Chairul Iksan Burhanuddin,Amran,Muhammad Nur Abdi,Arab Mustari’ba |
JoSS :
Journal of Social Science
Chairul Iksan Burhanuddin,
Muhammad Nur Abdi,
Arab Mustari’ba
University of Muhammadiyah Makassar Indonesia
Regional Original
Income, Taxes,
12 September 2022
10 October 2022
13 October 2022
This study aims to determine the effect of taxes, levies and
population on local revenue in South Sulawesi Province in 2018-
2020.This study uses quantitative methods.The population in this
study were all regencies/cities in the research year totaling 24
regencies/cities.The sampling technique used a saturated sample,
the sampling technique was used when all members of the
population were sampled,so that a total sample of 24 samples was
obtained.This type of research data is secondary data obtained
through reports or publications from related agencies that are
closely related to this research.The results of the study show that
taxes,levies and the number of residents simultaneously have an
effect on Regional Original Income.And the Tax Variable partially
affects Regional Original Income while the Levies and Population
Variables partially have no effect on Regional Original Income in
South Sulawesi Province 2018-2020.
Delegation of authority to local governments is an embodiment of the spirit of regional
autonomy in state development.The Government of the Unitary State of the Republic of
Indonesia established an area specifically designated for management and investment
initiatives in order to meet the needs of the community(Kurniawan,2017)Based on "Law No.32
of 2004 local governments,which also supervise and control and manage state affairs
themselves according to the principles of independence and responsibility for assistance,are
ordered to accelerate the achievement of public benefits through improving performance,
services, empowerment,and community participation,as well as intensifying regional
development(Tama, 2015).Competitiveness with due diligence, in accordance with the
mandate of the laws of the Republic of Indonesia.In carrying out government affairs,local
governments have relationships with the central government and other local governments
(PUSPITANINGRUM,2008).The1945 Constitution has a relationship with the government
regarding what is mandated in the opening of paragraph IV,namely "to protect the entire
Indonesian nation and the entire homeland of Indonesia and to promote public welfare, educate
the nation's life,and participate in carrying out world order based on independence,eternal
peace." and social justice”(Hrp & Thalib,2019)Sovereignty,finance,public sector services, and
the use of natural resources and other resources in achieving state goals must be implemented
Volume 1 Number 2, Oktober, 2022
p- ISSN 2963-1868 e-ISSN 2963-8909
Vol 1, No 2 Oktober,2022
On regional original income in the province
South sulawesi 2018-2020
fairly and in harmony between the central and regional governments(Rosiadi, Setiawan, &
Moko, 2018).Great authority to control and manage their own government becomes the full
authority of the region in the current era of regional autonomy.With the aim of providing public
services to the community that make it easier to control and maintain a network of budget use
sourced from the regional revenue and expenditure budget (APBD),in order to create healthy
competition between regions and encourage innovation(Markus, 2005).In accordance with this
authority,local governments are expected to be better able to find sources, especially to meet
the financing of government services (Public) and development in the region through original
income (PAD).The demand for an increase in PAD is getting bigger in line with the increasing
number of powers delegated to the regions accompanied by the transfer of equipment
,personnel,financing and documentation (P3D) to large regions.Meanwhile,the potential for
regional revenue streams should be investigated as much as possible,but only within the limits
of the applicable laws and regulations, which include regional taxes and regional levies that
have existed for a long time, one of which has traditionally been the most important aspect of
PAD(Kusuma,2021).The government implements several taxation policies in the regions,
including Law Number 34 of 2000 (SISWOLAKSONO 2004) concerning Amendments to
Law Number 18 of 1997 concerning Regional Taxes and Levies,in order to improve regional
financial capacity in order to carry out autonomy(Zahari, 2017).The granting of permits to
administer regional taxes and levies should encourage local governments to continue to
optimize PAD, particularly in the area of regional taxes and levies(Fama & Jensen, 1983).The
regional revenue and expenditure budget includes regional original income as one of its
components (APBD). PAD shows how a region can seek local revenue streams such as local
taxes, regional levies, typical regional wealth management results, and other legitimate PAD
