Journal of Social Science
Faradiba Aisyah
Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta, Indonesia
Email: faradibaa[email protected]
Process, Stunting,
Supporting Factor,
Inhibitor Factor
Stunting remains a critical public health concern globally, with severe
consequences for child development and long-term well-being. This
abstract highlights the implementation of the Stunting Reduction
Acceleration Policy in Ponorogo Regency, Indonesia. The policy aims to
address the high prevalence of stunting among children under five years old
by employing a multifaceted approach, including nutrition intervention,
healthcare access, and community engagement. This research provides an
overview of the policy's key components, its implementation process, and
the challenges encountered during execution. Data from government
reports, interviews with policymakers, healthcare professionals, and
community members, as well as field observations, were used to assess the
effectiveness and sustainability of the policy. Preliminary findings indicate
progress in reducing stunting rates, improved awareness, and community
participation. However, persistent challenges, such as limited resources and
infrastructure, require ongoing attention to achieve sustainable stunting
reduction. This study underscores the importance of continued collaboration
between government agencies, healthcare providers, and communities to
successfully address the stunting crisis in Ponorogo Regency and beyond.
One of Indonesia's main problems today is stunting. According to WHO data, there are
178 million children under five stunted. Africa and Asia (including Indonesia) are the 2 (two)
continents with the highest percentage of stunting toddlers in the world, namely 40% and 36%
(DPR RI, 2020), with this background President Jokowi has scheduled stunting handling to
become one of the national priority programs (Organization, 2014).
The government has launched a National Action Plan for Stunting Handling which is
contained in Presidential Regulation Number 72 of 2021 concerning the Acceleration of
Stunting Reduction which emphasizes convergence activities at the national, regional, and
village levels to prioritize specific intervention activities and sensitive interventions in the First
1000 Days of Life (HPK) up to the age of 6 years. Specific interventions are aimed at pregnant
women and children in 1000 HPK with a contribution of 30% reduction in stunting and are
generally carried out by the health sector (Rajpal, Joe, Kim, Kumar, & Subramanian, 2020).
Meanwhile, sensitive interventions are aimed at various development activities outside the
health sector with a contribution of 70% to reducing stunting rates targeting the general public
and not specifically for pregnant women and toddlers in 1000 HPK (Presidential Regulation
Volume 2 Number 7 July 2023
p-ISSN 2963-1866-e-ISSN 2963-8909
Vol 2, No 7 July 2023
Implementation Of Stunting Reduction Acceleration Policy In
Ponorogo Regency
Number 72 of 2021 concerning the Acceleration of) (Shauma, Udzu Nabila &; Purbaningrum,
In conducting an annual evaluation of the success of accelerating stunting reduction, the
Ministry of Health conducts a nutritional status survey (SSGI) (Pramono, 2020). SSGI is a
survey conducted throughout Indonesia, with a survey method and is carried out to show
representative results or represent conditions in Indonesia (Saputra, Suryoto, & Sutikno, 2022).
The 2022 Indonesian Nutritional Status Survey (SSGI) provides an overview of the nutritional
status of toddlers (stunting, wasting, underweight, overweight) and its determinants including
indicators of specific nutritional interventions and nutrition-sensitive interventions using the 2-
stage stratified sampling method in a cross-sectional manner (Subramanian, Karlsson, & Kim,
2022). The implementation of SSGI 2022 involves the Vice President, Bappenas, BPS,
Ministry of Agriculture, Poltekkes, Provincial Health Office, District/City Health Office, and
experts from several universities (Zaleha & Idris, 2022).
A policy implementation must of course always be monitored and evaluated by the
parties involved, in supporting and overseeing the policy, the Regent of Ponorogo establishes
a team through the Regent Decree Number 188.45/563/405.12/2022 concerning the
Establishment of a Team to Accelerate Stunting Reduction in Ponorogo Regency for 2022 -
2024, Regent Decree Number 188.45/1036/405.12/2022 concerning the Formation of a District
Stunting Reduction Acceleration Team (TPPS) in Ponorogo Regency (Wahyuningsih,
Novianto, & Purwadi, 2017).
