Journal of Social Science
Arina Pramusita
, Tri Kuntoro Priyambodo
, Khabib Mustofa
, Dian Arymami
Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Usage, Intentions,
The Covid 19 Pandemic situation has had a significant impact on the
tourism industry, that is decrease in a number of tourist activities and
services due to the closure of a number of areas to prevent the spread
of the virus. In this new normal period, adjustments for traveling are
needed for tourists, that is the use of technology. This research aims
to analyze the most influential factors in the use of digital smartphone
applications as a form of adaptation to travel behavior in the new
normal period. This research synthesizes TAM and TPB to provide a
more comprehensive understanding of the behavior of using tourism
digital applications during the pandemic. TAM explains factors
related to perceived usefulness and ease of application use, while TPB
provides a framework that involves psychological and social factors
in explaining tourist intentions and behavior. This study uses a
quantitative approach. Data collection was carried out using digital
survey methods, interviews, and field observations. The data includes
tourist profiles and tourist opinions. The sampling method is
purposive sampling, with a sample size of around 160 respondents.
The data is processed using Smart PLS. The results obtained from this
research are (1) The synthesis between the Technology Acceptance
Model (TAM) and the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) can
provide a more comprehensive understanding of the behavior of using
digital applications when traveling during the pandemic. The
synthesis between TAM and TPB can help understand that the use of
digital applications in traveling in the new normal period is
significantly influenced by behavioral control and trust factors.
On March 11, 2020, the WHO (World Health Organization) announced the condition
of the global Covid 19 virus pandemic worldwide (, March 12, 2020), which
caused several countries to close their territories and prohibit their citizens from carrying out
outdoor activities. Some community activities are restricted to prevent the spread of the virus.
This condition has had a considerable impact on several aspects of life, including tourism.
Volume 2 Number 10 October 2023
p- ISSN 2963-1866- e-ISSN 2963-8909
Vol 2, No 10 Oktober 2023
Analysis Of Factors Affecting The Use Of Smartphone Digital
Applications By Tourists In Yogyakarta When Traveling In The
New Normal Period
UNWTO (United Nations World Tourism Organization) said that there was a decrease in the
number of tourists in 2020 due to the Covid 19 pandemic which reached 850 million to 1.1
billion. According to UNWTO data, in April 2020 there was a 97% decrease in international
travel with a loss rate of $195 billion (UNWTO, 2020).
The COVID-19 pandemic situation has become a domino effect from the decline in the
tourism economic chain which has spread to economic and social problems (Baiquni, 2020).
In addition to hampering the mobility of tourists who then reduce or cancel travel activities,
this also affects the decrease in the number of services such as accommodation,
transportation, food and beverages, and other tourism services. When entering a new normal
situation, tourism activities began to reopen with some adjustments or adaptations to new
habits. This form of adjustment and adaptation then gives rise to shifts or changes in tourist
activities and consumption patterns. (Indrianto, 2020) said that travel activities during this
pandemic have brought changes in tourist behavior related to visiting motivation, travel
duration, luggage, and activities while traveling. During this pandemic, tourists tend to be
more careful in choosing and carrying out tourist activities, especially related to the
implementation of health protocols in tourist destinations.
The policy regarding social distancing due to the pandemic encourages digital
transformation, where service activities and transactions are carried out virtually and online
as a form of adaptation to existing conditions (Arrachman, 2020). This happened due to a
shift in shopping patterns in the community in meeting their needs during the pandemic,
where mobility was limited to suppress the spread of the virus. Bank Indonesia noted that
there has been an increase in online transactions during the pandemic, namely from 2019 to
80 million to 140 million in 2020 (CNN Indonesia, 2020). Smartphone digital application is
software that combines several features to be accessible to users through smartphone devices.
In tourism, smartphone digital applications offer touchless services for providing
information, reservation services, cashless payment services, and navigation services, so that
tourists can ensure safety and health when visiting tourist destinations.
