Journal of Social Science
Azra Mahira
, Hamka
, Ridwan Rajab
Administrasi Pembangunan Negara, Politeknik STIA LAN Jakarta, Indonesia
Reform, Human
Resource Reform,
Human Resource
Good Governance
Bureaucratic reform is one of the government's efforts to realize good
governance. This research discusses human resource reform carried out by
the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia (ANRI) to realize Good
Governance using qualitative research methods and case study approaches.
The data collection technique uses primary data taken from observations and
interviews with 5 informants as well as secondary data taken from the results
of documentation and literature review. The results of this study can be
concluded that in realizing good governance, ANRI has carried out reforms
that involve overhaul, change, improvement, and structuring activities well,
especially in terms of HR reform. The supporting factors of HR reform at
ANRI are the support of the commitment of organizational leaders,
organizational culture factors, HR management development factors,
infrastructure, and budget to realize good governance at ANRI. However,
until now ANRI does not have an assessment center for employees and there
is no grand design rule on employee talent management. In addition, there
is no legal umbrella or policy that applies to the implementation of rewards
and punishment at ANRI. There is a strategy for overcoming obstacles to
human resource reform carried out by ANRI by compiling a grand design in
HR development to map competencies and organizational needs by the
strategic plan to get an overview of future HR needs
Currently, public services provided by the government are in the spotlight of the wider
community. In providing public services, the public expects government contributions through
the implementation of policies in a professional, integrity, effective, and efficient manner to
create quality public services that are expected by the community (Lindawaty et al., 2018). All
government agencies also began to improve various government management programs to
create quality public services.
Bureaucratic reform is one of the government's efforts to realize good governance
(Radiansyah, 2020). In this bureaucratic reform program, there are 8 areas of change consisting
of organization, governance, apparatus human resources, laws and regulations, supervision,
accountability, public services, mindset, and work culture (Ridwan, 2018). In the science of
public administration, bureaucracy has several meanings, including the government run by a
bureau which is usually called officialism, the executive organs of government, and all public
officials, both high and low officials. The meaning of bureaucracy as a government institution
Volume 2 Number 11 November 2023
p- ISSN 2963-1866- e-ISSN 2963-8909
Vol 2, No 11 November 2023
Human Resource Reform In Realizing Good Governance At
The National Archives Of The Republic Of Indonesia (Anri)
arises because government institutions are generally always in the form of bureaucracy.
Currently, bureaucratic reform has become a demand of the public who expect that the
apparatus and bureaucracy in the body of government agencies can be of better quality. There
are several things behind the need for bureaucratic reform in government institutions, in
particular, including the practice of Corruption, Collusion, and Nepotism (KKN) which is still
ongoing today, the level of public services that have not met expectations, the level of
efficiency, effectiveness, and productivity that has not been optimal from the government
bureaucracy, the level of transparency and accountability of government bureaucracy is still
low, and the level of discipline and work ethic of employees who are still ongoing low (Kadir,
2018). Therefore, it is hoped that this bureaucratic reform program can be carried out by
structuring various government administration systems so that it is expected to bring changes
to government performance. In addition, it is expected to realize a professional government
bureaucracy with the characteristics of being able to serve the public, dedicated, high
performing, integrated, free and clean from KKN (Corruption, Collusion, and Nepotism),
prosperous, neutral, and upholding the basic values and code of ethics of the state apparatus.
One of the long-term goals of bureaucratic reform is to become a world-class government
where in 2025 it is expected to produce quality governance by achieving bureaucratic reform
goals gradually. The better the quality of governance, the better the development results
characterized by the absence of corruption and violations, all programs and permits are
completed properly and quickly, there is good communication with the public, the use of
effective and productive time (working hours), the application of punishment and rewards that
are carried out consistently and continuously, and the existence of tangible development
results(Nurdin, 2019). However, until now the implementation process of the bureaucratic
reform idea has not shown significant development.
Improvement of national policies in the field of apparatus will encourage the creation of
institutions that are by the needs of the implementation of the main duties and functions of each
Ministry / Institution and Local Government, effective government management, and HR
management of the apparatus, as well as a system of supervision and accountability that can
realize a government with high integrity (Zahra, 2019).
