Arief firdaus
JoSS :
Journal of Social Science
Arief Firdaus
Cirebon Invada Language and Education Institute Cirebon, Indonesia
Pancasila, Public
Moral Values,
Pancasila Public
Moral Values, Covid-
19 Pandemic.
8 September 2022
9 September 2022
12 September 2022
An abstract must accompany each manuscript; This abstract must be
completely consistent on its own (eg, without numbers, tables, equations or
reference citation), not exceeding 250 words and written as a paragraph.The
abstract should include research background,objectives, methodology,and
findings.The national identity and character of the Indonesian nation
is none other than Pancasila which reflects certain concepts,
principles and values contained in it.The character of the Indonesian
nation also means the spiritual self of the Indonesian nation which is
reflected in the mindset,attitude and pattern of action that
characterizes the citizens of the Indonesian nation.In Pancasila, public
moral values are reflected in the concept of Jonathan David Haidt,an
American social psychologist, containing the principles of Care
(Second Precept),Fairness (Fifth Precept),Liberty (Fifth Precept),
Loyalty (Third Precept),Authority (Fifth Precept),Fourth Precept),
Sanctity (First Precept).The implementation of public moral values
originating from Pancasila can be seen in the lives of our people when
facing the Covid-19 pandemic.This is what prompted the author to
examine this problem with the formulation of the problem,can the
implementation of public moral values derived from Pancasila give
strength to the Indonesian nation to rise from the Covid-19 pandemic?
By using a literacy study approach,this study concludes that the
implementation of public moral values originating from Pancasila can
provide strength for the Indonesian people to face and rise from the
Covid-19 pandemic.
Since August 18, 1945,the Indonesian people have agreed to make Pancasila as the
Basic Philosophy (Philosopiche grondslag), as the View of Life (Weltanschauung),as the
basis and guideline in organizing and managing the life of the nation and state.(Asfani et al.,
2020) This agreement is stated in the preamble to the 1945 Constitution as can be seen in the
fourth paragraph as follows:"So the Indonesian National Independence was drawn up in a
Constitution of the State of Indonesia,which was formed in an arrangement of the Republic
of Indonesia which was sovereign by the people based on the One Supreme Godhead.One,
just and civilized Humanity,Indonesian Unity and Democracy led by wisdom in
Deliberation/Representation, and by realizing a social justice for all Indonesian people.”By
Vol 1 No 1, September,2022
p- ISSN 2963-1866- e-ISSN 2963-8909
Vol 1 ,No 1 September,2022
Implementation of public moral values based on pancasila
as the strenght of the nation rising from the covid-19
pandemic periode
including the formulation of Pancasila as an inseparable part in the Preamble to the 1945
Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, it shows that Pancasila is part of the soul of the
Indonesian nation which will always be a source of strength and sustainable existence of the
Indonesian nation and state itself. Pancasila has become the only self-identity,the only hope,
the only ideals to be achieved by the Indonesian people.(Haidt, 2012)The national identity
and character of the Indonesian nation is none other than Pancasila which reflects certain
concepts, principles and values contained in it.(Septiani & Kurniawan, 2022)The character
of the Indonesian nation also means the spiritual self-esteem of the Indonesian nation which
is reflected in the mindset, attitude and pattern of action that characterizes Indonesian citizens
based on the concepts,principles, and values of Pancasila.In the last three years,we are facing
new disturbances where the same thing is also experienced by various nations and other
countries in various parts of the world.(Trisiana & Supeni, 2021)These disturbances have
threatened economic,social and security stability (especially Human Security) both
nationally and globally,due to disease outbreaks.The Covid-19 virus has become a pandemic
since it was officially announced on February 11,2020 by the WHO,even now it cannot be
said that the world is completely free from this virus,although the trend of its spread has
decreased and is relatively under control.(Endoh, Pandey, & Sajow, 2021)This pandemic that
has hit the world community,as has been reported by various media, stems from the corona
virus (Covid-19) which was discovered in 2019 which originally came from China.The
spread of this virus is so massive in almost all corners of the world where the City of Wuhan,
Hubei Province,China is marked as the place where the virus originated.In facing these new
challenges and threats,public moral values can be used as a strength for the Indonesian people
to be able to become social cohesion together as a nation that has resilience.(Astomo, 2021)
Pancasila contains the public moral values of the Indonesian nation,in which Pancasila is