The utilization of technology is necessary to be able to accommodate changes in tourist
behavior such as. Risk perception, reservations, and personal tour package offers are related
to adaptation in traveling during the pandemic. Conditions like this according to (Qomariyah
et al., 2020) the need for the development of information technology and internet
infrastructure is not only an attractive opportunity but a must for the industry in developing
markets in the new normal era, namely by developing an integrated e-tourism system, to
increase tourist awareness of the level of cleanliness, health, and safety at tourist attractions.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of digital tourism applications faced several
challenges, including (UNWTO, (2020), (Gretzel et al., 2020), (Abbasi et al., 2021),
(Wahyuni, 2021):
a. There is a decrease in tourist interest, the pandemic situation causes a decrease in tourist
interest to travel, visit tourist attractions, or plan trips. This will cause the overall use of
tourism digital applications may decline due to a lack of demand.
b. Travel restrictions and lockdowns, policies of several countries and regions that
implement travel restrictions and lockdowns to control the spread of the virus, make
tourism digital applications face challenges in providing accurate and up-to-date
Analysis Of Factors Affecting The Use Of Smartphone
Digital Applications By Tourists In Yogyakarta When
Traveling In The New Normal Period
Vol 2, No 10 Oktober 2023
information on travel rules, area restrictions, and locations that are currently open or
c. Information uncertainty, the pandemic has caused information uncertainty. Rules and
policies related to travel and tourist attractions can change quickly. Therefore, tourism
digital applications must be able to update information in real time so that users get
accurate and reliable information.
d. The decline in tourism business participation, many tourism industries and businesses,
such as hotels, restaurants, and attractions, experienced a significant decline in revenue
during the pandemic, this led to limited resources and decreased support for the use of
tourism digital applications.
e. The digital divide, the use of tourism digital applications requires reliable internet access
and adequate electronic devices. However, not everyone has equal access to this
technology. The digital divide can prevent some people from utilizing tourism
applications in planning their trips.
f. Data security, the use of tourism applications that involve the exchange of personal or
financial information may raise concerns regarding data security. User data protection and
privacy must take precedence to prevent misuse or data breaches that harm users.
g. Limited physical experience, digital tourism applications cannot provide the same
physical experience as visiting tourist attractions directly. Users may feel less satisfied
with just seeing an image or video of a destination without actually experiencing it
To overcome these problems, tourism application developers need to adapt quickly,
provide reliable and up-to-date information, and consider a more interactive and immersive
user experience despite the pandemic (Grtezel, 2020). Yogyakarta City in the new normal
period issued provisions related to the implementation of tourism, namely by implementing
health protocols for tourists. Seven conditions must be met by tourists who want to visit
Yogyakarta, namely, bringing a health certificate, not coming in groups, downloading and
using the Cared+Jogja application or Jogja Pass, complying with Covid-19 prevention
protocols, providing hygiene kits, using private vehicles, and buying tickets and checking in
online (, 2020). In its development, the government then also required the use
of the PeduliLindung application as one of the requirements to enter and move in public
spaces. (CNN Indonesia, August 27, 2021).
This study modifies two theories: the Technology Acceptance Model and the Theory
of Planned Behavior to explain this problem. Modification of the theory by combining the
Technology Acceptance Model and the Theory of Planned Behavior was used to see how the
level of acceptance of tourists to the use of digital applications influenced travel behavior.
The convenience and usability factor of the Technology Acceptance Model is a factor that
underlies the use of digital applications, in addition to the ease and usability factors of tourist
profiles that also affect the interest in using the application, which includes age, gender, and
Risk and trust variables were added to the study. The perception of travel risk is added
because travel decisions during this pandemic are influenced by the perception of travel risk
which makes tourists more careful when traveling. Furthermore, the trust factor, namely trust
Vol 2, No 10 Oktober 2023
Analysis Of Factors Affecting The Use Of Smartphone Digital
Applications By Tourists In Yogyakarta When Traveling In The
New Normal Period
that the application used is safe from data misuse is also a factor that affects the use of
smartphone digital applications when traveling in the new normal era. Security issues and
data misuse are some of the considerations of the public in the use of digital applications. For
example, at the beginning of its launch in 2020, the number of PeduliLindungi application
users reached 4,025,861, or around 5% of all digital application users in Indonesia
(, 2020). The number is still small, issues regarding security leakage of
personal data, and lack of socialization are factors causing low interest in using the
application. In 2021, the number of PeduliLindungi application users experienced a
significant increase, reaching 32.8 million users ( in August 2021, after the
government issued a policy regarding the obligation to use the application as one of the
requirements for activities in public spaces.
The integration between the theory of the Technology Acceptance Model and the
Theory of Planned Behavior by adding variables of travel risk perception and trust factors is
used because of the increasingly optimal use of smartphone digital applications as a new
form of adaptation to travel in the new normal period, namely to anticipate the spread of
Covid 19. Pandemic conditions have caused a sense of concern for tourists to carry out tourist
activities, namely being exposed to the Covid 19 virus while traveling (Komarudin, 2020).
