Journal of Social Science
, Nelia Fariani Siregar
, Sukree Langputeh
, Akhmad Jaeroni
Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati, Indonesia
Store atmosphere;
indicators; Factor
loading; Satisfaction
consumer; Intervening
Coffee shops are businesses in the downstream agribusiness subsystem
proliferating in various countries. This growth has created competition, so
every coffee shop tries to Win it by giving more satisfaction to its
consumers. The research aims to analyze the influence of baristas and
products on the store atmosphere and its impact on coffee shop consumer
satisfaction in the plains. The research location is in Cirebon City,
Province West Java, Indonesia, because the city can represent the
geographical conditions of world cities in the lowlands where many coffee
shops stand. The research will be carried out in AugustDecember 2023.
The research design uses descriptive quantitative survey methods. The
sample size was set at 100 coffee shop consumers in Cirebon City an
accidental sampling technique. Measurement of indicators for each
variable uses a Likert Scale. The data analysis technique uses Structural
Equation Modeling. Research results conclude that the barista and the
product each directly influence the store atmosphere, and the store
atmosphere directly affects coffee shop consumer satisfaction. Baristas
and products indirectly impact consumer satisfaction through the store
atmosphere. The indicator that best reflects the condition of the barista
variable is "accuracy," the product variable is "availability of product
stock," and the store atmosphere variable is "coffee drinking room."
Therefore, it is recommended that coffee shop business managers in
Cirebon City and surrounding areas improve the quality of baristas
through training, provide raw materials in the form of coffee beans in a
sustainable manner, and always maintain the cleanliness of the coffee
drinking area if they want to increase coffee shop customer satisfaction.
Coffee shops are a form of business in the downstream agribusiness subsystem
(Krisnamurthi, 2020) or downstream agroindustry (Soekartawi, 2000) whose existence in the
marketing era of this decade (Kotler, 2000) is no longer just for drinking coffee but has
developed into a place for discussion. (chatting), doing assignments, gathering with
friends/family, performing art, relaxing, playing live music, and attending business meetings.
Therefore, coffee shops support various social and economic activities, making it attractive for
other business people to open coffee shop businesses worldwide, including in Indonesia. (NW
Volume 2 Number 12 December 2023
p- ISSN 2963-1866- e-ISSN 2963-8909
Vol 2, No 12 December 2023
The Influence Of Baristas and Products on The Store
Atmosphere And Its Impact On Coffee Shop Customer
Satisfaction In The Lowland
Utami, 2022) . The number of coffee shops in the United States has increased in the last two
years (2020-2022) by 3.3% (, 2023), in the UK 2.8% (Allegra World Coffee Portal,
2018), in Australia 5 .4% (IBISWorld, 2022), in China 21.2% (Kopi Keliling, 2015), in
Thailand 10% (MacDonnell, 2023) and in Indonesia 23% in the 2016-2017 period (Hariyanto,
The large number of similar businesses on the market will bring an unavoidable risk,
namely competition (Casapuas-Masanell & Ricart, 2009; Sukirno, 2014). Competition Inter
coffee shops have happened well abroad as well as domestically, such as in Vietnam;
competition occurs due to the rapid growth of coffee shops (Tran, 2019) in the Philippines
because of solid growth between local and global coffee shops (Ang, 2010), in China between
local coffee shops and modern Starbucks coffee shops (Ferreira, 2018), in South Korea
(Patterson et al., 2010), in Thailand, competition between international branded coffee shops (
Cyenny Liong, 2020) and in Indonesia itself, between Starbucks modern coffee and Excelso
(Susanty & Kenny, 2015). Meanwhile, coffee shop competition also occurs on the Australian
continent (Australia, New Zealand), on the European continent (Russia, Turkiye Norway,
England, Poland, Belgium, Germany), on the African continent (Morocco, Kenya, South
Africa, Nigeria, Egypt ), and on the American continent (Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, America,
Canada) (Euromonitor International's Team, 2022). Global market competitors generally are
also at the regional market level (Öztopcu, 2017).
Competition is not avoided Because the more profitable something is, the more
Newcomers hurry up _ or attack similar businesses (good) _ so old coffee shop business people
are afraid of the threat of rivalry or competition (Sulistiowati, 2019). As for the impact of
existing competition, there are coffee shops that survive and continue to thrive; however, there
are also closed businesses (Febriyanti et al., 2022). At the same time, cost investment and
operational costs to establish or operate a coffee shop are considered high, reaching above IDR
1,000,000,000.00 (Julianti & Djunaedi, 2019; Lubis, 2020). Therefore, it required an attempt
to win the competition. Coffee shop businesses are everywhere in this modern era, including
in the Republic of Cirebon City, Indonesia.
Cirebon is a city in the lowlands (Lala, 2023), close to the north coast of Java Island, and
located in the easternmost part of West Java Province. In this city, many modern coffee shop
businesses have been established. In 2021, there will be 300 coffee shops recorded (Sofyan,
2021), including Starbuck, Exelco, Janji Jiwo, Loralona, Baraja, Manao, Janji Kopi, Dclassic,
Born, Core, Bento, Little Black, Olive Bistro, Kafe Famouz, Kopi Mekayo, Kopi Tremor, and
so on. In 2023, Cirebon, new coffee shops will be established so that their numbers will
increase, and so will the number of consumers (Fitria, 2023).