reflected in the concept of public moral values by Jonathan David Haidt,an American social
psychologist, Professor of Ethical Leadership at the New York University Stern School of
Business.(Aulia & Utami, 2021)The concept of public moral values Haidt (2012) includes
a,2021) 6 The concept of public moral values is a reflection of the precepts in Pancasila.In
Yudi Latif's explanation (2020:154),the first precept represents the value of sancity;The
second precept represents care and liberty;The third precept represents the value of loyalty;
The fourth precept represents authority;and the fifth precept represents the value of
fairness.Based on the explanation above,the author is interested in studying whether the
implementation of public moral values originating from Pancasila can be used as the strength
of the Indonesian nation when facing or recovering from the Covid-19 pandemic? To
examine these problems, the author gives the title of this study,"Implementation of Public
Moral Values Based on Pancasila as the Strength of the Nation Rising From the Covid-19
Pandemic Period".(Anjani et al., 2023)
In the analysis of this study, a literacy study approach is used by collecting various
sources of information and facts from several literatures and documents directly related to
the discussion, in this case the context of the implementation of public moral values
originating from Pancasila which can be used as the strength of the Indonesian nation to rise
from Covid-19 pandemic.(Fealy, 2020)This research method is a qualitative type, namely
research by collecting library materials, reading, understanding, taking notes according to the
Implementation of public moral values based on pancasila
as the strenght of the nation rising from the covid-19
pandemic periode
Vol 1,No 1 September,2022
Arief firdaus |
research theme,then analyzing the data. (Intania&Sutama,2020) Densin and Lincoln
(Muqsith, Pratomo,Kuswanti, & Muzykant, 2021),qualitative research is research that uses a
natural setting,with the intention of interpreting the phenomena that occur and is carried out
by involving various existing methods.
A. Understanding the Covid-19 Pandemic at a Glance
In the explanation of Noer Fauzi Rachman, al, (2021:2-3), COVID-19 is the name
given by WHO through an announcement at a meeting with the media on 11 February 2020.
This name was created with the following limitations: “... does not refer to a geographic
location, animal, individual or groups of people,and which can also be spoken and associated
with disease”(WHO 2020a).COVID is an abbreviation of the English three-word phrase corona
virus disease, meaning a disease caused by a special type of virus, namely the corona virus.
The number 19 comes from 2019,the year when this epidemic began to erupt in Wuhan City,
Hubei Province,China.Meanwhile,Davis (in Mulia Ardi 2021: 17-18) explained that the Covid-
19 virus initially attacks birds and mammals and then attacks humans and causes infections in
the respiratory tract(Laurence, 2019).Mild symptoms caused by this virus are similar to
symptoms of coughs and colds in general.But in other cases, such as Middle East Syndrome
(MERS),Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Coronavirus Disease 2019(Creaven,
Higgins, Ginty, & Gallagher, 2020), this virus can cause death.Covid-19 itself has similarities
with SARS and MERS(Grey et al., 2020).This virus is so easy to spread quickly and attacks
many people and the coverage area is so widespread even across countries,this condition we
call it an epidemic.In English literature it is called "Pandemic," which shows the condition of
a disease outbreak that is widespread in a number of countries across continents, in Indonesia
it is called a Pandemic(Machielse & Duyndam, 2020).Within one year of the Covid-19
pandemic,based on data compiled by the Covid-19 Task Force until March 1,2021, the number
of deaths in Indonesia has reached 36,325 people (CNN Indonesia, 2021).In 2022, the Covid-
19 Task Force said that as of Sunday (31/7),there were 4,205 new cases of Covid-19 in
Indonesia.So that in national accumulation, the number of people who were infected with
Corona positive became 6,207,098 cases.Meanwhile,the number of people who managed to
recover today increased by 4,597 people to 6,001,402 people nationally.Meanwhile,156,993
patients died due to Covid-19 (>covid-19).
Understanding Public Values and Morals
The word value in the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) is defined as “attributes (things)
that are important or useful for humanity; and/or something that perfects humans according to
their nature” (Hingstman, Doolaard, Snijders, & Bosker, 2020). Meanwhile, Steeman (in
Adisusilo, 2013: 56) explains that "value is something that gives meaning in life, which
provides a reference, starting point and purpose in life. Value is something that is upheld,which
can color and animate one's actions.Values are more than just beliefs,values always involve
patterns of thought and action, so there is a very close relationship between values and ethics.