One of the efforts to anticipate the impact of Covid 19 when traveling is carried out by
utilizing a smartphone digital application that can minimize direct physical contact.
The integration of the Technology Acceptance Model and Theory of Planned Behavior
can be used to explain the factors that influence the use and acceptance of technology (TAM)
and travel behavior in the new normal period (TPB). In a pandemic situation, the use of
technology has a significant role in every aspect of life, including tourism. Limited activities
and mobility make tourists go digital, so they can still do activities even though they are
virtual and avoid physical contact. The use of technology such as smartphone digital
applications is considered as one of the efforts and anticipations in preventing the spread of
Covid 19 (Iyengar et al., 2020). For tourists, the use of digital smartphone applications will
help travel activities such as information search and ticket reservations, which can be
accessed without involving physical contact, to reduce the risk of spreading Covid 19.
The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) issued Global Guidelines
to Restart Tourism on May 28, 2020. The Global Guidelines to Restart Tourism contains
guidelines, principles, and strategies for tourism recovery due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
In this guide, one of the principles and strategies that need to be done as a form of adaptation
to tourism activities during this pandemic is through digital transformation, by utilizing
technology to serve and support travel activities, namely through smartphone digital
application services. ( This digital application is used as a means to find
information about the condition of a tourist attraction, make reservations, and non-cash
payments. Through the use of this technology, tourists can ensure their safety and health
when traveling to a destination, besides that the use of this technology will also provide a
unique experience for tourists. This study intends to examine what are the most dominant
factors behind the use of smartphone digital applications and their influence on travel
behavior in the new normal era.
Analysis Of Factors Affecting The Use Of Smartphone
Digital Applications By Tourists In Yogyakarta When
Traveling In The New Normal Period
Vol 2, No 10 Oktober 2023
This research was conducted with quantitative methods to analyze and see the correlation
between variables, sample collection was carried out through the distribution of digital surveys
to several respondents. The population of this study is domestic tourists who are visiting the
city of Yogyakarta from February to May 2021. Sampling using purposive sampling method
with judgment sampling approach using the following criteria: (1) aged 17 years and over, (2)
active users of Traveloka,, peduli landing, visiting Jogja, and Gojek applications on
Traveloka and were chosen because, based on Jakpat's survey on Traveling
Trends 2018, the percentage of users of both applications is high, namely 87.05% for Traveloka
and 29.75%. For, Visiting Jogja was chosen as a representative of tourism
applications at the regional level. provides statistical information on the number of visitors in
a place in the format of a distribution map and identifies COVID-19 exposure conditions. The
PeduliLindungi application is used to identify conditions of exposure to COVID-19 and
vaccines, in addition, the use of the PeduliLindung application has been required by the
government for people who will visit public areas including tourist attractions. When in tourist
attractions tourists need mobility services that will take them to tourist destinations, in addition
to using public transportation facilities and private vehicles, some tourists use transportation
application services such as Gojek, Grab, or Maxim. In this study, the author chose Gojek
application users, the reason for choosing Gojek is because it is an application that is widely
used by the people of Yogyakarta based on Jakpat's survey entitled Online Ride Booking Apps
in 2017. The number of samples used in this study was 160. According to (Hair et al., 2006),
the minimum sample size recommended for SEM analysis is in the range of 100-300, while
(Byrne, 2001) recommends the minimum acceptable sample for SEM estimation is 100.
Furthermore, in PLS-SEM Chin (2000) stated that the minimum number of sample sizes used
for PLS-SEM is as much as 30-100 sample sizes.
Given that at that time there was a COVID-19 pandemic situation, the distribution of
questionnaires was carried out using a digital survey using a Google form that could be filled
out by respondents using applications on smartphones. Respondents will get a link to fill out
the questionnaire online. The questionnaire method is used to collect primary data, namely data
on the profile of domestic tourists, consisting of the area of origin, gender, age, education, and
type of employment. Second, the opinion of domestic tourists on the use of smartphone digital
applications in tourist activities consists of two parts Technology Acceptance Model to see the
level of acceptance and use of tourist technology, and the second is the Theory of Planned
Behavior to see tourist behavior in using digital technology while traveling.
Data processing was carried out using a multivariate test using smart PLS (Partial Least
Square) to see the correlation between variables of usability, convenience, risk, behavioral
control, trust, subjective norm, and intention to use digital applications when traveling in the
new normal era. Partial Least Square (PLS) is a multivariate statistical technique for comparing
multiple dependent variables with multiple independent variables.