In implementing the bureaucratic reform policy, ANRI has established a working group
that focuses on eight areas of change. This working group is part of the bureaucratic reform
team consisting of a steering team, an implementation team, and a working group. The
determination of this bureaucratic reform team has been outlined in the Decree of the Head of
the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia Number 98 of 2018 concerning the
Bureaucratic Reform Team within the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia
(National Republic of Indonesia, 2010). The bureaucratic reform team is tasked with
formulating policies and operational strategies for bureaucratic reform in a series of
fundamental reforms and changes to the governance system and implementing them properly.
Based on the results of the bureaucratic reform index in 2019, strengthening the apparatus
resource management system at ANRI experienced an increase in value of 12.29 from the
previous year of 12.28 (Sucipto, 2019). However, there are several programs in strengthening
the apparatus resource management system that are still not fully running, such as only a small
number of work units that apply rewards and punishments based on providing performance
Human Resource Reform In Realizing Good Governance At
The National Archives Of The Republic Of Indonesia (Anri)
Vol 2, No 11 November 2023
allowances and information about employee compatibility data that does not yet exist because
they have not conducted an assessment for all employees (Sunarsi et al., 2019).
The assessment for ANRI employees has not been carried out optimally because this
assessment activity is only prioritized for employees who have not been assessed at all (Luthfi
et al., 2017). That way, employees who have conducted assessments rarely re-assess after the
assessment expires, so that only about 50% of all employees have done the assessment. The
frequency of assessment depends on the available collateral. Currently, ANRI does not have
an assessment center for employees, so ANRI is still collaborating with third parties, namely
BPOM for the implementation of employee assessments (Prastiwi, 2018). In addition, there are
still budget constraints available to conduct employee assessments and there are no grand
design rules on employee talent management.
This type of research includes the type of case study research. Case studies will explore
cases in detail with a specific setting or context. The researcher will describe the issue based
on the selected case while taking into account the context of the case. Case study research will
collect data at a certain period while still emphasizing the deepening of information from a
particular case (Creswell, 2007).
The evidence used by researchers in data collection comes from various sources,
including literature sources and any documents related to investigations, interview sources that
focus on situations where participants are interviewed within a certain period, and direct
observation of the field (Anggito &; Setiawan, 2018). So this study will focus on analyzing
bureaucratic reform in the field of human resources in achieving good governance within the
National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia (ANRI).
History of the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia (ANRI)
Archival institutions in Indonesia, which are widely known today, have existed since
January 28, 1892, de facto, when Landarchief was established by the Dutch East Indies
Government (Afidah, 2021). On that date also established the position of landarchivaris
responsible for maintaining archives during the VOC period until the Dutch East Indies
government period with the aim of scientific and administrative interests, besides that the
smooth implementation of the government was helped. The first landarchivaris was Mr. Jacob
Anne van der Chijs which ran until 1905.
In Indonesia during the period of national nationalism movement, especially during 1926-
1929, Indonesia's demand for independence was rejected and repelled by the Dutch East Indies
Government. To reject this, a special task was given to the Landarchief, namely: actively
participating in scientific matters for the activities of writing the history of the Dutch East
Indies, as well as supervising and securing some relics by the Dutch.
During the Japanese occupation period in 1942-1945, the name Landarchief was changed
to the term Kobunsjokan and its placement under Bunkyokyoku. The Japanese occupation
period became a quiet period in the field of archiving because at that time there was almost no
heritage regarding archives (Dahlan, 2020). Therefore, during the Japanese occupation, the
National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia did not have so many archival treasures.
Vol 2, No 11 November 2023
Human Resource Reform In Realizing Good Governance At
The National Archives Of The Republic Of Indonesia (Anri)
When the proclamation of Indonesian independence, namely on August 17, 1945,
juridically, the Indonesian archival institution had begun (Lita et al., 2018). However,
inevitably, the growing position of the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia is the
result of experience from archival activities and organizations in the era of the Dutch Colonial
government (landarchief) and some of its archival products. After the independence of the
Republic of Indonesia, the Indonesian government took over the archival institution
(landarchief) and placed it within the Ministry of Education, Teaching and Culture, later named
the State Archives. However, the concept of the State Archives could not last long. On April
26, 1950, with the issuance of the Decree of the Minister of Education, Teaching and Culture
number 9052/B, the name of the State Archives was changed to the name of the RIS State
Archives. Prof. R. Soekanto, who is the head of the State Archives institution and is also the
first native Indonesian to become the leader of the Indonesian archival institution for six years
(Yunita, n.d.).