The policies contained in the Regent Regulation are one of the efforts to accelerate
stunting reduction in Ponorogo through specific nutrition interventions aimed at addressing the
direct causes of stunting in children through the health sector, nutrition-sensitive interventions
to address indirect causes of stunting with cross-sector health cooperation targeting all
communities (Rahmasari & Wicaksono, 2022), as stated in Regent Regulation Number 33 of
2022 article 6, the third part of the Pillars. These policies are made to improve the nutritional
status of the community and the quality of human resources with strategies to be carried out in
the form of education (Nutrition, 2013), training and counseling on health and nutrition through
family independence, healthy living community movements, and strengthening the first
thousand days of life (HPK) movement. Reducing stunting cases must involve collaboration
between the health sector and the non-health sector in the form of promotive, preventive,
curative, and rehabilitative efforts carried out by local governments and the entire community,
as stated in Ponorogo Regent Regulation Number 33 of 2022 Chapter V "Implementation of
Activities", articles 10 to 13. Each article is explained regarding the stages carried out in
specific intervention activities, sensitive intervention activities, programs/activities that must
be implemented by the village government as the target of the regent regulation, as well as the
implementation of coordination of stunting reduction acceleration teams at the village level
involving Human Development Cadres (KPM), health workers (midwives, nutrition workers
and environmental health workers), PKK mobilization teams, family planning counselors,
PAUD managers, village family planning guidance assistants (PPKBD), working groups and
integrated service post cadres (Posyandu), village local assistants, as well as cadets and/or other
community elements (Patton, 1999).
Implementation Of Stunting Reduction Acceleration Policy
In Ponorogo Regency
Vol 2, No 7 July 2023
By Ponorogo Regent Regulation Number 33 of 2022, the Ponorogo Regency
Government is committed to implementing efforts to reduce stunting in Ponorogo Regency by
touching the smallest level of government, namely in village government. In addition to the
village level, the implementation of coordination, integration, and collaboration are also carried
out from the district to village levels. In addition, the village government synchronizes in
planning and budgeting village development activities for stunting prevention (Prihatini, D.,
&; Subanda, 2020). Village governments should ensure that each priority target receives and
utilizes a package of priority nutrition intervention services. The implementation of activities
is carried out in collaboration with Human Development Cadres (KPM), Family Hope Program
(PKH) assistants, Puskesmas officers, and village midwives, as well as Family Planning (KB)
officers, village governments strengthen monitoring and evaluation of service implementation
to all priority targets and coordinate target data collection and regular data updates.
The success of reducing stunting rates is certainly a commitment of cooperation and hard
work from related parties. The Ponorogo Regency Government has made a policy, where every
policy made must be continued with the policy implementation process. "Implementation is
considered the main form and decisive stage in the policy process" (Birklan, 2001: 177;
Heineman et al., 1997: 60; Ripley and Franklin, 1986; Wibawa et al., 1994: 15). According to
Edwards III (1984: 1) the implementation of policies that are said to be ineffective, can cause
policymakers to make decisions that cause the policy cannot be implemented.
Looking at the phenomenon from previous studies conducted by several researchers in
several regencies/cities in East Java, as well as stunting prevalence data in Ponorogo Regency,
the data shows that Ponorogo Regency has exceeded the prevalence of Indonesia's stunting
rate, there are still sub-districts in Ponorogo Regency that have increased stunting rates. For
this reason, researchers decided to research on how the policy implementation process related
to accelerating stunting reduction in Ponorogo Regency.
The implementation of the stunting reduction acceleration policy is an activity carried
out to produce output for the community by the policy goals and objectives, In order for theForn
of stunting reduction to be successful and on target, research on policy implementation is
needed. From the background description that has been presented, researchers are interested in
conducting research on thresearchinglicies to accelerate stunting reduction in Ponorogo
Regency. Based on the initial study, researchers found that policymakers in Ponorogo Regency
involved in this policy are committed and able to encourage the success of the stunting
acceleration policy, so as to condition the community andtoments involved in this policy to
comply with it. The implementation analysis that researchers use is a model initiated by Van
Metter &; Carl Van Horn (1975). Van Metter & Van Horn (1975) said that "there are 6 variables
analyzed, namely standards and policies, resources, communication between implementing
organizations, characteristics of implementing organizations, attitudes of implementers and
performance". The policy to accelerate stunting reduction is a top-down policy, the success or
failure of this policy is determined by the implementing organizations, so the Van Metter &
Van Horn model is most suitable for this study.
