Journal of Social Science
Collaborative Governance In The Control Of Street Vendors On Jendral
Urip Sumoharjo Street
Citra Nugraheny Putri Widodo
, Ismi Dwi Astuti Nurhaeni
, Rina Herlina Haryanti
Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
governance, street
Street vendors are often the cause of disturbances in public peace and order,
including in Surakarta City, especially on Jendral Urip Sumoharjo Street.
Jendral Urip Sumoharjo Street is an orderly area in Surakarta City and is
often the center of major events. The purpose of this study is to map the
process of collaboration between stakeholders in regulating street vendors
on Jendral Urip Sumoharjo Street. Analysis is seen from three components,
namely principled engagement, shared motivation and capacity for joint
action. This research uses qualitative research methods with a case study
approach. Data collection techniques with interviews, observation and
documentation. The data analysis technique used is interactive analysis and
the validity of the data used is a triangulation technique. The results showed
that the process of collaboration between stakeholders in this regulation
through three components. This can be seen from the principled engagement
component that starts from what drives collaboration, namely the results of
routine patrols and community complaints that enter Satuan Polisi Pamong
Praja Surakarta City. Followed by a coordination meeting by several
stakeholders to reach an agreement, but did not involve street vendors and
the community. The component of shared motivation begins with mutual
trust through the duties, functions and authorities of several stakeholders
which are then manifested into a letter of assignment accompanied by their
respective commitments. Ending with the component of capacity for joint
actions through regulation based on established commitments. In this case,
street vendors are involved not as a control team but rather as targets in the
order. This shows that the government's role is most dominant in every
component of the collaboration process in regulating street vendors on
Jendral Urip Sumoharjo Street.
Public services are regulated in Law Number 25 of 2009 which states that public
services are activities or series of activities to fulfill service needs by laws and regulations for
every citizen and resident of goods, services, and/or administrative services provided by
public service providers. Public service organizations are obliged to carry out public services
for formation. Good implementation has an impact that can be felt by the community. Public
service providers in creating a quality service is not an easy thing. Not a few problems occur
due to public services that are held because they are still lacking (djpb., 2021).
Volume 2 Number 8 August 2023
p- ISSN 2963-1866- e-ISSN 2963-8909
Vol 2, No 8 August 2023
Collaborative Governance In The Control Of Street
Vendors On Jendral Urip Sumoharjo Street
On the other hand, the problems that occur can also form a collaboration of public service
provider organizations. This collaboration can have an impact on optimal public services.
One of the responsive public service providers in Surakarta City is the Surakarta City
Civil Service Police Unit. This is listed on the website of the Surakarta Complaint Service
Unit. The Surakarta City Civil Service Police Unit has a percentage of 84.62% as one of the
responsive regional apparatus organizations in April 2023 and an increase of 98.11% in June
2023. As stipulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs of the Republic of
Indonesia Number 26 of 2020 concerning the Maintenance of Public Order and Public Peace
and Community Protection. The regulation states that the Civil Service Police Unit hereinafter
referred to as Satpol PP is a regional apparatus formed to enforce regional regulations and
regional head regulations, maintain public order and peace, and provide community
Public order and public peace can be seen from the existence of street vendors in
Surakarta City. The existence of street vendors in Surakarta City has a considerable impact on
the community, both positive and negative impacts. The existence of street vendors can absorb
labor and increase local income. Street vendors not only function as a buffer for excess labor
that is not absorbed in the formal sector but also have a major role in improving the economy
of urban communities (Mustapha et al., 2022). On the other hand, the existence of street
vendors also triggers many problems in the community. Generally, problems arise in the form
of disruption of road functions, the function of green open spaces, and environmental
cleanliness. There are many socio-economic problems due to the existence of street vendors,
including the increasing cost of providing public facilities in urban areas, encouraging the
rapid flow of migration from villages to cities, the mushrooming of slums, and the crime rate
of cities (Alisjahbana, 2003).
The number of street vendors is increasing along with the many developments and
events in Surakarta City. The significant growth of street vendors in Surakarta City can be
seen through the presence of street vendors located in Taman Bandung Tirtonadi, Sheikh
Zayed Grand Mosque area, Surakarta City Hall area, and Pasar Gede. The construction of
Taman Bandung Tirtonadi and Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque made street vendors flock to sell
in the area. This also happens in the Surakarta City Hall and Pasar Gede areas because of the
many events held in the area.
