Journal of Social Science
Vijayachandrika C
, Ayu Lestari
Assistant Professor of Economics, Seethalakshmi Achi College for Women, Sivagangai,
Tamil Nadu, India
, STAIKU, Indonesia
India has an equal number of males and females overall. But women are
viewed unfavorably in this complicated modern society as second-class
citizens or as men's property. Women are still behind and have not advanced
to the maximum degree of utilization. The majority of governments make
particular allowances for women's advancement, and they work hard to
maximize the potential of women's skills. The specific services and facilities
that are offered to women in the corporate world have not been fully used.
There is a dearth of successful female business owners. The moment has
come to educate the female population about the chances available to them
to pursue their passions and give back to the community, which may
contribute to the nation's speedy growth. MSMEs (Micro, Small, and
Medium-Sized Enterprises) are crucial to a nation's economic growth. The
entire planet has power. Through its many programs, the Ministry of
MSMEs is empowering female entrepreneurs by assisting them in igniting
their creativity and creating their own identities. In our current society,
women are required to carry out economic activities and support their
families wherever the cost of living rises. Now that attitudes in society have
evolved, working women are no longer despised. An effort was made to
research the position of women entrepreneurs in this report. Current
problems experienced by female entrepreneurs. Additionally, it covers the
assistance offered by MSMEs to female entrepreneurs.
Women's entrepreneurship is significantly underrepresented in India because of the
culture and customs that dictate that they should take care of the home and the family
(Simamora & Saputra, 2023). However, as a result of increased social consciousness and
education over the past three decades, women are now expressing interest in beginning their
businesses. Thus, the number of female entrepreneurs has significantly increased (Noor et al.,
MSMEs have developed into a significant source of income for women, particularly in
rural areas, in a developing country such as India where labor is inexpensive and capital is
expensive. The day when women were supposed to stay inside the house and be entrusted
with household duties is long gone. Women are now actively pursuing new opportunities and
Volume 2 Number 9 September 2023
p- ISSN 2963-1866- e-ISSN 2963-8909
Vol 2, No 9 September 2023
Msme - Transforming Homemaker To Entrepreneur:
Champions For Change
putting their best selves forward in society (Ilahi, 2018). Women's entrepreneurship, however,
is a very new and difficult concept. Even though the government has enacted several programs
to aid them, there hasn't been much progress (Meilasari et al., 2023). Entrepreneurship is the
greatest method to stay up with the pace in the present time of economic growth.
It is a time when industrialization is taken into account for national economic progress.
As a result, the MSMEs are focusing more on providing women with significant work
opportunities through a variety of businesses and sectors to address their socio-economic and
employment challenges and uplift them (Jayan, 2013).
Female-led MSMEs are essential for the economy because they create jobs, increase
female involvement, and promote inclusive GDP growth. MSMEs have a direct economic
impact, but research also demonstrates that female-led businesses employ more women and
that more female resource control results in better child health and educational outcomes,
among other socioeconomic advantages (Sivakumar, 2016). To reduce poverty and promote
inclusive growth, women's economic engagement in general and women-led MSMEs in
particular must increase.
The Ministry of MSME, widely regarded as the nation's economic engine and
entrepreneurial incubator, has emerged as the torchbearer of women's emancipation on a
worldwide scale (Van Cleeff et al., 2005). The Ministry of MSME inaugurated Udyam Sakhi
on the eve of International Women's Day 2018, a network for fostering social
entrepreneurship that develops business models centered around inexpensive goods and
services to address social injustices. The platform serves the requirements of around eight
million Indian women who began or are managing their businesses with its platform for
entrepreneurial endeavors learning tools, a startup incubation facility, fundraising workshops,
advisors, in-person investor meetings, a market analysis facility, and technical assistance. In
a nutshell, the Indian government has been relentlessly working to revolutionize the role of
women outside of the confines of the home. Today's women take risks, have faith in their
goals, and won't accept anything else (Benard & Victor, 2013).
Historical Perspective
The empowerment of women in ancient India takes us to a place of conflicting opinions.
Women in ancient India had the same status as males and may have chosen to get military
training. The tale of (Rani, n.d.) Chowta is a well-known illustration of women's emancipation
in this nation. Following the ratification of the Indian Constitution on January 26, 1950, which
has various laws and parts that clarify the status of women, women's empowerment in India
gained significant impetus. We can measure the impact that women have had on the globe
throughout the years (Vijayachandrika, 2022).
