Journal of Social Science
Mulyo Widodo
, Wahyu Beny Mukti Setiyawan
, Siti Mursidah
Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia
Employee Receipts
in PTN-BH Change,
Change Strategy
Studies on Legal Entity State Universities (PTN-BH) in this decade
are more related to the study of money management and student
rejection. Trying to complement the study, this study tries to see the
holistic management of PTN-BH through a change management
approach and resistance of PTN-BH employees internally. Using a
method to obtain in-depth and massive data, finally, this study found
that emphasizing transition management in the work system, as well
as the use of the UNNES Rector's power as an agent of change is a
good way to reduce resistance and increase support for the juridical
implications of UNNES PTN-BH. In more detail, the optimization of
86.17% of juridical support and reduction of resistance, amounting to
15,054% of UNNES PTN-BH status, can be bridged through
integrative and inclusive management governance and good
communication between structures and implementers. Based on these
findings, this paper has provided a sensitive frame of mind and
complemented previous studies on the change in the status of PTN-
BLU (State University-Umunm Service Agency) to PTN-BH. In
practical terms, this study has also become a strategic study for
UNNES in determining the attitudes and steps needed.
As a reality, law number 12 of 2012 concerning higher education PTN-BH has created
a new standard space for universities in Indonesia (Anggraini, 2019). Furthermore, any
university that holds PTN-BH status will usually be considered a national/world standard
university (Azis & Gugus, 2021, p. 9). The image of this partial meaning, simultaneously [at
least] will produce two possible facts, namely accelerating the growth of Indonesian education
or strengthening the problem of discrimination at local universities (Darlis, Lubis, Farha,
Laoli, & Lestari, 2023; Diyanto, Putranti, & Yuwono, 2021). Nevertheless, Semarang State
University [UNNES] responds to this phenomenon by accelerating the growth of inclusive
world-class education as UNNES's vision and mission from the beginning. Until finally
UNNES in 2022 changed its status to PTN-BH, namely after the government regulation of
Volume 2 Number 8 August 2023
p- ISSN 2963-1866-e-ISSN 2963-8909
Vol 2, No 8 August 2023
Employee Resistance and The [Agent Of] Change Management
Model on The Juridical Implications of PTN-BH Status
the Republic of Indonesia number 36 of 2022 concerning PTN-BH UNNES officially came
UNNES's status as PTN-BH, then has parallel consequences on the management
transformation that must be carried out. The implications of this juridical transformation often
create a camp that is resistant to all maneuvers of certain actions carried out later (Saputra,
2023; Arrahmah, 2022; Hanafi, 2017; Setyawan & Listiara, 2017). Thus, the objectives of
this study are (1) to look for resistance [seeds] that may be present along with mapping the
attitude-actions of actors who are resistant to changes in the status of PTN-BH UNNES; (2)
find the right management model in response to the juridical implications of PTN-BH
When viewed from previous studies, the focus of this study has also had a
complementary, different and more holistic context. This is because the literature study on
resistance in the body of PTN-BH is explicit, quite difficult to find. Even if present, studies
on PTN-BH resistance arise more from the student side rather than from the internal
management side (Wasi, 2023; himatepfip, 2021; Susilo, 2021). On the other hand,
management studies as a response from PTN-BH are also still minimally found. Management
studies that answer changes in the status of PTN-BH still focus a lot on money management
studies (Rudhianto, Utami, & Widarjo, 2022; Azis & Gugus, 2021). Meanwhile, studies on
comprehensive management are still very few (Feliza, Kadarisman, & Dewi, 2018; Setyawan
& Listiara, 2017).
Reflecting on these facts, this study chose to use field studies with a mix method to
obtain closer, more holistic and in-depth data. While [agent of] change management as an
approach is chosen as a resistance analysis knife as well as a management model. Thus, this
study discourses the title "Employee Resistance and the Model [Agent of] Change
Management on the Juridical Implications of PTN-BH Status".
The method used in this study is mix methods with exploratory type design which is
included in the sequential model (sequence). This type of design is a mix methods research
design that is carried out by carrying out qualitative research first, and then continued with
quantitative research (Abidin, 2011). The emphasis of the method is more that the first
method is qualitative, and then complemented by quantitative methods. The data disposal
of these two methods is complementary and connected between the results of the first study
and the next stage. Based on this description, the research design in this paper is as follows.
picture 1.
