
explained that the ideals of the establishment of the Constitutional Court were a form of
people's resistance to face the authoritarian government in the New Order era. "It was not an
easy and beautiful process. Because at that time, until now, we should still remember with a
sad heart the sacrifices of the people and students through the events of Kudatuli, Trisakti,
Semanggi, to various abductions of activists, part of the people and others." "There are many
living witnesses who have remained silent until now." However, reflecting on the formation of
the Constitutional Court, which she said was full of sacrifices, Megawati regretted the
Constitutional Court in the current era. She said there were various legal manipulations carried
out in the Constitutional Court. According to her, This is because the government ignores the
truth and does politics without conscience. "It is all due to the practice of power that has ignored
the ultimate truth, politics based on conscience". Reflecting on the Constitutional Court's
decision on the age limit for presidential and vice presidential candidates, Megawati also hopes
that the public will guard the 2024 elections wholeheartedly. "We make the 2024 elections a
momentum to get the best leader who truly represents the entire will of the Indonesian people,
nurturing, so that Indonesia becomes a great nation, superior and stands on its own feet," she
said. In general, Megawati emphasized that legal engineering should not happen again in the
future. She revealed that the law must be a tool to realize justice, and truth and protect the
Indonesian people. "With this justice, prosperity will surely be realized, so continue to hold
tightly to the spirit of reform." "Don't forget to continue to guard democracy based on
conscience. Do not be afraid to speak out, to have an opinion as long as everything remains
rooted in the will of the people," Megawati said
The Importance of Cadre and Adherence to Principles in Political Parties
PDIP has endorsed the candidate pair Ganjar Pranowo and Mahfud MD to run in the
2024 presidential election. At this point, the decision must be obeyed by all PDIP cadres and
members, again including Gibran as a PDIP cadre. If there are cadres and party members who
do not comply, said Basarah, then it is the same as if the cadre has violated the rules and ethics.
Likewise in the case of Gibran. The Mayor of Solo has chosen not to comply with the party's
decision line by advancing as a candidate for vice president. By itself in political ethics, Gibran
has left the PDIP membership. "The decision that has been taken by Mrs. Megawati
Soekarnoputri and even running for vice president outside the party's decision line, then in
terms of the party constitution, in terms of party rules he (Gibran) has committed
insubordination. Has done something different from the party's decision line," said Basarah at
the DPP PDIP Party School, South Jakarta, Saturday (28/10/2023).
Basarah added, without having to issue dismissal sanctions, the public had also assessed
that Gibran wanted to leave the PDIP and wanted to compete in the 2024 Pipres contest with
Prabowol Subianto. On the other hand, PDIP is also still waiting for Gibran's organizational
ethics to submit a letter of resignation and return the PDIP membership card to the Solo PDIP
DPC. "So what we are waiting for is the political ethics of Mas Gibran, who is now running
for vice president. So we are waiting for political ethics to accept the PDIP KTA. If you borrow
the term Mas Rudy (Keltua DPC PDIP Solol), if the eastern people come, their faces appear,
their backs appear," said Basarah. Previously, after carrying out the pipes registration stage,
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Gibran Rakabuming Raka returned to work as Mayor of Surakarta. Gibran admitted that there
were several tasks he wanted to complete after taking leave for vice presidential registration.
One of them is meeting the chairman of the Solo PDI-P DPC to submit a PDI-P membership
card (KTA) as a sign that he is no longer a PDI-P cadre. The Chairman of the Solo PDI-P DPC,
FX Hadi Rudyatmo, requested that Gibran immediately submit his resignation and submit the
KTA to the Solo PDI-P DPC. "Sola it (KTA PDI-P) is clear. Yes, later I will meet Mr. Rudy
(Chairman of the Solo PDI-P DPC)," said Gibran, Friday (27/10/2023) Kompas TV.
Ahmad Basarah Calls Gibran Dissident, Reported by designers earlier, Ahmad Basarah
called Gibran a dissident. According to him, PDIP cadres must be upright with the direction of
PDIP Ketum Megawati Soekarnoputri regarding the candidate and vice president being carried.
"In terms of party, we also have rules of the game. In terms of state, all Indonesian citizens are
bound by national agreements which become the rule of the game for our society, nation, and
state," Basarah told reporters at the PDIP Cadre School, Lenteng Agung, South Jakarta. "So
PDIP cadres, let alone a cadre like Mas Gibran who has received the party's mandate, the
people's mandate in Solo City to become Mayor of Solo, so naturally he is one of the PDIP
elites," continued Basarah. He believes Gibran understands the articles of association of the
PDIP. He then called Gibran insubordinate. "So in terms of the party constitution, in terms of
party rules he has committed insubordination, has done something different from the party's
decision line. Then by itself, above the law, there is political ethics. So when Mas Gibran
decided to get out of the political decision line for the 2024 Pipres by nominating himself as a
vice president," said Basarah (Iman, 2023).