Women Signs of Change
Women no longer live their whole lives in their houses as they formerly did. Similar to
their male coworkers, today's women are building new records of extraordinary
accomplishment via their humor and determination. Women are expanding their
entrepreneurial ventures and breaking into previously untapped fields. The increased number
of employment alternatives currently open to women has been the primary cause of their
upheaval in positions of authority as professionals, executives, and bureaucrats. They have
Msme - Transforming Homemaker To Entrepreneur:
Champions For Change
Vol 2, No 9 September 2023
now begun to have access to the free market and other economic opportunities. The fact that
so many of them entered non-traditional industries shows that women's entrepreneurship is
still a relatively recent phenomenon, encouraged by long-term goals and initiatives of the
Indian government to restore women's empowerment. Traditional feminine skills are being
turned into a means of livelihood by starting a home-based business that offers textiles,
cooking, needlework, stores, crafts, and numerous other activities. Take a look around you to
see how prevalent women are in public and private offices, business settings, and the
legislature. They are also present in many walks of life, including as authors, scientists, social
activists, performers, and directors.
Thinking Ahead - Connecting Skill to Industry
The Ministry of MSME has established itself as the leading organization addressing the
topic of women entrepreneurship after receiving mammoth applications for its recent
inaugural Conclave on Empowering Marginalised Sections of Female Entrepreneurs (Yadav,
2021). Influencers from all walks of life gathered during the conclave sessions to debate and
reflect on significant themes to highlight the changing role of women entrepreneurs in India
and raise awareness of concerns about hidden injustices. The conclave was a big success
among SC/ST women business owners. On the occasion of International Women's Day in
2019, the Ministry recognized remarkable women achievers and trailblazing female
entrepreneurs who have made significant contributions to their industries. The program aims
to reward women who are choosing to be independent financially while continuing to fulfill
their traditional roles as primary caregivers by overcoming the regressive limitations that
social norms and circumstances have placed on them.
The purpose of this study is to understand the factors that drive homemakers in starting
and running micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSME). It includes an analysis of social
support, training, access to capital, and other factors that influence their success as
entrepreneurs. And this research can empower homemakers by realizing their potential as
entrepreneurs. This can increase their self-confidence and independence.
The study is exploratory in nature and attempts to decipher the phenomenon of women's
entrepreneurship in an Indian context. The study's secondary data was gathered from yearly
reports of the Indian government's Ministry of MSMEs, as well as from several journals,
newspapers, and white papers on MSMEs (Report, 2017).
Everyone gains when women are empowered because they are the foundation of
society. By helping female entrepreneurs spark their creativity and forge their own identities
through its numerous initiatives, the Ministry of MSME strengthens them as business owners.
As of January 23, 2019, 1.38 lakh businesses were launched by women through the Prime
Minister's Employment Generation Programme Scheme. About 30% of PMEGP projects
were initiated by female entrepreneurs. Under the program's Special Category, female
company owners are eligible for 25% and 35% in subsidies for projects built in urban and
rural areas, respectively. In contrast to the 10% for the general group, beneficiaries'
contributions for women only account for 5% of the project's costs. During 201617 and
Vol 2, No 9 September 2023
Msme - Transforming Homemaker To Entrepreneur:
Champions For Change
201718, women entrepreneurs started 30437 businesses through the Khadi Program of
KVIC, receiving an aggregate of 85,305 lakh Rupees in cushion funding.
In addition to MSME, the Indian government has taken other actions to promote the
safety and empowerment of women. Numerous programs have improved the welfare of
women in India, including Mission Indradhanush, Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao, Mudra Yojana,
Trade Related Entrepreneurship Assistance and Development Scheme, Mahila Udyam Nidhi,
Annapurna, and Stree Shakti Package for Women Entrepreneurs.
Women in India Led MSMEs
The business sector has developed in India as a result of technological development,
opening the door for sector diversification and making India the third-largest startup
ecosystem globally in terms of size. However, the representation of women in this industry is
still appalling. Women-owned less than 20% of all micro, small, and medium-sized businesses
in India during the fiscal year 2021, as opposed to more than 80% of male-owned businesses
(Dangi, 2014). In addition, women owned the highest percentage of micro-businesses across
all firm sizes, with more of these enterprises operating in rural than urban locations during the
study period (Statista, 2021).