While many studies have explored the effectiveness of stunting reduction policies in
various regions, the Implementation of Stunting Reduction Acceleration Policy in Ponorogo
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Implementation Of Stunting Reduction Acceleration Policy In
Ponorogo Regency
Regency research offers a unique perspective by focusing on a specific geographic area in
Indonesia. This study not only delves into the policy's outcomes but also investigates the
intricacies of its implementation within a rural setting, shedding light on the contextual
challenges and innovative strategies employed to combat stunting. Moreover, this research
explores the interplay between local traditions, cultural practices, and policy implementation,
providing valuable insights into the customization of anti-stunting interventions to fit the
cultural fabric of the Ponorogo community. By examining these distinct aspects, the study
contributes a fresh perspective to the broader discourse on stunting reduction policies and offers
potential solutions that can be tailored to similar contexts worldwide.
The method used in this study is a qualitative research method because researchers feel
the need for an approach that can conduct a comprehensive and in-depth study of the policy to
accelerate stunting reduction in Ponorogo Regency (Sharp, 2003). According to Asyifah
(2021), qualitative research methods are research that investigates a social phenomenon and
human problems. This research was conducted at the Ponorogo Regency Government,
especially at the Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD) which is directly related to the policy
of accelerating stunting reduction in Ponorogo Regency (Sugiyono, 2018).
In this study, researchers used data collection techniques from Cresswell, 2009.
According to Cresswell, there are four models as a data collection system with qualitative
research models (Creswell, 2009):
a. Qualitative observation, where researchers went to the field to see the role of stakeholders
and policyholders in the stunting bug forum and the stunting reduction acceleration team
(Peterson, 2019).
b. In-depth interviews are conducted directly with selected informants, guided by interview
guides, and open-ended and unstructured frequently asked questions aimed at expressing
participants' opinions and perspectives.
c. Qualitative documents, Researchers also use qualitative documents, namely in the form of
public documents related to research. Examples of qualitative documents are reports, regent
regulations, regent decrees, newspapers, articles, and papers.
d. Visual material, researchers also use several photo documents as support to show
accelerated activities to reduce stunting.
Implementation Process of Ponorogo Regent Regulation Number 33 of 2022 concerning
the Acceleration of Stunting Reduction at the Village Level
In examining the implementation process of Ponorogo Regent Regulation Number 33 of
2022, researchers use the policy implementation theory expressed by Charles O. Jones (1996),
where the implementation of the policy is seen with three main things, namely interpretation,
organization, and application. Researchers conducted research by these three indicators.
a. Interpretation
The initiation process for the acceleration of stunting reduction began with the issuance
of Presidential Regulation Number 72 of 2021 concerning the Acceleration of Stunting
Reduction, which was immediately followed up by stunting rembug activities at the
Pusdalop Building on September 28, 2021.
Implementation Of Stunting Reduction Acceleration Policy
In Ponorogo Regency
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b. Organization
In the implementation of Ponorogo Regent Regulation Number 33 of 2022, rules have
been established that contain the main duties of related parties, contained in the Ponorogo
Regent Decree Number 188.45/563/405.12/2022 concerning the Establishment of a Team
for the Acceleration of Stunting Reduction in Ponorogo Regency for 2022-2024. The Decree
certainly stipulates the details of the duties of each implementation team, by the tupoksi
attached to each implementation team.
c. Application
After the issuance of Ponorogo Regent Regulation Number 33 of 2022 concerning the
Acceleration of Stunting Reduction at the Village Level, the Regent of Ponorogo launched
a movement to support the implementation of the stunting reduction acceleration policy.
Coinciding with the 58th National Health Day on November 12, 2022, the "Ceting Beraksi"
movement has been launched, which stands for "Prevent Stunting Together and Integrated".
Following up on the implementation of the Ceting Beraksi movement, the Ponorogo
Regency Government carried out several activities related to accelerating stunting reduction
activities as a continuation of Ceting Beraksi. The innovation implemented by the district
government is the inauguration of the Chairman of the District PKK TP and the Head of the
District PKK TP to become the Mother of Stunting Ponorogo. The inauguration of the
chairman of TP PKK Regency and Sub-district as the mother of stunting is expected to
further emphasize that the Chairman of TP PKK district and sub-district also has an
important role in the movement to accelerate stunting reduction in Ponorogo Regency. The
stunting mother was confirmed by the Regent of Ponorogo.
Policy Standards and Objectives
Policy standards and objectives are one component that influences how effectively
policies are implemented. The success rate of policy implementation can be measured by
knowing whether the scope and objectives of the policy are by the social culture at the executive
a. Clear and Measurable
b. Justice
The implementation of the policy to accelerate the stunting reduction in Ponorogo
Regency will certainly not succeed without the ability to utilize the resources owned by the
Regional Government. The existing resources are not only human resources but financial
resources, time resources, and infrastructure.
