Journal of Social Science
Eko Handoyo
, Wahyu Beny Mukti Setiyawan
, Natal Kristiono
, Siti Muslikhatul
, Muhammad Wildan Khunaefi
, Fathurrahman Prasetyo Aji
Universitas Negeri Semarang
Asosiasi Antropologi Indonesia Jawa Tengah
Participation Model,
Local Wisdom and
Village Culture,
Village Fund
The study of anti-corruption literature may not be new, however, most
anti-corruption literature studies in Indonesia focus on anti-corruption
education. Meanwhile, when discussing anti-corruption villages,
religion is often used as a method of anti-corruption hand-cutting.
Unlike these studies, this study will focus on finding models of
community participation and the role of local wisdom with Max
Weber's social action theory and Mayer N. Zald-John D. Mc Carthy's
resource mobilization theory as its analysis knife. Using qualitative
research methods and Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) approach
this study, finally found that "Taqdim political-economic
empowerment based on traditional ethics and religion" is a model of
community participation that includes the local wisdom of Sentang
village. This model then also carried out five resource mobilizations
to achieve corruption prevention of village funds. The realization of
this model can then be grouped into types of social action consisting
of actions based on goals, values, affections, and traditions. Based on
the conclusion of the thesis, this study has succeeded in finding a
model of community participation and the role of local wisdom in
preventing corruption of village funds. Thus, this study has provided
new insights into preventing corruption of village funds through the
integration of participation models and the role of local wisdom. In
practical terms, this insight can automatically be used as a
consideration for policymakers in determining the prevention of
corruption in village funds.
According to the Corruption Perception Index (CPI) published by Transparency
International in 2021, Indonesia received a score of 37 and was ranked 86th out of 180
countries assessed. (Eriksson, 2021). Meanwhile, in 2022, Indonesia's GPA was recorded at
34 points on a scale of 0-100 in 2022 (Eriksson, 2022). Based on the annual report published
by Transparency International for 2021-2022, it can be seen that Indonesia has decreased by
Volume 2 Number 8 August 2023
p- ISSN 2963-1866- e-ISSN 2963-8909
Vol 2, No 8 August 2023
Community Participation Model And The Role Of Local
Wisdom In The Prevention Of Corruption Of Village Funds
4 GPA points. This fact shows that corruption in Indonesia is a serious problem. Therefore,
this corruption problem must be minimized as effectively and efficiently as possible.
Effectiveness and efficiency in minimizing corruption can presumably be done through
prevention based on local wisdom as an inclusive approach (Mahmudah, 2022; Irawati, 2013).
Inclusivity based on local wisdom as a measure to prevent corruption in Indonesia may
become dialectical of the diverse characteristics of Indonesian localities. Therefore, this paper
uses case studies to uncover the reality of corruption prevention that comes with the basis of
local wisdom in one of the regions in Indonesia. Furthermore, it does not only rely on local
wisdom as an inclusive way of preventing corruption. This study also looks for models of
community participation in the context of preventing courses in daily life. This is considered
important because minimal community involvement and supervision is thought to have
triggered a 25% increase in corruption from village fund corruption in Indonesia (Indonesian,
Corruption Watch, 2019; Research, and Development Centre for Society and Culture, 2020).
Thus, the purpose of this study is to find a model of community participation and the role of
local wisdom in preventing corruption of village funds,
This study chose Sentang Village, Wonogiri District, Wonogiri Regency as a case study.
Sendang Village is the best village in Indonesia for public disclosure information, which
features various village work programs with all budget transparency (Portal Resmi Provinsi
Jawa Tengah, 2021). So that this award and achievement, seem to be enough to represent that
Sendang village deserves to be a case study in its relationship to find "a model of community
participation and the role of local wisdom in preventing corruption of village funds". In more
detail, even Sendang village also has an anti-corruption village program since 2021/2022
(Desa Sendang, 2023). Although the anti-corruption village program has just officially started
in 2022, the starting point as an anti-corruption village is a useful insight into program
evaluation as well as the anti-corruption village model.
