Journal of Social Science
Aah Khoriah
, Ayu Lestari
Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Kuningan, Indonesia
Emotional maturity is the most important thing for adolescents in
solving problems by determining choices from various options or
alternatives to determine an action in achieving the desired goals in
the form of career decision-making. The purpose of this paper is to
analyze the emotional maturity that impacts career decision-making
among adolescents. The research method used is the qualitative
descriptive method. Qualitative types and categorized into two types,
namely primary data and secondary data. The results showed that
high emotional maturity was positively associated with better career
decision-making. Teens who have more mature emotional maturity
tend to have a better understanding of their interests, talents, and
personal values, and have a better ability to cope with the pressures
and uncertainties of choosing a career. In addition, other factors such
as parental influence, interests and talents, societal views, and
knowledge of career choices also influence a teenager's career
decision-making. Positive parental influence, support from the social
environment, and access to information about various career options
have an important role to play in helping adolescents make good
career decisions. This research contributes to understanding the
importance of emotional maturity in adolescent career decision-
making. The implications of this research could be used by education
professionals and career counselors to assist adolescents in
developing emotional maturity and making better career decisions
The period of youth is the most important period for individuals where they are required
to adjust to new life patterns and expectations carry out new roles and grow into a mature
person (Hurlock, 1997). The period of youth begins at the age of eighteen and ends at the age
of forty. As supported by (Hurlock, 1997) since previous generations when boys and girls
reached the legal age of majority, then the days of their freedom were over and the time had
come to accept responsibilities as adults and carry out developmental duties during this period
(Nunzairina, 2023).
Volume 2 Number 9 September 2023
p- ISSN 2963-1866- e-ISSN 2963-8909
Vol 2, No 9 September 2023
Analysis of Emotional Maturity That Impacts Career Decision-
Making Among Adolescents
One of the problems often experienced by adolescents is the inability or difficulty in
making career decisions. Career problems are one type of problem that is often found in
adolescents (Safaningrum, 2022).
Subjects with high emotional intelligence will easily make high career decisions tend not
to be easily carried away by negative emotions are not easily provoked by things that disturb
their minds, have a high level of patience, are not easily offended, do not like to force their
opinions to solve problems (Mulyaningsih et al., 2021). Conversely, subjects with low
emotional intelligence in their career decision-making will feel indecisive and easily fall under
negative emotions in their thinking. It will be very easy to provoke emotions and irritability,
and cannot solve the problem.
This is in line with the results of previous research in Malaysia, which proves that
Vocational High Schools (SMK) do have a fairly high value in making career decisions.
Vocational students believe in their career decision-making beliefs in terms of challenging the
world of work later in the journal Career Decision Making Self-efficacy among Students in
Vocational Institutions (Drastiana, 2016). This is because the SMK curriculum directs students
to be able to deal directly with the world of work and equip knowledge and skills specifically
in a particular career field so that they will have a clear direction that is reflected in the majors
pursued at school. Through achievements, skills, and experience gained from learning
activities, SMK students will be able to have an idea of the desired work in the future.
Career decision-making is an important skill that can be used throughout a person's life
(Arjanggi, 2017). Career decision-making is a skill that can be learned. Stages in the career
decision-making process are passed by identifying and information processing skills (Ahmad
& Mustakim, 2022). Career decisions are a complex process, as a result of which career
counselors are faced with various difficulties that individuals experience when making career
decisions. Chance events such as job fairs influenced career decisions from 69.1% of the
sample and locus of control was moderately associated with chance events (Legrand et al.,
Self-efficacy of career decision-making as an intervening variable of parental support
and teacher support for career optimism in college students in the Philippines (Garcia et al.,
2015). Adolescents are labile so there is considerable variation between their initial career level
and the rate of decision change in subsequent career determinations (Awaliah & Seminar,
2021). Growth in orientation will be related to environmental growth and self-exploration, and
growth in environmental exploration will be related to advances in commitment and career
decision status. The importance of making choices early before entering college has a
relationship with academic achievement during the first year of higher education (Kusumawati,
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the emotional maturity that impacts career
decision-making among adolescents.