This shows that street vendors in Surakarta City are not only desperate to sell in places
of worship, but some sell in orderly areas and not by the predetermined time. The orderly area
in Surakarta City is regulated in Mayor Regulation Number 2-G of 2013. This orderly area
includes Jalan Brigjen Slamet Riyadi, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman, Jalan Jendral Urip Sumoharjo,
Jalan Kapten Mulyadi, Jalan Veteran, and Jalan Adi Sucipto. In addition to selling in orderly
areas, many street vendors violate operating hours that should sell from 17.00 WIB to 05.00
As mentioned above that Jalan Jendral Urip Sumoharjo is included in the orderly area
in Surakarta City. Many trading activities can be seen from the many traders and visitors along
Jalan Jendral Urip Sumoharjo. This trading activity is carried out not by existing regulations.
Starting from the operating hours of selling before 17.00 WIB or exceeding 05.00 WIB,
leaving garbage after selling, using the shoulder of the road or sidewalk or slow lane causing
Collaborative Governance In The Control Of Street
Vendors On Jendral Urip Sumoharjo Street
Vol 2, No 8 August 2023
road function disruption to severe congestion along Jalan Jendral Urip Sumoharjo.
The existence of street vendors that are not by this regulation is found through routine
patrols of the Surakarta City Civil Service Police Unit and the number of complaints that come
through complaint channels, such as ULAS, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, WhatsApp, etc.
Many of the street vendors in Surakarta City violate local regulations (satpolpp., 2023). Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs of the Republic of
Indonesia Number 42 of 2012 concerning Guidelines for Structuring and Empowering Street
Vendors explains that street vendors need to be organized and empowered. This is in line with
Surakarta City Regional Regulation Number 3 of 2008 concerning Street Vendor
Management which also mentions the structuring, coaching, and supervision of street vendors
in Surakarta City. The regulation states that the control over the implementation of this
regional regulation is carried out by the Civil Service Police Unit.
In addition to violating Surakarta City Regional Regulation Number 3 of 2008, street
vendors also violate Surakarta City Regional Regulation Number 10 of 2022 concerning the
Implementation of Transportation and Surakarta City Regional Regulation Number 10 of
2015 concerning Environmental Protection and Management. The existence of these various
regulations implies that street vendors have long been a concern of both central and local
governments. The attention of the government, especially the Surakarta City Government, to
the existence of street vendors has begun since the era of the leadership of Mayor H.R.
Hartomo which was then continued by Imam Soetopo, Slamet Suryanto, and Joko Widodo.
Based on the explanation above, the existence of street vendors who cause disturbances
to public order should be handled jointly by relevant agencies. Solving this problem requires
clear standard operating procedures from each agency. Performance must be regulated in such
a way and have its standard of operation (SOP) (Rivai & Sagala, 2011). At this point, a
collaboration between relevant agencies is needed so that the problem of disorderly street
vendors can be overcome optimally.
The concept of collaborative governance itself emphasizes equal interaction, no one is
dominated or dominated in the policy process or decision-making (Sranko, 2011). This means
that neither party feels disadvantaged or cheated because the solution or solution to the
problem taken is the result of a joint decision so that it will not cause problems in the future
because related parties feel that the solution taken is the result of a joint decision by taking
into account the existing situation and conditions.
Several previous studies have stated the importance of collaborative governance in
anticipating and solving a problem (Ratner et al., 2013), (Lu & Li, 2020), (Osei-Kyei et al.,
2019), Rokhim et al. 2020, Stepanova et al. 2020, (Russell et al., 2021), (Chang et al., 2022),
(Kim et al., 2023). Collaborative governance is also needed in every public policy decision-
making (Johansson, 2018), (Liu & Xu, 2018), (Erikson & Larsson, 2022), (Li et al., 2022),
(Paliokaitė & Sadauskaitė, 2023). Based on the explanation of previous research, it can be
concluded that in collaborative governance no party feels disadvantaged or cheated because
the solution or problem-solving taken is the result of a joint decision so that it will not cause
problems in the future because related parties feel that the solution taken is the result of a joint
decision by taking into account the existing situation and conditions.