The study of anti-corruption literature may not be new, however, most anti-corruption
literature studies focus on anti-corruption education (Wibawa, Agustian, & Warmiyati, 2021;
Suyadi, Waharjani, Sumaryati, Sukmayadi, & Faturahman, 2020). Meanwhile, when
discussing anti-corruption villages, religion is often used as a method of anti-corruption hand
extension (Koeswara, 2023; Suyadi, Waharjani, Sumaryati, Sukmayadi, & Siraj, 2022).
Unlike these studies, this study will focus on finding models of community participation and
the role of local wisdom with Max Weber's social action theory and Mayer N. Zald-John D.
Mc Carthy's resource mobilization theory as its analysis knife. The use of qualitative research
methods and a Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) approach in this study has also increased
the possibility of finding community participation models and the role of local wisdom in
preventing the corruption of village funds. Thus, this study will contribute a new perspective
as well as a framework for local corruption prevention models in Indonesia.
This study uses qualitative research methods as the basis for research, to answer the
formulation of community participation models and the role of local wisdom in preventing
corruption of village funds. While PRA is an approach used to map the participation, potential,
and role of local wisdom owned by the people of Sendang village.
Community Participation Model And The Role Of Local
Wisdom In The Prevention Of Corruption Of Village Funds
Vol 2, No 8 August 2023
Data collection was carried out from April to June 2023 in Sentang Village, Wonogiri
District, Wonogiri Regency. The data collection techniques used in this study were semi-
structured in-depth interviews, observation, focus group discussion (FGD), and
documentation. As a start, this study conducted observations that included observations, open
interviews, and discussions, to understand the daily activities of Sentang villagers.
Observations of the activities of Sendang villagers conducted in this study include the
behavior of villagers in social, cultural, political, entertainment, and work. In addition,
researchers are also looking for meaning, meaning, ability, capital, and mindset of Sendang
villagers as the basis for the cosmology of their activities.
The second is the interview. Interviews were conducted with eleven (11) informants
through purposive sampling techniques. The main informants came from community leaders
who understood very well the condition of their village until now, namely, village officials
and leaders of the regional consultative body (BPD). While supporting informants are RT /
RW, as well as the general public.
Table 1
Research Informants
Sukamto P.W
Head of Sendang Village
Village Community
Village Community
Village Community
Village Youth
Village Girls
Be S
Agung Suswanto
Village Apparatus
Public Figures
Source: Research Primary Data, Thursday 15 June 2023
The third is FGD. The FGD was held once on Thursday, June 15, 2023, with participants
from local governments, local non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and community
leaders who produced information on mapping potential or obstacles to corruption prevention
in Sentang Village. Fourth, documentation in the form of reviewing literature documents,
village monographic articles, Sentang data, and so on. The collected data is then analyzed by
triangulation of sources to check the validity of the data, then analyzed with Max Weber's
social action theory and Mayer N. Zald-John D. McCarthy's resource mobilization theory to
be presented in an argumentation narrative.
"Taqdim" political-economic empowerment based on traditional ethics and religion is a
model and a form of participation of Sendang villagers in preventing corruption of village
funds. The formulation of this model and participation is based on two major assumptions
that are dominant in structure, culture, logic, and axioms that are generally present in the
Sentang village community. The first assumption is taqdim (precedence) with the belief of
Vol 2, No 8 August 2023
Community Participation Model And The Role Of Local
Wisdom In The Prevention Of Corruption Of Village Funds
"religion and cultural tradition as the root of the tranquility of life". The second assumption
is, "a harmonious life will only be created with balanced economic and political capabilities".
