Journal of Social Science
The Style Of The Regent Of Madiun In Developing The Indonesian Pesilat
Village In Madiun Regency
Dony Adi Saputra
, Ismi Dwi Astuti Nurhaeni
, Kristina Setyowati
Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta, Surakarta City, Indonesia, ismidwias[email protected],
Leadership Style,
Leadership Model
Departing from the plurality of silat universities and frequent conflicts
between silat universities in the Madiun area. The Regent of Madiun created
a new legalized identity, namely Madiun Regency "Kampung Pesilat
Indonesia". To fulfill the socio-political and economic aspects of
community life, this new identity is also expected to be a unifier for Silat
universities and the preservation of pencak silat culture. According to the
Regent of Madiun, Kampung Pesilat Indonesia is the first step in equalizing
perceptions to have one goal in the commitment to build the Madiun
Regency so that elements of division or hostility can be avoided. Pencak
Silat culture has become the heritage of the Indonesian nation that the world
has recognized and it is appropriate to be a joint obligation in maintaining
and preserving the nation's local wisdom. The Regent of Madiun is
committed to equalizing the perception of Madiun as an Indonesian Pesilat
Village in line with its vision and mission. This study wanted to see how the
leadership style of the Regent of Madiun in developing Pesilat Village in
Madiun Regency and what factors influenced his leadership. The research
method used by researchers is descriptive qualitative. There are four
leadership styles carried out by the Regent of Madiun in developing
Kampung Pesilat Indonesia, namely Authoritarian, Participative,
Delegative, and Situational. According to sources, this leadership style was
carried out by the Regent in developing the martial arts village, both in
planning and development.
Leaders have the capacity and capability to advance an organization (Brigitta Brunner,
2017). Realizing the vision and mission of the organization requires leadership that can work
together, carry out a series of work, and carry out regular management for the sustainability of
the organization (Hanapiyah, Daud, & Abdullah, 2016). Cultural characteristics can be used as
guidelines for leaders to make decisions so that the organization is more effective in achieving
goals. The organizational culture according to (McShane & Von Glinow, 2010) has a side
about human nature and human behavior that is important to be used as a guide in determining
the operating style or practice of each leader.
Departing from the plurality of silat universities and also the frequent conflicts between
silat universities in the Madiun area, the Regent of Madiun made a new identity that was
legalized to achieve the vision and mission of the Regional Head, to fulfill the socio-political
and economic aspects of community life (Agustin, Suharso, & Sukidin, 2019; Astri, 2011).
With the new identity, it is also expected to be a unifier for Silat universities (Brigitta R.
Brunner & Smallwood, 2019; Huang & Zhang, 2015). Recognized identity is something that
Volume 2 Number 8 August 2023
p-ISSN 2963-1866-e-ISSN 2963-8909
Vol 2, No 8 August 2023
The Style Of The Regent Of Madiun In Developing The
Indonesian Pesilat Village In Madiun Regency
humans need to be members of a group or society. Awareness of the nature of one's
characteristics, one's community, one's group, or one's own country is called Identity (Badeni,
2013) Through a new identity called "Kampung Pesilat Indonesia" there is a power of meaning
in togetherness in one identity for Madiun Regency. There are 14 silat universities, making the
Madiun Regency Government Leader declare Madiun Regency as a Pesilat Village to realize
its vision and mission.
The Regent of Madiun has made efforts to preserve Pencak Silat culture through an
identity of Madiun Kampung Pesilat Indonesia. The Kampung Pesilat Indonesia logo has been
launched by the Madiun Regency Government since October 22, 2018, which is strengthened
by the Madiun Regent Regulation Number 22 of 2019 concerning the Madiun Regency Logo
of Kampung Pesilat Indonesia. As quoted from the official website of the Madiun Regency
Government, Madiun Regent Ahmad Dawami believes "Madiun Regency will become safer
with the many pencak silat universities, this is also by the main vision for the Madiun Regency
Government, namely: Safe, Independent, Prosperous and Berakhlaq".
Given that the goal of a leader is the same, namely the success of the vision and mission,
the application of the concept has a different background. The existence of differences in
potential in each region will affect where the policy concept will be built, be it differences from
cultural factors, natural resources, and human resources. Therefore, leadership style is very
necessary for Aforeader to achieve the success of his vision and mission.
Why is leadership style so important? Leadership will be a critical success factor in an
organization. This is because leadership is the focal point of significant change in the
organization, leadership becomes an impactful personality and leadership is an art in creating
organizational fit and stability.
In this paper, the author uses a qualitative approach by utilizing open interviews to
examine and understand the attitudes, views, feelings, and behaviors of individuals or groups
of people (Moleong, 2000) Qualitative method is a research method used to examine the
condition of natural objects (natural setting) where the key instrument lies in the researcher
himself. Data collection techniques are carried out by triangulation (combined), data analysis
is inductive and research results emphasize meaning rather than generalization (Sugiyono,
To achieve his leadership goal in developing Pesilat Village, the Regent of Madiun
poured Regional Regulation Number 1 of 2019 concerning the Regional Medium Term
Development Plan (RPJMD) of Madiun Regency for 2018-2023 - for a period of 5 (five) years.