Desain Tipe Exploratory
(Creswell, 2007, p. 76)
This study used using interviews, observation and documentation as techniques used to
obtain qualitative data. While questionnaires are tools used to obtain quantitative data.
Interpretation on QUAL → quan results
Employee Resistance and The [Agent Of] Change Management
Model on The Juridical Implications of PTN-BH Status
Vol 2, No 8 August 2023
Furthermore, there are 8 main informationists, namely [deputy] deans in each Faculty at
UNNES and 195 responses to quantitative data. Based on the validity test of questions in the
questionnaire numbering 33, it was concluded that 33 question items were valid with r count
> r table (0.361). While in the calculation of statistical reliability, Chronbach's Alpha value >
0.60. So that 0.763 > 0.60 and it can be concluded that the 33 question items are reliable. On
the other hand, triangulation is a technique taken to obtain the validity and readability of data.
In order to determine resistance and understand the juridical implications of PTN-BH
UNNES status, quantitative data on resistance and juridical implications of PTN-BH UNNES
status will be presented. Furthermore, morals, ethics and rationality of UNNES PTN-BH
employees will be discussed in order to understand the resistance and juridical implications
of PTN-BH UNNES status. In the end, this paper will discuss the mamagement model for the
status of PTN-BH UNNES.
PTN-BH UNNES Resistance
Ficture 2.
Resistance to Attitudes of UNNES Employees
Employee resistance was measured using questionnaires on 5 aspects, namely: habits,
security, economic factors, factors affecting employee concerns and changes in UNNES status
to PTNBH involving as many as 187 UNNES employees and lecturers. The rating scale used
is a likert scale of 1 to 5. The following is data on the distribution of the frequency of
respondents' answers to 5 aspects of resistance attitudes.
Habits /
Sense of Security
Economic Factor
Impact factor
concerns from
changing the status
Selective Perception
Vol 2, No 8 August 2023
Employee Resistance and The [Agent Of] Change Management
Model on The Juridical Implications of PTN-BH Status
Diagram 1.
Approval of Changes in Attitudes / Habits of UNNES PTN-BH Employees
In the aspect of habits / habits arranged based on 5 points of statements, the frequency
of answers of respondents who gave a score of 5 was 291 or 31.12% said they strongly agreed.
At a score of 4 as many as 458 or 48.98% expressed agreement. A score of 3 of 56 or 5.99%
is undecided. A score of 2 of 71 or 7.59% disagreed. A score of 1 of 59 or 6.31% strongly
disagrees. This shows that.
Diagram 2.
Security of UNNES Employees with PTN-BH Status
The change of UNNES status to PTN Legal Entity does not change the habits / habits
of employees to always improve their performance, always solve all problems with various
methods, can carry out work well and on time and can adapt to the change in UNNES status
to PTN Legal Entity.
Furthermore, in the aspect of security, it is prepared based on 4 points of statements
distributed to respondents to obtain data. A total of 224 respondents gave a score of 5 or
29.95% said they strongly agreed. Score 4 as many as 350 answers or 46.79% of respondents'
Sense of security
Employee Resistance and The [Agent Of] Change Management
Model on The Juridical Implications of PTN-BH Status
Vol 2, No 8 August 2023
answers expressed agreement. Score 3 as many as 69 answers or 9.22% of respondents'
answers expressed doubt. Score 2 as many as 54 answers or 7.22% of respondents' answers
expressed disapproval. Score 1 as many as 51 answers or 6.82% of respondents' answers
expressed strong disapproval. This indicates that the change.
Diagram 3.
Economic Factors with PTN-BH UNNES Status
UNNES's status as a Legal Entity PTN still provides a sense of comfort, most employees
also feel that they have an important role in achieving the vision and mission and goals of UNNES,
employees can also accept the conditions due to the change in UNNES's status to PTNBH, it is
proven that only 6.82% expressed strong disapproval.
The next aspect measured was economic factors which were determined based on 3 points
of statements given to respondents, and it was found that as many as 140 or 24.95% said they
strongly agreed with giving a score of 5, as many as 232 respondents' answers gave a score of 4 or
41.35% of respondents agreed. Furthermore, as many as 91 answers on a score of 3 or 16.22%
expressed doubt. Score 2 as many as 58 answers or 10.33% expressed disapproval, and in score 1
as many as 40 answers or 7.13% expressed strong disapproval. This shows that after the change of
UNNES to PTN Legal Entity, it has not decreased employee income, the opportunity for employees
to get the opportunity to get awards has also increased, and the opportunity for promotion is also
large. This shows that every employee also has the same opportunity to excel. Of course, employees
with low achievements will gradually be eliminated. Awards will be given based on the
achievements obtained.
