Journal of Social Science
Achmad Dzikri Fanshabi
, Dede Rahmat Hidayat
Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
E-mail: [email protected].id
Perceptions and
Preferences, Online
counseling, Moral
The level of moral reasoning is very important for children to influence
ethics. A student's moral reasoning can increase the desire to apply good
morals to students. This study discusses online counseling to improve moral
reasoning. The purpose of this study was to explain students' perceptions
and preferences for online counseling services to help improve moral
reasoning. The systematic review was carried out by the Systematic Review
and Meta Analysis (PRISMA) approach. Initially there were 80 articles
from three databases as follows: PubMed (6 articles), CINAHL (71 articles),
and SINTA (3 articles). After reading the title and abstract, 72 articles were
eliminated because the title was not in accordance with the purpose of the
study, and one abstract was irrelevant in content. So, six articles (five
articles in the Indonesian context and one article in the Malaysian context)
were analyzed.
Moral problems that occur among children are indeed very worrying, moral education is
an important component for students for good decision making. Because students are expected
to continue the struggle for truth, justice and peace in the future. Moral reasoning is a set of
abstract concepts that students can examine and evaluate through discussions at school.
Although the main mission of the school is to improve academic achievement, the school also
needs to improve character development, with this can avoid moral deviations.
According to (Faturohman & Suryapermana, 2022) the recommended learning model for
aqidah subjects is a moral reasoning learning model, because this model requires students to
find and solve problems and is associated with attitude making in everyday life. With this
ability, it is hoped that students will be able to improve their learning results and be able to
think broadly and critically in taking attitudes in everyday life. Kohlberg (1976) argues that
higher levels of moral reasoning reflect more adequate ways of resolving moral deception of
conflict and are thus associated with moral action.
Moral reasoning is essential for schools to apply in order to achieve becoming educated
citizens so as to engage in service to society by applying kindness. The implementation of the
term moral is closely related to daily habits. To give an understanding of moral reasoning or
moral learning to others requires continuous practice and practice so that it can become a habit.
Morality that becomes a good character begins with experience or knowledge of goodness, then
the desire to practice by doing good and finally doing good. Therefore, learning morality in
Volume 2 Number 12 Desember 2023
p- ISSN 2963-1866- e-ISSN 2963-8909
Vol 2, No 12 December 2023
Students' Perceptions And Preferences Regarding Moral
Reasoning Through Online Counseling: A Systematic Study
students needs practice and direction to be able to assess the good and bad of an action.
According to (Afriani, 2021), To achieve the desired goals effectively and efficiently in
learning, a learning approach is needed, one of which is the Moral Reasoning method. This
method trains students to get critical thinking weighing between the right and the vanity in
accordance with the values of the Qur'an, solve life problems based on faith, and involve
spiritual and human elements (humanity) in behaving and making decisions, so that students
will find a strong religious in themselves.
Online Counseling
Research increasingly shows that the prevalence and severity of problems are reported
by students, Based on the article of (Sangiba et al., 2022). Analysis of systems that run on
conventional processes to conduct counseling. The process for counseling cannot be done
anytime and anywhere. To solve these problems, a system is made that can help in counseling
anywhere and anytime without having to go to a counseling place. The proposed System
Design is a user process for counseling through a created application. In this system, users
will be given questionnaire questions. After answering the questionnaire, the system will
provide an assessment in the form of a score that measures the user's health stress level. Then
users can conduct counseling with the counselor by contacting the counselor from the contact
provided on the application.
Education always prioritizes or utilizes technological sophistication, especially for
counseling guidance activities in schools. In the past, counseling was defined as face-to-face
interaction between a counselor and clients directly. With the development of technology, this
counseling activity can be done via the internet without having to meet face-to-face, so that
counseling activities are no longer bound by place and time to be able to see the problems
experienced by students.
According to (Wong et al., 2018) in their article although traditional face-to-face
counseling is the preferred method by most professionals, most of those who can benefit from
counseling services are not actually looking for it. The study looked at students' preference
for face-to-face vs. online counselling and found that most students in Malaysia prefer to
receive mental health counselling online. Given the lack of overall utilization of counseling
services, there is an opinion that the delivery of counseling services online should be
considered as an alternative way to reach many people who still do not receive counseling
(Fadhilah et al., 2021) The presence of cyber counseling implemented in schools is an
alternative to providing counseling services for counselors. Counselors are expected to be able
to develop counseling models and develop skills possessed, especially in the IT field. This is
important so that counselors are able to provide the best service for students at school. In this
article, we will discuss the process of implementing cyber counseling services implemented
in schools.