However, without realizing it, coffee shops that have been established with relatively the
same products and goals will sooner or later create competition among the coffee shops
themselves (Kotler & Armstrong, 2008). This is very relevant to the research results of
Afriyanti & Rasmikayati ( 2018) and Deliana et al. (2018), which explain that coffee shops'
problems in some of Indonesia's territories are competitive. Considering the severe risks of
competition, every coffee shop business actor must try to win their competition competition
(Zuhriyah, 2019). These efforts can refer to several book references or relevant research results
The Influence Of Baristas and Products on The Store
Atmosphere And Its Impact On Coffee Shop Customer
Satisfaction In The Lowland
Vol 2, No 12 December 2023
Some previous research results related to the matters above include: 1) Haristianti et al.
(2021) and Farasa & Kusuma (2015) explained that consumers feel at home in coffee shops for
a long time because they feel comfortable with the atmosphere of the shop; 2) Indasari & Bachri
(2021) and Purnomo (2017) summarize the store atmosphere influence purchasing decisions;
3) Medikana et al., (2018) and Pramatatya et al., (2004) concluded that the store atmosphere
influence on purchases; 4) Afriyanti and Rasmikayati (2018) explained that consumers visit
coffee shops to enjoy the atmosphere; 5) Spence et al., (2014) emphasized that the store
atmosphere has a strong influence on consumer behavior in purchasing (Spence et al., 2014);
6) Aprilia & Suryani (2020), Pratiwi et al., (2022) and Ayuningtyas et al., (2022) summarize
the store atmosphere has a natural effect on consumer satisfaction. Apart from that, several
other research results add that the barista variable can increase brand values, including the
image of the store atmosphere (Dhifan & Yuningsih, 2022), consumer perceptions of the coffee
shop barista variable are at an optimistic level in supporting business development
(Wachdijono & Yahya, 2021), Barista interpersonal communication variables influence
consumer satisfaction (Pambayun & Soedarsono, 2019) and the barista competency variable in
the very high category so that it can support the store atmosphere which is convenient for
consumers (Alvarizy & Deliana, 2021). However, there are differences with the research results
of Utomo (2023), who shows that the barista service at the Starbucks Coffee Shop still needs
to be higher. Hence, it could be more optimal in supporting consumer satisfaction.
Based on the research results above, the store atmosphere variable can influence
purchasing decision variables, repeat purchases, and feeling at home/comfortable, where the
three variables affect the characteristics of winning the competition. If it is related to opinion,
Kotler & Keller (2016), winning the competition is synonymous with providing a greater sense
of satisfaction to consumers when compared to its competitors (Zuhriyah, 2019). Next, the
store atmosphere variable is influenced by the barista variable, but the barista variable cannot
affect consumer satisfaction.
This research aims to determine the influence of barista and product variables on store
atmosphere variables and their impact on coffee shop consumer satisfaction in the plains of
low Cirebon City. The difference between this research and previous research lies in the
analysis method, where this research uses structural equation model (SEM) analysis. In
contrast, the research above uses simple and multiple linear regression analysis. Apart from
that, previous research did not apply intervening variables. In contrast, in this research, they
have been used where intervening variables will better explain the effects of the actual variables
(Sumanto, 2022). SEM analysis tools are considered better than regression because SEM
analysis can measure latent (unobserved) variables and measure each indicator's factor loading
value (weight). (Ghozali (2011), where this measurement cannot be carried out by regression
analysis. Thus, the gap in this research (research gap) is in the form of a methodological gap,
namely the use of analytical methods that are considered better than previous ones (Miles,
Due to the research gaps above, this research has an element of novelty to provide
benefits or contribute to the development of consumer behavior science and statistics,
especially regarding the measurement of indicators on each variable (factor loading) so that the
most effective indicators can be identified. Can explain (reflect) the conditions of each of these
Vol 2, No 12 December 2023
The Influence Of Baristas and Products on The Store
Atmosphere And Its Impact On Coffee Shop Customer
Satisfaction In The Lowland
variables. Furthermore, this indicator will become a practical/technical recommendation for
coffee shop business actors to win the competition in this third marketing era, such as
improving interior-exterior design and the quality of waiters (baristas) and specialty (high-
quality) products. Apart from that, the role of intervening variables can mediate the influence
of the independent variable barista on the consumer satisfaction variable. Therefore, the results
of this research can contribute to the real sector, namely opening up work and business
opportunities for people related to developing coffee shop businesses in their area to support
local economic growth towards better economic conditions due to the multiplier effect.
(Sukardi, 2009). Thus, the research entitled: The Influence Of Barista And Product On The
Store Atmosphere And Its Impact On Coffee Shop Customer Satisfaction In The
Lowland, Is Essential To Implement.
Based on the results from the previous research above, it can be summarized that the
barista and product variables influence the store atmosphere, and the store atmosphere affects
consumer satisfaction. However, the barista variable has no impact on consumer satisfaction.
In this way, a framework for thinking can be prepared for this research, as seen in Figure 1.