The impact factor of employee concerns from the change of UNNES status to PTNBH is the
fourth factor measured and based on the 6 points of the statement given. and distributed to
respondents. At score 5 as many as 302 or 26.92% of respondents answered strongly agree. A total
of 540 gave answers on a score of 4 or 48.13% agreed. At score 3 as many as 119 answers or
10.61% expressed doubt. At score 2 as many as 87 or 7.75% said they did not agree. Furthermore,
on score 1 as many as 74 answers or 6.60% stated strongly disagree. This shows that most
employees have confidence, the change in UNNES status to PTN Legal Entity will have the impact
that UNNES will be increasingly recognized by the public, the ability of employees will increase,
Economic Factors
Vol 2, No 8 August 2023
Employee Resistance and The [Agent Of] Change Management
Model on The Juridical Implications of PTN-BH Status
the opportunity to attend training and improve competence will be greater, so very few employees
worried that the change in status from UNNES to PTN Legal Entity would have a negative impact
on employees.
Diagram 4.
Impact Factor of Employee Concerns from Changes in UNNES Status PTN-BH
The fifth aspect that is a measuring factor for UNNES employees' resistance to changes
in PTNBH status is selective perception. From the respondents' data, as many as 246 answers
or 32.89% of respondents answered strongly agree, while in score 4 as many as 345 answers
or 46.12% answered in the affirmative. In score 3, as many as 41 answers or 5.48% expressed
doubt. Score 2 as many as 57 answers or 7.62% expressed disapproval, and score 1 as many
as 59 answers or 7.89% expressed strong disapproval. This shows that the change in UNNES's
status to PTN Legal Entity is does not really affect the perspective of employees, employee
confidence or adaptation to change, even the employee has the belief that UNNES will be
more advanced and developed after becoming a PTN Legal Entity. This was proven by only
7.89% who disagreed.
Diagram 5.
Employee Selective Perspective from Changes in UNNES Status PTN-BH
Impact factor concerns from changing the
status of UNNES to PTNBH
Selective Perception
Employee Resistance and The [Agent Of] Change Management
Model on The Juridical Implications of PTN-BH Status
Vol 2, No 8 August 2023
Based on these data, the resistance of UNNES employees to the change in UNNES
status from PTN BLU to PTNBH that 78.20% has an impact on the habits of employees,
77.16% has an impact on a sense of security, by 73.33% has an impact on economic factors,
and 76.20% have an impact on employee concerns from changing UNNES status to PTNBH,
and 77.70% have an impact on employee selective perceptions of changing UNNES status to
PTNBH. Furthermore, to find out what % of employee resistance from changes in UNNES
PTN-BH status can be seen in the picture .... below.
Juridical Implications of UNNES's Change into a Legal Entity PTN
Table 2.
Juridical Implications of UNNES Changing to PTN-BH
Based on these calculations, it can be seen that there are 15,054% of employees who
are resistant to UNNES PTN-BH status. After knowing the percentage of employee resistance
level, UNNES can minimize it by providing understanding to employees who still have doubts
about the change in UNNES status to PTN Legal Entity about the advantages and programs
that will be carried out to achieve the vision, mission and goals of UNNES PTN Legal Entity
so that they can gradually follow the mindset, work pattern and habits of UNNES PTN Legal
Entity and a culture of achievement can be formed.
Measurement of the juridical implications of UNNES becoming PTNBH was carried
out by distributing questionnaires to respondents based on 3 aspects of measurement, namely:
z: Total percentage of resistance (skor 1-2)
x : persentase (100)
y : 500 (5aspek . 100)
α : ?
And can be rumsified:
5 z . x = 15.054 %
Vol 2, No 8 August 2023
Employee Resistance and The [Agent Of] Change Management
Model on The Juridical Implications of PTN-BH Status
changes in regulations, changes in policies, and changes in organization. Scores on each
aspect use a likert scaling system of 1 to 5.
Diagram 6.