According to (Sangiba et al., 2022), Dimas Sasongko, Purwono Hendradi, Akhmad
Liana Amrul Haq, 2022. Cyber Counseling Application as an Android-Based Online
Counseling Service Solution, which aims to realize a system to support the online counseling
process in the form of an Android smartphone mobile application. This application
development model in the process of needs analysis and system design is the Rapid
Application Development method.
Students' Perceptions And Preferences Regarding Moral
Reasoning Through Online Counseling: A Systematic Study
Vol 2, No 12 December 2023
The purpose of this study is to understand how students perceive and understand the
concept of moral reasoning and explore students' understanding of moral and ethical values
in the context of online counseling. The benefits of this research are to encourage innovation
in the field of moral education, especially by utilizing technology to achieve these goals.
Researchers searched for articles on the topic of perceptions and preferences regarding
moral reasoning through online counseling in Indonesia using international databases, namely
PubMed and CINAHL plus and national databases, namely SINTA. The three databases were
chosen because of the ease of access to get complete articles, so that articles can be analyzed
in depth and detail. To browse related articles, we use bilingual keywords, namely English
and Indonesian. These keywords include: moral reasoning, cyber counselling and Indonesia.
The use of English keywords aims to get articles that may be written by international and
Indonesian researchers published in international journals or English-language journals. The
use of Indonesian keywords is because many Indonesian studies have not been disseminated
through international publications in English.
Researchers determine three main criteria in article selection. The first criterion is that the
article was published within the last 5 years (2018-2022). In that time frame, it is expected that
the content of the article is still relevant, and the reported empirical data shows an increase in
online counseling in the world. The second criterion is the research design using a qualitative
approach, and the research participants are international students who discuss online
counseling. The third criterion is that researchers do not include articles that do not explore
experiences while studying in Indonesia in this systematic analysis process.
Based on the results of article search, 80 articles were found from three databases as
follows: PubMed (6 articles), CINAHL (71 articles), and SINTA (3 articles). Furthermore, the
articles are stored in the reference management program, namely Endnote to check for
duplication of article data. The results of this examination showed one duplicate article and
eventually left to 79 articles. After reading the title and abstract, 72 articles were eliminated
because the title was not in accordance with the purpose of the study, and one abstract was
irrelevant in content. So, six articles (five articles in the Indonesian context and one article in
the Malaysian context) were analyzed. Of the six articles, there were five purely qualitative
studies and one study using a mixed method approach, but the researchers only analyzed the
results of qualitative studies. Participants in the study came from Indonesia (five articles), and
one article from Vietnam. Data collection in these studies was carried out by interview and
observation methods. This process can be seen in Diagram 1.
Analysis of articles is carried out in three stages. The first stage is reading the full article
and understanding the content of all articles. The second stage is to extract the reading results
and summarize them in the form of a table. Table 1 presents information about the title and
author, research objectives, place of research, type of research, research sample, data collection
methods and summary of research results. In the third stage, researchers analyze the similarities
and differences in each article content, and conclude the findings in the form of categories. The
results of the analysis identified four aspects of adaptation experienced by students in Indonesia.
Complete findings are written in the findings and discussion section.
Vol 2, No 12 December 2023
Students' Perceptions And Preferences Regarding Moral
Reasoning Through Online Counseling: A Systematic Study
There are six articles that the author found about online counseling, including the article
(Sangiba et al., 2022). With the title Cyber Counseling Application as an Android-Based
Online Counseling Service Solution. In his research, he revealed that the results of testing using
the blackbox testing method showed that the features in the Cyber Counseling Application had
run well and were acceptable. From the results of the implementation by entering the
application into the Play Store can provide convenience to users who will install and utilize the
Cyber Counseling Application using smartphones or other mobile-based gadgets. This can help
students who can have difficulty capturing information related to problems that befall them so
that they have difficulty in retrieval or good moral reasoning.