Figure 1
Framework for thinking
Referring to Figure 1, seven research hypotheses can be proposed, namely:
H 1: It is suspected that the barista variable (X1) has a direct effect on the store atmosphere
variable (Z) in the lowlands of Cirebon City;
H 2: It is suspected that the product variable (X2) has a direct influence on the store atmosphere
variable (Z) in the lowlands of Cirebon City;
H 3: It is suspected that the store atmosphere variable (Z) has a direct influence on the consumer
satisfaction variable (Y) in the lowlands of Cirebon City;
H 4: It is suspected that the barista variable (X1) does not have a direct influence on the
consumer satisfaction variable (Y) in the lowlands of Cirebon City;
The Influence Of Baristas and Products on The Store
Atmosphere And Its Impact On Coffee Shop Customer
Satisfaction In The Lowland
Vol 2, No 12 December 2023
H 5: It is suspected that the product variable (X2) has no direct influence on the consumer
satisfaction variable (Y) in the lowlands of Cirebon City;
H 6: It is suspected that the barista variable (X1) has an indirect influence on the consumer
satisfaction variable (Y) through the store atmosphere variable (Z) in the lowlands of
Cirebon City;
H 7: It is suspected that the product variable (X2) has an indirect influence on the consumer
satisfaction variable (Y) through the store atmosphere variable (Z) in the lowlands of
Cirebon City;
The research location was determined purposively, namely in Cirebon City, West Java
Province, Republic of Indonesia, with the consideration that this city is a city that can represent
the geographical conditions of towns or regions located in the lowlands throughout the world
(tropical areas) where many modern coffee shops have been established. This research was
carried out from July 2023 to December 2023. The research objects are the barista variable
(X1), product variable (X2), store atmosphere variable (Z), and the consumer satisfaction
variable (Y); the four variables are latent (variables that cannot be measured directly) so that
the measurement is carried out on each indicator (Narimawati & Sarwono, 2019). To facilitate
and confirm the implementation of measurements on each variable, the following operational
definition of variables is needed:
a. A barista (X1) is a person or group of people who are capable or have competence related
to coffee drinks in Cirebon City coffee shops (Panggabean, 2012), which is measured by
five indicators, namely skill, accuracy, speed, friendliness, and knowledge. All indicators
are calculated using a Likert Scale.
b. Product (X2) is the product processed by the barista in the form of a coffee-based drink
served to coffee shop consumers in the cities of Cirebon (Sidewalk, 2019), which is
measured by seven indicators, namely: taste, aroma, availability, product variants, product
uniqueness, packaging/container, and product popularity. All indicators are measured using
a Likert Scale.
c. Store atmosphere (Z) is the condition of the room and coffee shop environment in Cirebon
City, which seeks to make consumers feel comfortable and happy in enjoying coffee drinks
(Rosdiana, 2021), which is measured by ten indicators, namely layout, music, consumer
space, security, internet facilities, parking, interior design, non-cash payments, online
marketing, and toilets. All indicators are measured using a Likert Scale.
d. Consumer satisfaction (Y) is the consumer's feeling after purchasing and consuming coffee
drinks at a coffee shop in Cirebon City, which is measured by five indicators, namely:
feeling satisfied, repeat purchases, fulfilling expectations, making positive comments and
not caring about other brands (D. Purnomo et al., 2023).
Vol 2, No 12 December 2023
The Influence Of Baristas and Products on The Store
Atmosphere And Its Impact On Coffee Shop Customer
Satisfaction In The Lowland
To operationalize the measurement of latent variables and their indicators can be seen in Table
Table 1
Operationalization of research variables and indicators in 2023
Units of
1) Skilled (X1.1)
1. Skilled in making various coffee-
based drinks
2) Precision (X1.2)
2. Drinks are made according to
consumer wishes/orders
3) Speed (X1.3)
3. Making coffee drinks ordered by
consumers does not take long (fast)
4) Friendliness (X1.4)
Demonstrate a smooth, friendly, and
polite attitude and speech
5) Knowledgeable (X1.5)
Have adequate knowledge of coffee
1) Product taste (X 2 .1)
1. Good taste
2) Aroma (X2.2)
2. Fragrant aroma
3) Availability (X2.3)
3. Always available
4) Product variants (X2.4)
4. There are many product variations
5) Unique products (X2.5)
5. There are unique products
6) Packaging/container (X2.6)
6. Containers/packaging are clean and
7) Product popularity (X 2 .7)
7. The product brand is well-known
1) Table and chair layout (Z1)
1. Give consumers the freedom to
choose a place. Sit down
2) Music sound (Z2)
2. The sound of the music is to the
wishes/likes of consumers
3) The room smells fresh and fresh (Z3)
3. The indoor conditions look healthy,
fragrant, fresh and clean
4) Security guarantee (Z4)
4. There is a guarantee of safety for
consumers and their vehicles
5) Internet facility available (Z5)
5. Wif is available to facilitate online
consumer communication
6) Large parking space (Z6)
6. Consumer vehicle traffic can be
carried out easily
7) Unique and Instagrammable interior
design (Z7)
7. The interior design (inside and
outside) is unique and interesting to
8) Non-cash payment facility available
8. Digital (online) payments are
available, for example, credit cards,
9) Doing online marketing (Z9)
9. Promotions, sales, orders, and
payments are made online
10) Dry and clean toilet room (Z10)
10. The condition of the toilets is dry,
fresh, spacious, and clean
1) Feeling satisfied/happy (Y1)
1. The feeling of satisfaction after
consuming coffee drinks
2) Make a repeat purchase (Y2)
2. Purchase coffee drinks again after the
1st purchase
3) Fulfillment of expectations (Y3)
3. Consumer expectations are met, for
example, price, quality, service
4) Provide positive comments (Y4)
4. Telling good things about coffee
drink products to other parties
5) Don't care about other brands (Y5)
5. Ignore brands of coffee drinks from
other coffee shops
The Influence Of Baristas and Products on The Store
Atmosphere And Its Impact On Coffee Shop Customer
Satisfaction In The Lowland
Vol 2, No 12 December 2023
The research population is unknown coffee shop consumers in Cirebon (Indonesia).