Political parties as one of the pillars of democracy have a very important role, one of
which is to prepare national leaders. On this basis, political parties are required to have good
recruitment patterns and regeneration mechanisms. However, in reality, the majority of
political parties today have not been able to carry out proper recruitment patterns and
regeneration mechanisms because political parties are influenced by kinship politics, as well
as instant regeneration mechanisms from among artists because they are considered to be able
to gain votes due to their popularity. As a result, many party cadres who become national
leaders are unable to fulfill the duties and responsibilities given and often abuse them for
personal interests and their relatives.
Bung Hatta once stated that regeneration is the framework of nationalism because
regeneration is the same as planting seeds to produce future leaders of the nation, leaders in
their time must plant. The reason why leadership regeneration is so necessary is because all
humans, including those who are now leaders, will one day end their leadership, whether they
want to or not.
The process can occur because of several factors that make why leadership regeneration
is very necessary, including (Rivai, 2006): a. The provisions of a person's leadership period in
an organization b. The rejection of group members who want a change of leadership, either
naturally or unnaturally c. The process of aamiah, namely the age that becomes old and loses
the ability to lead (Retirement) d. Fatigue el. Death e. Can form an organization with an
estimate of the amount of availability of leaders needed in the future on an ongoing basis.
The next important analysis to discuss is the need for principled regeneration in the party
and its influence on the political ethics of national leadership in Indonesia. Especially the
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advancement of Gibran as the vice presidential candidate in the 2024 elections. The term
regeneration comes from the word "cadre", cadre originally came from a military term or
struggle derived from the word carde which is defined as the permanent development of a core
force that is needed at any time (Nanang Fattah, 2009). In its definition according to the popular
scientific dictionary, regeneration is a person who is educated to continue the baton of a party
or organization (Partanto, 1994). In other words, cadres are defined as people who are expected
to play an important role in an organization.
Cadre and recruitment are two things that are part of the process of producing a leader.
In this case, we can see the difference between regeneration and recruitment itself. According
to Tead, leadership regeneration is the process of preparing someone to become a future
successor leader who will assume important and great responsibilities within an organization.
Therefore, this leadership regeneration process refers more to a process of moving a group of
people toward a predetermined goal without coercion (Kartono Kartini, 2006). While the
definition of recruitment according to Ivancevich recruitment is a set of organizational
activities used to attract prospective employees who have the abilities and attitudes needed to
help the organization achieve its goals. According to Cholisin, recruitment in political
recruitment, for example, is the selection and appointment of a person or group to carry out
several roles in the political system in general and government in particular.
Political recruitment usually includes the selection, selection, and appointment of a
person or group of people to carry out several roles in the political system in general and the
government in particular (Surbakti, 1992). But in reality, the implementation between
regeneration and recruitment is still ambiguous in national politics, where there are still many
parties that find it difficult to distinguish between the two. In the regeneration process, there
are two kinds of processes, namely: informal regeneration and formal regeneration. In informal
regeneration, the process can be seen from the daily life of people in the community. This is
seen from childhood to adolescence and adulthood as a process of identity formation so that it
has an advantage and can compete in every aspect of social life.
In informal regeneration, several criteria or indicators show its advantages, namely
(Rivai, 2013):
a. Positive personality
b. Persistent
c. have loyalty
d. Dedication to the organization
e. Having the nature and attitude of surrendering to God as the absolute determinant. Formal
regeneration, regeneration is more formal in a planned, systematic, directed, and
institutionalized way by the rules and laws that apply in the organization.
Political parties are considered to be the only institutions that channel the nation's leaders
and state officials because political parties have a role, one of which is political recruitment.
As stated, as state institutions that have the same political ideals and stand to be a tool for the
nation's struggle, in general, political parties have a role as a means of political communication,
political socialization, political recruitment, and conflict management. Furthermore, Azwar
melnjellaskan Pelrfolrma pollitik party which delmikian crucial melnyelbabkan mellelmahkan
The Advancement Of Gibran In Political Contestation As Vice
President Of The 2024 Election In The Perspective Of Political
Ethics Of The Indonesian Nation
Vol 3, No 1 January 2024
pelran and function selbagai lelmbaga /olrganisasi nelgara. The weakening of the political
party's performance is caused by several factors, such as the low quality of polla relkrutmeln
and melanism kadelrisasi within the political party. Instead, what is growing and developing is
the strengthening of kinship politics and also the launching of instant candidates. According to
the Director of Elkselkutif Poll-Trelking Institute Hanta Yuda, family politics damages the
channel of deliberation, disrupts the rhythm of deliberation because it is not conscious, because
deliberation is based on the community, as we are currently witnessing in the community,
Gibran's advancement to become Cawaprels also cannot be separated from the instantaneous
assessment of the community, which cannot be separated from Gibran's belief at the moment
(Azwar, 2008).