Employees Who Agree to Change Rules due to PTN-BH UNNES Status
In the first aspect, the instrument was developed into 4 statement items, with the
following results: respondents who gave a score of 5 out of a total of 4 points and against 187
respondents were 301 answers which means that 40.24% said they strongly agreed. In a score
of 4, as many as 277 answers or 37.03% expressed agreement. In score 3, 55 answers were
obtained or 7.35% expressed doubt. Score 2 as many as 44 answers or 5.88% expressed
disapproval, and in score 1 as many as 71 answers or 9.49% expressed strong disapproval.
This shows that most employees already know and understand the legal basis for changing
UNNES to PTN Legal Entity and support the change in UNNES status. It was proven that
only 9.49% stated strongly disagree.
The second aspect that is an indicator of measuring juridical implications is policy
change, which is developed based on 4 points of statements. From the results of respondents'
answers, the total answers on score 5 were 233 or 31.15% said they strongly agreed, while the
answers with a score of 4 were 332 or 44.39% said they agreed. In score 3, the frequency of
answers was obtained as much as 74 or 9.89% expressed doubt. In the answer choices with a
score of 2, 51 answers were obtained or 6.82% expressed less agree, and in the answer choices
with a score of 1, 58 or 7.75% expressed strong disapproval. Policies due to the impact of
changing UNNES's status to PTN Legal Entity such as policies for opening and closing study
programs, policies related to the autonomy of HR arrangements, policies related to finance
and fund management have mostly been understood by employees. It was proven that only
7.75% expressed strong disapproval.
Rule Changes
Employee Resistance and The [Agent Of] Change Management
Model on The Juridical Implications of PTN-BH Status
Vol 2, No 8 August 2023
Diagram 7.
Employees Who Agree to Change Policy due to PTN-BH UNNES Status
Diagram 8.
Employees Who Agree to Change Organization due to PTN-BH UNNES Status
The third aspect that becomes a benchmark for juridical implications is organizational
change developed on 3 points of statements. At the frequency of answers with a score of 5, 179
answers were obtained or 31.91% expressed strong agreement. In the answer choice with a score
of 4, the number of answers was 248 or 44.21% agreed. Furthermore, in the answer choice with a
score of 3, 58 or 10.34% expressed doubt. In the answer choice with a score of 2, 34 answers were
obtained or 6.06% said they did not agree, and in the choice with a score of 1 as many as 42
answers, which means that 7.49% said they strongly disagreed. This shows that most employees
agree on organizational changes, where the PTN Legal Entity organization is made poor in
structure and rich in functions, a lean organization that is expected to be more agile so that services
become more effective and efficient. It is evident that only 7.49% expressed strong disapproval.
From the detailed results of juridical implications, it can be said that 78.52% have an impact on
regulatory changes, 76.87% have an impact on policy changes, and 77.39% have an impact on
organizational changes. Furthermore, to find out how much % of juridical implications can be carried
out properly at UNNES PTN-BH can be known.
Policy Changes
Organizational Change
Vol 2, No 8 August 2023
Employee Resistance and The [Agent Of] Change Management
Model on The Juridical Implications of PTN-BH Status
Based on these calculations, it can be seen that there are 86.17% juridical implications
of UNNES PTN-BH can run well.
Morals, Ethics and Rationality of UNNES PTN-BH Employee Resistance
Moral subsistence is the right word to define the relationship between UNNES
officials and UNNES "rulers." Between these two groups, there is a threshold of morality
between what has come to be referred to as 'just' and 'unjust'. These limits of morality are
always situational. In changing UNNES to PTN-BH, UNNES rulers are expected to be more
generous to provide welfare certainty to UNNES employees. This concern about 'welfare'
arose because of the issue of taxes that would be received by UNNES employees after the
change of UNNES status to PTN-BH. Concerns about the issue of this tax increase have an
increasingly significant effect on UNNES employees who have not been certified by the state
civil apparatus (ASN). This is because UNNES employees who are certified as civil servants,
at least have guaranteed income from employees. Meanwhile, UNNES employees who have
not yet had the status of civil servants do not get income security for welfare, especially for
old age.
Furthermore, the circular letter (SE) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research
and Technology Number 68446/A.A3/TI.00.02/2021 concerning the granting of National
Lecturer Master Numbers (NIDN) for Non-ASN Lecturers at PTN, also added to the fanfare
of UNNES PTN-BH employees. The issue is getting bigger because, in the SE, it is stated
that new lecturers recruited under the non-ASN scheme need to be proposed to get NIDN no
later than November 30, 2021. Not stopping there, this policy also explains that lecturers who
have obtained NIDN, but not yet ASN to then be directed to follow the ASN / PPPK selection.