Therefore, the sample size was determined based on the loading factor figure, which was
chosen deliberately and was considered representative, namely 0.55 (Joseph F. Hair, Jr et al.,
2010), so the number is 100 respondents. The sampling technique was accidentally carried out
and only counted once for the same consumer. The data analysis technique uses the Structural
Equation Modeling (SEM ) instrument with the help of AMOS (Analysis Moment of
Structural) application calculations.
Bearing in mind that the measurement of the indicators of each latent variable above uses
a Likert Scale, the provisions are as follows:
a. Scale 5 means "strongly agree" if the statement is very consistent with the facts
b. Scale 4 means "agree" if the statement matches the facts
c. Scale 3 means "quite agree" if the statement is entirely on the facts
d. Scale 2 means "disagree" if the statement does not check the facts
e. Scale 1 means "strongly disagree" if the statement contradicts the facts.
To test the hypothesis that has been proposed, it is carried out based on hypothesis testing
criteria (Wijaya, 2019) as follows:
a. If the significance value (sig) < 0.05, then Ho is rejected, meaning that the independent
variable has a real influence on the dependent variable.
b. If the significance value (sig) is > 0.05, then Ho is accepted, meaning there is no influence.
Research result
The primary data collected are the results of consumer assessments of variables X1
(barista), X2 (product), Z (store atmosphere), and Y (consumer satisfaction). The results can
be seen in Figure 2.
Figure 2
SEM-AMOS text results, 2023
Vol 2, No 12 December 2023
The Influence Of Baristas and Products on The Store
Atmosphere And Its Impact On Coffee Shop Customer
Satisfaction In The Lowland
Figure 2 shows X1 and the significance of each influence, a significance test was carried out,
which can be seen in Table 2.
Table 2
Significance of the influence of X, Z, and Y
Z_ Store
Z_ Store
Y_ Satisfaction
Y_ Satisfaction
Y_ Satisfaction
Z_ Store
Source: SEM-AMOS text results, 2023
Table 2 shows that the influence of X1 (Barista) on Z (Store atmosphere) is positive and
significant because the P value (probability) is < 0.05. The influence of X2 (Product) on Z is
positive and effective because the P value is < 0.05. The influence of Z on Y (consumer
satisfaction) is positive and very real because the P value is < 0.05. However, the influence of
X1 on Y is insignificant because the P value is > 0.05. Likewise, the influence of X2 on Y is
not significant. As for knowing the indirect impact of X1, and X2 to Y through Z, the Sobel
test can be carried out (Ghozali, 2011), as seen in Figure 3.
Figure 3
Significance of Z as an intervening (mediator) variable between X1 and Y
Source: Calculator Sobel Test For The Significance of Mediation, 2023
Figure 3 shows the Sobel test statistic value of 2.09163029 and more than 1.96, so it can
be concluded that Z as an intervening (mediator) variable between X1 and Y is significant,
The Influence Of Baristas and Products on The Store
Atmosphere And Its Impact On Coffee Shop Customer
Satisfaction In The Lowland
Vol 2, No 12 December 2023
meaning that Z acts as an intervening variable, so it can be interpreted that X1 has an indirect
effect on Y through Z. Next, to find out the role of Z in mediating X2 with Y, you can see in
Figure 4.
Figure 4
Significance of Z as an intervening (mediator) variable between X2 and Y
Source: Calculator Sobel Test For The Significance of Mediation, 2023
Figure 4 shows the Sobel test statistic value of 2.74194978 and more than 1.96, so it can
be concluded that Z as an intervening (mediator) variable between X2 and Y is significant,
meaning that Z acts as an intervening variable, so it can be interpreted that X2 has an indirect
effect on Y through Z.
Based on primary data and the results of the analysis above, it can be concluded as
a. A hypothesis that states the barista variable (X1) has an effect directly on variable store
atmosphere (Z) in the lowland Cirebon City, can accepted;
b. The stated hypothesis variable product (X2) has an effect directly on irregular store
atmosphere (Z) in the lowland Cirebon City, can accepted;
c. The stated hypothesis that variable store atmosphere (Z) is influential directly to variable
satisfaction consumer (Y) in the lowland Cirebon City, can accepted;
d. The stated hypothesis that the variable barista (X1) does not influence direct to variable
satisfaction consumer (Y) in the lowland Cirebon City, can accepted;
e. The stated hypothesis that variable product (X2) has no influential direct on variable
satisfaction consumer (Y) in the lowland Cirebon City, can accepted;
f. Stated hypothesis that the barista variable (X1) has an effect No direct to variable
satisfaction consumer (Y) through variable store atmosphere (Z) in the lowland Cirebon
City, can accepted:
g. The stated hypothesis variable product (X2) has an effect No direct to variable satisfaction
consumer (Y) through irregular store atmosphere (Z) in the lowland Cirebon City, can
Vol 2, No 12 December 2023
The Influence Of Baristas and Products on The Store
Atmosphere And Its Impact On Coffee Shop Customer
Satisfaction In The Lowland
Variable (X1) has an effect direct to variable store atmosphere(Z)
Variable X1 has a direct and significant effect against Z, with a mark coefficient
regression standardized of 0.53 (see Figure 1). It means if variable X1 is increased by 100%,
then it will result in variable Z increasing, amounting to 53% (Riduan, 2015). Proportion Z
changes smaller from proportion changes to X1, so the change is inelastic (Gilarso, 2008;
Sukirno, 2017; Wachdijono, 2020). Such conditions because the variable barista (X1) has
operated his task in a way good (performing), including speed, accuracy, and skill in making
coffee drinks ordered by consumers, friendly in communicating with consumers, and baristas
knowledgeable, so consumers feel more like. Besides, coffee shop consumers in Cirebon City
are also very popular with giving attention to performance or the role of the barista in giving
his service to the consumer. Performance is terrible so the consumer will be disappointed;
however, if it performs well, the consumer will feel hopeful and fulfilled. Consumers who feel
more optimistic and fulfilled due to good barista performance have created an atmosphere that
makes shops more comfortable, more impressive, and not forgotten by consumers. Therefore,
the barista becomes a critical part of supporting the success of the coffee shop business.