Vol 2, No 10 Oktober 2023
Analysis Of Factors Affecting The Use Of Smartphone Digital
Applications By Tourists In Yogyakarta When Traveling In The
New Normal Period
This study uses 7 variables, namely usefulness, convenience, intention, behavioral
control, subjective norm, risk, and trust, which adopt existing variables from TAM and TPB.
At the initial stage of validity and reliability testing, it is known that the results of convergent
validity testing can meet the specified, and it can be seen that all indicators have a loading
factor value of > 0.5. So it can be concluded that the model already meets convergent validity.
Table 1
Outer Loading
Loading Faktor
> 0.5
> 0.5
> 0.5
> 0.5
> 0.5
> 0.5
> 0.5
> 0.5
> 0.5
> 0.5
> 0.5
Subjective Norm
> 0.5
> 0.5
> 0.5
> 0.5
> 0.5
> 0.5
Measuring the reliability of a construct in PLS-SEM with the SmartPLS application is
done in two ways, namely with AVE and Composite Reliability, provided that it is said to be
reliable if the composite reliability > 0.7 and AVE > 0.5. Based on the table below, the variable
has a Composite Reliability value of > 0.7, so it can be said that all constructs have been said
to meet Reliability.
Analysis Of Factors Affecting The Use Of Smartphone
Digital Applications By Tourists In Yogyakarta When
Traveling In The New Normal Period
Vol 2, No 10 Oktober 2023
Table 2
Reliability test results
Average Variance
Extracted (AVE)
> 0.7
> 0.5
> 0.7
> 0.5
Behavior Control
> 0.7
> 0.5
> 0.7
> 0.5
> 0.7
> 0.5
Subjective Norm
> 0.7
> 0.5
> 0.7
> 0.5
To see the predictive strength of the structural model can use the R2 Adjusted value of
each endogenous construct (Ghozali 2015), the value of R2 Adjusted (0.75), (0.50), and (0.25)
can be interpreted that the model formed (strong), (moderate) and (weak) to the number of
variances of the construct that can be explained by the model (Ghozali 2015) so that it can be
used to measure the variance of changes in exogenous constructs. It was obtained that the R2
Adjusted value of the Intention variable was 0.351, which means that the ability of the
exogenous construct variables Usefulness, Ease, behavioral control, Risk, Subjective Norm,
and Trust can explain Intention by 35.1%.
Furthermore, the overall fit index evaluation criteria for the entire model obtained from
the average communalities index multiplied by the R2 model, GoF values between 1-0 with
interpretations of this value are 0.1 (Small GoF), 0.25 (Moderate GoF), and 0.36 (Large GoF),
where the formula of the GoF Index is:
𝑨𝑽𝑬 𝒙 𝑹𝟐
Table 3
Overall Fit Index (GOF)
Latent Construct
Average Variance
Extracted (AVE)
Behavior Control
Subjective Norm
GoF Value
Big GoF
From the table above, it is known that the overall suitability of the model shows a value
of 51.2%, this shows that the model formed in this study as a whole has great predictive power
in explaining the relationship of exogenous constructs to endogenous constructs.
Vol 2, No 10 Oktober 2023
Analysis Of Factors Affecting The Use Of Smartphone Digital
Applications By Tourists In Yogyakarta When Traveling In The
New Normal Period
To find out and analyze the results of the significance of the structural model made in
this study, a bootstrapping procedure is used, namely by resampling again using all empirical
data or original samples (Ghozali 2015), the following are the results of bootstrapping:
Figure 1
Factors that influence the intention to use digital applications when traveling in the new
The figure above shows that the results of the Bootstrap method statistically show the
value of the path coefficient of the latent construct correlation that has a significant influence
on Intention, namely Behavior Control and Trust which can be seen from the statistical t value
in each path, namely behavior control shows the path to Intention of 2.182, and Trust shows
the path to Intention of 3.249. While other variables are not significant. This can be seen in the
Partial Least Square table below:
Table 4
Partial Least Square
T Statistics
P Values
Uses -> Intent
Convenience ->
Control ->
Risk -> Intention
Subjeticve Norm
-> intention
Trust -
> intention
Based on the table above, it can be explained that the influence of Trust on Intention has
the strongest impact, which is 0.314, this can be interpreted that the higher people's trust in the
Analysis Of Factors Affecting The Use Of Smartphone
Digital Applications By Tourists In Yogyakarta When
Traveling In The New Normal Period
Vol 2, No 10 Oktober 2023
application, the higher their intention to use the application, conversely, the lower people's trust
in the application, the intention to use will also decrease.