The implications of the taqdim model of political-economic empowerment based on
traditional ethics and religion are manifested in all the supporting capacities of the
development of political-economic empowerment of Sendang village based on traditional
Sendang Village is currently in at least 9 work programs (anti-corruption village,
restorative justice village, anti-drug resilient village, traffic orderly village, village guard
prosecutor, cooperation with several agencies, RTLH rehab (uninhabitable houses), social aid
and development) and 6 village potentials (fisheries, agriculture, MSMEs (micro, small and
medium enterprises), tourist destinations, economic potential, agro potential) based on
political-economic empowerment based on traditional ethics. These nine work programs and
six village potentials continue to be developed with the belief that
“ … Along with the realization of economic equality and good political participation
based on noble values (traditional ethics), corruption ... The village funds will also
disappear by themselves..." (Interview with the Head of Sentang Village, June 15,
This belief is presumably not a subjective belief of the head of Sendang village alone,
but this belief is seen as an objective belief of the people of Sendang village. This can be seen
from one of the arguments of the community which also believes that
" ... Eradication... Corruption or even potential corruption of village funds will not
disappear unless the person concerned is empowered in the political-economic sector
with goodness based on religion and tradition..." (Interview with Mbah Darsi, June 15,
Thus, the taqdim model of political-economic empowerment based on traditional ethics
and religion and religion is a model that is present in the deep structure of the Sendang village
community for tactical steps in the context of preventing corruption in general or preventing
village funds in particular. Here is the taqdim model of traditional ethics-based political-
economic empowerment:
Community Participation Model And The Role Of Local
Wisdom In The Prevention Of Corruption Of Village Funds
Vol 2, No 8 August 2023
Picture 1
Taqdim Model of Ethics-Based Political-Economic
The structure referred to in the model is all social, cultural, or even political hierarchies
contained in Sendang village such as the hierarchy between parents and children, the
hierarchy between the village head and residents, or the hierarchy between cultural figures
and ordinary people in a tradition. While culture is all ideas, habits, or artifacts (objects) that
characterize the character of Sentang village. Take for example the idea of "tradition must be
preserved"; habits about "manners"; and artifacts such as Watu Cenik. Furthermore, what is
meant by logic is the reasoning of the people of Sendang village which functions as a filter,
test, or way of responding to a phenomenon. For example the logic of the people of Sendang
village that prevents corruption is
“… Because corruption is equivalent to stealing, and stealing in the aspect of
corruption can also take the form of delays in attendance at an event. So corruption
cannot be eliminated by only material fulfillment, but also needs the fulfillment of
religious ethics and good traditions... " (Interview with the Head of Sentang Village,
June 15, 2023).
Last is the axiom. An axiom is a general statement whose truth is unquestionable
because it has become a common belief and understanding. One of the axioms that stands out
and is strongly related to this study is the axiom about "corruption is a despicable act that
presents many people" (Interview with Pak Kemis, June 15, 2023).
Furthermore, this structure, culture, logic, and axiom move to the anti-corruption social
movement that uses culture in the form of local wisdom as the main foundation. While
structure, logic, and axioms as aspects that support culture. On the other hand, social actions,
which are actions to prevent corruption of village funds, have been accommodated by local
wisdom as capital and a model of community participation.
Resource Mobilization: The Role of Local Wisdom in Preventing Village Fund
Efforts to prevent corruption carried out by Sendang village are essentially resource
mobilization in 5 aspects, namely (1) resource mobilization; (2) mobilization of organizations
religion and tradition
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Community Participation Model And The Role Of Local
Wisdom In The Prevention Of Corruption Of Village Funds
and structures; (3) mobilization of resource deprivation; (4) mobilization of joint action; (5)
mobilization of relations with external parties.
First. The anti-corruption social movement in the management of Sendang village funds
has recognized and utilized existing resources, including human resources, finance, political
support, network connections, and media access, taking into account the principles of local
wisdom. (1) Human resources (members, volunteers, leaders). Local wisdom encourages the
spirit of gotong-royong and community involvement in various activities. In the anti-
corruption movement of Sentang village funds, local wisdom has inspired the recruitment of
members and volunteers who commit to eradicating corruption. Local leaders who understand
the values of local wisdom have also motivated the community to be actively involved in the
anti-corruption movement. (2) Financial resources. Local wisdom often involves the principle
of wise resource management. In the context of Sendang's village fund anti-corruption
movement, these principles have been applied to ensure village funds are used efficiently and
transparently. Careful and accountable financial management is a tangible manifestation of
the way to prevent corrupt practices that have been carried out in Sentang village. (3) Political
Support. Principles of local wisdom, such as deliberation and consensus, have become the
basis for building political support at the local level. Communities involved in the anti-
corruption movement have mobilized support from local leaders and government institutions
willing to support anti-corruption efforts. (4) Network connection and media access. Local
wisdom has fostered strong relationships within the community. The anti-corruption
movement in Sendang village has leveraged local community networks to expand its support
base and raise awareness of the devastating effects of corruption. In addition, local media
access can also be used to voice the message of the anti-corruption movement. (5) Values and
norms of local wisdom. The principles of local wisdom, such as honesty, justice, and
responsibility, became the moral foundation of the anti-corruption movement in Sentang
village. These values have established ethical guidelines in village fund management, reduced
potential violations, and strengthened awareness of the importance of corruption prevention.
