Journal of Social Science
Muhammad Abduh Tuasikal
, Lantip Diat Prasojo
, Muhyadi
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
managerial principle;
teaching supervision;
teacher teaching
The Islamic Educational Center for Kids (IECFK) is an important institution
that teaches children about Islam and Al-Qur'an. However, many IECFKs
need more competent teachers. Therefore, more research is needed to
identify ways to improve teacher performance in IECFKs. This study aims
to improve the teaching performance of IECFK teachers by enhancing their
managerial principles and teaching supervision. Cluster random sampling
was used to gather data and electronic questionnaires were sent to 288
IECFK administrators out of 995 IECFKs in Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta. The
questionnaires were filled out to collect research data, which was analyzed
using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). The
study found that both managerial principles and teaching supervision
positively and significantly impacted teacher performance. These findings
can be used to improve the quality of teacher performance at IECFKs and
provide recommendations for improvement. Supervision should focus on
continuous teacher development. Future research could explore other
variables that affect teacher performance, such as school culture, teacher
training, and improving teacher welfare.
Teachers' integral role in providing quality education to students has been consistently
recognized in government documents. According to (Rahmatullah, 2016), a teacher's
performance significantly impacts the success of their students' learning. Similarly, better
teaching performance by teachers can increase the motivation of students to learn
(Dinova &
Tuti, 2022)
; (Alif et al., 2020) ; (Bustos-Contell et al., 2021); (Setena et al., 2021).
The Islamic Educational Center for Kids (IECFK), also known as Taman Pendidikan
Al-Qur'an or IECFK, is a non-formal educational institution that provides a positive
environment for children's education. The center primarily focuses on teaching children the
Quran and basic Islamic lessons. Classes are taught in the afternoon, between four and seven
pm, at various mosques.
IECFK, similar to other Islamic educational institutions, strives to produce graduates
who possess values that can lead to a fulfilling life in this world and in the hereafter. The
objective of Islamic education is to blend religious values with practical knowledge, allowing
graduates to maintain their religious identity while possessing expert technical knowledge.
Volume 3 Number 1 January 2024
p- ISSN 2963-1866- e-ISSN 2963-8909
Vol 3, No 1 January 2024
The Role Of Managerial Principles And Teaching Supervision
In Improving Teacher Performance At The Islamic Education
Center For Kids
Furthermore, Islamic education aims to enhance students' self-awareness and transform them
into ideal individuals according to the expectations of Islamic society. This viewpoint has
been previously expressed by scholars such as Imam Az-Zarnuji in the Book of Ta'lim Al-
Muta'allim Thariq At-Ta'allum, as cited in the
(Adnan et al., 2022)
According to the IECFK Coordinator's data, there are currently 995 legally registered
IECFKs in Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta. However, not all of these IECFKs are active.
The IECFK is facing several challenges, such as limited availability of teachers, lack of
facilities, insufficient funding, and lack of direction in teaching, as shown in Table 1.
Table 1
Problems faced by IECFK in Gunungkidul Regency and percentage of the total number of
Percentage of total
Lack of number of teachers
Inadequate IECFK teachers
Lack of facilities to study at IECFKs
There are no salaries or incentives for teachers
Teaching is not directed because there is no
According to the data presented above, teaching supervision and research on
managerial principles have a significant impact on teacher performance. This can help to
address teacher shortages and performance issues, as documented by a study conducted by
(Mutohar & Trisnantari, 2020).
Managerial principles
Managerial principles refer to the skills required to effectively run an organization and
achieve its goals. These skills are acquired through education and experience, allowing
managers to act effectively in various conditions using conceptual, interpersonal, and
technical abilities (Ofei et al., 2020).
(Ibay & Pa-alisbo, 2020) defined three critical skills for managers: conceptual, human,
and technical skills. Conceptual skills involve the ability to organize and strategize for
organizations, while human skills refer to the ability to manage conflicts. Technical skills
include managing finances, proficiency in using technology, and expertise in managing
marketing. (Beenen et al., 2021) added that managers must possess essential interpersonal
skills, such as supporting, motivating, and managing conflicts. Moreover, successful managers
must possess various skills, including conceptual, technical/clinical managerial,
interpersonal/collaborative, political, commercial, governmental, and digital (Elmezain et al.,
2021); (Karakose et al., 2021); (Sunindijo, 2015); (Sunindijo & Zou, 2012). The school
principal plays a vital role in supervising the school's day-to-day operations, including
managing the facilities and infrastructure (Munandar et al., 2023) .