As a replacement for Prof. R. Soekanto, Drs. R. Mohammad Ali included the State
Archives in the Historical Institute at the Ministry of Education, Teaching and Culture. The
implementation of these changes was carried out with the issuance of Ministerial Decree
number 130433/5, dated December 24, 1957. The State Archives was renamed the National
Archives, according to the Decree of the Minister of Education, Teaching and Culture number
For the National Archives, 1967 was a very important period, because according to
Presidential Decree 228/1967 dated December 2, 1967, the determination of the National
Archives to be a Non-Departmental Government Institution directly to the President, this
institution is responsible (Utomo, 2018). For the time being, the budget of the State Secretariat
is divided into the budget of this institution. MPRS Leadership Letter No.
A.9/1/24/MPRS/1967 also became stronger as the National Archives was designated as a Non-
Departmental Government Institution, in the letter affirmed if the National Archives became a
technical apparatus of the government not contrary to the 1945 Constitution, but perfected the
work under the Presidium of the Cabinet.
With the existence of Presidential Decree No. 26 of 1974, it expressly states, that if the
National Archives is changed to the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia and has a
position in the Capital of the Republic of Indonesia and directly to the President this institution
is responsible. Based on this decision, the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia is
juridically valid as a Non-Departmental Government Institution.
Duties and Functions of ANRI
While the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia (ANRI) has the following
a. Conduct studies and formulate national policies in the field of archiving;
b. In carrying out the duties of the institution, coordination is carried out regarding functional
c. Facilitating and fostering the activities of government agencies in the field of archiving;
d. Organizing guidance and services in general administration in the world of general planning,
equipment and household, finance, public relations, organization and management, law,
personnel, coding, administration and archives;
Human Resource Reform In Realizing Good Governance At
The National Archives Of The Republic Of Indonesia (Anri)
Vol 2, No 11 November 2023
e. Fostering national archives;
f. Protect, save, and manage static archives of a national nature;
g. Organizing a national archival information system and network.
In addition to the duties and functions mentioned above, the National Archives of the
Republic of Indonesia (ANRI) is also authorized in the following matters including:
a. Macro preparation of national plans in the field of archiving;
b. Establish and run national archives with the aim of macro providing support in development;
c. Make determinations in the field of archives regarding information systems;
d. Other authorities that exist and have been exercised based on the provisions and regulations
in the law are:
- Formulate and implement existing policies in the field of archiving.
- Salvage and preserve archives and utilize archival source manuscripts.
Employee Competencies at ANRI
Competence is the key to ensuring that civil servants have knowledge, skills, and attitudes
that are by the times (Rohida, 2018). The competence of ANRI's employees is seen from 2
scopes, including the scope of core business and the scope of management support. In the scope
of ANRI's core business, employees must have competence in records management, archive
utilization, archive conservation, and national archival development. This was explained by
Istianti as a research resource person as follows:
"The areas of expertise (competencies) that must be possessed, seen from 2 major scopes
at ANRI: first in ANRI's core business, namely archive management, archive utilization, and
archive conservation ( Dimas, 2018). In addition, how to develop archives nationally; second,
management support, namely facilitating archive conservation, archival coaching, records
management, and archival information systems are national."
Based on the informant's explanation, in supporting ANRI's core business, there are
several competencies that employees must have which can be seen from their educational
background. In addition, employees must also have basic knowledge of dynamic records
management and competence in other archival fields both in the scope of managerial
competence, technical competence, and social structural competence (Kompri, 2017). This is
as explained by several speakers as follows:
"All employees have at least knowledge of the basics of dynamic records management
because the daily work done will produce dynamic archives (Umi, In-depth Interview, 2023)."
Based on the results of the interview data, it can be concluded that the competencies
possessed by ANRI employees are currently adjusted to the educational background of
employees and the work carried out, as well as archival competencies consisting of managerial
competencies, sociocultural competencies, and technical competencies (Rahmawati &;
Indrahti, 2017).