Looking at these problems, this study examines collaborative governance in regulating
Vol 2, No 8 August 2023
Collaborative Governance In The Control Of Street
Vendors On Jendral Urip Sumoharjo Street
street vendors on Jalan Jendral Urip Sumoharjo. The purpose of this study is to obtain a map
of the occurrence of a process of collaboration between stakeholders in regulating street
vendors on Jalan Jendral Urip Sumoharjo both in describing stakeholder involvement and trust
between stakeholders to the capacity of each stakeholder.
Data collection techniques were used in this study through interviews, observation, and
documentation. The interview was conducted with several speakers, namely the Secretary of
the Surakarta City Civil Service Police Unit, one staff of the Surakarta City Trade Office, one
staff of the Surakarta City Transportation Office, one member of Denpom IV / 4 Diponegoro,
one member of the Surakarta 0735 Regional Command, one member of the Surakarta
Regional Police, the surrounding community and the street vendors themselves. Observations
were made by visiting the research site three times by observing the presence of street vendors
on Jalan Jendral Urip Sumoharjo. The documents analyzed are Surakarta City Regional
Regulation Number 3 of 2008, Surakarta City Regional Regulation Number 10 of 2022,
Surakarta Mayor Regulation Number 17-B of 2012, Surakarta Mayor Regulation 2-G of 2013,
Surakarta Mayor Regulation Number 40 of 2021, minutes of coordination meeting on the
orderly area control plan on Jalan Jendral Urip Sumoharjo, report on control activities in the
orderly area on Jalan Jendral Urip Sumoharjo, a letter of accountability for the coordination
meeting of the orderly area control plan on Jalan Jendral Urip Sumoharjo, and a letter of
responsibility for the regulation in an orderly area on Jalan Jendral Urip Sumoharjo.
Data analysis was carried out qualitatively concerning (Miles & Huberman, 2007),
namely interactive analysis techniques. The data obtained is reduced by summarizing, sorting,
and focusing on data from the research, namely collaborative governance in regulating street
vendors on Jalan Jendral Urip Sumoharjo. The data is reduced to a report description and then
sorted and categorized. This is done to choose which information is appropriate and not by
the research problem and continues until the final research report is completed. Data is
presented in the form of narrative text by adding several tables and supporting images derived
from data analysis that has been carried out. The results of the data source analysis are
presented to answer research questions and describe collaborative governance analysis in
regulating street vendors on Jalan Jendral Urip Sumoharjo. Conclusions are carried out by
collecting information related to the results of the answers to the problem statement, by the
frame of mind. The conclusion comes from the reduction of the data presented logically and
Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Number 41 of
2012 states that street vendors are business actors who conduct trading business using mobile
and immobile business facilities, using city infrastructure, social facilities, public facilities,
land and buildings owned by the government and/or private that are temporary / not settled.
Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Number 41 of
2012 also explains the arrangement and empowerment of street vendors. The arrangement of
street vendors is an effort made by the local government through the determination of fostered
locations to determine, move, regulate, and eliminate the location of street vendors by taking
Collaborative Governance In The Control Of Street
Vendors On Jendral Urip Sumoharjo Street
Vol 2, No 8 August 2023
into account public interests, social, aesthetics, health, economy, security, order,
environmental cleanliness and by laws and regulations.
While the empowerment of street vendors is an effort made by the government, local
governments, the business world, and the community synergistically in the form of growing
the business climate and business development of street vendors so that they can grow and
develop both the quality and quantity of their business.
The above explanation is in line with Surakarta City Regional Regulation Number 3 of
2008 concerning Street Vendor Management that the existence of street vendors needs to be
managed, organized, and empowered in such a way that their existence provides added value
or benefits for economic growth and city society and creates a good and healthy environment.
The existence of street vendors is an informal sector trading business that affects the
surrounding environmental conditions.
Surakarta City Regional Regulation Number 3 of 2008 was made to realize Surakarta
City as a clean, healthy, neat, and beautiful city (BERSERI) by its vision and mission as a
trading city, as well as to meet the interests of the Regional Government and street vendors
and protect the community.
Surakarta City Regional Regulation Number 3 of 2008 appoints the Surakarta City Civil
Service Police Unit as the enforcer of regional regulations to regulate the implementation of
these regional regulations and appoints the Surakarta City Trade Office as the agency that
manages street vendors. This regulation is followed by Surakarta Mayor Regulation Number
17-B of 2012 concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of Surakarta City Regional
Regulation Number 3 of 2008 concerning Street Vendor Management.