In this regard, Robin M.Williams (in the Main Material of Implementation of National
Values Sourced from Pancasila 2020:2-3) suggests that there are four qualities of values,
1. values have a deeper conceptual element than mere sensations,emotions,or needs.In this
case the value is considered as an abstraction drawn from one's experiences.
2. values involve or are full of a kind of understanding that has an emotional aspect.Emotions
here may be expressed in actual or potential.
Vol 1 ,No 1 September,2022
Implementation of public moral values based on pancasila
as the strenght of the nation rising from the covid-19
pandemic periode
3. values are not concrete goals of action but have a relationship with goals,because values
function as criteria for having goals. A person will try to achieve everything that in his view
has value.
4. values are important elements, and cannot be underestimated for the person concerned. In
reality, values are related to choice, and choice is a prerequisite for making a decision
This conception of morality can become a cohesive collective strength, connectivity and
inclusiveness because it is a binder of shared moral bases (shared values). Furthermore, public
morality is something that unites a nation/society in one social bond. In view,Jonathan Haidt
(2012: 314),"The moral system can be defined as a set of values,virtues (virtues),norms,
practices,identities,institutions,technology, and psychological mechanisms that are intertwined
and work together to suppress and regulate self-interest that allows the formation of a
cooperative society.”Konsepsi moralitas ini dapat menjadi kekuatan kolektif yang kohesif,
konektivitas dan inklusivitas karena merupakan pengikat kesamaan basis moralitas (shared
values).Selanjutnya Moral Publik adalah sesuatu yang menyatukan sebuah bangsa /masyarakat
dalam satu ikatan social. Dalam pandangan,Jonathan Haidt (2012 : 314), Sistem moral bisa
didefinisikan sebagai seperangkat nilai, kebajikan (virtues),norma,praktik-praktik,identitas,
institusi,teknologi,dan mekanisme psikologis yang saling terkiat dan bekerja secara bersamaan
untuk menekan dan mengatur kepentingan pribadi yang memungkinkan terbentuknya
masyarakat kooperatif.
Jonathan Haidt(2012),explains six core values of public morals:Care,namely the
importance of caring about the dangers that threaten public safety;Fairness,namely the
existence of a sense of justice,equality and appropriateness;Liberty,the existence of freedom
by upholding basic human rights;Loyalty,having loyalty to institutions,traditions and common
consensus; Authority,has a sense of respect for the mutually agreed authority;Sanctity,there is
an attitude of respect for the values that are considered the most "holy" (main).
Pancasila as the Public Moral Value of the Indonesian Nation
Pancasila is a formulation that has been produced by the founders of this nation as a point
of agreement for the diversity of religious values,customs,and even ideologies that grow and
develop in the country. Pancasila as Philosophische grondslag or Weltanschauung also contains
a conception of morality as the basis for realizing social order and a good society.The
framework of the 6 core values of public morals formulated by Haidt can be used in explaining
the public moral conception of Pancasila as explained by Yudi Latif (2020:154) that, the first
precept represents the value of sancity;The second precept represents care and liberty;The third
precept represents the value of loyalty; The fourth precept represents authority;and the fifth
precept represents the value of fairness. He further explained, "In Pancasila, all core values
(moral matrix) are integrated inclusively as a reflection of a worldview that requires a balance
between humans as individual beings and social beings.
The precepts of the One Godhead, reflect the value of "sancity" (holiness). The State of
Indonesia is a godly state which implies that the state as a collective entity must uphold divine
values in all its policies and actions.The legitimacy of state power must be based on moral
legitimacy that does not conflict with religious morality.Likewise with the people, as Soekarno
once said in a speech on June 1, 1945 that all people should worship God culturally, that is,
without religious egoism. The principle of divinity is a sanctified principle for the Indonesian
nation and state.
The Fair and Civilized Precepts of Humanity are a reflection of the values of "care" (care)
and "liberty" (freedom). For the Indonesian people, a sense of concern for the dangers that
threaten common safety, freedom from oppression and restraint and freedom to develop
Implementation of public moral values based on pancasila
as the strenght of the nation rising from the covid-19
pandemic periode
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themselves, is a principle in the life of the nation and state. It is a must to have a sense of
concern for basic human rights by upholding justice and civility..