If the recruitment pattern and regeneration mechanism are good, it will produce qualified
and capable cadres as well, and vice versa. The production of qualified and capable cadres will
certainly highlight the political parties from which the cadres emerge. So, the quality of cadres
in political parties is strongly influenced by the recruitment patterns and regeneration
mechanisms of the party. It can be imagined that if political parties as a source of national
leaders do not have good recruitment patterns and regeneration mechanisms, this will certainly
lead to various problems, one of which is shown by the existence of kinship politics. The
growth and development of kinship politics.
When the DPP PDIP assigned Gibran as Mayor, according to the PDIP leadership it was
appropriate, there must be regeneration (meris system) in the party. So when Gibran made a
decision that was different from the PDIP Party's constitutional line, he was called an
Interdisciplinary cadre (insubordinate), Placement carried out by cadres in the form of cadre
assignments such as involving cadres in organizational activities that aim to provide direct
experience and knowledge. And the last element is the party's obligation to direct the cadre's
career by giving responsibilities such as making cadres as regional head candidates or
legislative candidates, it can also distribute cadres to strategic positions in government by the
potential and abilities possessed by cadres. PDI Perjuangan as a large party certainly has a
The Importance of Merit in Public Office
The power to appoint candidates for office by the merit system, the skills system, and
based on the competence and moral honesty of candidates, has been known as meritocracy.
Meritocracy in office is the inherent power of a person who is the leader and has the right to
appoint him. The process of power involving someone who has the right to appoint using the
merit system in a government or non-government organization is a routine that we often
encounter. A good system is that its realization is very dependent on who is the person who
uses the system. If the people are ethical and based on strong religious morals, a true
meritocracy will be born and benefit many people.
Meritocracy can result in different practices than it should because it is influenced by
other factors. The quality of the leaders in charge of establishing meritocracy has a strong
influence. Leaders who love power and whose moral-ethical foundation is weak can undermine
meritocracy. Leaders who cleverly use scientific academic studies can use meritocracy to build
a modern government that satisfies their ego.
Vol 3, No 1 January 2024
The Advancement Of Gibran In Political Contestation As Vice
President Of The 2024 Election In The Perspective Of Political
Ethics Of The Indonesian Nation
This kind of behavior by leaders must be understood as creating a discriminatory factor.
People instead of understanding the legal rules that apply, must find who determines the right
place and the appropriate time to fit the solution (Thoha, 2016). A good leader must meet the
standards of the merit system theory, which is as follows; The principle of the merit system
aligns aspects of competence (competence), qualification (qualification), performance
(performance), fair (fairness), and open (open). In the appointment of merit positions, it should
be a value that is upheld to obtain professionalism, although the merit system is more used for
ASN, prospective public officials must also know that it is important to master the science of
bureaucracy and pursue a career either as a state official, or in the party system. In order not to
cause social jealousy, the science of meritocracy is equally how to build branding to be a good
public servant. In this case, Gibran must master a lot of meritocracy if Gibran wants to become
a respected state official and must also be tested by time and space.
Ethics is an intellectual choice of good and right based on ideal and material approaches.
If we look closely at the national and international levels, ethics is incarnated as a legal law
that has a political impact. While at the individual or communal micro level, ethics has a moral
impact. Although in reality they often blend, basically ethics at a high level is a law with
concrete sanctions, while at a low-level ethics is morality with mental sanctions.
Criticizing the advancement of Gibran Rakabuming Raka to become Prabowo
Subiyanto's vice president in the 2024 presidential election, not judging Gibran as an
individual, but Gibran's current status as Prabowo's vice president who has registered with the
Indonesian KPU this has caused controversy for the Constitutional Court and the community,
as well as political parties (PDIP) who have paved the way for Gibran to become the mayor of
Solo who is currently serving (serving) has only been running for 2 years not as long as his
duties as mayor, while PDIP with the Party's decision has decided on its presidential and vice
presidential candidates, namely; Ganjar Pranowo and Prof. Dr. Mahfud MD. Dr. Mahfud MD.
In terms of party and political ethics, Gibran has violated the rules of his party.
With the decision of the MKMK to dismiss the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court
Anwar Usman, it turns out that the institution that is a reference for the Law Courts can still be
restored to its dignity in society. The next step is that judges in deciding cases must be
independent without being intervened by power, for any reason. Law must be the commander
in upholding democracy in Indonesia. Finally, in terms of political ethics, the Indonesian nation
violates the values of politeness and propriety, because the Indonesian nation highly upholds
the values of propriety, and kindness, in the organization, society, nation, and state. Personal
freedom still has social limits, what are the restrictions (social rules)? Social rules are made to
maintain the common interests of living peacefully amid society in the nation and state.
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Copyright holders:
Ngudi Astuti
, Dewi Setyarini
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JoSS - Journal of Social Science
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