The Surakarta City Government said that the location of the street vendor business is
the roadside of Surakarta City which does not result in disruption of road functions with the
provision of business time from 17.00 to 05.00 WIB. Street vendors can carry out business
activities in public facilities as a form of participation during the implementation of official
activities by the City Government and/or private parties with the provision that the building
must be demolished and maintain order and cleanliness of the business environment until the
completion of the activity.
Everyone who conducts street vendor business in public facilities designated and
controlled by the Regional Government must have a placement permit issued by the Mayor,
signed by the Head of the Office on behalf of the Mayor of Surakarta. In maintaining order,
security, peace, and cleanliness, street vendors are prohibited from conducting business
activities in places such as public facilities, ditches, embankments, city parks, sidewalks, slow
lanes, green lanes, cultural heritage, monuments, schools, heroes' cemetery, offices or
government buildings and places of worship.
On the other hand, the reality that occurs in the field is that there are still many street
vendors who violate the rules set by the City Government. Many street vendors in Surakarta
City sell untimely, out of place such as public facilities, ditches, sidewalks, slow lanes, green
lanes, places of worship, etc. These street vendors also cause congestion on some roads, leave
food waste and cause other problems.
The number of street vendors in Surakarta City until 2023 is 828 street vendors. This
number is only street vendors located in shelters that have been provided by the Surakarta
Vol 2, No 8 August 2023
Collaborative Governance In The Control Of Street
Vendors On Jendral Urip Sumoharjo Street
City Government. Street vendors mobilizing are not included in the data owned by the
Surakarta City Trade Office. This shows the large number of street vendors in Surakarta City.
The number of street vendors is increasing along with the many developments and events in
Surakarta City. The growth of street vendors in Surakarta City can be seen in street vendors
located in Taman Bandung Tirtonadi, Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque area, Surakarta City Hall
area, and Pasar Gede. The construction of Taman Bandung Tirtonadi and Sheikh Zayed Grand
Mosque made street vendors flock to sell in the area. This also happens in the Surakarta City
Hall and Pasar Gede areas because of the many events held in the area.
Jalan Jendral Urip Sumoharjo is part of an orderly area in Surakarta City. Jalan Jendral
Urip Sumoharjo is the face of Surakarta City because of the many trading activities that can
increase the local original income (PAD) of Surakarta City. On the other hand, trading
activities carried out by street vendors also cause disturbances to public order so it needs to
be regulated by the competent authorities. Where the agency authorized to carry out control
is the Surakarta City Civil Service Police Unit.
At the stage of routine patrols and follow-up complaints from the community by the
Surakarta City Civil Service Police Unit, dissemination of Regional Regulations, and appeals
to street vendors on Jalan Jendral Urip Sumoharjo regarding violations committed. At this
stage, Surakarta City Civil Service Police Unit personnel agreed with street vendors on Jalan
Jendral Urip Sumoharjo regarding time tolerance to find solutions, including switching
operating hours or changing places to sell. Street vendors who were still committing offenses
after one week of dealing were given the first warning letter. In the first warning letter, it was
also written an invitation for the street vendor to attend the Surakarta City Civil Service Police
Unit Office. The call to street vendors to attend the Surakarta City Civil Service Police Unit
Office is also a form of anticipation of a commotion in the field. Traders who fulfill the call
are given guidance by personnel of the Surakarta City Civil Service Police Unit.
Street vendors who still commit violations five days after being given the first warning
letter are given a second warning letter. Street vendors who still commit violations three days
after being given a second warning letter are given a third warning letter. Street vendors still
commit violations one day after being given a third warning letter, then a crackdown is carried
Stakeholders involved in regulating street vendors on Jalan Jendral Urip Sumoharjo are
the Surakarta City Civil Service Police Unit, Surakarta City Trade Office, Surakarta City
Transportation Office, Denpom IV / 4 Diponegoro, Surakarta Regional Command 0735 and
Surakarta Police. This was conveyed by several speakers related to stakeholder involvement
in handling street vendors on Jalan Jendral Urip Sumoharjo.
This shows that there is a collaboration between several stakeholders in efforts to handle
street vendors on Jalan Jendral Urip Sumoharjo. The meeting involved only several
stakeholders to discuss problems in the field, explain what actions have been taken and how
further actions will be taken. Efforts from the Surakarta City Civil Service Police Unit and
the Surakarta City Trade Office to prevent violations committed by street vendors in Surakarta
City have been implemented for a long time.