The principle of Indonesian Unity, is a reflection of the value of "loyalty" (loyalty). The
Indonesian nation, the interests of the nation as a whole is a principle that must be prioritized
over personal or group interests. The main loyalty in the social relations of the life of the nation
and the state is in the interests of the nation. The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia
(NKRI) is an obligation to continue to be maintained together, without the need to homogenize
the peculiarities of cultural, ethnic, linguistic and religious backgrounds that grow and develop
in their communities.
The Fourth Precept of Pancasila reflects the value of "authority". That in the Pancasila
community, it is necessary to respect those who have sovereign authority in managing public
life. Representative democracy must be able to accommodate the interests of all people, all
groups and all regions in Indonesia. Decision-making by parties with authority must be based
on the spirit of deliberation by prioritizing common interests.
The Precepts of Social Justice for All Indonesian People, is a reflection of "fairness"
(justice). In the Pancasila community, it is desired to respect the values of justice, equality, and
appropriateness. Realizing a social justice for all Indonesian people is the principle of national
and state life which is stated in the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution.
Yudi Latif (2020:165) added, at a further level, the morals of divinity (sancity), humanity
(care and liberty), national unity (loyalty), populist (authority), and social justice (fairness) can
be horizontally bound by one the value of "holy" is also called the value of "gotong royong".
These five public moral values will become a strength for the Indonesian people if they are
believed (myth) and used as a basis for acting (ethos) in the life of the nation and state. In this
regard, John Gardner, American scholar and politician (in Yudi Latif, 2021:47) said:"No nation
can achieve greatness if that nation does not believe in something,and if something that it
believes in has no dimensions- moral dimension to sustain a great civilization.”
Implementation of Public Moral Values Sourced from Pancasila as the Strength of the
Nation Rising From the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Pancasila as the way of life of the Indonesian people,the ideology of the state and a source
of legal reference in Indonesia,explained by Bung Karno, was not the fruit of his work but was
a view of life that had grown for years in the archipelago.Bung Karno admitted that he was
only a digger for Pancasila.Referring to this explanation,the implementation of Pancasila
values in the daily life of our society is actually something that has grown and run from the
"bottom", not merely something that is forced from "above".
In the KBBI,what is meant by implementation is the implementation or application. It can
be concluded that the application is an action taken by individuals or groups as an effort to
achieve the goals that have been formulated.Regarding the implementation of public moral
values originating from Pancasila in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, it can be explained as
a. The precepts of the One Godhead as a reflection of the value of "sancity".
As a society known to be religious, where religion and belief in God Almighty are
considered as sacred values,all activities of national and state life cannot be separated from the
conformity of religious morality values and belief in God Almighty.The Covid-19 pandemic is
believed to be not merely a problem that can be scientifically proven, but also seen as a test
from God.This encourages the community to be able to respond to it patiently,steadfastly,
trustingly, getting closer to their Lord and asking for His protection without ignoring the efforts
that must be made by mankind as a form of the obligation to strive. Having this belief and
Vol 1 ,No 1 September,2022
Implementation of public moral values based on pancasila
as the strenght of the nation rising from the covid-19
pandemic periode
attitude, of course, can provide strength for the community to remain optimistic, strive and
surrender to God in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The implementation of this religious value can also be seen from the joint prayer event
asking for the people and the Indonesian state to receive the protection of God Almighty from
the dangers of the Covid-19 virus and this pandemic immediately and ends. This joint prayer
event was carried out in several government agencies, both at the central and regional levels.
Joint prayers are also held by various levels of the community,both within one particular
religious community and across religions. This interfaith joint prayer reflects a compassionate
and tolerant divine spirit and the development of harmonious relationships and cooperation
between followers of different religions and beliefs.
b. Fair and Civilized Humanity as a reflection of the values of "care" and "liberty".
The Covid-19 pandemic is recognized as a danger that threatens mutual safety,thus fostering
concern and a spirit of togetherness in dealing with it. The willingness of citizens to limit their
freedom of activity in public or open spaces and emphasize the understanding of freedom as a
free means to do good for the common good in the midst of a Pandemic.