According to the Regent of Madiun, Kampung Pesilat Indonesia is also in line with
development programs in the 2018-2023 RPJMD of Madiun Regency where the main vision
is to create Madiun Regency "Safe, Independent, Prosperous and Berakhlaq". Placing a safe
position is one of the priorities of the main goal as a foundation in the development process for
the community. The history of conflict between fighters in the Madiun region is one of the
The Style Of The Regent Of Madiun In Developing The
Indonesian Pesilat Village In Madiun Regency
Vol 2, No 8 August 2023
causes of the hampering of the development process. There are at least 3 (three) missions (out
of five missions) as Government strategies in the RPJMD which are closely related to the
development of Indonesian Pesilat Village, namely:
Table 1
The realization of Madiun Regency is safe, independent, prosperous,
and moral
Creating a sense of security for the entire
community and the Madiun Regency
Government Apparatus
Target: Create peace and
order in society
Promote independent economic development
based on agribusiness, agro-industry, and
sustainable tourism
Target: Improving
the community's
Creating a noble moral society by improving
religious life, strengthening culture, and
promoting local wisdom
Target: Increased
cultural preservation
To strengthen the commitment of the Regent and at the same time become a guideline
for implementation by the Regional Apparatus Organization, these development programs
have been determined to be a permanent legal force in the form of Regional Regulation of
Madiun Regency number 1 of 2019 concerning the Regional Medium-Term Development Plan
(RPJMD) of Madiun Regency for 2018-2023. The development implementation programs that
have been carried out by the Regent of Madiun in building the Indonesian Pesilat Village in
Madiun Regency (Hasibuan, 2009).
Physical Aspect
Creation and use of the Kampung Pesilat Indonesia logo
The logo of Kampung Pesilat Indonesia is the capital of the Regent of Madiun in
disseminating to the community that Madiun Regency making the logo of Kampung Pesilat
Indonesia which does not refer to any of the Pencak Silat universities and is very neutral
involving the general public through open competitions. The Regent also poured Regent
Regulation Number 22 of 2019 concerning the Logo of Madiun Regency Kampung Pesilat
"With the Kampung Pesilat Logo as our first step in equalizing perceptions and initial
capital for economic development". Said the Regent.
The use logo of Madiun Regency Kampung Pesilat Indonesia is used limited to Madiun
Regency, which can be implied on buildings, gates, letterheads, stamps, badges, vandals,
Vol 2, No 8 August 2023
The Style Of The Regent Of Madiun In Developing The
Indonesian Pesilat Village In Madiun Regency
billboards, pennants, or plaques for souvenirs, pictures, and/or clothing equipment. While the
placement can be placed in regional apparatus office buildings, pencak Silat College
organizational offices, organizational offices engaged in tourism, arts, and culture, and can be
placed in private and/or community-owned buildings (Prayatna & Subudi, 2016; Rahayu,
Musadieq, & Prasetya, 2017; Sinambela, 2013).
Construction and utilization of Padepokan building with Kampung Pesilat Indonesia
With so many priests from each Pencak Silat college, the Regent of Madiun took the
initiative to provide a common space in the building for the entire community, especially in
developing Pencak Silat culture to become a center for joint training centers and in the future
make economic growth for all Pencak Silat universities.
Non-Physical Aspects
Maintaining "guys get along" between Pencak Silat Colleges
It is the action of the Regent of Madiun in maintaining conduciveness in the Madiun
Regency. He also assigned the National Unity Agency for Domestic Politics
(Bakesbangpoldagri) as its owner to coordinate up to the village level in maintaining a sense
of security in his community (Northouse, 2013; Suranta, 2002). Conduct coaching To create a
sense of security and prevent potential conflicts between martial arts universities. The Regent
of Madiun also made a policy so that pesilat village activities could reach the village level,
namely the fourteen Pencak Silat colleges united and formed a Pencak Silat Association called
the Sentot Prawirodirjo army. In addition, restrictions on the establishment of Pencak Silat
College monuments in several villages in Madiun Regency, he is more supportive if he builds
monuments with silat colleges and facilitates all activities of each Pencak Silat college
(Mulyadi & Rivai, 2009).
People's Economic Empowerment
In empowering the people's economy for the development of Kampung Pesilat Indonesia,
the Regent of Madiun after launching the logo, disseminated Kampung Pesilat through media
such as making Batik, T-shirts, Merchandise, and so on to improve the life of the community
(Johan, Hastjarjo, & Satyawan, 2020). In addition, it also involves pesilat to actively participate
in cultural exhibitions and festivals as well as the establishment of the Kampung Pesilat art
studio which produces demonstrations of pesilat village technique gymnastics made by
fourteen silat universities and quality improvement workshops for pencak silat members in
Madiun Regency.