Human Resources Development Model at ANRI
Effective and sustainable management of Human Resources (HR) is the key to
organizational success. Therefore, an innovative and sustainable HR development model is
needed (Rahmawati &; Indrahti, 2017). ANRI has an HR development model that has been
implemented to date, including conducting training, workshops, seminars, formal education
Vol 2, No 11 November 2023
Human Resource Reform In Realizing Good Governance At
The National Archives Of The Republic Of Indonesia (Anri)
learning/continuing assignments, independent biotech, e-learning, and so on. This is explained
through the following interview results:
"HR development model: (1) Continuing education (scholarship/independent); (2)
Functional training (in cooperation with coaching agencies); (3) Self-training specifically for
managerial and cultural soft skills (in collaboration with third parties) to fill competencies that
are still lacking in assessment by conducting consultations related to the material
(Widiyaningsih, In-depth Interview, 2023)."
In developing employee competence, ANRI receives information from supervisory
agencies such as BKN, KASN, PANRB, and the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. As
explained by the resource person as follows:
"Competency development is not only from formal channels but there are informal
channels by participating in free online workshop/seminar invitations. Those who are invited
for competency development are usually coaching agencies, namely BKN, KASN, PANRB,
and Kemenkumham (Istianti, In-depth Interview, 2023)."
There is a priority scale in conducting education and training (Diklat) for ANRI
employees for human resource development as explained as follows:
"The priority scale of training is seen from (1) Have/have not done training (per person
at least 20 jp/year). Prioritized to employees who have not at all; (2) According to the
needs/suitability of work units based on tasks and functions; (3) Employee absenteeism (if
discipline will be prioritized) (Widiyaningsih, In-depth Interview, 2023)."
In strengthening the system and quality of employee education, ANRI supports
employees who want to continue their formal education both at home and abroad. In addition
to formal education, some trainings are followed online through a platform, one of which is
ASN Talent developed by LAN, as explained below:
"In competency development in the era of 4.0/digital transformation, ANRI supports that
direction by providing opportunities for employees to participate in competency development.
Example: participating in training/biotech on digitizing archives and developing SRIKANDI
at ANRI. Strengthening the education quality system, ANRI supports. Especially for
employees who are still D3 by offering scholarships from other agencies. In addition, with
courses, S2, and S3 abroad in particular. The output is also already there (Shobri, In-depth
Interview, 2023)."
Based on the results of interviews with resource persons, the employee development
model that has been implemented by ANRI can be concluded as follows:
a. Up-Skilling, where ANRI has improved the competence and skills of employees by
attending job-relevant training both internally and externally to improve the soft skills and
hard skills of each employee.
b. Re-Skilling, although not all employees have re-skilling to support their performance, some
ANRI employees have re-skilling by continuing their formal education studies, attending
seminars or archival workshops, and conducting biotech and independent training. Re-
skilling is expected to determine what skills will be needed in the future and then compare
them with the skills of current employees.
c. Continuous Learning, ANRI has a continuous competency development strategy by
adapting to changes in technological advances, where employees utilize online platforms
Human Resource Reform In Realizing Good Governance At
The National Archives Of The Republic Of Indonesia (Anri)
Vol 2, No 11 November 2023
and applications as a form of independent learning methods to improve employee
d. Mindset Change, in response to the development of technology and information, some
ANRI employees have conducted digital skills training which is accessed online or through
Personnel Information System at ANRI
In supporting digital transformation in the organizational environment, ANRI has used
the e-performance application to monitor employee performance and as a form of employee
daily performance reporting, namely by using an information system called ASLI CAKEP
(Employee Performance Record Application). This was explained by the resource person as
"The performance application (original saucy) is a form of employee daily performance
reporting submitted to superiors to report the results of daily work accompanied by an
attachment of proof of work. If it is not approved by the superior, it will be returned (Umi, In-
depth Interview, 2023)."