On the other hand, there is one problem that has arisen since December 2021. This is
due to changes in the structure of the work procedure organization (SOTK) within the
Collaborative Governance In The Control Of Street
Vendors On Jendral Urip Sumoharjo Street
Vol 2, No 8 August 2023
Surakarta City Government. Based on Surakarta Mayor Regulation Number 40 of 2021
concerning the position, organizational structure, duties and functions, and work procedures
of regional offices, the Surakarta City Trade Office no longer has the field of street vendors.
The change in the composition of the work procedure organization (SOTK) mentions three
fields in the Surakarta City Trade Office, namely the field of export development and
marketing of domestic products, the field of trade distribution facilities, and the field of
service and trade development.
This change in the structure of the work procedure organization (SOTK) caused a gray
zone in handling street vendors in Surakarta City. The main duties and functions of each
agency related to standard operating procedures in handling the disorder of street vendors in
Surakarta City have become unclear. It should be recalled that Surakarta City Regional
Regulation Number 3 of 2008 appoints the Surakarta City Civil Service Police Unit as the
enforcer of regional regulations to regulate the implementation of these regional regulations
and appoints the Surakarta City Trade Office as the agency that manages street vendors.
Looking at the involvement of stakeholders both from government and non-government
parties, this study analyzes collaborative governance in regulating street vendors on Jalan
Jendral Urip Sumoharjo. The author uses the theory of collaborative governance according to
(Emerson & Nabatchi, 2015) which states that the collaboration process within the framework
of collaborative governance consists of three components, namely principled engagement,
shared motivation, and capacity for joint action.
Collaboration Process Table
Principled Engagement
Shared Motivation
Capacity to Take Collective
(Capacity for Joint Action)
Internal Legitimacy
(Internal Legitimation)
Surakarta City
Civil Service
Police Unit
Based on
the results
of routine
patrols and
from the
vendor carts
and street
hours that
are not by
Based on the
results of the
meeting on
June 15, 2023,
agreed to
implement the
regulation on
June 22 and
26, 2023 with
the budget of
the Surakarta
City Civil
Service Police
Agreed to play
a role in
evidence of the
control of
street vendors
on Jalan
Jendral Urip
1. Based on
the main
tasks and
functions of
2. Agreement
on the
results of
meeting on
June 15,
Letter of Assignment from the
Head of the Surakarta City
Civil Service Police Unit
KP.11.00/1563/VI/2023 dated
June 20, 2023, to carry out
control duties in an orderly
area on Jalan Jendral Urip
1. Securing 6
pieces of
evidence of
the control
of street
vendors on
Jalan Jendral
2. Issued a
budget of
for personnel
transport and
for food and
drink for all
As a leading
sector with
actions to
secure goods
and spend a
budget for the
regulation of
street vendors
on Jalan
Jendral Urip
Surakarta City
Trade Office
Based on
invitation to
Based on the
results of the
Agreed to play
a role in
fostering street
1. Based on
the main
tasks and
1. Letter of Assignment from the
Head of the Surakarta City
Civil Service Police Unit
Build street
vendors who
do not heed
Engage in
activities by
Vol 2, No 8 August 2023
Collaborative Governance In The Control Of Street
Vendors On Jendral Urip Sumoharjo Street
from the
City Civil
Police Unit.
meeting on
June 15, 2023,
agreed to
implement the
regulation on
June 22 and
26, 2023 with
the budget of
the Surakarta
City Civil
Service Police
vendors who
did not heed
warnings 1-3
from the
Surakarta City
Civil Service
Police Unit and
sought the
transfer of
street vendors
to the nearest
functions of
2. Agreement
on the
results of
meeting on
June 15,
KP.11.00/1563/VI/2023 dated
June 20, 2023, to carry out
control duties in an orderly
area on Jalan Jendral Urip
2. Warrant from the Head of the
Surakarta City Trade Office
KP.11.00/2463/VI/2023 dated
June 21, 2023, to carry out
control activities in an orderly
area on Jalan Jendral Urip
warnings 1-3
from the
City Civil
Police Unit
and seek the
transfer of
vendors to
the nearest
street vendors
who do not
heed warnings
1-3 from the
Surakarta City
Civil Service
Police Unit
and seek the
transfer of
street vendors
to the nearest
Surakarta City
Based on
invitation to
from the
City Civil
Police Unit.