Constraints of the Regent of Madiun in the Development of Indonesian Pesilat Village
Several obstacles were found experienced by the Regent in his leadership process in the
development of Kampung Pesilat Indonesia
a. Lack of innovation and awareness from silat universities so that there are still not many
activities and also conflicts between silat universities.
b. There is no strong legal basis related to technical guidelines in coordinating the development
of Kampung Pesilat Indonesia because the regulation is still in the form of a draft that has
not been ratified, which has an impact on the development of OPDs.
The Style Of The Regent Of Madiun In Developing The
Indonesian Pesilat Village In Madiun Regency
Vol 2, No 8 August 2023
There is one effort to take action outside the priority program in the RPJMD but has been
carried out by the Regent of Madiun, namely efforts to recruit prospective Pencak Silat athletes
(Newstrom, 2007).
The Regent of Madiun, who is a stakeholder, certainly has several types of leadership
styles so that the development of this pilot village runs smoothly, effectively, and by the
objectives. To show his success and achievement of goals, the Regent of Madiun showed
several leadership styles in building a martial arts village.
There are four leadership styles applied by leaders.
From this style, the Regent of Madiun implemented the development of the martial arts
a. Style Authoritarian leadership
The Regent of Madiun who is the leader of the Madiun Regency Government has the
authority to legalize a regulation, namely in the RPJMD regulations and also the Perbup
logo of Kampung Pesilat Indonesia. He forced the universities to equate the perception
that this result village is the main goal of togetherness. As well as the use of logos on a
media both print and virtual media.
b. Style Participatory Leadership
The Regent of Madiun in maintaining conduciveness in the Madiun Regency area requires
the cooperation of silat college members. He prepared a joint training room, this was to
foster a sense of togetherness between martial arts colleges. As well as involving silat
universities in events for people's economic empowerment. In addition, he also always
holds meetings with Silat colleges to strengthen friendship and togetherness between
himself and the fourteen martial arts colleges.
c. Style Delegative Leadership.
The Regent of Madiun in every activity always delegates its planning to the Regional
Apparatus Organization (OPD) supervisor, with the hope that the activity will be smooth
and also structured. In addition to certain conditions, the Regent of Madiun also delegates
activities to silat universities, such as the formation of silat college associations.
d. Style Situational Leadership
The Regent of Madiun in this leadership himself saw the condition of his members,
whether the members were able or not in completing what he ordered. As he uses an
authority leadership style, the regent in this case considers his subordinates no one
understands what he wants, so in making decisions he does it himself. In addition, in
delegative leadership, sometimes the Regent of Madiun himself does the planning because
he considers the OPD supervisor unable to complete the work.
Factors Influencing the leadership style of the Regent of Madiun
As we already know, leadership is the ability to convince others to work together under
their leadership as a team to achieve certain goals. In the leadership of the Regent of Madiun
in developing this silat college, the most difficult thing is that there are still disputes between
silat universities even though he has declared Madiun Regency as an Indonesian Pesilat
Village. In the development of Kampung Pesilat Indonesia, there are still conflicts between
Vol 2, No 8 August 2023
The Style Of The Regent Of Madiun In Developing The
Indonesian Pesilat Village In Madiun Regency
silat universities. Maybe coordination between silat universities has not been maximized.
Indeed, the occurrence of these conflicts was mostly due to disputes over the personal problems
of silat college members, eventually bringing the name of silat college. The factors that
influence his leadership style are as follows:
a. Expertise and Knowledge
The Regent of Madiun does not have a martial arts background, because he did not attend
one of the silat colleges in Madiun Regency, so in the problem of conduciveness between
universities, he was inexperienced even though he often went to the field to provide
coaching and stay in touch. In addition, the Regent has no innovation in his leadership in
developing Kampung Pesilat is very minimal because his background is Banser. He only
relies on martial arts colleges so major events involving martial arts colleges are minimal.
b. Climate and Organizational Policy
There is no legal basis related to technical guidelines for coordinating the development of
Pesilat Village so it is still in the form of a draft. So this Pesilat Village activity only refers
to the RPJMD, related to OPD technical instructions that do not yet exist. The Regent of
Madiun gave tasks to him only based on the main task of the OPD supervisory function, not
by technical instructions related to the development of Pesilat Village. On the other hand,
in the existence of the covid-19 pandemic, has caused a setback in development, because
the budget that has been prepared for the construction of Pencak Silat is used for handling
c. Characteristic Follower Personality
The Regent of Madiun has a participatory leadership style but in the field, there is still
confusion, namely that OPD has not been able to innovate in developing martial arts
villages. OPD is still waiting for technical instructions or Regent Regulations related to
Kampung Pesilat. OPD with a bureaucratic background wants to follow the general
provisions of the Government Bureaucracy. In addition, the members of silat colleges with
various characteristics, this is even an obstacle to development, namely there are still brawls
between silat universities whose average age is students.
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Vol 2, No 8 August 2023
The Style Of The Regent Of Madiun In Developing The
Indonesian Pesilat Village In Madiun Regency
Copyright holders:
Dony Adi Saputra, Ismi Dwi Astuti Nurhaeni, Kristina Setyowati (2023)
First publication right:
JoSS - Journal of Social Science
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