The argument above is the opinion of several coffee practitioners, including Sidewalk
(2019), Hamdan and Santani (2018), Musika (2018), and Panggabean (2012), who explains
that a barista is the most critical and expert coffee shop business resources in make various
product coffee drink, then serve and serve it to buyers/consumers. Besides that, the appearance
of a superior barista in its performance can play a strategic role in marketing coffee in this third
era, namely integrating subsystem coffee plantations, subsystem coffee processing, and
subsystems downstream (Wachdijono & Jaeroni, 2021). The results of this study are also
consistent with results - the results of previous ones, including 1) Sofia et al., (2023); 2)
Arnawa et al., (2022); 3) Dhifan & Yuningsih (2022); 4) Wachdijono & Yahya (2021); 5)
Alvarizy & Deliana (2021); 6) Sholihah (2020); 7) Pambayun & Soedarsono (2019); and 8)
Syahsudarmi (2018) which is, in essence, explain that the presence of the barista is influential
or support for build atmosphere more shops comfortable and more pleasant so that an exciting
consumer new for do a purchase or for old consumers for do purchase repeat.
Remembering that X1 (barista) is a latent variable, namely a variable that is not can be
measured directly, to find out the variable indicators (X-n) that play the most role in reflecting
condition variable X is by looking at the highest factor loading (weight) value, such as seen in
Figure 4. This action is jointly known with the designation confirmatory factor analysis (CFA).
CFA first-order model is a model relating to the relationship between latent variables and their
indicators (Ghozali & Fuad, 2005; Narimawati & Sarwono, 2019; Santoso, 2021).
The Influence Of Baristas and Products on The Store
Atmosphere And Its Impact On Coffee Shop Customer
Satisfaction In The Lowland
Vol 2, No 12 December 2023
Figure 4
Factor loading value on variable X1 (barista)
Source: AMOS SEM text results, 2023
Figure 4 shows that the highest loading factor (weight) value is in the indicator X1.2,
namely 0.83, meaning that the condition of the variable makes coffee drink products according
to consumer orders. The "accuracy" indicator is the highest, showing that coffee shop
consumers in Cirebon City generally include "The Coffee Shop," namely consumers who
understand and know about coffee drinks (Yuliandri, 2015), so they want the right coffee drink
according to their request (order). Furthermore, consumers feel more satisfied/happy when
their coffee drink order matches (exactly) the coffee drink made by the barista and then served
at the drinking table. For example, a consumer orders a "late art" coffee drink. The barista
correctly makes a "late art" coffee drink so that the consumer becomes increasingly confident
that the barista in the coffee shop performs well, especially in "accuracy" in making coffee
drinks according to the consumer's order. Therefore, the opportunity for consumers to
repurchase coffee drinks at the coffee shop is increasingly open. In this way, the barista can
apply some of his experience in experiential marketing to consumers (Schmitt, 2010) because
consumers are more interested in experienced and knowledgeable baristas (Maxwell Colonna-
Dashwood, 2017 in Foedinatha and Hartanto, 2022).
This result is different from the results studies Prasetyo et al., (2023), Sofia et al., (2023),
and Oktafiani et al., (2023), which shows that the most suitable indicator reflects or explains
barista variable conditions are “friendliness” and results study Auyaghlib et al., (2023) is "
skill. " The difference signifies that the results of the study or related theories with variable
barista characteristics are dynamic or Inconsistent. Such conditions are beneficial for
developing knowledge on the related topic because there is a considerable research valuable
gap For further study (Miles, 2017).
Variables product (X2) has an effect direct to variable store atmosphere(Z)
Variable X2 has a direct and significant effect against Z, with a mark coefficient
regression standardized of 0.58 (see Figure 1). It means if variable X1 is increased by 100%,
then it will result in variable Z increasing, amounting to 58% (Riduan, 2015). Proportion Z
changes small from proportion changes X2, so the change is inelastic (Hidayati, 2019;
Mubyarto, 1989; Rosyidi, 2017). Variable X2 affects and significantly affects variable Z due
to the product variable (X2) being offered, already fulfilling the hope of consumers, including
Vol 2, No 12 December 2023
The Influence Of Baristas and Products on The Store
Atmosphere And Its Impact On Coffee Shop Customer
Satisfaction In The Lowland
the product quality, the dream that it feels fragrant, delicious, and consistent, the product
diverse and always available, as well it's a brand already famous, so contribute in form store
atmosphere they become more comfortable, more exciting and giving experience that is not
forgotten yourself consumer (Schmitt, 2010), so chance For visit or buy repeat very tall.