Researchers observed students' perceptions and preferences relative and the likelihood
of being able to utilize online counseling services compared to face-to-face counseling services
among learners. Now increasingly considered a cost-effective and highly accessible way to
examine the potential of online delivery as a way to improve overall service usage, researchers
have come to an idea of students' attitudes toward and likelihood of using online and/or face-
to-face counseling. A survey of 409 students from six universities in Malaysia participated.
About 35% of participants reported that they would most likely utilize online counseling
services but were less likely to participate in face-to-face counseling. Based on these results it
is suggested to offer online counseling, in addition to face-to-face services, can be an effective
way for many school counseling centers to improve the utilization of their services and thus
better serve learners.
As applied by the article (Fadhilah et al., 2021). With the title Cyber Counseling as a
Method of Improving Guidance and Counseling Services in Schools. With the results of the
study, it is known that cyber counseling services are considered effective because they can
make it easier for counselors and students to conduct counseling that is not limited by distance
and time. Some of the ways used to conduct online counseling, including: via email, facebook,
asynchronous chat, rilv applications, video conferences, mobile phones, and websites.
Guidance counseling teachers and counselors are expected to continue to improve their ability
to use information and communication technology.
Online guidance makes it easy for every user who needs it in expressing problems in
their lives. In addition, online counseling has great potential in offering therapy and can be
done anywhere. Therefore, clients can minimize transportation costs for face-to-face
counseling. Although the results of previous research analysis show that online counseling has
weaknesses, namely the lack of knowledge and special abilities possessed by counselors in
communicating via chat and lack of skills in writing texts so that there are no
misunderstandings with online counseling users.
In Indonesia itself, the presence of online counseling is still relatively and not so well known.
In some countries, web-chat-based online counselling is increasingly being used to provide support
and treatment to people experiencing problems with mental health, gambling, addiction, and a
variety of other issues. Several studies examining client interests and the use of online counseling
show that the general public (including students) are interested and want to try online counseling
but most people lack awareness or understanding of how online counseling works. So that students'
Students' Perceptions And Preferences Regarding Moral
Reasoning Through Online Counseling: A Systematic Study
Vol 2, No 12 December 2023
perceptions and preferences using online counseling are still affordable, it can be said for previous
researchers' findings that not all schools have online counseling programs.
The term "online counseling" in this case study is defined as a service performed by a mental
health professional through various internet-assisted Modalities including email, chat (e.g. instant
messaging or chat rooms), and video conferencing. The term "text-based counseling" would be used
specifically to discuss online counseling that takes place in an email or chat modality.
In this study, discussing the moral reasoning method is a method designed so that taxonomic
intellectual exchanges occur in finding solutions to a problem, or it can be said that the moral
reasoning model is how to develop discovery processing skills, so that students are able to freely
and creatively analyze facts and concepts and relate to the necessary attitudes and values. In the
learning process students are not only required to know and memorize what they learn, but they also
have to understand and be able to practice their daily lives which are the results of what they learn.
Researchers will recommend to improve student morale well is a moral reasoning learning
model, because this
model requires students to find and solve problems and is associated in
taking attitudes in everyday life, With that ability it is expected that students are able to improve
their learning results and be able to think broadly and critically in taking attitudes in everyday
life. Researchers consider that this moral reasoning must be applied in everyday life that
becomes accustomed to doing good things. Because it is needed to become a habit, the
researchers suggest that each school has an aspect or method of online counseling-based
applications to make it easier for students to still be able to interact in determining good
decision making, after this application is running researchers suggest using counseling with
individual guidance techniques.
Online counseling is important for students experiencing problems outside of school and
to make good decisions will reinforce moral reasoning methods, but before choosing to offer
services online, it is important for school counseling centers to consider possible delivery
methods, understand which students are most likely to use such support, and identify potential
barriers to implementing online services.
Finally, information can also be obtained from counselors in their field and clients who
use online counseling. Online moral reasoning is still in the development stage of trial and error
and many questions remain. However, some promising research shows great moral reasoning
and shows that online counseling is finding its place in the field of moral reasoning.
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Copyright holders:
Achmad Dzikri Fanshabi
, Dede Rahmat Hidayat
First publication right:
JoSS - Journal of Social Science
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0