Communication Between Implementing Organizations
The success of a policy implementation also depends on communication and
coordination with other sectors. The better the communication and coordination between the
parties involved, the greater the success rate of a policy.
Characteristics of the implementing organization
The performance of a policy will certainly show the characteristics and characteristics of
the implementation team. This is related to the policy context, implementers must be
appropriate by their fields so as to accelertosuccess of a policy. The scale of implementation
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Implementation Of Stunting Reduction Acceleration Policy In
Ponorogo Regency
of a policy also affects the success, the greater the scale of implementation, the more
implementing organizations are involved.
Bureaucracy is a unique type of organizational ownership that affects the services
provided. The existence of a system used to assign responsibilities in an organization The
smooth running of vertical delivery will be hampered if the bureaucratic structure of program
management is too complex and the scope of control is too long.
Executive Attitude
The attitude of the implementer is the last variable expressed by Van Metter and Van
Horn in the implementation or implementation of policies. The attitude of the implementer is
defined as the desire of the parties involved to implement the policy.
The success or failure of public policy implementation is strongly influenced by the
attitude of the implementing agent. Van Meter and Van Horn state that the disposition of the
executing agent greatly influences the success of a policy, and the ability of the executing agent
influences the disposition of the executing agent. If the implementor has a positive tendency
towards the policy, it will increase the points in the success of the policy, but if the implementor
has a negative tendency, the likelihood that the policy will fail is even greater.
Implementers must be competent in what they must know and the skills needed to
implement the policy if the policy is to be effectively implemented. Researchers focus on three
implementing elements that may influence the ability and desire for implementation of the
policy, namely: the response of the implementer, knowledge and understanding, and
consistency of attitude.
Based on the findings and facts that have been found in the research field and adjusted
to the theory used as the main reference, a discussion of these findings and facts is carried
out. The results found by the researcher are the performance of the implementation of Regent
Regulation Number 33 of 2022 in Ponorogo Regency according to the theory established by
Charles O. Jones (1996) through 3 stages, namely interpretation, organization, and
In the interpretation stage, Ponorogo Regent Regulation Number 33 of 2022
concerning the Acceleration of Stunting Reduction at the Village Level is a derivative of
Presidential Regulation Number 72 of 2021 concerning the Acceleration of Stunting
Reduction. The implementation of Ponorogo Regent Regulation Number 33 of 2022 has been
followed up optimally by the implementation team which has been determined by the Regent
Decree which is a follow-up to the regent regulation. In addition, Ponorogo Regent
Regulation Number 33 of 2022 is also the legal basis for other regulations that support the
implementation of the stunting reduction acceleration program. From the results of the
research, it is known that the process of submitting Ponorogo Regent Regulation Number 33
of 2022 concerning the Acceleration of Stunting Reduction at the Village Level has run well
and optimally, where it is known that the Regent Regulation is the legal basis for other
This statement is supported by variables that have been studied by researchers, namely
policy goals and objectives. According to the variables of policy targets and objectives, it is
found that the implementation of policies related to the acceleration of stunting reduction in
Ponorogo Regency has been implemented clearly and measurably, according to the
Implementation Of Stunting Reduction Acceleration Policy
In Ponorogo Regency
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predetermined target and in its implementation has been structured and has clear levels at
each stage that has been regulated. In the stunting reduction acceleration program, each
region sets its target related to the extent to which stunting prevalence can be achieved by the
For the organizational stage, as a follow-up to Regent Regulation Number 33 of 2022,
an implementation team was formed to accelerate the stunting reduction in the Ponorogo
Regency. The implementation team was then determined by the Decree of the Regent of
Ponorogo Number: 188.45/563/405.12/2022 concerning the Establishment of a Team to
Accelerate Stunting Reduction in Ponorogo Regency for 2022-2024. This organizational
stage is supported by resource variables, consisting of human resources, financial resources,
and facilities and infrastructure. From the results obtained by researchers, it is known that in
accelerating stunting reduction there are sufficient human resources in the implementation of
the policy, starting from the district level to the village level. Human resources ranging from
the level of policymakers in OPD to implementers work by their respective tupoksi.