The trust factor or consumer trust in the use of digital applications on smartphones is a
significant factor in the use of smartphone digital applications (Iisnawati et al., 2021).
Indicators that can be used to measure consumer confidence according to Lee and Song (2013)
include reliability, integrity, and generosity. Trust factors can be measured through technology
orientation, reputation, and risk perception (Iisnawati et al., 2021) From the results of the
research conducted, the author found that there is a significant relationship between trust and
the intention to use digital applications when traveling during a pandemic. Trust is an important
element in technology acceptance, this is as Stated (Priyono, 2017) that trust has a significant
influence on the use of electronic wallet applications. In the Technology Acceptance Model
(TAM), intent to use is a behavioral tendency that will shape consumer decisions to use the
technology. The higher the level of consumer trust, the more confident consumers are to use
digital applications on smartphones.
The trust factor has a huge influence on the use of digital applications when traveling
during a pandemic. Here are some reasons why this trust factor is important, namely (Kumala
et al., 2020), (Pradita et al., 2021):
a. Data security and privacy, tourists can be assured that their data will be kept safe when using
digital tourism applications. They want to make sure that important and sensitive
information such as identity data, credit card numbers, or travel history will not be misused
or fall into the wrong hands. If travelers feel unsure about the security of their data, they
may be reluctant to use the app.
b. Information reliability and tourist trust are also related to the reliability of information
provided by tourism digital applications. Travelers expect accurate, up-to-date, and relevant
information about destinations, travel rules, and safety protocols. If the app can't provide
consistent information or there are frequent errors, travelers may doubt the reliability of the
c. Reputation and user reviews, trust factors are related to the reputation of the app and
previous user reviews. Travelers tend to look for reviews and testimonials from other users
before they decide to use a particular tourism digital app. If the app has good reviews and a
reputation, then tourists will be more trusting and motivated to use the app.
d. A positive user experience, travelers will feel more confident if they have a positive user
experience with a tourism digital application. Using an app that's intuitive, easy to use, and
performs well builds travelers' trust in the app. Conversely, poor user experiences, such as
system failures, navigation complexities, or technical issues, can reduce travelers' trust in
these digital applications.
e. With good customer support, travelers tend to believe that a good app will provide customer
support. If any issues or questions arise while using the app, travelers want to be confident
that they can easily contact the customer support team and get an adequate solution.
Responsive and friendly customer support can help build travelers' trust in the app.
In the context of a pandemic where travelers have concerns related to health and safety,
the trust factor becomes more important. Travelers need to feel confident that tourism digital
Vol 2, No 10 Oktober 2023
Analysis Of Factors Affecting The Use Of Smartphone Digital
Applications By Tourists In Yogyakarta When Traveling In The
New Normal Period
apps can provide accurate information, keep their data safe, and provide a good user
Apps that provide accurate and up-to-date information can build trust. When users feel
that they can rely on an aplication for the right information, they tend to use the aplication.
Therefore it is important to know that these factors can interact and influence each other. For
example, users who feel that applications provide good data privacy, are trustworthy, and are
easy to use (behavioral control) tend to be interested in using them when traveling in the new
normal era.
In addition to trust factors that are quite significant in influencing the use of digital
applications is self-control. Self-control is an individual's ability to regulate, structure, guide,
and direct behaviors that lead individuals in a better direction (Ghufron, 2014). Self-control
can make a person reduce behavioral problems and self-confidence (Baumeister, 2018).
According to (Hirt et al., 2016), self-control is focused on behavior modification to be able to
control actions and the environment to prevent and control desires. Self-control is one of the
three aspects mentioned in internal factors that can reduce the risk of smartphone addiction in
individuals. A person is expected to have good self-control so that he can regulate the intensity
of smartphone use so that it does not become a problem for himself and others. According to
(Agusta, 2016), good self-control will make someone reduce smartphone use time, further, he
added that self-control is a skill to control behavior to adjust to the values and norms that apply
in society.