Figure 1
ORIGINAL CAKEP Application Display
Figure 2
Menu Display Add Daily Employee Activities
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Human Resource Reform In Realizing Good Governance At
The National Archives Of The Republic Of Indonesia (Anri)
Figure 3
Display of Employee Daily Activities Approval Menu
In addition to having a daily performance information system, ANRI also has an
employee administration information system commonly called SIAP that can be accessed by
employees. As explained as follows:
"SIAP is an employee administration information system that can be accessed by each
employee, it is an ANRI employee information system that contains profiles, family data,
position history, appreciation history, disciplinary records, credit scores, and performance
appraisals. Evidenced by supporting documents (Umi, In-depth Interview, 2023)."
Based on the results of interviews with resource persons, ANRI currently has a new
vision, especially in terms of digital transformation in the organizational environment by
utilizing Information and Communication Technology in bureaucratic work processes, namely
using the e-performance application to monitor employee performance and as a form of
reporting employees' daily performance using an information system called ASLI CAKEP
(Employee Performance Record Application) (Supardal, 2016). In addition to having a daily
performance information system, ANRI also has an employee administration information
system commonly called SIAP that can be accessed by every employee. By carrying out digital
transformation, it is expected to realize a superior, effective, efficient, and professional
government system.
Supporting Factors for the Implementation of HR Reform at ANRI
Based on the speaker's explanation, some factors can affect the implementation of HR
reform at ANRI, namely:
Leadership Factors
Based on the results of interviews with resource persons, organizational leadership style
is one of the factors in the implementation of HR reform at ANRI, this is explained as follows:
"RSDM implementation factors are achieved: (1) HR management, how HR
management can influence; (2) What kind of system/governance/business process; (3)
Leadership support (organizational policy); (4) Budget (Widiyaningsih, In-depth Interview,
Good leadership is leadership that integrates relationships between people. By integrating
and improving both, leadership will be effective, that is, able to achieve organizational goals
on time (Pantow & Waleleng, 2017). Effective leadership can carry out management functions
Human Resource Reform In Realizing Good Governance At
The National Archives Of The Republic Of Indonesia (Anri)
Vol 2, No 11 November 2023
well, including carrying out planning well. Effective leadership always utilizes cooperation
with its members to achieve organizational goals and listen to employee complaints In this
way, leaders will get a lot of help from their employees, enthusiasm, and energy which will
cause a sense of shared spirit and a sense of unity (Abdullah, 2020).
Organizational Work Culture Factors
Based on the results of interviews with resource persons, organizational work culture is
one of the factors in the implementation of HR reform at ANRI, this is explained as follows:
"The work culture at ANRI is by what is stated in ASN's core values known as
"BerAkhlak". Moral Values (Service-Oriented, Accountable, Competent, Harmonious, Loyal,
Adaptive, and Collaborative) are firmly held and implemented by ANRI's human resources.
ANRI's human resources must have a character that serves, not is served (Desti, In-depth
Interview, 2023)."
By applying ASN's core values known as "BerAkhlak", to become superior human
resources must be skilled, dynamic, and master the development of technology, information,
and communication in the field of archives and information, so that they can compete not only
at the local level (Sukirdi et al., 2020). ANRI's human resources also play a major role in taking
responsibility for what has been done by agencies or organizations.
HR Management Factors
Based on the results of interviews with resource persons, HR management is one of the
factors in the implementation of HR reform at ANRI, this is explained as follows:
"The factors are organizational reform, training (sharing sessions), regular training
patterns, having HCDP for employee development (Umi, In-depth Interview, 2023)."
It can be concluded that the supporting factor of HR management is to develop human
resources through training, seminars, workshops, to learning tasks by continuing education to
a higher level (Indajang et al., 2020).
The supporting factors for the implementation of HR reform at ANRI, will support the
realization of elements of good governance within ANRI, including:
Based on the results of interviews with resource persons, there are values of
accountability elements within ANRI in realizing good governance, namely:
"The results of ANRI's accountability value evaluation are considered to be still in the
good category because they refer to external assessments (Istianti, In-depth Interview, 2023)."
Therefore, one form of accountability at ANRI is the existence of financial statements
that receive the title of Unqualified Fair (WTP) and get good category values by referring to
external assessments. It can also be said that ANRI has complied with applicable laws and can
be accounted for by the public. In addition, ANRI has carried out monitoring and control in
terms of bureaucratic performance, due to evaluations carried out at the end of each year.