For financial resources, these financial resources are in the form of budget allocations
either from the Ponorogo Regency Government, Province, or Financial Assistance from the
Center to the budget at the village level from the Village Fund and Village APB. The budget
is used to carry out planning, training, monitoring, and evaluation at the district and village
levels. Financial resources to support the acceleration of stunting reduction are still lacking,
because there are still several villages that are still lacking in allocating village funds to meet
the program of accelerating stunting reduction activities. This can happen because there are
still villages that are not the locus, feeling that the stunting program has not become a top
priority. After all, they feel that their village is not the locus of stunting. But overall, financial
resources to support the stunting reduction acceleration program have been said to be
maximum and optimal.
In terms of resources, facilities, and infrastructure are attached to each party and use
the existing budget, both specifically used for stunting reduction and integrated in other
activities, for example, Village Healthy Houses (RDS). So that infrastructure facilities are
determined to have become resources that optimally support the implementation of
accelerating stunting reduction because they are directly attached to each OPD of the
implementation team.
The next supporting variable is communication between implementing organizations.
Based on the results of interviews and also a review of documents that have been conducted
by researchers, researchers can draw conclusions, namely communication and coordination
between parties involved in the implementation of policies to accelerate stunting reduction
have been implemented both at the district and village scales, but it should be noted that
activeness, commitment, and improvement efforts determine the success or failure of policy
The next variable that is supporting is the characteristics of the implementing
organization. Researchers found that the characteristics of the implementation team were
adjusted to the objectives of each work unit. So that the characteristics of the implementing
organization can be said to be in accordanbyives specified in the stunting reduction
Vol 2, No 7 July 2023
Implementation Of Stunting Reduction Acceleration Policy In
Ponorogo Regency
acceleration team in the Decree of the Regent of Ponorogo Number 188.45/563/405.12/2022
concerning the Establishment of the Ponorogo Regency Stunting Reduction Acceleration
Team for 2022-2024.
The third stage is the application stage. At the application stage after the issuance of
Regent Regulation Number 33 of 2022, the Ponorogo Regency Government launched the
Creating Action Movement. Since the launching of the citing movement in action,
agencies/agencies/institutions have also become more active in implementing programs
related to accelerating stunting reduction, namely the inauguration of the Mother of Stunting
and audits related to the implementation of the acceleration program for stunting reduction.
The supporting variable of this application stage is the attitude of the implementer. From the
results of research obtained by researchers, it can be said that the tendency of implementers
varies, but all responses are the same because stunting reduction is a national priority
program, All implementing parties accept and implement this policy, even though there are
some dostand, causing efforts made to fulfill obligations to superiors.
Based on the formulation of the problem set by the researcher, it can be concluded as
follows (Wahab, 2012):
The implementation of policies related to the acceleration of stunting reduction in
Ponorogo Regency is a derivative of Presidential Regulation Number 72 of 2021 concerning
the Acceleration of Stunting Reduction, namely Ponorogo Regent Regulation Number 33 of
2022 concerning the Acceleration of Stunting Reduction at the Village Level. The
implementation of the Regent Regulation which then became the basis for the implementation
team in implementing the provisions for accelerating stunting reduction in Ponorogo Regency,
began with the enactment of the Decree of the Regent of Ponorogo Number:
188.45/563/405.12/2022 concerning the Establishment of a Team for the Acceleration of
Stunting Reduction in Ponorogo Regency for 2022-2024, Decree of the Chief Executive of the
Ponorogo Regency Stunting Reduction Acceleration Team Number: 188.4/1036/405.12/2022
concerning the Formation of a Reduction Acceleration Team Stunting (TPPS) Sub-District in
Ponorogo Regency in 2022, as well as the Issuance of the Decree of the Regent of Ponorogo
Number: 188.45/472/405.27/2023 concerning the Determination of Village Focus Locations
for Integrated Stunting Reduction Interventions in Ponorogo Regency in 2023.
Supporting factors in the successful implementation of the stunting reduction
acceleration policy come from the standards and policy objectives, coordination,
communication, commitment of implementing organizations, and responses from
implementers who are ready to implement the policy, as well as implementing organizations
appointed to implement policies by their respective tupoksi.
The inhibiting factor in policy implementation is the financial resources derived from
village funds, it is felt that there are still some villages that are not optimal in their allocation.
In addition, not all implementers understand and are competent in supporting the policy, and
the evaluation of policies carried out monthly is considered ineffective.
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Vol 2, No 7 July 2023
Implementation Of Stunting Reduction Acceleration Policy In
Ponorogo Regency
Copyright holders:
Faradiba, Aisyah (2023)
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JoSS - Journal of Social Science
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