To implement managerial principles effectively, five key steps must be taken: planning,
organizing, implementing, supervising, and coordinating. A recent study by (Maheshwari,
2022) in Vietnam examined the impact of different leadership styles on teacher performance
The Role Of Managerial Principles And Teaching Supervision In
Improving Teacher Performance At The Islamic Education
Center For Kids
Vol 3, No 1 January 2024
and job satisfaction. The research found that the transformational leadership style, which
focuses on inspiring and motivating subordinates, has a more significant influence on teacher
performance and job satisfaction than the transactional leadership style, which emphasizes
using rewards to motivate employees. The study also suggests that teacher job satisfaction is
positively influenced by integrated leadership, where school principals can combine
instructional and transformational skills. The study's authors, (Baharuddin et al., 2023), believe
that school principals must possess both instructional and transformational leadership skills to
ensure teacher satisfaction and performance.
Teaching supervision
Supervision of teaching can be carried out by observing classes, visiting classrooms,
conducting meetings with teachers, and enhancing the learning process at every stage from
planning to monitoring and analysis. An experienced teacher or a master teacher should be
entrusted with the responsibility of supervision. WhatsApp can be used as a means of
communication for work-related discussions among supervisors and teachers. (Habibi et al.,
2018); (Rambe & Mkono, 2019); and (Wiyono et al., 2021) propose that supervisors can use
information and communication technology-based communication techniques, such as
WhatsApp, Google Meet, and Zoom, as well as audio and video recordings for supervision
purposes. As per the study conducted by (Murire & Gavaza, 2023), utilizing WhatsApp in
higher education has numerous benefits. One of the major advantages is the improvement in
the relationship between students and teachers. Moreover, it can be inferred that WhatsApp can
also serve as an efficient channel of communication between IECFK teachers and parents of
their students, as well as IECFK teachers and their students.
In the study conducted by (Hoque et al., 2020) , three types of supervision were
identified: directive supervision, collaborative supervision, and non-directive approaches.
Directive supervision involves the supervisor providing clear directions and instructions to
the teacher. This approach is best suited for teachers who are at a low level of development
and commitment and require more direct guidance in problem-solving. Collaborative
supervision is when supervisors and teachers work together as a team to solve problems. This
approach works well for teachers who can independently provide solutions and suggestions
but still need collaborative support and help. The non-directive approach involves the
supervisor giving the teacher the freedom to solve problems independently. This approach is
suitable for teachers who are at a high level of development and commitment and can
effectively find solutions to the problems they face in their teaching.
Teaching performance
According to (Mutohar & Trisnantari, 2020), teacher performance results from the
educator's individual and team efforts. It does exist in the school organizational framework
for educators to carry out their duties and responsibilities to achieve the school's vision and
According to (Wahyuni et al., 2022), evaluating a teacher's initial academic
qualifications is based on competency. The goal of assessing teacher performance is to support
their professional growth. The assessment model considers four criteria, namely pedagogic,
professional, vocational, and technological competence. Among these, pedagogic competence
is the most crucial aspect. It refers to a teacher's ability to understand and cater to the diverse
Vol 3, No 1 January 2024
The Role Of Managerial Principles And Teaching Supervision
In Improving Teacher Performance At The Islamic Education
Center For Kids
needs of their students, including moral, emotional, and intellectual aspects. Additionally,
(Bazán-Ramírez et al., 2022) research highlights several dimensions of teacher performance,
such as supervising learning activities, providing feedback, and conducting evaluations.
(Hartinah et al., 2020) stated that teacher performance can be influenced by the school
principal's leadership, as well as a conducive work environment.
(Lewis et al., 2021) suggest that teacher performance is associated with self-efficacy and
self-confidence in understanding the subject matter. Then, technological and teaching
innovations need improvement to enhance teacher performance, especially in adapting to
today's technological advancements, as (Zhao et al., 2023) suggested. To enhance teacher
performance, research by (Loi et al., 2023) highlights the crucial role of teacher training.
(Kanya et al., 2021) suggest that improving school principal leadership, organizational
culture, and teacher competency is crucial for enhancing teacher performance. Additionally,
according to (Sarwar et al., 2022) , the principal's leadership style strongly influences teacher
This research examines teacher performance improvements at IECFK and relates them
to other variables. Although an important topic, IECFK has yet to receive much attention in
research. If IECFK is used as a research discourse, it will undoubtedly benefit 148,996
IECFK in Indonesia, according to data from the Indonesian Ministry of Religion for 2019.
The research findings can be used to improve IECFK's management and supervision,
ultimately enhancing teachers' teaching performance at IECFK.