Second. Local wisdom has provided a solid foundation for building the organization
and structure of anti-corruption social movements in effective village fund management in
Sentang village. The principles of local wisdom have helped form the moral and ethical basis
in organizational structures, while the values of cooperation and deliberation have become
guides in decision-making and coordination. Furthermore, local wisdom in Sendang village
includes deep moral values, such as honesty and justice. In his movement, these principles
became a strong moral and ethical basis in the organizational structure. Honesty in fund
management and efforts to eradicate corruption has become a guide for every member of
The value of cooperation and community cooperation as part of local wisdom has
proven to help establish an efficient organizational structure to coordinate movement
activities. Members of the movement work together, using their expertise and resources to
achieve a common goal, which is to prevent corrupt practices in village fund management.
Interestingly, local wisdom in Sendang village often involves a community-based learning
approach. For example, paragliding communities, gentle communities, farming communities,
and pond communities. In the organizational structure of the anti-corruption movement, this
Community Participation Model And The Role Of Local
Wisdom In The Prevention Of Corruption Of Village Funds
Vol 2, No 8 August 2023
principle is applied to develop members' capacity in understanding corruption, good
governance, and skills needed in corruption prevention.
In addition, the value of local wisdom has also helped in the development of fair conflict
resolution mechanisms in the organizational structure of the movement. Conflicts that may
arise in the course of the movement, have been resolved based on the values of justice and
deliberation or even neglect in the social environment. Social neglect is effective because
perpetrators of corruption become ostracized and do not own or develop their resources. So
the fear of not being able to survive because of these restrictions, makes the residents of
Sendang village not commit corruption.
Third, is the mobilization of resources. The mobilization of resources in the village fund
corruption prevention movement involves local leaders, including the village head and his
staff, as well as various communities and organizations that are deeply rooted in community
life. Together, they mobilize resources to realize this noble goal.
The village chief, with a clear vision, became a pioneer in this movement. He realized
that corruption prevention is not just the government's job, but a shared responsibility of all
citizens. The village head and village administration began to design a strategy. With wise
leadership, they mobilized the human resources of the village administration to educate the
community about the adverse effects of corruption and the importance of joint supervision of
village funds. However, the strength of this movement does not only come from the village
government. Various communities and organizations in the village contributed their efforts.
The sports community utilizes the spirit of competition in their matches to form a spirit of
solidarity in the anti-corruption struggle. Village artists, with their creativity, convey
messages about transparency and integrity through art that touches people's hearts.
In addition, local economic groups also have a vital role in this movement. They not
only participate in providing funds but also provide practical guidance on wise and
responsible financial management. Organizations such as karangtaruna, which represents the
young generation of villages, help bring corruption prevention messages closer to young
people through fresh and relevant approaches. This resource mobilization is not just about
raising funds or recruiting manpower. This is a blend of the spirit of gotong-royong inherent
in Sendang's local wisdom. The principles of justice shared responsibility, and deliberation
are embodied in every step of the movement. Good coordination and awareness of common
goals form the foundation of a strong structure.
In mobilizing resources, they not only fight corruption but also form a culture of
integrity that is firmly held by every Sentang villager. Through joint efforts, this movement
can create real change. With the leadership of the Village Head and the spirit of collaboration
from various communities and organizations, corruption is no longer a shadow that haunts
village funds. Instead, a strong bond was formed between the community and the village
government, leading Sendang to a brighter future free from corruption.