Based on the results of previous research, student's adjustment to the learning program
at SMPN 12 Padang as a whole is in the fairly good category. Furthermore, research by Yuniar,
et al (2005) shows that every year 5-10% of junior high school students at the Islamic Modern
Islamic Boarding School (PPMI) Assalam Surakarta experience problems in the adjustment
process. The problems experienced by these students are not able to attend lessons, living in
Analysis Of Emotional Maturity That Impacts Career Decision-
Making Among Adolescents
Vol 2, No 9 September 2023
dormitories because they cannot live separately from their parents, committing actions that
violate the rules, and so on.
The research method used in this study is the qualitative descriptive method. The type
of data used in this study is qualitative data, which is categorized into two types, namely
primary data and secondary data. Data sources are obtained through library study techniques
that refer to sources available both online and offline such as scientific journals, books, and
news sourced from trusted sources. These sources are gathered based on discussion and
linked from one piece of information to another. The data collection techniques used in this
study were observation, interviews, and research. This data is analyzed and then conclusions
are drawn.
Emotional Maturity
Experts in the field of psychology try to define emotions with various reviews. The
existence of emotions for each individual plays a very important role in life. Emotions in
practice have an important role in human behavior (Fahyuni & Istikomah, 2016). Regarding
etymology, emotion comes from the Latin root word 'movere' which means to move, to move.
Then coupled with the prefix 'e' to give the meaning of moving away Emotions are feelings
that we experience (Enjelita, 2017).
Goleman (1999) himself considers emotions to refer to a feeling and his typical thoughts,
a biological and psychological state, and a series of tendencies to act. It can be concluded that
emotion is an expression of the soul in the form of subjective and deep feelings obtained from
the stimulus received (Hamzah, 2020)
According to Shapiro (1998), emotional intelligence is the ability to monitor oneself or
others which involves self-control, enthusiasm, and the ability to distinguish and respond
appropriately to the moods, temperaments, motivations, and desires of others. Salovey and
Mayer (1993) define emotional intelligence as a subset of social intelligence that involves
abilities in others, sorting through everything, and using this information to guide thoughts and
Human development is strongly influenced by two factors, namely internal factors and
external factors. Internal factors are individuals who have the potential and ability to develop
their potential, while external factors are support from the surrounding environment to further
optimize their potential, especially emotional intelligence (Intani, 2020).
Goleman said that emotional intelligence is also influenced by these two factors,
including brain factors, family factors, and school environment factors. Based on this
description, the factors that influence the formation of emotional intelligence are brain factors,
family environment functions, school environment factors, environmental factors, and social
support Aspects of Emotional Intelligence.
Goleman (2001) adapts aspects of emotional intelligence that have been revealed,
namely: (1) Recognizing emotions, is an ability to recognize feelings when they occur (meta
mood) a person's awareness of his own emotions. (2) Managing emotions, the ability of
individuals to handle feelings so that they can be expressed appropriately or in harmony so that
Vol 2, No 9 September 2023
Analysis of Emotional Maturity That Impacts Career Decision-
Making Among Adolescents
balance is achieved in the individual. (3) Self-motivation, which is the ability to achieve that
must have motivation in the individual, which means having perseverance to restrain oneself
from satisfaction and control impulses, and having a positive feeling of motivation, namely
antiquism, passion, optimism, and self-confidence. (4) Recognize the emotions of others
(empathize), Individuals who have empathy skills are better able to pick up hidden social
signals that hint at what others need so that they are better able to accept other people's points
of view, sensitive to other people's feelings and better able to listen to others. (5) Fostering
good relationships with others, People who are great at these relationship-building skills will
be successful in any field. People succeed in association because they can communicate
fluently with others. These people are popular in their environment and make pleasant friends
because of their ability to communicate (Dewi, 2018).
Figure 1
Emotional Maturity
Career decision making
The career development of a teenager is marked by the widespread assessment of
children on various problems in deciding what work to do in the future. Adolescents aged 15-
18 years can already broaden their views on work, and know what jobs are suitable for them
later so that they are more aware of the factors involved in career planning and develop a clearer
and more precise self-concept. In their cognitive development, adolescents arrive at the
decision-making period (Octavia, 2021).
Every moment of decision-making will affect his life and that of others. Decision-making
starts with simple things, such as choosing the color of clothes, clothing models, or food menus.
Based on the results of the Reproductive Health Survey.