This study is a type of quantitative research that used the Isaac and Michael method to
obtain samples from the total IECFK population consisting of 995 people. Cluster random
sampling was conducted, which involved randomly selecting IECFKs from 18 sub-districts
in Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta. For this study, 288 IECFKs were selected, and each
was represented by one administrator who served as the primary data source. The research
was carried out from March 6, 2023, to May 31, 2023.
To collect data, a questionnaire was created using Google Forms. The questionnaire
consists of 26 statements that are arranged based on a Likert scale ranging from 1 to 5. This
scale helps translate variables into indicator variables. The questionnaire was completed by
the administrators of the selected IECFKs. After gathering the data, it underwent a statistical
analysis using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) to assess the
measurement model and the structural relationships among the variables. The analysis
utilized 35 statements listed in Appendix 1 as indicators. According to the theoretical study,
Figure 1 below shows that teacher performance is influenced by managerial principles and
teaching supervision.
The Role Of Managerial Principles And Teaching Supervision In
Improving Teacher Performance At The Islamic Education
Center For Kids
Vol 3, No 1 January 2024
Hypothesis of the research
Quantitative research primarily focuses on two models: the outer model and the inner
model. The measurement model or outer model is evaluated to determine the validity and
reliability of the research. On the other hand, the structural model or inner model aims to
predict the relationship between latent variables.
The objective of the outer model test is to ensure that the measurement model used is
reliable and valid. Several iterations were carried out using the SmartPLS 3 program to
achieve accurate results. Loading factor values below 0.5 were eliminated to improve the
model's accuracy. The loading factor value indicates the correlation between the indicator
and the construct. A low loading value for an indicator suggests that the indicator needs to
be fixed in the measurement model. Ideally, the expected loading value should be greater
than 0.7.
After dropping indicators below 0.7, the iteration was carried out four times. Tables 2,
3, and 4 present indicators that still impact variables with loading factor values.
Table 2 indicates that the management principles of IECFK are greatly influenced by
several indicators, including determining the vision and mission, program planning, holding
meetings to change the management structure, preparing proper management, and holding
regular meetings.
Table 2
Quantitative data on managerial principles
Instrument Item/ Category
Loading factor
Determination of the IECFK vision and mission
Program planning
Board change meeting every certain period
Proper management
Regular Meeting
Table 3 indicates that the teaching supervision of IECFK is greatly influenced by
several indicators, including supervision of IECFK teachers via WhatsApp by the head of
IECFK, training and coaching for IECFK teachers, monthly evaluation meetings for teacher-
teaching method improvement, and follow-up of the evaluation.
Table 3
Vol 3, No 1 January 2024
The Role Of Managerial Principles And Teaching Supervision
In Improving Teacher Performance At The Islamic Education
Center For Kids
Quantitative data on teaching supervision
Instrument Item/ Category
Loading factor
Supervision of IECFK teachers via WhatsApp by
the head of IECFK
Training and coaching for IECFK teachers
Monthly evaluation meetings for teacher-teaching
method improvement
Follow-up of the evaluation
Table 4 indicates that the teaching performance of IECFK is greatly influenced by
several indicators, including understanding of the lesson taught, delivery by telling Islamic
stories, and diligently studying books (Huda et al., 2016).
Table 4
Quantitative data on teacher performance
Instrument Item/ Category
Loading factor
Understanding of the lesson taught
Delivery by telling Islamic stories
Diligently study books
Once the estimated model has met the outer model criteria, the structural model (inner model)
is then tested.
The relationship between variables is shown in the path coefficient values. From this value, it
can be seen whether a hypothesis has a positive or negative direction. The path coefficient has a value
in the range of -1 to 1. If the value is 0 to 1, it can be declared positive. Meanwhile, if the value is
from -1 to 0, it is declared negative. Bootstrapping is used to assess the significance or probability of
direct, indirect, and total effects. From bootstrapping, data will be obtained:
a. The t statistical value, which we compare with the t table value to test whether or not the exogenous
variable has a significant effect on the endogenous
b. The p-value, to compare whether the value is below the significance level, for example, below
0.05 or above 0.05, to state whether the null hypothesis or alternative hypothesis is accepted or
c. Original sample, used as regression coefficient value, to complete the regression equation.