(Wulandari & Iryanie, 2018).In a study conducted by Kusuma 2021,it was revealed that
regional levies,local taxes and population had a significant positive effect on PAD in Bali
Province.The local tax variable partially has a positive and significant effect on local revenue
in the Province of Bali(AMILIA, 2019).In a study conducted (Mauri, Mattalatta, & Tamsah,
2017)entitled "Analysis of the Effect of Receipts and Regional Taxes on Increasing Regional
Original Income in Soppeng Regency" revealed the results of the study that Regional Levies
had a positive but not significant effect on increasing Regency Original Revenue(Anton Indra,
Ermadiani, & Ubaidillah, 2021).Soppeng, Regional Taxes have a positive and significant effect
on increasing Soppeng Regency's Original Regional Revenue,Regional Levies and Regional
Taxes together (simultaneously) have a significant effect on increasing regional originals
(FITRI, 2021).Some things that the researcher wants to reveal are (1) Do regional levies,
regional taxes, and population have a partial effect on the original income of the South Sulawesi
Province and (2) whether regional levies, regional taxes, and the number of residents have a
simultaneous effect on income native to the province of South Sulawesi(Albina & Albertus,
2020).The purposes of this study are (1) to determine the effect of local taxes,regional levies,
and the number of residents partially on the original regional income of South Sulawesi
Province and (2) to determine the effect of regional taxes,regional levies,and the number of
residents partially on income.native to the province of South Sulawesi.
This study uses a quantitative research type, where this research is in the analysis
expressed in the form of numbers and can be measured systematically using the SPSS
program which aims to show the effect of regional levies,regional taxes,and population on
regional original income by interpreting statistical figures.The location or object of research
On regional original income in the province
South sulawesi 2018-2020
Vol 1, No 2 Oktober,2022
Chairul Iksan Burhanuddin,Amran,Muhammad Nur Abdi,Arab Mustari’ba |
that has been carried out in this research is at the Directorate General of Fiscal Balance having
its address at Jalan DR.Wahidin No.I Radius Prawiro Building 9th Floor,Central Jakarta by
obtaining data through the website of the relevant agencies at
The author has conducted research for 2 (two) months,starting from March to May
2022.Population is a generalization of an area (group) consisting of objects or subjects with
certain qualities and characteristics that have been selected by researchers to study and draw
conclusions.The population in this study is the South Sulawesi Province PAD Realization
Report which includes regional levies,district/city taxes obtained from the website of the
directorate general of financial balance of the Ministry of Finance and the Central Statistics
Agency of South Sulawesi Province.The sample is part of the number and characteristics of
the population;samples taken from the population must truly represent the population under
study. Based on this study,because the population is not large,the authors take 100% of the
existing population based on data obtained at the Directorate General of Fiscal Balance and
the Central Statistics Agency of South Sulawesi Province.Thus the use of the entire
population without having to draw a research sample as a unit of observation is called
saturated sampling or census.Data were collected by means of documentation techniques.
Documentation Technique is data collection by taking from documents, balance sheets or
written evidence in the form of data reports, especially data on Regional Levies, Regional
Taxes and Original Regional Revenues for 2018 2020.
The results of the multiple linear regression analysis can be seen in the following table:
Table 1. Results of linear regression test
Std. Error
a. Dependent Variable: Y
Source: Self-processed
Based on the table above, multiple regression is obtained as follows: Y = 37,336 +
26,352 X1 + 0.000 X2 + 0.175 X3 + e The test results can be explained as follows: (1) The
constant (α) of 37,336 states that if the independent variable is considered constant, then the
value of Regional Original Income is 37,336; (2) The X1 coefficient of 26,352 indicates that if
Vol 1, No 2 Oktober,2022
On regional original income in the province
South sulawesi 2018-2020
there is a change in the regional tax variable by 1%, it will increase the regional original income
by 26,352; (3) The X2 coefficient of 0.000 indicates that if there is a change in the local tax
variable by 1%, it will increase the Regional Original Income by 0; (4) The X3 coefficient of
0.175 indicates that if there is a change in the population variable by 1%, it will increase the
Regional Original Income by 0.175.