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Community Participation Model And The Role Of Local
Wisdom In The Prevention Of Corruption Of Village Funds
Figure 2
Socialization of Anti-Corruption Village Counseling from the Wonogiri District
Source: Secondary Data of Sendang Village
The fourth is joint action. Various stakeholders and community members, follow Anti-
corruption village socialization. This socialization is an educational forum that opens the
insight of Sendang villagers about various forms and indicators of corruption that may occur
in village fund management. Anti-corruption experts and practitioners provide a deep
understanding of the negative impacts of corruption and the importance of transparency in
village fund governance. Through expanded insights through anti-corruption village
socialization, stakeholders and residents of Sendang village can equalize their perceptions of
corruption. This common perception is the basis for minimizing potential conflicts or
unawareness of acts of corruption. With this, the people of Sendang village become more
aware of the risks and implications of corrupt practices as a detrimental act.
Furthermore, this joint action does not stop at the level of understanding alone. Sendang
residents also practice effective collaboration to maximize the use of resources and increase
the impact of the anti-corruption movement. The village government together with residents
designed SOPs (standard operating procedures) for money management and clear and open
complaint flows, which allow anyone to report indications of corruption without fear. This
complaint flow ensures that any potential acts of corruption can be addressed immediately. In
addition, Sendang village also conducted a service satisfaction survey on the use of village
funds. This collaboration allows them to get valuable feedback from the community regarding
service quality and transparency of fund management. The survey results are used as a tool
for evaluation and improvement, ensuring that any acts of corruption can be identified and
eradicated quickly. As a result and process, this joint action not only creates an environment
that minimizes corruption but also a plant that continues to grow deeply rooted in the culture
of the Sendang people.
Sixth, the pattern of relations with external parties. The Village Consultative Body
(BPD) serves as a representative of the community in supervising and providing input on
various policies made by the village government. In the context of corruption prevention,
BPD has a key role in maintaining the integrity of village fund management. Collaboration
with village governments is very important. Through open dialogue and discussion, BPD
together with village governments designed a comprehensive corruption prevention strategy.
Community Participation Model And The Role Of Local
Wisdom In The Prevention Of Corruption Of Village Funds
Vol 2, No 8 August 2023
Figure 3
Sendang Village Integrity Pact as an Anti-Corruption Village
Source: Secondary Data of Sendang Village
One of the tangible results of this synergy is the instrument of monitoring the work of
village heads which is jointly established. This instrument includes several key elements in
corruption prevention. First, there is an "anti-corruption integrity pact" adopted by village
heads. This pact is a written commitment to carry out its duties with integrity, transparency,
and accountability. In addition, this instrument also includes Requirements on "gratuities",
where the village head is obliged to report any gifts that exceed reasonable limits. This aims
to prevent gratification practices that can damage the integrity of village fund management.
Second, there was also a decision product in the form of "Perdes No. 6 of 2022 concerning
Gratification Control Guidelines" which binds all villagers and Sendang village officials. The
last is an anti-corruption statement letter signed by Sentang village, and known by the regional
inspectorate of Wonogiri Regency, the Head of the PMD (Village Community
Empowerment) Office of Wonogiri Regency and the head of BPD as evidence of his
resistance to corruption
The synergy between BPD and the Sendang village government, the main Sendang
village inspectorate, and the Wonogiri Regency PMD Office Head, in particular, in preventing
corruption of village funds is a clear example of good governance that can be realized through
strong collaboration. This pattern of relationships leads to the creation of an environment of
mutual understanding and support, where every step to avoid corrupt practices is guided by
the values of transparency, accountability, and justice.
Local Wisdom: Village Fund Corruption Prevention Participation Model
The participation model for corruption prevention in Sendang village fund is "Taqdim
(prioritizes) political-economic empowerment based on traditional ethics and religion".