Career decision-making in adolescents is related to several factors, namely factors that
originate from within the individual, among others, psychological and social problems faced,
immature emotions, lack of self-control, low decision-making ability, and not accustomed to
maintaining efforts to achieve goals. If an individual has low intelligence, he will not have
maximum career decision-making, compared to individuals who have high emotional
intelligence will have the desired career decision-making.
Analysis Of Emotional Maturity That Impacts Career Decision-
Making Among Adolescents
Vol 2, No 9 September 2023
The above proves how important decision-making is for school children, especially in
determining their careers in life for the future. Many teenagers are wrong in making decisions
to choose their career path and the general situation in the surrounding environment before a
student decides what major he wants to go to. They must determine exactly what career field,
or what type of work suits them. Clear and complete information about the career or job to be
entered allows students to be able to reduce problems that will arise. They can weigh between
self-potential related to talents, interests, personality, self-order, pleasure, and socioeconomic
conditions with the demands needed for certain types of schooling, majors of study, and fields
of work.
Adolescence is the age that humans must pass before entering adulthood. At this time
encountered many developmental tasks ranging from personal, social, and emotional life. One
of the most important is about career. A work career is one of the most important aspects of a
healthy adult life, wherever and whenever they are. People will feel very difficult and anxious
if they do not have a clear job, especially if they become unemployed and do not have the spirit
to continue living (Sumanto, 2014).
Many people experience stress and frustration in their daily lives because of their work
or future problems. Adolescence is one of the developmental phases of an individual's life, this
phase occurs during the transition or transition from childhood to adulthood. At this stage,
individuals experience many changes both physical and psychological so that they affect their
According to Hurlock (2009), adolescence is a period that is closely related to
determining life in the future because the behaviors and activities carried out in adolescence
are the beginning of carving a better life in the future. The period passed by these teenagers
makes them begin to be faced with life choices. This is in line with the task of adolescent
development according to Havighurst (in Yusuf, 2011), high school students are expected to
complete their developmental tasks in the career field, namely choosing and preparing for a
career (work). The goal is for high school students to be able to choose jobs that match their
abilities and prepare themselves, to have the knowledge and skills to enter those jobs.
So that they can produce a fulfilling career as they want according to their respective
skills and abilities. Adolescents who experience a decline in their grades or learning
achievement can be caused by immaturity in making decisions to determine their future career
path. If students or adolescents have been given provisions to choose what they want, the results
will be more satisfying and more optimal in living. While students or adolescents who are
initially not given the provisions to make decisions the results will be much worse and will
result in the teenager being frustrated, and having no enthusiasm to live it. Their grades and
achievements will also decline or decrease if there is no maturity in choosing decisions.
The results showed that high emotional maturity was positively associated with better
career decision-making. Teens who have more mature emotional maturity tend to have a better
understanding of their interests, talents, and personal values, and have a better ability to cope
with the pressures and uncertainties of choosing a career. In addition, other factors such as
parental influence, interests and talents, societal views, and knowledge of career choices also
influence a teenager's career decision-making. Positive parental influence, support from the
social environment, and access to information about various career options have an important
Vol 2, No 9 September 2023
Analysis of Emotional Maturity That Impacts Career Decision-
Making Among Adolescents
role to play in helping adolescents make good career decisions. This research contributes to
understanding the importance of emotional maturity in adolescent career decision-making. The
implications of this research could be used by education professionals and career counselors to
assist adolescents in developing emotional maturity and making better career decisions.
High emotional maturity is positively associated with better career decision-making
among adolescents. Teens who have mature emotional maturity tend to have a better
understanding of their interests, talents, and personal values, and have a better ability to cope
with the pressures and uncertainties of choosing a career.
The importance of a holistic approach in mentoring adolescents in developing their
emotional maturity for better career decision-making. Education and career counselors can play
an important role in helping teens understand their interests, talents, and personal values, and
manage their emotions to make better career decisions.
The study's findings point to the need for better education and socialization efforts to
help adolescents understand themselves and the career options available. This can include
providing more comprehensive information about the world of work, practical experience, and
the development of skills and competencies relevant to the career of interest.
The implications of this study suggest that investing in the development of adolescent
emotional maturity may bring long-term benefits in their career decision-making. By
strengthening emotional maturity, teens can be better prepared emotionally and mentally to
deal with the challenges associated with career decision-making.
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Copyright holders:
Aah Khoriah
, Ayu Lestari
First publication right:
JoSS - Journal of Social Science
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0