Based on the
results of the
meeting on
June 15, 2023,
agreed to
implement the
regulation on
June 22 and
26, 2023 with
the budget of
the Surakarta
City Civil
Service Police
Agreed to play
a role in
curbing illegal
officers, and
helping smooth
traffic flow
during control.
1. Based on
the main
tasks and
functions of
2. Agreement
on the
results of
meeting on
June 15,
1. Letter of Assignment from the
Head of the Surakarta City
Civil Service Police Unit
KP.11.00/1563/VI/2023 dated
June 20, 2023, to carry out
control duties in the orderly
area of Jalan Jendral Urip
2. Letter of Assignment from the
Head of the Surakarta City
Transportation Office Number
KP.11.00/2798/VI/2023 to
carry out traffic regulation and
control (P3L) services in the
context of regulating the
orderly area on Jalan Jendral
Urip Sumoharjo.
officers, and
help smooth
traffic flow
Engage in
activities by
curbing illegal
and helping
smooth traffic
flow during
Denpom IV/4
Based on
invitation to
from the
City Civil
Police Unit.
Based on the
results of the
meeting on
June 15, 2023,
agreed to
implement the
regulation on
June 22 and
26, 2023 with
the budget of
the Surakarta
City Civil
Service Police
Agree to play a
role in
or backing up
personnel if
things happen
that are not
1. Based on
the main
tasks and
functions of
2. Agreement
on the
results of
meeting on
June 15,
1. Letter of Assignment from the
Head of the Surakarta City
Civil Service Police Unit
KP.11.00/1563/VI/2023 dated
June 20, 2023, to carry out
control duties in an orderly
area on Jalan Jendral Urip
2. Warrant from the Commander
of Denpom IV/4 Diponegoro
Number 536/VI/2023 dated
June 21, 2023, to carry out
control in an orderly area on
Jalan Jendral Urip Sumoharjo.
or back up
personnel if
happen that
are not
Engage in
activities by
or backing up
personnel if
things happen
that are not
Kodim 0735
Based on
invitation to
from the
City Civil
Police Unit.
Based on the
results of the
meeting on
June 15, 2023,
agreed to
implement the
regulation on
June 22 and
26, 2023 with
the budget of
the Surakarta
Agree to play a
role in
or backing up
personnel if
things happen
that are not
1. Based on
the main
tasks and
functions of
2. Agreement
on the
results of
meeting on
June 15,
1. Letter of Assignment from the
Head of the Surakarta City
Civil Service Police Unit
KP.11.00/1563/VI/2023 dated
June 20, 2023, to carry out
control duties in an orderly
area on Jalan Jendral Urip
2. Letter of Assignment from the
Commander of Koramil
04/Jebres Number 34/VI/2023
dated June 26, 2023, to carry
out control in the orderly area
or back up
personnel if
happen that
are not
Engage in
activities by
or backing up
personnel if
things happen
that are not
Collaborative Governance In The Control Of Street
Vendors On Jendral Urip Sumoharjo Street
Vol 2, No 8 August 2023
City Civil
Service Police
of Jalan Jendral Urip
Police Station
Based on the
invitation to
from the
City Civil
Police Unit.
Based on the
results of the
meeting on
June 15, 2023,
agreed to
implement the
regulation on
June 22 and
26, 2023 with
the budget of
the Surakarta
City Civil
Service Police
Agree to play a
role in
or backing up
personnel if
things happen
that are not
1. Based on
the main
tasks and
functions of
2. Agreement
on the
results of
meeting on
June 15,
1. Letter of Assignment from the
Head of the Surakarta City
Civil Service Police Unit
KP.11.00/1563/VI/2023 dated
June 20, 2023, to carry out
control duties in an orderly
area on Jalan Jendral Urip
2. Warrant from the Chief of
Surakarta City Resort Police
dated June 20, 2023, to carry
out control duties in an orderly
area on Jalan Jendral Urip
or back up
personnel if
happen that
are not
Engage in
activities by
or backing up
personnel if
things happen
that are not
Street vendors
Based on the
results of the
City Civil
Police Unit.