Taqdim here is placed as the main entity that oversees the succession of political-economic
empowerment with its aim for the welfare of society. While the basis of traditional ethics and
religion is used as the main approach as well as value, which functions to close the gap of
arrogance from the welfare or desire of humans who are not satisfied with their property. The
implication is that the actions of the community, including the Sendang village government,
Vol 2, No 8 August 2023
Community Participation Model And The Role Of Local
Wisdom In The Prevention Of Corruption Of Village Funds
must submit to and prioritize political-economic empowerment programs based on traditional
ethics and religion.
First, five economic empowerment programs can be seen in the progress in Sentang
village. (1) The Uninhabitable House Program (RTLH) is the brainchild of the central
government which is now being developed by the Sendang village government. This program
is not only about providing decent housing for those who do not have a decent home but also
about empowering and preventing corruption.
RTLH program was originally designed by the central government with the pure aim of
improving the welfare of people living in inadequate housing conditions. But in Sentang
village, this program has been transformed with other goals. By providing opportunities for
people in need to own livable homes, this program creates stronger bonds between the village
government and its residents. Transparency and accountability are key at every stage of the
program, from recipient selection to development project implementation. While
communities receive physical benefits from the RTLH program, they also receive training on
their rights and obligations in village fund management. Awareness in the management of
public funds, to be used with transparency and integrity has been disseminated to the people
of Sentang village. This program is a vehicle for building trust between the village
government and its residents, so corrupt practices have little room to grow.
(2) Social assistance (bansos) is a program carefully designed by the central government
to meet the daily needs and food of people in need. But far more than that, this program also
symbolizes the spirit of corruption prevention and welfare maintenance that is present in
Sentang village. Through this program, transparency and accountability become more
exposed in village fund governance. Beneficiaries, every step of the way accompanied by the
principle of integrity, know that public funds are being used correctly and beneficially. In
addition, social assistance programs also create opportunities for education and training. This
not only gives communities better skills to manage their assets and resources but also
empowers them to be an active part in the oversight of village fund management. With a better
understanding of how funds are used, the people of Sendang become more alert to potential
corrupt practices.
Figure 4
Farm Business Road, Prampelan Hamlet in 2022
Source: Secondary Data of Sendang Village
Community Participation Model And The Role Of Local
Wisdom In The Prevention Of Corruption Of Village Funds
Vol 2, No 8 August 2023
(3) The creation of village facilities such as roads and irrigation is an investment in the
future of Sentang village. With good roads, farmers can more easily access their farmland and
transport crops. With efficient irrigation, agriculture, and plantations menjadi lebih production
plants have consistent access to the necessary water supply. All this leads to a significant
increase in crop yields. Increasing yields is not only a matter of quantity, but also quality.
Along with supporting facilities, farmers and agricultural business actors in Sendang village
can more easily manage their crops, maintain environmental cleanliness, and minimize the
risk of loss. Better and more diverse yields will have a positive impact on the income of
villagers, thus creating more stable and sustainable economic resilience.
Furthermore, the expected chain effect of this program is the absence of corruption in
Sentang village. This hope becomes logical because corruption on the grounds of economic
limitations is no longer experienced by villagers who are increasingly prosperous as an initial
effect of village facilities built. With this, it can also be understood that the village government
of Sendang, has created a road that connects economic growth and corruption prevention.
This great effort creates a strong foundation for the community to achieve better prosperity
through better crop yields.
(4) MSMEs. Development and mentoring programs initiated by the village government
have had a positive impact on the local economy. While it may yet reach an impressive level
of significance, the village government has proven that it is not only speaking out but also
acting for the welfare of the community. This periodic mentoring initiative by the Sendang
village government for MSMEs has provided a kind of bond of trust in the Sendang village
government. This is good news for the village government, as an opportunity to encourage
active community participation in the anti-corruption movement.
(5) The development of the village into a tourist destination, not only opens new doors
of broken eyes, but also bright doors of hope for the community. This tourism village initiative
has made rural communities more empowered, and allowed them to preserve and develop
their village's potential, without having to leave their hometown. This transformation has
instilled a sense of love, pride, and hope for a better future, while also strengthening the
resilience of the village economy and preventing potential acts of corruption.