Tourist behavior control factors have a significant influence on the use of digital
applications in traveling during a pandemic. The following are some reasons why this factor is
important, (Suprihatin, 2020), (Yulianti et al., 2022), (Hakim et al., 2022), (Caniago, 2022):
a. Awareness and compliance with health protocols, the use of tourism digital applications will
give control to tourists to access information about health protocols that must be followed
during the trip. Tourists need to have awareness and compliance with these protocols, such
as the use of masks, social distancing, hand washing, and capacity restrictions of tourist
attractions. Digital aplication can provide guidance and reminders in this regard, allowing
travelers to control their behavior and adhere to enforced health protocols.
b. The selection of suitable destinations and activities, the use of digital tourism applications
gives tourists control in choosing destinations and activities that are suitable for the
pandemic situation. Travelers can use the aplication to find information about safe
destinations and activities that comply with health protocols. They can choose destinations
with a lower level of risk and avoid crowds or places that have the potential to spread the
virus. By controlling their choices through the aplication, travelers can feel safer and more
comfortable during their trip.
c. Flexible travel planning, digital tourism aplication can give travelers control in planning
their trips flexibly. In a pandemic situation, travelers need to monitor the latest
developments and may need to adjust their plans. Digital applications can provide
information about cancellations or changes in transportation schedules, travel restrictions,
and closures of tourist attractions. With these controls, travelers can plan their trips better
and change plans if needed.
Analysis Of Factors Affecting The Use Of Smartphone
Digital Applications By Tourists In Yogyakarta When
Traveling In The New Normal Period
Vol 2, No 10 Oktober 2023
d. Evaluation and feedback, the use of tourism digital applications will provide control for
tourists to provide evaluation and feedback about their experience. Travelers can leave
reviews and ratings of the attractions, accommodations, or services they use. This influences
the development and improvement of the aplication and provides valuable information for
other travelers who use the aplication.
With the control of tourist behavior through tourism digital applications, they can take
appropriate measures to maintain their health and safety during the trip. This behavioral control
factor will make travelers confident and allow them to make better decisions in facing the
challenges that exist during the pandemic. While traveling, behavioral control can help a person
use digital aplication on a smartphone thoughtfully and productively. The influence of self-
control in the use of digital applications when traveling in the new normal period includes:
a. Awareness and compliance with health protocols, the use of tourism digital applications will
give control to tourists to access information about health protocols that must be followed
during the trip.
b. The use of digital tourism applications gives tourists control in choosing destinations and
activities that are suitable for the pandemic situation. Travelers can use the aplication to find
information about safe destinations and activities that comply with health protocols.
c. Tourism digital aplication can give travelers control in planning their trips flexibly, as they
can provide information about cancellations or changes in transportation schedules, travel
restrictions, and closures of tourist attractions.
d. The use of digital tourism aplication will give travelers the control to provide evaluations
and feedback about their experiences, which can influence the development and
improvement of the aplication and provide valuable information for other travelers using
the application.
Conclusions of this study include the synthesis between the Technology Acceptance
Model (TAM) and Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) can provide a more comprehensive
understanding of the behavior of using digital applications in traveling during a pandemic. The
synthesis between TAM and TPB can help us understand that the use of digital applications in
traveling in the new normal era is influenced by influential factors, namely ease of use,
perception of benefits, subjective norms, intentions, trust, and behavioral control.
Understanding these factors can help digital application developers and related parties in
designing more effective strategies to motivate and support users in adopting digital
applications in the context of tourism during the pandemic, The use of digital applications helps
make it easier for tourists to adapt to new situations related to health and safety in the new
normal era. They also help tourism service providers to communicate with tourists, manage
capacity, and adhere to necessary health protocols. Thus, digital applications remain an
important tool in the world of travel in the new normal era.
Behavioral control and trust are the most significant factors behind the use of smartphone
digital applications when traveling in the new normal era. Behavioral control makes tourists
more concerned about health factors so they take several anticipatory actions when traveling,
Vol 2, No 10 Oktober 2023
Analysis Of Factors Affecting The Use Of Smartphone Digital
Applications By Tourists In Yogyakarta When Traveling In The
New Normal Period
the use of digital applications is one form of control carried out when traveling, for example
by searching for information on the condition of a tourist attraction, making cashless
transactions, without physical contact. While trust is related to the reputation and credibility of
the digital applications used, travelers tend to use digital applications that are easy and safe
from data misuse. The COVID-19 pandemic situation has made tourism managers change the
way they manage tourist destinations. The use of digital applications can help them to introduce
health and security protocols, by limiting the number of visitors and managing queues and
arrival times, The use of technology in tourism during a pandemic is not only about maintaining
safety and health, but also about providing a safer, more comfortable, and responsive travel
experience to change. Therefore, technology is a key aspect that allows the tourism industry to
adapt to the current new normal.
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Copyright holders:
Arina Pramusita
, Tri Kuntoro Priyambodo
, Khabib Mustofa
, Dian Arymami
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JoSS - Journal of Social Science
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