The implementation of these values can be seen from the community's compliance to
comply with the health protocols implemented by the government, such as wearing masks
when doing activities outside the home as a form of caring for each other, "My mask protects
me and protects you and your mask protects you and protects me",and the participation of
community members who quite high in following the government's advice to be vaccinated.
This shared awareness of the dangers that threaten this joint can also be seen by the general
willingness of citizens to limit themselves to activities in public spaces if they are deemed not
so urgent or important, keep their distance and always wash their hands when they are finished
with activities outside the room/home.
Togetherness in facing this pandemic can also be seen in the community's shoulder to
shoulder in implementing health protocols in the environment around their residence,
reminding fellow citizens to apply health protocols,limiting the space for community activities
in their environment by limiting access to other residents who will enter the environment.If
there are residents who are exposed to the Covid-19 virus,it can be seen that other residents
provide both moral and material support, such as mutual cooperation to meet the daily needs
of their citizens who are self-isolating.They do not view ethnic background, religion and
political choices as material for consideration in carrying out activities hand-in-hand to
overcome the common difficulties caused by this pandemic. This is a common phenomenon in
our society.
c. Sila Persatuan Indonesia sebagai cerminan nilai moral “Loyalty”.
The Covid-19 pandemic that has hit our society,on the other hand, has also shown that in
addition to having high concern for each other,the community also has a shared spirit that all
parties must prioritize the national interest.All parties must be willing to sacrifice for the
interests of the nation and state,without prioritizing personal and group interests.Loyalty that
must be prioritized is the interest of the nation. This spirit animates the nation in general.
The implementation of these values can also be seen from the spirit of the health workers
and security officers in the field in carrying out their tireless duties.They give their loyalty to
the national interest.At the level of society we also see togetherness in working together to
overcome the difficulties experienced by members of the community.Obedience to restrictions
on the movement of people's activities in public spaces can be seen as a sacrifice made for the
greater national interest, namely the immediate overcoming of the spread of the Covid-19 virus.
Economic activities, activities in the field of education and other community social activities
Implementation of public moral values based on pancasila
as the strenght of the nation rising from the covid-19
pandemic periode
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are willing to be sacrificed in order to prioritize the national interest,namely the handling of the
Covid-19 pandemic.The power of gotong royong is a common spirit in the face of the Covid-
19 pandemic.
d. People's Precepts As a reflection of the moral value of "authority".
In the midst of the flood of information from various sources in the community related to
the news of the Covid-19 pandemic,in general,people still trust the holder of public
authority,namely the government.The source of information that is considered the most
credible by some people is the Government. This is an implementation of the public moral
values of the Fourth Precept. In issuing policies,the government dares to take actions that are
considered less popular,such as limiting the economic activities of the community and even
temporarily closing these activities,limiting community worship activities in places of worship,
limiting activities in the field of education and general public movement space activities in
public places.the name PPKM (Enforcement of Restrictions on Community Activities),
requires vaccination certificates for community members who will travel by train,airplane and
to be able to participate in certain other activities.In general, the community shows compliance
with the policies implemented by the government.
But it is undeniable that there are also things that can disrupt the level of public trust in the
Government,such as different information in the early days of the pandemic that was conveyed
by several government officials, cases of irregularities in the use of social assistance funds by
government officials, and several Other cases relate to the handling of people exposed to the
Covid-19 virus.
e. Social Justice for All Indonesian People as a reflection of the moral value of "Fairness"
With the spirit of "Fairness" and Justice,it becomes the spotlight and criticism of the
community if there are parties who take advantage of personal interests in the midst of this
difficult situation that is being faced together.Government policies are also encouraged to pay
more attention to small communities who are directly affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.The
policy of cash subsidy assistance to the community,distribution of basic needs to small
communities, waiver of treatment costs for those exposed to the Covid-19 virus, as well as firm
action from the government which stockpiles people's basic needs as well as masks and
medicines needed by the community are the implementation of the moral value of justice.The
community seems to be implementing these values by fostering a spirit of mutual assistance
and sharing in the midst of difficulties facing the Covid-19 pandemic.