In the context of corruption prevention, this effort also has a relatively significant effect.
With stronger economic resilience, the urgent need for income can be reduced. This reduces
the potential for pressure that can encourage corrupt behavior. In addition, the spirit of
collaboration and love for the village has created strong social bonds among the community.
This creates an environment where corrupt practices lack ground and support. Based on this
fact, it can be understood that the development of Sendang village as a tourism village is an
inspiring example of how economic empowerment, local pride, and collective spirit can help
in corruption prevention. By fostering local opportunities, rural communities have established
a solid foundation for a better future, where village potential and integrity become valuable
assets that are fought for together.
Second, two political empowerment programs can be seen in their progress in Sendang
Village, namely the Village of restorative justice and the village guard prosecutor. (1)
Restorative justice. Restorative justice, as an alternative approach in the legal system, has
great potential to be an effective tool in preventing corruption of village funds in Sendang.
Vol 2, No 8 August 2023
Community Participation Model And The Role Of Local
Wisdom In The Prevention Of Corruption Of Village Funds
This approach focuses not only on punishment, but also on the restoration of social relations,
reimbursement, and political empowerment. Through the implementation of restorative
justice as a political empowerment program, Sendang Village can create an environment that
is more transparent, and accountable and avoids corrupt practices. First of all, restorative
justice emphasizes the restoration of social relations and reconciliation. In the context of
corruption prevention, this approach can encourage honest dialogue between perpetrators of
corruption, affected parties, and society as a whole. Through this dialogue, the guilty parties
can understand the adverse effects of their corrupt acts on society and the surrounding
environment. This creates a deeper moral awareness of the consequences of acts of corruption
and increases their sense of responsibility to society.
Furthermore, restorative justice provides an opportunity to return losses to affected
parties. In the case of corrupted village funds, this approach can allow the guilty party to
return the embezzled funds. This process not only compensates the loss-making party but also
proves that real consequences will arise from acts of corruption. This can be a lesson for other
actors and society. Political empowerment is also at the core of restorative justice. By
providing space for community participation in the conflict recovery and resolution process,
this approach gives communities a more active role in maintaining accountability and
integrity. This active participation can create a stronger internal oversight system, where the
public feels a responsibility to prevent and address corrupt practices.
In addition, restorative justice can help change the paradigm of punishment and allow
perpetrators of corruption to take responsibility for their actions. This creates opportunities
for rehabilitation and learning, where the offender can learn from his mistakes and change
their behavior for the better. By providing this second chance, this approach can reduce future
cycles of corrupt behavior. Overall, restorative justice as a political empowerment program
has the potential to significantly contribute to the prevention of corruption in Sentang village
funds. Through an approach that focuses on rapprochement, restoration, and political
empowerment, restorative justice can help create a more secure environment from corrupt
practices. By involving communities in the conflict resolution process, restorative justice can
be an effective tool in realizing transparency, accountability, and integrity in village fund
(2) The village prosecutor. The Village Attorney Program implemented in Sendang
village is a progressive step that has a positive impact on preventing corruption of village
funds. This program has clear objectives: to ensure the implementation of Village Funds that
are on target, avoid deviations, and improve the standard of living and welfare of the
community. With a focus on transparency, accountability, and sustainability, the program
helps realize more efficient and effective village fund management.
First of all, the Village Attorney program encourages increased transparency in the
implementation of Village Funds. Through active supervision, village prosecutors ensure that
every decision and allocation of funds can be properly explained to the community. This
reduces the space for corrupt practices that may occur as information becomes more open and
verifiable. Thus, this program intensifies community involvement in supervising village fund
management. Furthermore, the Village Prosecutor helps ensure that village funds are used for
the benefit of the community. By targeting the implementation of Village Funds that have a
direct impact on improving the standard of living and welfare of the community, this program
Community Participation Model And The Role Of Local
Wisdom In The Prevention Of Corruption Of Village Funds
Vol 2, No 8 August 2023
avoids deviations or allocation of funds for personal interests or certain groups. This creates
an environment where people's interests are at the center of policy and decision-making.