Thus, the status of UNNES employees who have not yet been civil servants becomes a
threshold. The concern of UNNES employees who have not yet become civil servants is
increasing because until June 2023, UNNES with its PTN-BH status has not determined
attitudes, policies that answer these confusions and concerns.
Non-civil servants who feel suspended think that they are not getting justice from the
campus. In fact, UNNES's response, which is categorized as slow by UNNES officials, is
referred to as tyrannical action. They feel that they are tyrannical, when non-civil servants
working with unclear status and rights continue to work, while the UNNES rulers live like
'tranquility'. UNNES's calmness in responding to the status of non-civil servants is then
interpreted as a threat given implicitly or explicitly to them.
In the context of this threatening situation, non-civil servants of UNNES revealed that
"there is no need to work optimally as a legitimate measure". This is a form of resistance as
well as a manifestation of racism to optimize their time in order to find other status or income
z: Total percentage of juridical implications (skor 1-2)
x : persentase (100)
y : 300 (3aspek . 100)
α : ?
And can be formulated:
5 z . x = 86.17 %
Employee Resistance and The [Agent Of] Change Management
Model on The Juridical Implications of PTN-BH Status
Vol 2, No 8 August 2023
opportunities as non-ASN UNNES employees. This ethical-moral phenomenon of economic
status, too, has a simultaneous motion with the removal or downgrading of several UNNES
employees after becoming PTN-BH.
Actually, the removal or demotion of several UNNES employees is a form of
optimizing the role and function of the institution or position. Thus, some positions or even
institutions are downsized with the aim of saving budget as their hidden goal. However, this
optimization objective is not considered equal or fair by some UNNES employees. In other
words, the perception of UNNES employees with their current status is 'exploitative'.
On the other hand, although the expoitative perspective exists as an issue around
UNNES employees, resistance or open resistance by opposing UNNES policies does not
occur. The resistance that occurs seems to be more symbolic, like swearing, namely
"... The title of Professor or Professor obtained after serving in ring 1 or 2 is
not an achievement! It's just you know lah..." (Observation, March 2023)
(Scott, 1990) James C. Scott as "hidden transcript" (Scott, 1990; 1985). In the hidden
transcript, oppressed groups may criticize and denounce the ruler's policies, express
disapproval of unfair treatment, or express aspirations and ideals that differ from the official
narrative they present in front of the ruler. (Scott, 1990) This hidden transcript serves as a
form of escape from domination and rules imposed by the ruler. The importance of the hidden
transcript is that it allows oppressed groups to maintain their dignity and autonomy within the
closed sphere, while they must display a submissive and submissive attitude before the
authorities in the public sphere.
In addition to the hidden transcript, the form of resistance is also carried out in a
moral form referred to by James C. Scott as infrapolitics. Infrapolitics refers to forms of
resistance that occur within hidden domains or below the surface. Scott uses the term to
describe how weak or marginalized groups can express their discontent and resist domination
without involving direct confrontation (Scott, 1990; 1985). For example, procurement of
goods, budget accountability reports, or outputs from the tridarma of higher education that
should be carried out, supervised, or inspected by the University. In fact, it has been
manipulated, or at least it has run with regulations that are different from the University level.
The reason is that regulations, reporting or supervision are too complicated and long-winded
at the University level, making needs at a certain level unmeetable.
On the other hand, it is undeniable that although there is resistance in the form of
hidden transcripts and infrapolitics, in general, resistant groups still have obedience and
submission to university policies. This obedience and submission is due to the presence of
hegemony that is deeply rooted in the campus environment. The ruling hegemony not only
controls internal and material positions, but also symbols (such as honorary titles), external
campus networks, community leaders/institutions outside the campus. This is what causes
resistance to move only in the realm of hidden transcripts. Thus, the most rational action in
resistance is hidden transcript as a safe way of defending while opening up opportunities for
more explicit resistance.
Vol 2, No 8 August 2023
Employee Resistance and The [Agent Of] Change Management
Model on The Juridical Implications of PTN-BH Status
(Sudarmanto, et al., 2021; Wartini, 2015) hidden transcript , UNNES must use strategic
steps in creating all support for the status of UNNES PTN-BH. Hidden transcripts can be
seen as threats to be reconciled, but can also be understood as potential conflict management.