Therefore, coffee shop consumers in Cirebon City are trendy and pay attention to product
variables due to the entry of the third era of coffee marketing (third wave coffee) currently
(time study). Third-wave coffee is something period new in the coffee industry, emphasizing
that coffee consumption is not only considered a need but has become an integral part of the
style life (lifestyle) of society (Hamdan and Santani, 2018). The consequence is that the
knowledge consumers about coffee is increasingly high (soaring) and makes consumers want
to know more deeply about coffee, including types of coffee, methods of brewing coffee, way
roast (roasting) coffee beans, origin area of coffee beans (single origin) and start known quality
coffee beans (specialty).
These results are encouraging Prasetyo et al., (2023) concluded that product variables
are influential and significant to the atmosphere of coffee shops in Cirebon City. However, it's
different from the results of the study. Dinova & Tuti (2022 ) explain that quality products are
not influential to the satisfaction of consumers at Starbucks Setiabudi One Jakarta. Differences
are widespread Because of the different places and times of his research. Next, please pay
attention that the product in this research is variable latent, and then his assessment is carried
out on the indicators (Ghazali, 2016; Santoso, 2021). To identify the most capable indicia,
explain the condition variable le for the above product by inspecting the highest loading factor
(weight) value on the indicator variable product, as seen in Figure 5.
Figure 5
Factor loading value on variable X2 (product)
Source: AMOS SEM text out results, 2023
Figure 5 shows that the indicator with the highest loading factor value, namely 0.71, is
located in indicator X2.3, namely "availability of stock of coffee products". These results show
The Influence Of Baristas and Products on The Store
Atmosphere And Its Impact On Coffee Shop Customer
Satisfaction In The Lowland
Vol 2, No 12 December 2023
that coffee shop consumers in Cirebon City are trending and paying attention to the condition
of coffee product stocks. The stock of coffee shop products, with coffee always available, will
be very supportive in creating a store atmosphere that reassures consumers about the
guaranteed availability of product stock so that it can contribute to increasing consumer
satisfaction. Consumers will feel more satisfied if the coffee drinks they order at the coffee
shop are always available and served immediately without experiencing delays. What is
included in "availability stock product" is the availability of various types of coffee that are
consumers' preferences and favorites in Cirebon City on an ongoing basis (product stock is
always available every day). This situation supports the research findings of Soedirlan et al.,
(2022) which explain that coffee shops are explicitly designed to serve and provide various
types of coffee to customers/consumers. Afriyanti & and Rasmikayati (2018) added, that if
coffee shops are still popular with consumers, they should provide various types of coffee beans
from all over Indonesia and abroad. This is also in line with the explanation by Putri & Deliana
(2020) which states that coffee shops can serve coffee drinks that suit consumer preferences,
thereby providing customer satisfaction.
This result is different from the results of Auyaghlib et al., (2023), which shows that
the most suitable indicator reflecting or explaining The product variable condition in
Tangerang City is " taste, "while the results study Prasetyo & Maulana (2023) and Rohim et
al., (2023) is "aroma." There are different results. This research is very understandable Because
studies with socio-economic topics are limited by time and place research, meaning results
research in one place may not be the same as results research elsewhere or results research this
year did not be the same within year front. With the study results of socio-economic topics, no
can be enforced in general or generalized (Auyaghlib et al., 2023).
Variables store atmosphere(Z) is influential direct to variable satisfaction consumer (Y)
Variable Z has a direct and significant effect against Y, with a mark coefficient regression
standardized of 0.74 (see Figure 1). It means if variable Z is increased by 100%, then it will
result in variable Y increasing, amounting to 74% (Riduan, 2015; Supranto, 2008). Proportion
Y changes are more minor than proportion Z changes, so the change is inelastic (Hidayati,
2019; Mubyarto, 1989; Rosyidi, 2017). Variable Z directly affects variable Y because Coffee
shop consumers in Cirebon City are trendy and notice the atmosphere of the shops. Therefore,
the conditioned atmosphere of that shop anyway will be evaluated by the consumer; if the
condition is not comfortable or not enjoyable, the consumer will rate it as bad or disappointed.
However, if the condition is satisfied, clean, consistent, and attractive, the consumer will feel
joy or satisfaction (Adhinda et al., 2022). With this atmosphere, shops in Cirebon City are
Already more conditions comfortable and attractive for consumers, for example, in things like
tables and chairs, sound music, room aroma, security environment, internet facilities, place
parking, and interior design. Atmosphere fun shops can interest consumers, create an
experience that is not forgotten, and build a base of loyal customers (Rasmikayati et al., 2020).
On the contrary, uncomfortable consumers visit to buy returns (Kotler, 2000). Therefore, yes
be delivered that consumers tend to come back and recommend to others if the shop's
atmosphere is the preference of the personality consumer (Ilyas & Sari, 2021). As for choice,
Consumers choose a coffee shop more determined by the store atmosphere (Afriyanti &
Vol 2, No 12 December 2023
The Influence Of Baristas and Products on The Store
Atmosphere And Its Impact On Coffee Shop Customer
Satisfaction In The Lowland
Rasmikayati, 2018; Farasa & Kusuma, 2015; Haristianti et al., 2021; Poniman & Sentoso,
2015) so the store.