In addition, this program encourages Sendang village to become more economically
independent. The focus on investment and more sustainable development shows that villages
not only look at the physical side of development but also strive to create ecosystems that
support long-term economic growth. By focusing attention on sectors of the economy that
have the potential to generate sustainable income, villages can reduce dependence on village
funds and minimize the potential for corrupt practices. All of these initiatives help create an
environment where corrupt practices have little room to thrive. With greater transparency, a
focus on community services, and sustainable investment, Sendang village is moving towards
a more effective village fund management system that avoids irregularities. Through the
Village Attorney program, Sendang Village shows that corruption prevention is not only a
goal, but also the result of planned, directed, and sustainable efforts.
Types of Social Measures and Corruption Prevention of Village Funds
Here are four types of social actions described by Max Weber in the context of
preventing corruption of Sendang village funds. First, rational action with the purpose
(zweckrational). Sendang Village funds corruption prevention measures which can be
understood as rational actions to establish a structured supervision mechanism. Village
governments and communities can plan and implement efficient monitoring systems to ensure
that village funds are used transparently and for their purpose. In this case, rational action
with the aim focuses on achieving the desired result, that is, preventing the occurrence of
Second, actions based on Values (wertrational). Value-based corruption prevention
measures can emerge in the form of education and socialization campaigns on the importance
of integrity and transparency in village fund management. In this case, actions are based on
the ethical and moral values espoused by the people of Sentang village. The campaign aims
to create collective awareness about the adverse effects of corruption and inspire actions that
conform to those values. Third, traditional actions. In the context of corruption prevention,
traditional actions can be reflected in the efforts of village governments and communities to
follow customary norms and practices that already exist in village fund management. They
may apply traditional procedures that have been tested before, such as decision-making
through deliberation or following customary procedures for the use of funds. This act reflects
adherence to the norms that already exist in society.
Fourth, affective or emotional (affective) actions. Corruption prevention actions driven
by emotions or feelings can manifest in the active participation of villagers in anti-corruption
discussions or ethics-conscious movements. This action arises from a feeling of desire to
maintain integrity and overcome corruption problems. Participation in such movements
reflects feelings of empathy, anger, or disappointment with acts of corruption. In the context
of preventing corruption in Sentang village funds, these types of social actions play a role in
forming more holistic strategies and initiatives to prevent corrupt practices. Each type of
action represents a different aspect of corruption prevention measures that can involve
communities and village governments in various ways according to their social values, goals,
and norms.
Vol 2, No 8 August 2023
Community Participation Model And The Role Of Local
Wisdom In The Prevention Of Corruption Of Village Funds
The model and the form of participation of Sendang villagers in preventing corruption
of village funds is illustrated by the premise of "Taqdim" political-economic empowerment
based on traditional ethics and religion". This model then also carried out five resource
mobilizations to achieve corruption prevention of village funds. The realization of this model
can then be grouped into types of social action consisting of actions based on goals, values,
affections, and traditions. Based on the conclusion of the thesis, this study has succeeded in
finding a model of community participation and the role of local wisdom in preventing
corruption of village funds. Thus, this study has provided new insights into preventing
corruption of village funds through the integration of participation models and the role of local
wisdom. In practical terms, this insight can automatically be used as a consideration for
policymakers in determining the prevention of corruption in village funds. However, this
study is not perfect. Although studies have found a middle ground on the effectiveness and
efficiency of village fund corruption prevention these findings cannot be a common model
for the implications of corruption prevention in Indonesia. Thus, this study suggests future
studies conduct a comparative study of participation models and the role of local wisdom in
corruption prevention in Indonesia. Thus, from the comparative study can be found a
corruption prevention model, which may be used as a consideration for the Indonesian
government in making a general policy.
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Copyright holders:
Eko Handoyo, Wahyu Beny Mukti Setiyawan, Natal Kristiono, Siti Muslikhatul
Ummah, Muhammad Wildan Khunaefi, Fathurrahman Prasetyo Aji (2023)
First publication right:
JoSS - Journal of Social Science
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