Based on the
first warning
letter from the
Surakarta City
Civil Service
Police Unit
dated June 6,
Do not agree to
be put in order
and ask for a
solution from
the Surakarta
City Trade
Office to
shelters with
Involved in
activities but
not as part of
a team but
being the
target of these
Based on
to the
Based on a
complaint at
the Surakarta
Service Unit
on June 14,
2023, at 19.33
WIB via
Agree if
regulations are
by relevant
Not engage in
Source: processed from primary and secondary data, 2023
Based on the discussion in the previous chapter, it can be concluded that collaborative
governancein regulating street vendors on Jalan Jendral Urip Sumoharjo is fully through three
processes according to (Emerson & Nabatchi, 2015), namely:
Principled engagement
The implementation of the regulation of street vendors in General Urip Sumoharjo
involved several stakeholders including the Surakarta City Civil Service Police Unit,
Surakarta City Trade Office, Surakarta City Transportation Office, Denpom IV / 4
Diponegoro, Surakarta Regional Command 0735, Surakarta Police. In principled engagement
there are basic processes, namely:
a. Discovery
The thing that drives the collaboration is starting from the results of routine patrols of the
Surakarta City Civil Service Police Unit and public complaints that enter the Surakarta
City Civil Service Police Unit.
b. Deliberation
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Collaborative Governance In The Control Of Street
Vendors On Jendral Urip Sumoharjo Street
Face-to-face meetings and information exchanges were held when a coordination meeting
was held to regulate street vendors on Jalan Jendral Urip Sumoharjo on June 15, 2023, held
by the Surakarta City Civil Service Police Unit without involving the community and the
street vendors themselves. The community only plays a role in making complaints and
street vendors are only given guidance by the Surakarta City Civil Service Police Unit, not
involved in coordination meetings.
c. Determination
The agreement was produced through a coordination meeting on the control of street
vendors on Jalan Jendral Urip Sumoharjo on June 15, 2023, held by the Surakarta City
Civil Service Police Unit without involving the community and the street vendors
Shared motivation
The common motivation related to trust and understanding of each part in making
efforts not only carried out in one field but carried out together by their respective fields that
tried to suppress violations of street vendors on Jalan Jendral Urip Sumoharjo. Any exchange
of information and joint coordination is carried out in meetings or coordination meetings as
described in the previous principled engagement. In this shared motivation seen from:
a. Mutual trust
What underlies mutual trust is the duties, functions, and authorities of several stakeholders.
Followed by an agreement on the results of the coordination meeting on the regulation of
street vendors on Jalan Jendral Urip Sumoharjo.
b. Internal legitimation
Internal legitimacy in this case is manifested in letters of assignment or warrants issued by
several stakeholders.
c. Commitment
This commitment occurs because of the influence of the establishment of mutual trust and
internal legitimacy of several stakeholders. This is stated in the commitment of several
stakeholders in the implementation of regulating street vendors on Jalan Jendral Urip
Sumoharjo. Where this commitment occurs without involving the community and the
street vendors themselves.
Capacity for joint action
The regulation of street vendors on Jalan Jendral Urip Sumoharjo will be carried out on
June 22 and 26, 2023 at 13.00 WIB by carrying out the roles of several stakeholders that have
been mutually agreed upon in the previous coordination meeting without involving the
community and street vendors. Street vendors on Jalan Jendral Urip Sumoharjo were involved
not as a control team but were targeted in the crackdown.
The author gives the following recommendations:
1. Redrafting or improving Regional Regulations on the management of street vendors along
with more detailed clarity on the division of main duties and functions.
2. There is no standard operating procedure across agencies in collaboration so the tasks and
functions of related agencies become gray. Therefore, it is necessary to have a Standard
Operational Procedure (SOP) that is accepted by all parties in collaboration to regulate
street vendors in Surakarta City.
3. Data and communication between stakeholders are still not optimal, so it is necessary to
hold regular meetings at least once a month to discuss the development of work programs
and recommit each stakeholder involved to revive the commitment of each stakeholder in
their involvement.
4. The role of regions needs to be increased to provide socialization of understanding related
to Regional Regulations to street vendors in their respective regions. (Kumar &
Palaniyappan, 2023)
Collaborative Governance In The Control Of Street
Vendors On Jendral Urip Sumoharjo Street
Vol 2, No 8 August 2023
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Copyright holders:
Citra Nugraheny Putri Widodo, Ismi Dwi Astuti Nurhaeni, Rina Herlina
Haryanti 2023
First publication right:
JoSS - Journal of Social Science
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0