Barriers/ Flipside
Cultural norms are a major source of obstacles to women's empowerment and equity. It
is ironic that a nation, that was just recognized as the first Asian nation to complete its Mars
mission on the first try, is ranked 108th out of 146 nations in the World Economic Forum
gender gap index, unchanged from 2017. Despite having the second-biggest Artificial
Intelligence workforce, India has one of the worst gender disparities, with just 22% of jobs
being held by women, which is equally depressing.
Indian women may find it difficult to achieve their full potential since they must
carefully combine modernity and tradition. Although the Indian government puts out great
effort to raise the socioeconomic position of women, we also have to be aware of the
privileges, programs, and rights that can help them achieve full empowerment. To start or
manage a business, uneducated and semiliterate women entrepreneurs from rural and urban
regions have made use of several government programs in India. The story of two female
entrepreneurs, Priyashri Mani and Nishita Vasanth, who started their own business in Pali
Hills in Kodaikanal (TamilNadu) with loans from the Indian government is a good illustration
of the gradual but sure shift in perspective among those involved in the MSME and startup
ecosystem. The two ramped up their operations by adding more women and eventually
established "Hoopoe," a business for honey gathering, with logistics being the main difficulty,
and the tribe that harvests honey headquartered out of Pali Hills. The article, Bringing Honey
to Your Doorstep, provides insight into the country's emerging female business, where women
are assuming various positions such as rainmakers, change makers, and social capitalists
(Khare, 2019).
More Power and Less Fear
Swami Vivekananda once observed, "only as a bird cannot fly on only one wing, there
is no prospect for the prosperity of the world unless the position of women is changed. The
fact that "Women Empowerment" is included as one of the Eight Millennium Development
Goals further emphasizes the significance of this reality. The #MeToo Movement was born
Msme - Transforming Homemaker To Entrepreneur:
Champions For Change
Vol 2, No 9 September 2023
as a result of countries all over the world, taking the issue to heart and launching a discourse
regarding sexual assault at the very beginning of the year (Sivakumar & Manimekalai, 2022).
Surprisingly, this campaign turned out to be a topic of conversation at dinner parties all year
long and put accused in jail for justifiable offenses. Following suit, India must also convert
its enormous female workforce into a useful human resource if it is to become a developed
nation, and this can only be done by empowering women.
In spite of all the challenges that contemporary working women encounter, there has
been a striking increase in female entrepreneurship in India. More women than ever before in
India's history have greater incomes than earlier generations. Women are reaching new
professional heights and are at the forefront of the business sector's expansion of
entrepreneurship and innovative company concepts. There may be a lot of women who want
to work but are unable to do so. Women will require access to the necessary education,
training, credit, information, and, most importantly, drive to overcome the challenges. In India
today, women are a powerful force to be reckoned with. Women need to build an environment
and have confidence in themselves in order to succeed. Education, continual learning, sharing,
mutual support, andmost importantlythe creation of women's support networks are all
ways to achieve this. Even if MSMEs have grown, there is still a need that women
entrepreneurs may fill in order to not only provide steady financial growth but also to remove
socioeconomic obstacles from society. It acts as a reminder for women to embrace and fully
utilize the benefits of the internet and e-commerce. A strong, capable woman may pursue
whatever career she chooses, but as an entrepreneur, she can make a living for many more
The MSME sector is said to be one such platform that helps turn stay-at-home moms
into entrepreneurs. Women who start their own businesses will not only become independent
but also open up job prospects and reduce crime against women. These days, women are
willing to take risks, confident in their abilities and ambitions, and unwilling to accept
anything less. The number of women running MSMEs in India has steadily climbed up till
now, and we believe that if the government helps them and the community supports them, the
difficulties they are now encountering can be overcome and the growth rate will undoubtedly
improve in the future.
It is clear that Micro, Small, and Medium-Sized Enterprises are a vital part of India's
economic development (Subramanyam & Reddy, 2012). Women entrepreneurs, who were
once confined to their homes' four walls, are now capable of running both their families and
their businesses. Despite the difficulties and obstacles they must overcome in order to succeed
as an entrepreneur, the government has launched many programs to support the development
of women business owners. Finally, it can be concluded that women business owners and
MSMEs in India have a long way to go and that the success of both groups is crucial to the
overall health of the Indian economy (Vijayachandrika, 2020).
Vol 2, No 9 September 2023
Msme - Transforming Homemaker To Entrepreneur:
Champions For Change
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Msme - Transforming Homemaker To Entrepreneur:
Champions For Change
Vol 2, No 9 September 2023
Copyright holders:
Vijayachandrika C
, Ayu Lestari
First publication right:
JoSS - Journal of Social Science
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0