The results of this study are consistent with several results studies previously, including
Yoo (2016); Shen, Xiandong & Bae, Byung-Ryul (2018); Medikana et al. (2018); Dewi et al.,
(2019); Pratiwi et al., (2022); Adhinda et al., (2022); Aprilia & Suryani (2020); Ayuningtyas
et al., (2022) and Apriliya & Efiani (2023) who concluded that variable store atmosphere
influential honest and positive to decision purchase repeat and satisfaction coffee shop
consumers. However, the results of this research are different from the results of Safitri & Rini
(2021) and Rijali & Rahmawati (2022), who concluded that the atmosphere variable shop is
not influential to the satisfaction of consumers. Remembering that the store atmosphere (Z) is
a latent variable (cannot be measured directly) (Ghozali, 2016). Then, to find out the indicators
that best reflect or explain the condition of the atmosphere store variable (Z) can be seen from
the loading factor (weight) value for each indicator, which can be seen in Figure 6.
Figure 6
Factor loading value on variable Z (store atmosphere)
Source: AMOS SEM text out results, 2023
Figure 6 shows that there are two most significant factor loading values, namely
indicators Z3 and Z10, each of which is 0.76, meaning that the condition of the variable Z
(store atmosphere) better reflects or is explained by indicator Z3, namely "the condition of the
room where you drink coffee." These results can be interpreted that coffee shop consumers in
Cirebon City prefer a fresh, fragrant, and clean coffee-drinking atmosphere to provide an
impressive experience (experiential marketing). To support the creation of consumer
satisfaction. This meaning is easy to understand because of the room where you drink coffee
is the first room that consumers see and feel, so it is natural that the condition of the room
where you drink coffee is a main concern that consumers will never forget. This argument is
strengthened by the results of research by Kim & Bachman, (2019) which states that restaurant
cleanliness is one of the most important aspects when consumers evaluate the quality of a
restaurant and intend to return (repeat purchase). Therefore, room cleanliness is important
because it can reflect other cleanliness conditions and thus have an impact on consumer
satisfaction (Riell, 2021; Tucker, 2015).
The results of this research differ from those of Ilyas & and Sari (2021), who explain that
consumers choose a coffee shop in Bandung City because it has clean toilet facilities
The Influence Of Baristas and Products on The Store
Atmosphere And Its Impact On Coffee Shop Customer
Satisfaction In The Lowland
Vol 2, No 12 December 2023
(indicators). However, the two research results above can strengthen the research results of
Sofia et al., (2023), which show that the indicators that best reflect or explain the condition of
the "store atmosphere" variable are the "coffee drinking room" indicator and the "toilet"
indicator with The loading value of each factor is 0.77 in research by Sofia et al. (2023) added
one more indicator, namely "toilet," which is also part of the shop environment and must be
paid attention to by business managers. This argument is related to the views of a practitioner
named Mandarina (2021), who, according to consumers, stated that the most important aspect
of coffee shop facilities is the cleanliness of the toilets. This especially applies to consumers
who intend to spend a long time at the coffee shop. Therefore, it is essential to maintain the
cleanliness and atmosphere of the coffee drinking room and the coffee shop environment so
that consumers can feel comfortable and satisfied when enjoying products from the coffee shop
(Adhinda et al., 2022).
Variables barista (X1) no influential direct to variable satisfaction consumer (Y)
Figure 1 shows the influence of X1 on Y. The standardized regression coefficient value
is 0.09, and the significance value (sig) is 0.522 (see Table 1), meaning that the influence of
variable X1 on Y is inaccurate. Or deficient category, so it cannot make a significant
contribution. This is because in position as a single variable in connection bivariate (XY),
the X1 influence is still weak, so there is no significance. Therefore, other variables are needed
as intervening variables to have an effect become stronger in connection multivariate (XZ
Y). This study's results align with the research results of Oktafiani et al., (2023), who concluded
the barista variable has no natural effect on coffee shop consumer loyalty in Tangerang City.
Sofia et al., (2023), who finished the barista variable, have no biological impact on satisfaction
among coffee shop consumers in Cirebon City.
However, the findings from this study are not in line with the findings general from
research others, including: 1) Umbase et al., (2022); 2) Arnawa et al., (2022); 3) Waluyowati
& Bustomi (2022); and 4) Yurindera (2021), which is general conclude that there is significant
influence from variable X (barista) against variable Y (satisfaction consumer). Therefore, there
is a phenomenon interesting and necessary to get the discussion more deeply and be considered
Variables product (X2) no influential direct to variable satisfaction consumer (Y)
Figure 1 shows the influence of X2 on Y. The standardized regression coefficient value
is 0.09, and the significance value (sig) is 0.803 ( see Table 1 ), meaning that the influence of
variable X2 on Y is inaccurate. Or deficient category, so it cannot make a significant
contribution. This is because in position as a single variable in connection bivariate (XY),
the X2 influence is still weak, so there is no significance. Therefore, other variables are needed
as intervening variables to have an effect become stronger in connection multivariate (XZ
Y). The results of this study are consistent with the results of Asti & Ayuningtyas (2020)
concluded that the quality variable product does not influence the satisfaction of consumers at
Resto Oto Bento Villa Nusa Indah.
However, the results of this study are contradictory to the research results of Adnan
(2020), Aprilia & Efiani (2023), Arnawa et al. (2022), Juniarti et al. (2022), Mahyuddin &
Juraidah (2017), Medikana et al., (2018); Mustamu & Ngatno, (2021); Utami & Oetomo,
(2015); Oktafiani et al., (2023) which in general conclude variable product (X2) has no natural
Vol 2, No 12 December 2023
The Influence Of Baristas and Products on The Store
Atmosphere And Its Impact On Coffee Shop Customer
Satisfaction In The Lowland
effect on satisfaction coffee shop consumers. There are different results from the study. This
topic is dynamic and exciting. For more research deep, we can find new theories helpful in
developing knowledge.