Therefore, it is necessary to carry out the right management model for the status of PTN-BH
UNNES. (Sudarmanto, et al., 2021; Wartini, 2015)
Discourse on Management Model for UNNES PTN-BH
Based on the issues of moral, ethical and rational resistance discussed earlier, a model
that might have the potential to minimize resistance while optimizing all the potential of
UNNES is the [agent of] change management model. The Rector of UNNES as an Agent of
change acts as a facilitator as well as power, companion and supervisor of the process or
dynamics of the management model that will run. In order to achieve this, the Rector of
UNNES should use a transition management approach as a middle ground from rolling
resistance. Transition management is an approach used to manage change systematically and
sustainably within an organization (Samahitawirotama, 2017). This approach aims to ensure
that changes are smooth and effective, so that UNNES can achieve its strategic objectives
In its conceptualization, this transition management will include 6 indicators which
then meet in three stages of change management (unfreezing, changing, refrezzing), namely
(1) identifying change needs; (2) planning and strategizing change; (3) risk management; (4)
managing cultural change; (5) communication and stakeholder involvement; (6) evaluation
and learning (Samahitawirotama, 2017).
The first stage, unfreezing (recognizing the need for change). In the midst of the
increasingly complex development dynamics of the world of education, Semarang State
University (UNNES) realizes the need to make changes to face future challenges. In the
unfreezing, UNNES needs to recognize the need for profound change and recognize the need
to adapt to the evolving educational environment. For the unfreezing phase to be successful,
visionary leadership and effective communication are needed to inform all staff and
stakeholders about the purpose and benefits of change. A strong change management team
must be able to bring awareness of the need for change and motivate all members of the
organization to be actively involved in the change process.
The second stage, changing (trying to create new conditions). After the unfreezing,
UNNES enters the changing phase, where the university strives to create new conditions that
are in accordance with the vision and goals of change. At this stage, it is necessary to plan
and implement a mature and targeted change strategy. Agents of change who play an
important role in this stage are the change management team, faculty, and teaching staff. They
must work together to identify and overcome obstacles that may arise during the change
process. In addition, collaboration with students, alumni, and other stakeholders needs to be
established to create strong support for this change. The change process must be supported by
relevant and flexible policies, as well as curriculum development that is responsive to the
needs and demands of the times. Human resource training and development should also be
prioritized to ensure that all university members have competencies that are in accordance
with the proposed changes.
Employee Resistance and The [Agent Of] Change Management
Model on The Juridical Implications of PTN-BH Status
Vol 2, No 8 August 2023
The third stage is refreezing . After achieving the desired new conditions, UNNES
must ensure that the changes that have occurred can be sustained and become part of the new
organizational culture. This refreezing stage aims to incorporate, create, and maintain
change so that it can become habits and culture inherent in every aspect of campus life. Agents
of change who play an important role at this stage are leaders and drivers of change. They
must remain committed to supporting and sustaining change, and continue to encourage all
university members to adapt and innovate in accordance with the demands of sustainable
change. The refreezing process should involve the entire university community in identifying
and resolving issues that may arise after changes are made. Evaluation and learning from
previous change experiences must also be carried out on an ongoing basis to improve the
effectiveness of future changes.
With the three stages taking place synergistically, UNNES PTN-BH can face the
future more adaptively and innovatively. The implementation of appropriate change
management will help the university achieve its strategic goals and remain relevant in facing
various upcoming challenges. Here is the change [agent of] change management model.
Using a change management approach that focuses on transition management in the
work system, as well as the Chancellor of UNNES as an agent of change, UNNES can reduce
the percentage of detected UNNES employee resistance to 15.054% and optimize 86.17% of
UNNES employees to work in shamanism on the juridical implications of UNNES PTN-BH.
In more detail, juridical optimization and resistance reduction from PTN-BH UNNES status
can be bridged through integrated and inclusive management and good communication
between structures and implementers. Based on these conclusions, this paper has provided a
sensitive framework for thinking and complemented previous studies regarding the change in
status of PTN-BLU (State Higher Education-General Service Agency) to PTN-BH.
Practically, this study has become a strategic study for UNNES in determining the attitudes
and steps needed. Even so, this study is not perfect, focusing on internal resistance and
management makes this study neglect the external side. Thus, this study suggests in future
studies to conduct an external analysis in response to the change in status from PTN-BLU to
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Copyright holders:
Mulyo Widodo
, Wahyu Beny Mukti Setiyawan
, Siti Mursidah
First publication right:
JoSS - Journal of Social Science
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