Furthermore, the results of the F test can be seen in the following table:
Table 2. F Test Results
Sum of
Mean Square
a. Dependent Variable: Y
b. Predictors: (Constant), X3, X2, X1
Source: Self-processed
The table above shows the F test of 121,072 with a significance level of 0.000. Because
the probability value (0.000) is smaller than 0.05 or 0.000 <0.05 so it can be said that the
Regional Tax, Regional Retribution,and Total Population variables together affect the Regional
Original Income variable. The results of this study prove that H4 is accepted.
Furthermore, for the t-test can be seen in the following table:
Table 3. t test results
Unstandardized Coefficients
Std. Error
On regional original income in the province
South sulawesi 2018-2020
Vol 1, No 2 Oktober,2022
Chairul Iksan Burhanuddin,Amran,Muhammad Nur Abdi,Arab Mustari’ba |
a. Dependent Variable: Y
Source: Self-processed
The t-test was conducted to investigate further, which of the independent variables has
an effect on Regional Original Income. The t-test was carried out by comparing t-count with t-
table, significance level of 5%: 2 = 2.5% (2-sided test) with degrees of freedom (df) = n-k-1 or
72 3 1 = 68 (n is the number of samples and k is the number of independent variables).
With 2-sided testing, the results obtained for the t table of 1.995, so that the test results are
obtained as follows:
The local tax variable has a t-count of 11,357 with a significant level of 0.000, which
is less than a significant 0.05. Thus, t count > t table or 11,357 > 1,995. So it can be concluded
that the regional variables affect the local revenue. These results prove that H1 is accepted, the
local tax variable has a positive and significant effect on local revenue;
The regional levy variable has a regression coefficient of 0.006 t count of 0.006 with a
significant level of 0.995 greater than 0.05 significant. Thus, t count < t table or 0.006 < 1.995.
So it can be concluded that the regional levy variable has no effect and is not significant on
local revenue. These results prove that H2 is rejected, the regional levy variable has no and no
significant effect on local revenue;
The population variable has a t-count of 1.899 with a significant level of 0.062, which
is greater than 0.05. Thus, t count > t table or 1.899 < 1.995. So it can be concluded that the
population variable has no effect on local revenue. These results prove that H3 is rejected, the
population variable has no and no significant effect on local revenue.
The result of the R test or the coefficient of determination is 0.842. It can be interpreted
that 84.2% of the variation that occurs in local revenue is caused by the variables of local taxes,
regional levies and population, while the rest is influenced by other variables that cannot be
explained in this study.
Table 4. The results of the coefficient of determination
Model Summary
R Square
Adjusted R
Std. Error of
the Estimate
a. Predictors: (Constant), X3, X2, X1
Source: Self-processed
The results of this study are in line with the results of a previous study conducted by
Ika Puspita Nugraheni,Rusmijati & Lucia Rita Indrawati,(2019) entitled The Effect of Regional
Taxes,Regional Levies and Populations on Regional Original Income (Pad) in Magelang
Regency 2009-2018.and Agung Pramartha & Luh Putu Aswitari,(2018),entitled The Effect of
Regional Levies,Regional Taxes and Populations on Regional Original Income in the Province
of Bali. The results of the research show that local taxes, regional levies, and population
numbers simultaneously have an effect on regional original income,the regional tax variable
Vol 1, No 2 Oktober,2022
On regional original income in the province
South sulawesi 2018-2020
partially has an effect on regional original income,while the levy and population variables have
no effect on regional original income.
Overall,regional levies, local taxes and population have a significant positive effect on
PAD in South Sulawesi Province.Regional tax variables partially have a positive and
significant effect on PAD in South Sulawesi Province.Variables Retrinus area and population
partially have no and significant effect on local revenue in South Sulawesi Province.The
population variable partially has no and significant effect on local revenue in South Sulawesi
Province.South Sulawesi Province for 3 (three) years 2018-2020 produced a figure that can be
said to be quite effective in terms of its Regional Original Income,as evidenced by a fairly
consistent increase for 3 years 2018-2020.The South Sulawesi Province Regional Tax
Contribution from 2018-2020 to Regional Original Income is the aspect that provides the
largest contribution to South Sulawesi Province Original Regional Revenue 2018-2020.
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Copyright holders:
Chairul Iksan Burhanuddin,Amran,Muhammad Nur Abdi,Arab Mustari’ba (2022)
First publication right:
JoSS - Journal of Social Science
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