Following are the calculation results of parameter coefficients among variables.
a. The influence of the IECFK headmaster’s managerial principles on teacher-teaching performance is
0.128, meaning it has a positive and significant effect. The higher the IECFK headmaster’s
managerial principles, the higher the teacher's teaching performance.
b. The effect of teaching supervision on teacher teaching performance is 0.255, meaning it has a
positive and significant effect. The higher the teaching supervision, the higher the teacher's teaching
The SEM analysis generated t-count, t-table, p-value, and original sample which can be used to
conclude hypotheses as shown in Table 5.
The Role Of Managerial Principles And Teaching Supervision In
Improving Teacher Performance At The Islamic Education
Center For Kids
Vol 3, No 1 January 2024
Table 5
Quantitative data on teacher performance
Relationships Between Variables
Quantitative Data
: The relationship between
managerial principles and teacher
teaching performance
The relationship is positive and significant
because the value of influence on the
original sample is 0.128, t-count > t-table
= 1.997 > 1.967 (H7), p-value = 0.047
: The relationship between
teaching supervision and teacher
teaching performance
The relationship is positive and significant
because the value of influence on the
original sample is 0.255 and t-count > t-
table = 3.338 > 1.967 (H10), p-value =
The quantitative data above results indicate a significant and positive relationship
supporting the hypothesis.
According to this research, the managerial principles followed by IECFK principals have
a positive and significant impact on the teaching performance of teachers. This aligns with a
study by (Mutohar & Trisnantari, 2020) , which found that managerial ability has a positive
effect on teachers' teaching performance, with a significance value of 0.000. The managerial
abilities of leaders have an impact on the behavior and abilities of teachers, as shown in
research by (Mahaputra & Saputra, 2021) and (Hanim et al., 2023), which reported similar
results. Furthermore, research by (Van Waeyenberg et al., 2022) found that the performance
management process was negatively correlated with teacher burnout and positively correlated
with their performance.
According to this study, teaching supervision has a positive and significant impact on
teacher performance. The study conducted by (Mutohar & Trisnantari, 2020) supports this
finding, indicating a strong correlation between learning supervision and teacher performance
with a significance value of 0.001. Adequate supervision can enhance teaching performance
and create a positive work culture, as demonstrated in the research by Adnan et al. (2022). The
research conducted by (Jung & Woo, 2022) shows that teacher guidance, which is part of
supervision, influences teacher readiness in teaching, self-efficacy, and career motivation.
Additionally, the study conducted by (Esia-Donkoh & Baffoe, 2018) reveals that all principal
supervisory practices, such as checking teacher work records, providing in-service training,
observing lessons, and monitoring timeliness and continuity, can impact teacher performance.
When principals exercise adequate supervision, teachers tend to perform better and achieve
better results in their teaching. (Amani & Jumriadi, 2020) further state that supervision by the
school principal has a dominant influence on teacher performance.
According to a study conducted by (Hoque et al., 2020), it was found that the
supervision approach in education needs to be restructured to focus more on teacher
development and providing the necessary support to enhance teacher performance. Many
school principals overlook their role as educational supervisors and adopt a hierarchical,
bureaucratic, and authoritarian approach while supervising. This can hurt the overall
supervision practices and adversely affect the teachers, students, and the school as a whole.
Hierarchical supervision involves a principal or supervisor using their power and authority
to control and direct teachers, with little room for teacher participation or collaboration.
Vol 3, No 1 January 2024
The Role Of Managerial Principles And Teaching Supervision
In Improving Teacher Performance At The Islamic Education
Center For Kids
Bureaucratic supervision is characterized by strict adherence to established procedures and
policies, with limited flexibility or initiative given to teachers. Authoritarian supervision
involves the principal or supervisor using strong power and control to direct and control
teachers, with little participation or involvement of teachers in the decision-making process.
This latest research indicates that educational principles have a positive and significant
impact on teacher performance. Additionally, teaching supervision has a positive and
significant effect on teacher performance. However, improvements in supervision are
necessary, particularly in hierarchical, bureaucratic, and authoritarian supervision approaches.
Supervision that leads to continuous teacher development is essential. It should no longer aim
to inspect or evaluate teacher performance but instead, focus on technical processes that
improve teacher professional growth and work performance. This research provides valuable
insights into managing the Islamic Educational Center for Kids (IECFK). It highlights how
managerial skills and teaching supervision influence teacher performance and student
motivation. This study is a significant contribution to the literature and offers practical
implications for IECFK managers and policymakers who wish to enhance the well-being and
quality of IECFK teachers.
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The Role Of Managerial Principles And Teaching Supervision In
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Copyright holders:
Muhammad Abduh Tuasikal
, Lantip Diat Prasojo
, Muhyadi
First publication right:
JoSS - Journal of Social Science
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0