The barista variable (X1) has an effect not directly on variable satisfaction consumer
(Y) through irregular store atmosphere (Z)
Figure 2 shows that the standardized regression coefficient value on path X 1 to Y is
0.09, path X 1 to Z is 0.53, and path Z to Y is 0.74 (see Figure 2). The significance value (sig)
on the path X 1 to Y is 0.522 ( see Table 2), meaning that the variable X 1 has no direct effect
on Y Because of the sig value. 0.522 smaller than 0.05. Thus, the hypothesis that states that the
barista variable (X1) has no immediate impact on the consumer satisfaction variable (Y) (H6)
can be accepted. The absence of influence of variable X1 on Y above indicates that other
variables intervene in the influence of variable. The other variable referred to is the variable Z
(store atmosphere) itself, which acts as an intervening variable (Junaidi, 2021) so that the
influence of X on Y becomes significant indirectly after going through Z (see Figure 2). To
know its significance, variable Z (store atmosphere) as the intervening variable, the Sobel test
is carried out (see Figure 3), where it can be concluded that variable Z has a proven role as an
intervening variable between variable X1 (barista) and the satisfaction variable consumer (Y).
The existence of this intervening variable is also in line with the research results of Sofia et al.
(2023), Binagusto et al. (2020), and Artha (2019).
Variables product (X2) has an effect No direct to variable satisfaction consumer (Y)
through irregular store atmosphere (Z)
Figure 2 shows that the standardized regression coefficient value on path X 2 to Y is
0.04, path X 2 to Z is 0.58, and path Z to Y is 0.74 (see Figure 2). The significance value (sig)
on the path X 2 to Y is 0.803 ( see Table 2), meaning that the variable X1 has no direct effect
on Y Because of the sig value. 0.803 is more significant than 0.05. Thus, the hypothesis states
the product variable (X2) has no immediate effect on the consumer satisfaction variable (Y)
(H7:), which is acceptable. Here, there is no influence of the variable X 2 on Y above,
indicating that other variables intervene in the impact of the variable. The other variable
referred to is the variable Z (store atmosphere) itself, which acts as an intervening variable
(Junaidi, 2021) so that the influence of X 2 on Y becomes significant indirectly after passing
through Z (see Figure 2). To know its significance, variable Z (store atmosphere) as the
intervening variable, the Sobel test is carried out (see Figure 3), where it can be concluded that
variable Z has a proven role as an intervening variable between variable X2 (product) and the
satisfaction variable consumer (Y). The presence of this intervening variable is also in line with
the research results of Prasetyo & and Maulana (2023), Binagusto et al. (2020), and Artha
The emergence of the intervening variable Z (store atmosphere) plays a vital role because
it shows an event that to satisfy coffee shop consumers, it is not enough to rely on the role of
the barista (X1) or product (X2) only, will but the role of another variable is required, namely
Z, meaning no matter how excellent the condition of the barista variable (X1) such as very
skilled, fast, precise, friendly and knowledgeable, or product variable (X2), such as fragrant
taste, fresh aroma, availability stock always available, lots product variants, yes unique
products, strong packaging /containers, and product popularity famous, but has not been able
The Influence Of Baristas and Products on The Store
Atmosphere And Its Impact On Coffee Shop Customer
Satisfaction In The Lowland
Vol 2, No 12 December 2023
to provide satisfaction to consumers without the support of variable Z (store atmosphere). The
results of these findings benefit coffee shop business actors in that if they want to satisfy
consumers in this third marketing era, they also need quality baristas (X1) who perform well.
Well, especially on the " accuracy " indicator, you must also pay attention to the product,
especially on the indicator "availability products" and store atmosphere (Z), especially the
indicator " the condition of the coffee drinking room is fresh, fragrant and clean. "
Based on the results and Discussion before, the most critical findings from this research
are related to his contribution to the development of knowledge in a way theoretical and
practical understanding of the most dominant factor loading values in explained condition
variables X1, X2, and Z, as well exists intervening variable (Z). This is because focusing on
the most significant factor loading (weight) values, especially on intervening variables, can
make base recommendations for increasing the quality of these indicators and moderating
variables. With so, this has the potential to trigger development in the sector that can be
significant for enhancing the quality of life of humans, like in the development sector
agroindustry (Sukardi, 2009).
Based on the results of the research and discussion above, baristas and their respective
products directly influence the store atmosphere, and store atmosphere directly impacts
customer satisfaction in coffee shops in the lowlands of Cirebon City. In addition, baristas and
their products indirectly influence consumer satisfaction through the store atmosphere. The
best indicator to reflect or explain conditions in the barista variable is "accuracy," the product
variable is "product stock availability," and the store atmosphere variable is "coffee room."
Therefore, it is recommended that coffee shop business managers in the lowlands of Cirebon
City and its surroundings improve the quality of baristas through training, providing sustainable
coffee bean ingredient standards, and always maintaining the cleanliness of coffee-drinking
places to increase coffee shop consumer satisfaction.
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Copyright holders:
, Nelia Fariani Siregar
, Sukree Langputeh
, Akhmad Jaeroni
First publication right:
JoSS - Journal of Social Science
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