Implementation of Public Moral Values Based on Pancasila as the Strength of the Nation
Yudi Latif (2020:165), pada tingkat lebih lanjut,moral ketuhanan (sancity), kemanusian
(care and liberty), persatuan kebangsaan (loyalty), kerakyatan (authority),dan keadilan social
(fairness) itu secara horizontal bisa diikatoleh satu nilai “suci” juga bernama nilai “gotong
royong”. Rasa solidaritas yang tinggi sesama umat manusia dengan menjungjung nilai keadilan
yang berkeadaban, mengutamakan kepentingan bangsa,serta mengutamakan jalan musyawarah
dan demi tercapai keadilan social masyarakatnya,adalah pedoman yang dapat menjadi
kekuatan bagi bangsa Indonesia untuk bangkit dari pandemi. Nilai-nilai ini menjadi kekuatan
bagi bangsa Indonesia dalam menghadapi Pandemi Covid-19, bukan sebatas konsep tetapi
sudah diimplementasikan dalam kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara kita.
Gotong royong is a characteristic of the Indonesian nation,where the spirit of
cooperation,collaboration, sharing the same fate,being heavy with each other,light and easy to
carry, the benefits of all parties become the principle in establishing social cohesion in the life
of the nation and state is the strength to rise from the Covid-19 pandemic.Mutual cooperation
animates the value of divinity by developing a civilized, open and tolerant divinity attitude, not
one that attacks and discredits each other.Mutual cooperation animates the value of humanity
Vol 1 ,No 1 September,2022
Implementation of public moral values based on pancasila
as the strenght of the nation rising from the covid-19
pandemic periode
by developing a just and civilized human attitude, not exploiting,dominating, and
discriminating. Gotong royong animates the value of National Unity which strives for unity
while still respecting diversity,not eliminating differences.Gotong royong animates the value
of Democracy which develops deliberation and consensus,not democracy controlled by
majority vote or oligarchy.Gotong royong animates the value of Justice which develops
participation in the economic field with the spirit of cooperation or mutual assistance,not one
that develops the principle of individualism-capitalism, but also does not mean that individual
freedom is restrained.
Based on the results of the study that has been carried out by the author, the implementation
of public moral values derived from Pancasila can be used as the strength of the Indonesian
nation when facing or recovering from the Covid-19 pandemic.Referring to Jonathan Haidt's
concept of Public Moral Values,Pancasila is the public moral value of the Indonesian nation.
The national identity and character of the Indonesian nation is none other than Pancasila which
reflects certain concepts,principles and values contained in it.The character of the Indonesian
nation also means the spiritual self-esteem of the Indonesian nation which is reflected in the
mindset,attitude and pattern of action that characterizes Indonesian citizens based on the
concepts,principles,and values of Pancasila.The first precept represents the value of sancity;
The second precept represents care and liberty; The third precept represents the value of loyalty;
The fourth precept represents authority; and the fifth precept represents the value of fairness.
Pancasila is a reference for values,governance and welfare of the Indonesian nation and state
and as a foundation, generator in building social solidarity. The implementation of the values
of the Divine Precepts is reflected in the religious attitude of the Indonesian people who have
trust and obedience to God Almighty by asking for God's help in dealing with the Covid-19
pandemic.The implementation of the Fair and Civilized Precepts of Humanity is reflected in
awareness of the dangers that threaten mutual safety,thus fostering concern and a spirit of
togetherness in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic.The implementation of the values of the
Indonesian Unity Precepts is reflected in the shared spirit to prioritize the interests of the nation.
Loyalty that must be prioritized is to the national interest.The implementation of the values of
People's Precepts is reflected in the.The government as the holder of the people's mandate,is
seen as the party that has the authority on public affairs and is seen as a credible party in dealing
with the Covid-19 pandemic.The implementation of the values of the Precepts of Social Justice
is reflected in the policies issued by the government that are encouraged to pay attention to all
parties,especially the small community who are directly affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Those who take personal advantage in the midst of society's difficulties are under the spotlight
and condemnation of the community.With the spirit of mutual cooperation in dealing with these
difficult times,the Indonesian nation has the strength that can be used as a spirit, driving energy
to be optimistic that Indonesia can soon rise up to catch up.from other nations who have
previously been able to overcome the Covid-19 pandemic and are able to create a conducive
atmosphere for the progress of the nation and state.The Indonesian nation is a big nation,it takes
great strength to achieve big goals together,the way to that is the spirit of mutual cooperation.
Implementation of public moral values based on pancasila
as the strenght of the nation rising from the covid-19
pandemic periode
Vol 1,No 1 September,2022
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