Based on the results of interviews with resource persons, the value of elements of
openness within ANRI in realizing good governance, namely:
"As stated in the public information disclosure, ANRI is included in the informative
category (quite transparent with ANRI's core business) (Istianti, In-depth Interview, 2023)."
So in terms of public information disclosure, ANRI can be said to be included in the
informative category. Based on this, ANRI has fulfilled aspects of transparency where there is
Vol 2, No 11 November 2023
Human Resource Reform In Realizing Good Governance At
The National Archives Of The Republic Of Indonesia (Anri)
access to information so that it can be reached by the public, as well as the existence of policies
that are open to supervision.
Based on the results of interviews with resource persons, the value of community
involvement elements within ANRI in realizing good governance, namely:
"There is a public complaint service related to abuse of authority in ANRI, pungi,
corruption, etc. through the ANRI website. There is a complaint box, email, letter directly to
the head of ANRI, and for all agencies using a report span (Widiyaningsih, In-depth Interview,
ANRI has involved the public in the implementation of policies made by ANRI including
public complaint services related to abuse of authority in ANRI such as pungli, corruption, etc.
through the ANRI website as well as ANRI's complaint box and email as a form of supervision
of employees.
Rule of Law
Based on the results of the interviews, the values of the rule of law elements within ANRI
in realizing good governance, namely:
"Conduct counseling if there are employees who have problems/employee discipline.
Examples: verbal and written warnings, right down to punitive measures. Conducted
professionally and included in the performance record (Shobri, In-depth Interview, 2023)."
Based on the implementation of good governance elements that have been carried out by
ANRI, ANRI employees have played a role as agents of Democratic Governance that are
expected by the community. This can be seen from the state civil apparatus at ANRI has played
an active role in realizing the values of good governance such as the elements of accountability,
participation, and transparency to the public. So that the community is also involved in the
implementation of government activities and public services.
Inhibiting Factors in the Implementation of Human Resources Reform at ANRI
There are several inhibiting factors in the implementation of HR reform at ANRI as
explained by several speakers as follows:
a. Mastery of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) competencies of employees
who are not yet qualified.
"Employee competencies that have not met, ICT mastery, especially for seniors, budget
for employee application development (because the current application is still partial)
(Widiyaningsih, In-depth Interview, 2023)."
Based on the results of interviews with resource persons, one of the inhibiting factors in
the implementation of HR reform at ANRI is that there are still unfulfilled employee
competencies, especially in mastering technology for senior employees due to a generation
gap, causing a competency gap in the digital field.
b. Have not conducted regular assessments of employees
Based on the results of interviews with resource persons, until now ANRI has not
conducted routine assessments of employees, as explained as follows:
"Ideally, every 2 years every employee conducts an assessment. At ANRI, it is not ideal,
because it prioritizes people who have not been assessed at all. When viewed from the
percentage, it is still 50-50 (Istianti, In-depth Interview, 2023)."
Human Resource Reform In Realizing Good Governance At
The National Archives Of The Republic Of Indonesia (Anri)
Vol 2, No 11 November 2023
Several reasons make employee assessment cannot be carried out ideally, namely budget
constraints and the absence of an assessment center at ANRI. This was mentioned in the
interview as follows:
"We are working with third parties because there is no assessment center. The cost of
the assessment is not small, therefore employees targeted for certain purposes (for
promotion/demotion are prioritized) (Umi, In-depth Interview, 2023)."
So it can be concluded that the assessment for ANRI employees has not been carried out
optimally because this assessment activity is only prioritized for employees who have not
been assessed at all (Muhawarman et al., 2017). That way, employees who have conducted
assessments rarely re-assess after the assessment expires, so only about 50% of the total
number of employees have carried out assessments.
c. Unimplemented reward and punishment implementation policies
Reward and punishment policies have an important role in an organization because they
can affect employee behavior and performance and can motivate employees to achieve
organizational goals (Kentjana &; Nainggolan, 2018). However, until now the
implementation of rewards and punishments at ANRI does not have an existing legal or
policy umbrella. This is explained based on the following interview results:
"There are no reward and punishment regulations, so it becomes a record when assessing
the merit system which is our weakness. Even though it has been carried out, based on
references to the ASN Law. Rewards already exist in all units even though there are no rules
(still based on employee initiatives) (Widiyaningsih, In-depth Interview, 2023)."
Based on the statement of the source, it can be concluded that in the implementation of
rewards and punishments, only a few work units implement reward policies based on the
initiative of the employees themselves because there is no legal or policy umbrella (Heni
Septiani, 2019).
Strategy to Overcome Barriers to Human Resource Reform at ANRI
Based on interviews with resource persons, there are strategies to overcome obstacles to
HR reform at ANRI, namely:
a. Conducting HR development and HR transformation
"Strategy to overcome obstacles: compile a grand design for HR development in 5 years,
so that the results of employee assessments are made mapping/competency gaps and
organizational needs according to the strategic plan. So ANRI gets an overview of future
HR needs (next 5-10 years). If it has been taken based on mapping, it will be intended for
promotion (Widiyaningsih, In-depth Interview, 2023)."
Currently, ANRI has carried out human resource development by conducting training,
workshops, seminars, formal education / continuing learning assignments, independent
biotech, and so on. The transformation of HR becomes a process of fundamental change in
the way organizations treat, manage, and develop HR. HR transformation can include skills
development, changes in work culture, and increased efficiency in employee management.
By transforming human resources, it is expected to have an adaptive, competent, and
motivated workforce.
b. Cooperate with other agencies
Vol 2, No 11 November 2023
Human Resource Reform In Realizing Good Governance At
The National Archives Of The Republic Of Indonesia (Anri)
"When constrained by budget, ANRI collaborates/utilizes offers from other agencies to
provide all employees who are interested in developing their competencies (Shobri, In-
depth Interview, 2023)."
Based on the results of interviews with resource persons, in meeting budget needs, if you
experience a budget shortfall, ANRI collaborates and utilizes offers from other agencies to
support employee competency development. Collaborating with other agencies can provide
access to new knowledge, skills, and experiences. By utilizing cooperation with other
agencies, organizations can optimize the use of their resources, increase efficiency, and
achieve their goals without having to overcome all obstacles themselves (Akbar, 2018).
This supports the achievement of organizational goals while maintaining financial stability
and sustainability of the programs implemented.
ANRI employees have now played a role as agents of Democratic Governance who have
played an active role in realizing good governance values such as the elements of
accountability, rule of law, participation, and transparency to the public. So that the community
is also involved in the implementation of government activities and public services at ANRI.
In realizing good governance, ANRI has carried out reforms that involve reshuffle, change,
improvement, and restructuring activities, especially in terms of HR or employee reform. ANRI
has an HR development model that has been implemented to date, including conducting
training, workshops, seminars, formal education learning/continuing assignments, independent
biotech, and e-learning. In addition, ANRI has a new vision, especially in terms of digital
transformation in the organizational environment by utilizing Information and Communication
Technology in bureaucratic work processes, namely using e-performance applications to
monitor employee performance and as a form of employee daily performance reporting.
However, until now ANRI does not have an assessment center for employees. So that the
assessment has not been carried out optimally because this assessment activity is only
prioritized for employees who have not done an assessment at all and there are no grand design
rules on employee talent management. In addition, there is no legal umbrella or policy that
applies to the implementation of rewards and punishments at ANRI;
Human Resources Reform at ANRI can be realized because of supporting factors
including the support of organizational leadership commitment, organizational culture factors,
HR management development factors, infrastructure, and budget to realize good governance
at ANRI. In addition to supporting factors, there are inhibiting factors in the implementation
of Human Resources reform at ANRI, including employees who have not mastered Information
and Communication Technology well, especially among seniors, and the existence of a
considerable gap, especially in the generation and competence of the employees themselves;
The strategy for overcoming obstacles to human resource reform carried out by ANRI is
to compile a grand design in HR development to map competencies and organizational needs
by the strategic plan to get an overview of future HR needs. In addition, ANRI continues to
develop HR competencies and digital transformation in the organization itself. If constrained
by budget, ANRI collaborates or utilizes offers from other institutions to develop employee
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Copyright holders:
Azra Mahira
, Hamka
, Ridwan Rajab
First publication right:
JoSS - Journal of Social Science
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